" ' Mi V it , "ft ' 4- Three Cents tho Copy. INDEPENDENCE IN ALL THINGS. Subscription Price, $1.00. Per Year in Advanco. - i I . V()L XV COLUMBUS, POLK COUNTY, N. C.; TH UHSPAY, JANUARY 13, t910. NO. 35. ' . I. TAFT REMEDIES TO CURE TRUSTS AND ABATE RAILROAD ABUSES FOR INTERSTATE COMMERCE. Favors a '''-."United States Court of Commerce," Limited Railway .; Pools , Increased Protection to Shippers, Added Power to. Com mission ' Over Hates, " Limited llailrond Acquisition of Interest in- Competing Corporations, and Forbidding Unauthorized Issu ance of Railway Securities. THREE COURSES OPEN TO CORPORATIONS UNDER LAW AS OUTLINED BY PRESIDENT TAFT. The decrees of injunction recently! adopted In prosecutions under the anti-trust law are so thorough and 'sweeping that the corporations affected by them have hut three courses before them:' , . ?'. V First They must resolve themselves into their component parts In different States, with a consequent loss to themselves of capital and effective organization and to the country of concentrated energy . and . enterprise; or - ' - . . ' Second In i defiance of law. and under some secret trust they must attempt, to. continue their business in violation ofl the Federal statute and thus incur the penalties of contempt and bring on an. inevitable criminal prosecution of the individuals named in the decree and their associates; or - . , ' Third -They must reorganize and accept in good faith the Fed eral charter. - " Washington, p. C President Taft sent to Congress his long delayed message on interstatc'tCQjmmeYee and v'-anti-trusf legislation. In it he strikes' at the, existence of holding corpora r tions and oppressive trusts, t He. rec ommends. the-formation of a Court of Commerce to review railway " cases i find a Federal corporation bill to reg- v.late trusts, ; ' The President does not. advocate 1be repeal of the Sherman Auti-Trust law "or of the Interstate Commerce ''law; on "the contrary, he believes in .strengthening and amplifying both these laws. 1 "The President comes out flatly for complete Government control and supervision-of railroad' corporations . and trusts. He announces that it is . his purpose at an early date to in struct the Department of Justice to investigate all trusts with, respect id which there is a reasonable suspicion that they were, illegally formed or 4ire being illegally conducted. The President, however, enjpins caution on Congress lest it disturb The. confidence of, the business com rnunity: and produce "a'lialt'Tnpros perity. , . ' '"The President deals in thl3 ' com munication with the two great issues omitted from his annual message, the Interstate Commerce and Anti-Trust laws. In a message of some ten thou sand vords he deals exhaustively with . loth subject's. Leading' recommenda tions as to the former include: A "United States Court of Com nerce." to haye original jurisdiction over classes of cases which are speci fied, thus relieving the Interstate Commerce Commission ' of certain labor and an incongruous combinatiqn of functions. - ' Permitting limited railway pools, subject to all the provisions of the Interstate Commerce act. ' "Protection of the shipper 'in the matted .of rate quoted for proposed shipments, by financial penalties for refusal- or omission5: by carrier to quote-proper rate.' Authority to commission to act.. on "Its. own .initiative, in investigating fairness of rates or practices, and to , i?a?s on classifications of .commodities. Prtwer to the commission to hold yp for a limit of sixty days proposed increases of rates ifntil it shall have -"' j)assed; upon their reasonableness; ?nd if found unreasonable to forbid the increase or fix a maximum.. '.. Giving shippers the right to desig nate through routes over which their fchinrnents shall pass. Forbidding railroads to acquire in terest in .any competing railroad or other competing corporation; . but vith certain provisos affecting owner shin already acquired. Forbidding issuance of railway stock or. bonds unless par value has ' T?en received for them or, if at less than par value, the reasonable market value as ascertained by the commis sion; the same to apply where the consideration received is services or a 2i y thing other than money. Also preventing improvident or improper if sue of notes. Giving the Intersate .Commerce Cornrhissi&n power to determine upon uniform construction of safety appli ances Ion railroads, and, facilitating iho serving of process in suits under ; -.the Employer's Liability act. As to the Anti-Trust law, the Pres , icifnt recommends: -. Volantarx Federal Incorporation of interstate industrial concerns, vith ! . rvouicmon of the "holding company" !. !vn. ' ' ' ; . Indorsement' of rornMn'atibns of Jn r AV-t rial capital wherel these are de--id?L not to - constitute harmful nis(; s thus, relieving Certain classes ;; 'inject to uuiust condemnation under , 'vho existing law; ; . . Several pages of the message are voted to an elucidation O! the "merman act with a view to showing that its inhibition does not lie against k om.bjations of which the main pur pose i j's economy of administration 1'id .increased eCiciency, destruction f competition beinsc merely inci- '.lenlal; but only against those that fie formeit-to obtain the advantages f monopoly in whole or In parl'by snrM'oper . mean?. .; - , , " M. Taft is careful to. point out that -nis Federal: Jncornoration plan"does rot repeal? the ; Sherman Anti-Trust i;'v or permit wrongs, which that .statute prohibits. He defends the niistitutionality - of -such a measure. e derlnrpcj' , omnAtfoallv IVi.if tu'n , FOR CORPORATIONS. Urges Federal Incorporation of "lw dustrials," Willi Prohibition of i Holding Companies- Interprets Anti-Trust. Law as Permitting Combinations , Not' 'Oppressive Declares Purpose to Push Prose ; cution of All Suits to Dissolve Monopolistic Concerns Xo . V "Good" and VBad" Trusts. 1 Government does not intend to lessen1 in the least degree its prosecution of suits to dissolve combinations which are to-day monopolizing ; the com raerce of the country, and seeks bnlv to foster and encourage "reasonable" concentration pf capital necessary to the economic development of man ufacture, trade and commerce. He also points out that the worst of fenders in monopoly must accept Fed eral incorporation, face criminal prosecution, or dissolve themselves into their component parts in the dif ferent States. N In industrial combinations called trusts, the President says, the inter state and foreign business far exceeds the business done in any one State. This fact, he says, will justify grant ing of Federal charters to such com binations under suchi limitations as will secure compliance with the Anti Trust law. To this end he recommends a grant ing of Federal law for the charters to corporations engaged in interstate commerce, protecting them 'from un- iying n rsationai supervision to pre vent abuses which have arisen under State control. -. Such a law would subject the real and personal property only to the same taxation as is imposed by the States anr- would require completa renOrts to be filed at regular i inter vals. Holding companies will be for bidden. ( The President declares the Sher man Anti-Trust law does not need amendments and that the series of de cisions by .the Supreme Court renders a strong reason for leaving the act as it Is." . The public, '" the President says, must disabuse itself of the idea that any distinction between "good trusts" and "bad trusts" can be introduced into the statute. ' The President" declares that mon opolies must be restrained and pun ished lentil ended. - j TAFT REMOVES PINCIIOT. Chief of Forestry Burcan Dismissed For Insubordination. Washington,' D. C. President Taft dismissed Gifford Pinchot, Chief of the Forestry Bureau, and the fight between the Roosevelt radicals and the conservative wing of the Repub lican party is on in earnest. The President's action came after a Cab inet session that lasted practically all day. When it broke up, just before dinner tim3 In the evening, there was issued at the White House a copy of a letter sentvby the President to Mr. Pinchot. In this letter, .after sum ming up the acts of the forester that led him to take such action, Mr. Taft said : , "By your conduct you have, de stroyed your usefulness as a helpful subordinate of the Government, and It therefore becomes my duty to'di rect the Secretary of Agriculture to remove you from your offlce as For ester." Secretary Wilson was swift in car rying out the decision of the Presi dent. He addressed to Mr. Pinchot, to Overton W. Price, Associate For rester, and AlbeYt C. Shaw, assistant law officer of the Forestery Bureau, letters substantially indentical. INSURGENTS DEFEAT CANNON. ... . i win. t . IiCgulnr Republicans 349 to il6. '. Washington, D.- C. For the first time .Speaker Cannon and his oi'gan- izatlon were defeated in the Hous'e. The vote was 149 to 146. -Twenty-three insurgent Republicans, three regulars and T2C Democrats turned t.hetrick -against 145 regular Repub licans and one Democrat. CPVi Cnao Volt nn1 nrTnT1i71 tirTl admitted defeat and made no further atterript; toi. frustrate' the will of the ma jol-ityU'' 4The -insurgents wonon tho issue for whieh they-have contended consistently since their movement was organized; they took out of the hands of. the Speaker the power to appoint a 'committee.. The, committee ..which the Speaker lost was-th3 important House enrf of the BaTlmger-Pinchot investigation. The three regular Republicans who joined the insurgents were: Herbert Parsons, of New York; Butler Ames, pf Massachusetts, and- Hamilton Fish, of New York. w .... ... " 1 T" : II Washington Special. As a busi ness institution the . Postoffice De partment, next to the United States Treasury, is the greatest . in . the government. According to figures submitted by Charles P. Gradfield, First Assistant Postmaster General, for the fiscal yea jrended June ; 30 1909, made public in his annual- re port, the gross revenue of the pos tal service reached the enormous total of $203,562,383, an increase of $12,083,720, or 6.31 per cenV over the preceding year. Theer vera 7,202 presidential postoffices on July 1, 1909. Of this number 398 were first class, an increase of 14 ; 1,707 weer second class, an increase: of 112 ; and 5,097 weer third class, an in crease of 230. The total increase in the number of presidential offices was 356. There were , 1,444 post offices established during the year and 2,004 were discontinued, leaving a total of 60,144 postoffices in oper ation on June 30, 1909. During the year 1,626 postmasters weer appoint ed at presidential offices. A,t fourth , class offices 9,161 postmasters weer appointed. The report recommends an amend metn to the law ! whereby fourth class offices may be advanced when the receipts of the office qualfy it; wages of the clerical and carrier force should be increased in first and second class offices. Nearly half the offices of presidential class are housed m leased quarters. Petitions For Morse Pardon. Portland.- Me. Special. Peti- tions addressed to Prseident Taft asking for the absolute' pardon bi Charles W.' Morse are in circulation here. The peti- tions set forth that he did no intentional wrong, that he has repaid his "debts-, that liis jury--was largely influenced by popu- lar clamor and that,.veven though guilty, Morse has paid the pen- alty by his imprisonment while awaiting the outcome of tjie case. f DENIES -CHAEGE-OF -21ADRIZ. Zelaya Defends Self in Case of Groce ' and Cannon. Mexico City, ; Special.-As justifi cation of his refusal to pardon Can on and Groce and in support of a denial which he made last Saturday of irregularity, Jose Santos Zelaya exhibited for the first time telegrams which he claimed to have received from the American victims of Nica ragua's martial law. Zlaya uttered his denial in reply to charges made by President Mad riz of Nicaragua, that the executions of Groce and Cannon were illegal and that the United States govern ment was justified in its resentment over this action! ! Agree on j Arbitration. Chicago, Special. Members of the switchment's union representing the western railroads have agreed with the general managers ' association to submit their requests' for advanced wrages and change in hours to arbi tration under the' Erdman law. The sQtchmen asked for arbitration. Five Burn to Death in House." Burnside, Ky., Special Mrs. Martha . Corder, her daughter, Mrs. James Kidd, and three small chil dren were burned to death in a fire which destroyed Kidd 's house at Plavens, Wayne County. Two Yeggmen Are Killed. ' Tallahassee, Fla., Special. In a struggle with two" safe blowers, Paul ci 1 trr . LlJ -P T W" Sauls, the night watchman at the postoffice building, shot and killed them both in the basement of the building. The boy was only slightly wounded. The two cracksmen were white. Students Have Hookworm. New Orleans, Special Consterna tion prevails among the 100 or more students of Tulane College following the examination of every student for hookworm, ll is announced that more' than a third of the .juior class were found to bej infected with the parasite. Practically all the stu dents said to be tliusafflieted are ap parently robust specimens of man hood, v I Plot on Zelaya's Life.1 Mexico City, .Special Jose Santos Zelaya has been (warned by officials here -that the police authorities are in receipt of secret information that two Salvadoreans! and an ! American are in Mexico City - and are -only awaiting- a favorable opportunity to take his life. Heavy Cost of Canal. New York, Special. I believe it will cost $500,000,000 to complete the Panama Canal jipri that will amount to $5.00 a head for every man,, wo man and child in the United States," said Mr. Lahgley, of Ientucl', " re turning .from the; Isthmus. , mm iiiiiios : . - 1 Committee Appointed by Legislature i Makes Its Report. .VBaleigh, Speoiat. The committee appointed : by the legislature to i in spect the books of the State Auditor reports everything : in fine shape and ta&t fori the year ended December 1 last, the receipts of the educa tional fund were! $78,602. and dis bursements $68,299. There was a year ago the 1st of last December atbaiariee of the general fund, of $5Q8,435f' and the receipts up to the 1st" of last December were $3,139,- 907. Heavy appropriations by the last . Legislature cut down, the bal ance" 'so that aftef the, disbursements amounting to $3,594,548, the balance on- hand December 1 was only $52, 195. Among the chief disburse ments were the ijollowing : Repaying $250,000 borrowed for use of the Sf ate hospital commission for I the erection of buildings, etc.; $65,000 to thie deaf mute sch'ool at Morganton; $80,000 for the schools for blind and deaf mutes at Raleigh; $115,000; for tfe hospital at Raleigh; $175,000 for that at Morganton; $80,000 for that at Goldsboro; $88,000 for the Agri cuhtrure and Mihanical College; $101,000 ! for the I University; $101, 0( for i the Normal and Industrial Ckilege For Women; $15,000 for the neVro A. and M. College; $14,000 for the Appalachian training school at J Boone; $14,000 for that at Cul-, lofhee; $63,000 itp the Eastern train hk. school at Greenville ;: $20,000 for tht Stonewall ' Jackson training school for boys; $22,500 for the ( san itarium ; for tuberculous patients; $14,000 for the orphanages at Ox ford; $20,000 for the negro normal school. I ' j ! pther features! of the disburse ments were $300,000 for interest charges, j including 6 per cent bonds, 1' per cent bonds and penitentiary farm and debt bonds (of these bonds the State buying in during the 1 year $110,000 of debt; bonds and $61,000 o farm bonds) ; national guard $27,-tyQf-fot totally disabled soldiers, $13,00; dangerous insane, $5,000; in surance on. State property, $10,000; public priniting. J $41,000 ; for the Legislature; $75,t)00; for salaries of judges and solicitors, $90,000; high 11 1' .HA rfrV AAA. scjpoois-n; couniry aisiricis, puv,uuui publfcT'-printing,' " $41,000; public schools and rural libraries tor the same, $200,000. j Then as to , the various depart ments of the government there was paid out these spms, in round num bers : Auditor 's idepartment, $6,700 ; nsurancer $9,5fj0; Treasurer, $9, D00; librarian, $4000 ; geologist, $13, 750; State Department, $10,000 his torical commission, $5,000; Corpora tion Commission! $20,000; Executive department. $6,S00; Department of Labor, $4,150. Such an expenditure as $18,000 for Reprinting old Su preme Court reports need not be included, as this is a revenue pro ducer, the volunjes being sold at profit: . . i Big Traction Company For Charlotte Charlotte, Special. A domestica tion cetrificate has beerf issued to the Charlotte Traction Co. W. S Lee is president. It was chartered in 1908 in Newj Jersey, with $300, 000 capital authorized, to operate street cars and -general electric pur poses. Also a charter is granted a liastonia company to operate street cars. The Gastonia company is now at work on the line between there and Mt. Holly. 1 - Truckers Getting Ready. Elizabeth City, Special. The im mensity of the trucking interest m this section was given-great empha sis here when one farmer in Curri tuck county, bought two miles of cotton sheeting for plant bed cov er. The truckers are now busy pre paring' for the coming season. Will Meet June 15th. j Wilmington, Special. The North CaroTin-a Medical Socity meets at Wrightsville Beach, jlune 15th. - Notorious Blockader Captured. Raleigh, Special. Eban Cagle, the mnst notorious! blockader , in this State, has been captured in Mont gomery county! He has for many years defied tie authorities. Rural Letter Carriers. Charlotte, Special. The N. C. Rural Letter farriers' Association holds its aunul meeting this year, July 4-5, at Raleigh. I' I Meeting With Success. Fayetteville, ISpecial.Capt. J. D. McNeill, president of the North Car olina Firemen '4 Association, is meet- mg vi h mucni success ;m organizing a fire insuranle company, the con trolling stock tp be held by members of the North i Carolina Firemen's Asociation. f ! ' i Coal ifates Reduced. : "I ' 1 ' '' ' Raleigh; SpeciaL An order of the Corporation Commission, effective at once, reduces f freight1 rates on car- load shinments of coal with the State 33 1-4 per cent. s ' . CARE OF MILK. . Milk or cream may be sweetened ifter it has become slightly sour by i small portion of carbonate of mag tesia; saleratus will also .correct tho icid, but slightly injures the flavor mless very delicately managed. To prevent milk souring: 1 Put, I teaspoonful of scraped horseradish into each pan and it will keep sweet for several -days. 2 Dissolve thimbleful of California borax in hot water, put Into the milk and it will keep - perfectly sweet. Everyday Housekeeping. Tar Drippings. The sales; of leaf tobacco on the floors of the Wilson warehouses foi the month of December were 968, 282 pounds, which brought $181,- 023.62, or an average of $9.19 pei hundred pounds. .. The total sales for the season, tot date amount tc 15,332,718 pounds' which brought the enormous sum The North Cam of $1,303,143-50.1 ina State Board of Examiners in meet in Raleigh, uary 19th. uptometry win Wednesday, Jan. Governor Kitchin granted a re- prieve in the case of Henry Spivey a negro, of Bladen county, who, wai to be hanged on . the twenty-first oi January. The extension of time u to the fourth of March. Rev. O. L. Stringfield -will takt the field to raise) the endowmem fund in North. Carolina for tht Southern Baptist Seminary at Louis ville. One-half of the $50,000 ha been riased. j J. O. Hughes, bf Shelby, was' hur in a wreck at .Cross Keys, Ga. Lad Coughs and Cure Himself of Ap j pendicitis in Nick of Time. Pittsburg, Special. Surgeons at Kittanning, Pa., had placed Norman Barnett, the little son of; George Barnett, on the operating table to ent out his appendix, but just as the knife was ready the lad was seized with a fit of coughing wThich cured him. He emitted' a needle, which is believed to have caused his illness. -TexanMurders His Xamfiy . Ballinger, Tex., Special. TJ B. Kimbler, a prominent farmer living in the northern portion of this county? killed his wife, his 6-year-old son and 3-year-old , daughter, seriously wounded his niece, aged 20, and ended his own 'life by cutting his throat from ear to ear with a pocket knife. Ill health probably the cause. ; f Four men attacked a bank in Brooklyn and fatally wounded a clerk Missionary to India. . Charlotte, Special. Rev. Arthur J. Ranson, a native of Mecklenburg county has been accepted by the foreign missionf board of the Associ ated Reformed Presbyterian church, and will sail for India on February '15th. Receipts Very Gratifying. Raleigh, Special. The Insurance Department receipts tpis year are very gratifying and will reach about $240,000. fSEETrs BEIX) W any other DO JOT or oa any kind of terms, until you, have received our complete Free Cat lognes illustrating: and describing every kind of high-grade and low-grade bicycles, old patterns and latest models, and learn of our remarkable LOW PRICES and wonderful new offers made possible by selling from factory direct to rider with no middlemen's profits. it tVF SHIR Ott APPROVAL without a cent deposit. Pay the Freight and allow lO Days Free Trial and make other liberal terms which no other house in the world will do. L able information by simply fwe neea a luaar Siaenr in every town ana can oner an oppwuui7 to make money to suitable young men who apply at once. -. $8.SQ PUEJGTUSti Regular Prfea J .80 To . introtfuco Wo Will Sel3 You & Sample Palp for Only NAILS. TACKS OH GLASS WONT LET OUT THE AIR (CASH WITH ORDER $4.55) NO MORE TROUBLE FROM PUNCTURES. Result of is years experience in tire V I i I lf mi y making; No danger from THORNS. CAC TUS. PINS. NAILS.TACKS or GLASS. Serious punctures, like intentional knife cuts. r,un De vuicanizea use any otner ure. Two Hundred Thousand pairs now in actual Seventy-five Thousand pairs sold last year. DE&CRlPTiDMt Made ia all sizes. It is lively and easy riding, very durable and lined usk' frith a special quaUty of rubber, which never becomes porous and which, closes up smaU puuetui ?. without allowing the air t esiape.. We havt hundreds of letters fiom satisfied customers statin,, that their tires feave only b$en pumped u.p once or twice in r whole season. They weigh no more than an ordinary tire, jthe puncture- resisting-qualities being iven by several layers ot thin, special! I -prepared fabric on the tread. I That Holding Back' sensation commonly felt when riding on asphalt or soft roads is overcome bV te patent "Basket Weave" tread which prevents all air from bring squeezed out between the tire ana ine roaa tnus overcoming au -jcuon. i ne regular price ui wica tires is $8.50 per pair, but for advertising purposes we are making a special factory price to the rsdei of only ft-Eo per pair. All orders shipped same day letter is receive!. We ship CO.D. on approval. You do not pay a We will allow a cent i-nul you have exanunea arra louna inera scitctiy as represenicu. t nh rl'armnt rf c r-r rent i tiierebv tnakinp- th nrice 4.6is rer pair) 11 you plated brass liand purap end two Sampson metal puncturt cJosers on fall paid lorders (these meUl puncture closers to be used in case of intentional knife cuts or beav'y gashes). Tires to be returned Tiri j? r&i:Yt. anH nr?r!P tttiA K.ivprtis.r-.ptit Wf will aJso sena one at OUR iexpense U tor nnv reason they are not sausiaciory esani.uai.ion. , , We are perfectly reliable'and money sent to us is as safe as in a bank. Asa: year Fosnnasir . Banker. Express or Freight Agent or the Editor cf this paper about Zi you order a paira these tires, you will find that they will ride easier, run fester, wear tetter, last longer end look finer than any tire yo j h? vecer used or seen at any price. Ve kucw that you will be so wt.i Pe? that when you want a bicjfcle vou will give as -jenr ordof. Ve wan1: oa to sxxA us a small trial order at once, cence tnjs ternars-acne re ouw..- prices chargeayalerMrepmen. Write DO NOT WAST yTi oT r wonderful ofiers we are making. It only costs a postal to learn verythLig. Write it W. f L3EJIC CYCLE CuEJPAUY Dept. L" ft H SCflCCf ILU A SUBSTITUTE FOR C RE All. ; tetir one -dessertspoonful of flour Into a. pint of new milk. '. taking caro that it is. perfectly smooth. Simmer it to take off the raw taste of flourl Beat well the yolk "of one egg, anql stir it gently into the milk. Rub through a fine sieve. Everyday Housekeeping. - i! Farmer's i Neck Broken by a FalL Wilson, ! Special.1 John ; T. Easbn; a prominent farmer of , this . county. fell from the top of a load of fodder ;and died m a few minutes from broken neck. ! Marion, Special. The ; business men .of Marion "held a meeting last week to consider the question of raising $20,00 stock for a pants fac tory. , New Cigarette Factory. Wilson, Special. For some time ; there has been talk of a cigarette factory for Wilson and the promot ers have announced that the enter prise is assured land the factory will, be in operation in the spring.- Ma chinery is now being hauled. The company, is composed of Wilson capitalists, - Fayetteville Appropriates $200. Fayetteville, Special. At a special meeting the Fayetteville board 'of aldermen have appropriated $200 as part of Fayetteville 's contribution to the rivers and harbors congress. Declare Quarterly Dividend. Tarboro, Special. The Carolina Telegraph and Telephone Company has declared a quarterly dividend of 2 per cent on a capital stock of $300,000. - .. Surveying for New Road. Washington Special. Men of "means are said to be behind a pro ject to run a railroad from North Wilkesboro" to Butler, Tenn. TELEPHONES Are a Necessity in the Country I , Home. L The farther you are removed from town to railroacj station, the mOre the telephone will save in time and horse, flesh. No man has a right to compel one of the family to lie in agony for hours while he drives to town for the doctor. Tel-1 ephone and save half the suffering. Our tree Book tells how to or ganize, build and -operate tele phone lines and systems. j Instruments sold on thirty days' trial to responsible parties. . THE CADIZ ELECTRIC CO., 201 CCC Building, Cadiz, Ohio. olS ALL IT WILL COST Y03 write for our biz FBBB BICrCLB catalogue showing the most complete lme of high-grade i BICYCLES. TIKES and 8UNDJKIES at JUICES manufacturer or dealer in the world. . BUY n BICYCLE !ri r You will learn every thing and get much valu- writing us a postal.- - PROOF TIRES Pil 'PERPAJF Notice the thick robber trestf A" and puncture strips "B" and D," also rim strip "H" to provent rim cutting. TbiM tire will outlast any other make SOFT, ELASTIC and use. Over send nickel saddle?, tmwZaIb, pa and repairs, aad hirvr lo line are sold by us at nail liie usua for SgNDRY ffif0j Bl7YINO HI. . f, p :.' ' : -V t X ' ..... .:: ! ... - 1

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