VOL XV. COIMBS, POI CK)UI r v NO;- 36; TAFT ON CONSERVATION v president Sends Special Message to Congress on- Subject. . REFERS TO tfiOFFICE ROW President Taft .Would Utile Bonds to ' Deepen Mississippi Valley " Waterway. 4 ' Washington, D. C-President Taft sent.to congress another special mes- i-JSage, tnis time utftiimg wuu iue coa servation of the nation's -resources. He urges the continuation of tho Uoosevelt policies,- and pays tribute to bis. predecessor, for. his part; in - starting the movement. I " " t , - Basing his recommendations espe cially on those contained in the re port of Secretary of the, Interior Bai- linger ana declaring tne present laws inauequate, Mr. Taft aslts prompt measures to save tne nation a re sources. He recommends a bond is sue of $30,000 OUO for the reclamation of arid lands, the bonds to run 14 years or more and the proceeds to be applied to the completion of th 1 projects already taken up and helr extension. Rentals from water sites , would, he believes, aid in clearing tho -. ebt. - , .. . , . ... To Safeguard s Water Powers. , Her-also urges a careful survey of the river improvement work,- partic ularly regarding the Mississippi, lu the' hope that it may be pushed still further eventually. The deepening ot . the Obio and the Missouri, now under way, should be pushed,' he holds. The - message., also urges laws to safeguard the nation's water power. .. Although the message Is of especial significance .ip regard to the long dis pute between f .Clifford Pinchot, " late chief forester, and Secretary Ballin ger, the president mentions that con troversy but briefly, declaring that the results of the congressional In quiry into 'the case are not needed to determine the value-of the, new legislation he urges. - i , ...- y Improvement of the Mfssltatppl. One of the , principal recommenda tions of the message is the careful consideration of the ' improvement oi the Mississippi and .the pusnlng oi the" work if it 13 found justitiable. 2 Referring to the present situation of the public lands President ' Tati makes this startling statement:. ' "The truth is that title to millions of acres of public lands was traudu lently obtained and that the right to recover a"largerpart of sucn lands" for the government long since ceased Ly reason of statutes of limitations. , . Later on, returning to tne illegal holding ot land3 rightfully tne na tion's . and referring specifically, a tuough without mention of names, to the lands Involved in . the Ballmr- " Pinchot dispute the Cunningham Alaska coal land -claims he. says : . The Cunningham Coal Lands'. ""Tho investigations into violations of the public land laws . and the prosecution, as has been the with -drawal of coal lands for classification and valuation and the temporary withholding, of power sites." The present statutes, except those that relate v to purely agricultural lands" or those containing precious metals, -are, says tne president, "not adapted to carry out the. modern view of the best disposition of public lands to private r ownership.' S: "J: Turning to the new laws he be lieves necessary, he declares that it - is the duty of congressi to validate, the withdrawals which have been made by the secretary of the interior and the' president and to; authorize the secretary - temporarily to witn draw lands pending submission to congress of recommendations as io legislation to meet conditions or emergencies '"as ,jthey arise. , Should Classify Lands. "One of the most pressing needs oi public land reiorm," he says, "is that lands, should be classified according ; to their principal value or use." '- It was on this point that the Bal linger-Pinchot row hung, as the for meiu jbhief forester ' maintained that the government's conduct in the lit .' igation over the Cunningham claims was ;intendedL to thwart the 'United States from securing the full value of the : Alaskan coal claims, ' which the ' claimants wished to secure at a nom ; inal value not ' based on tneir coa ' value strictly, . ' v The means for accomplishing this end,; holds 4he president, jia,, throtign the "interior- department'' - and 'its branch, the geological 'survey. "Much; of the confusion,, fraud and contention wnicn nas : exasiea in in past has arisen from lack cf an bffi cial and determinative ciassin cation, asserts the . message. , ;,": : Conserve Phosphate Deposits.; The proposal, of the presiaent to l.v ply to Alaska, as well as to the Ulu; . 4 . LEt'S BIRTHDAV RtlOli.MZED. Government Authorized .Virginia Ofr j ! flee to, Close January 19. ;! I I Washington, D U Olhciai - recog j nition of the birthday of General Jt. I . E. Lee is to be given by the treas ury department. The anniversary: ';: the birth of,;. the . tamous contederitc soldier f all3 on January 1, and jtho collector, of customs at . Newport News, Va.. has been authorizediito close his office oh that day for; as long a time ast public business' Will permit. . The honor paid ' , General , Lees memory Is an unusual one; 'as , rarely; if ever, it happens that a pub lic othce is closed on the occasion ot the celebration!;or birthdays vo uotei t Americans. v, ' " " i j - , . . ; ' i ed 'States. Is "that asrrieriltirral ' la-nda b- msposed tor as such; coal, JU; as phaltum, natural gas and' phosphate properties being reserved. Th,e sur- race of such lands could be disposed of .as i agricultural. , the mineral aid other; Sub-surf acei jrlghts being ''leased on a royalty basis, a specific amount of ...work each y ear being emanijfca sucn leases should provide against the creation ! of an illegal " monopoly. under . penalty of f orf ejture - u The extent of the value of phos phate is hardly realized," says the message, declaring that this staple for fertilizers will undoubtedly be sought 1 by monopolists. -This is of, timely tn-1 terest in,: connection with the protest of the United States to Germany re garding the ' tatter's proposed"-law reg-s uiating the production of phosphates. ' , Balking Water Trust. - The -prevention of a water trust is possible, says the message, by set ting the term' of control of T water sites by private capital at ua 'years and.e providing ini-the leases. by the government against a 'monopoly. The president j would have renewal privi leges given, but' declares - that whila the government retains control com petition must be retained and prices iiept reasonable. ; v "The Importance of the mainte nance of our forests cannot be exag gerated,' Mr. Taft holds, pointing out that the national reserves comprise 190,000,X)00 acres. . He urges scientific care, to Increase the production ' of lumber," .without reducing the supply on the. ground. . r" Bonds to deepen Ohio and Mississippi The president recommends the con tinuation of the Ohio river deepening, which is expected to cost Jtf3,00u, 000. The president sUtes that the work can be done in ten years, and says; that If necessary he will later recommend bonds' to carry on tne pro- ect. He also . demands the continued improvement of the Mississippi, from SL Paul tq St Louis, a six foot depth, and of the Missouri from Kansas City to St.,. Louis to six feet, and . from St. Louis to Cairo-to -eight feet.1 The depth, may be Increased if re sults warrant it, he says. In the rivers and harbors bill the president rec ommends provision for continuing, the contracts for .improvements". ' BBODE ISLAM iMLftS MAID DEAL" : , House Unanimously Repeals the Act Ace.pung iMortn Carolina Bonds. . Providence, R. I -In order that the state of Rhode Island may escape em barraslng consequences from tne act rushed through in the final hours of the last legislature, compelling tho state to accept more than a half mil' lion rdollars' wortu of bonds of the state of North Carolina and to sue the latter state . for payment -of the Cdiipiohs' oh these bon.ds; the house of representatives unanimously voted to repeal the' jact The house aj3o unan imously adopted : a resolution direct ing General Treasurer Waiter A.' Reed to return the blonds in Uuestiou to the state "of North Carolina , bond holders of New York. s 4 Seminole petals iound Guilty. Columbia, S. C John Y. Garlington and J. Stobo Young, formerly presl dent and secretary, respectively, ; of the Seminole Securities Company, were found guilty of breach of trust with fraudulent Intent, the fourth count in the indictment against them. The other four counts were dismiss ed. ! . A ? motion for a new ; trial was made. The charge on which Garling ton and Young were convicted is that they fraudulently appropriated 'from the Seminole securities company amounting to $55,596.70. ?- 380 Bottles cf Mfbiskey Euraei Fayetteville, Tenn. Three hundred and eighty ,, bottles of whiskey - have been , burned on the, public square here by members of tnV Law and Order League. The liquor was sold at auction by the sheriff after it was captured in a raid on a soft drink stand. It cost the league 15 cent. per bottle. . x Roosevelt Bags 'ttbite Bbinoceros. r Eutiaba, Uganda. Colonel Roose velt has shot the white rhinoceros, which was one of the objects of hi African . hunting trips, according to advices received here, by runner. The former president got .the w 'te rhi-, noceros at Camp Rhino, wh?.e the "party now Is. Storm Caused (ireat Damage. Washington, D. C Dispatches from points ih thelississippi and'Ohio- vai ieys tell of enormous damage done by the recent cold and heavy snow. Even with ; a thaw in sight," great ap prehension is leit in many cities along river : banks (J 55,617,200 1 br- tcrtifidations. - Watmngton, D. C r-The house pass ed, the fortihcation" appropriation bill, carrying $5,017,200.. Almost half the amount is to be . spent for fortiflea tions .In the Philippines and Hawaii. f Madriz's Troops liefuse to FighL luefieids. Nicaragua. .That the , troops cf Zelaya s heir, Fresiaent Ma- driz1 have reiused to give Daiue io the' Estrada army, under General Uha morrO at Aeoyapa and are retreating toward Managua, was lhaicated -; in a message from tho.-. front Spies de clare that Madriz has bottled up ail sources of news on the'pacilic coast King's tpgagaioent Announced. ' Parii.; France.---A Special dispatch received here from Lisbon quotes from an ' authorized source, affirming that 'ttfe ' marriage of King Manuel of . Portugal and Princess victoria Patri- cia youngest daughter of the Duke of Connaught, will, oe oiemnizea in aaay TAR HEEL CHRONICLES '7 T News Notes Gathered From - AH Farts of the Old irorth fltita. - v. 4 r TO IKSPECT HABBORS. . -. - . Examination of . N. - a Coast tb ' Be Made i on Harbors of Refnsre. . -j f ;A Washington a; special !oi Ihe 1 - th says: -The NationaUWaterways'' Commission, uporU motion - of ;Mr. Simmons has n decided " to send' tne committee to North4 Carolina to in- Wrt V mi r,: K 1 way system. The plan, as made now,. is for the committee to leave hereToiL ing Norfolk .Saturday morning.. There a government' 'boat will be waiting baturday morning s will be spent in passing; through the.; Albemarle and Chesapeake canal, which it is prob able, Tvill be purchased by the gov' ernment. That night will be spent In' Elizabeth City. The Congress men will go to Newbern, arriving in the evening; the next .day. They will be at Beaufort and Morehead City, leaving m time to reach Wilmington, the next morning v Af ter examining' the Cape -Fear . belbw .Wilminffton. they will jro to. Favettjeville. to studv the upper Cape Fear, 'Tuesday. ' ' X he party; will be composed of Senators Simmons of .North, Carolina and Clark of Arkansas, andrt Rep resentatives Stevens to! , Minnesota, Wanger of Penn-ylvanju, Sparkman j ot i londa, or r Moon 'lof Tennessee. bentor liurton, ann j Kepresentativ- Alexander will probably join the party at Wilmington O t-. Bohdy Are Rejected r : A. specialvfrom Providence, Itif I. says the House of (Representatives, tin animonsly; repudiated the North; Carolina bond- project by passing without debate an act repealing' the. act which required heir acceptance of the bonds and providing for their" return to the donors, j The ' Senate, will do likewise, it is thoughts r' .) , .Gov. Kitchin said, in talking of the bond issife : " Such action is in accord with views ! have before ex pressed. I felt sure that Rhode Is land, with full information, would not wish to harass lorth Carolina about the fraudulent! bonds issued in recoWruciionu days-!i i Jtez '',-.'' :- r"77T"' ' : Masons Elect Ofiicsrs. ' Raleigh, SpeciaJ.--j-North; .Carolina Grand Lodge of Arasons elected the following officers at it meeting . hero last week ; Grand j Master, R. N. Hackett, Wilkesboro ; deputy grand master, WV B.1" McKoy, WUmington ; senior grand warden, J. T. Aldermen, Henderson; grand treasurer, Leo. D. Heart, - Raleigh; grand secretary, John C. Drewry, . Raleigh; senior grand deacon, E. P. Hobgood,; Jr, Greensboro; junior grand deacon, A. B. Andrews, .' Jr., grand marshal Claud L. Pridgen, grand sword bearer: Geo. S. Norfleet, Winston- Salem. A committee was appointed to ser about the work of establish ing a Masonic: and Eastern Star Home of aged -and infirm v: Masons, their wives and daughters. Definite plans next , meeting. -f - r' .,.,. . , i y O.M J. Graham- Bust is Unveiled. Raleigh,- Special A large audience witnessed ,'. the unveiling of the bust of Gov. Wm. A. Graham, presented to the State by the State Historical Society, :in,ther rotunda of the capifol last N; week. Col." J. Bryan Grimes "made the presentation speech.'1 ; Gov. Kitchin made . the speech of accep tance, and other prominent men made v brie talks in .honor of the former governor. i . The Laymen 's .-Meeting at ; Greens- t ' ' ;- horo. ; . ; "' .. Greensboro, H Special.- More . ; than 1,000 men' attended the Laymen 's MissionaryjMovement here last -Week. Representatives of ' more ithan 40 denoniinational churches discussed the missionary movement. 1 ir -tegvv- ' :ip-;;-yr :". ' iy:-?4; Chargecl With Infanticide. . .. Wadesboro, s ' Special. -- Eugenia Crawford, colored is found guilty of murder of. an in fant during . Xmasi week. -The chaild 's head was severed from its? body either by an axe or knife.' V'.'f (- f. .- . . .- - ' , (S-j - xhe Pythian Orphaaage. ; : ;ti . , v Clayton, tSpecialrrpirt was broken here on the first- building of the uiit tuo ui?,s.... .11C roiip to constitute the orphans home - :.p'X Eben Jtagle J Goes to Pen. . .; Raleigh,- Special. In the Federal coub , Eben , Cagle : of vRocldnghajh county, known as the f 7Cing of .tbj3 Moonshiners ' ' and who forj8 eai had heen 'sought by . revenue omcefs, oleaded built v and was given a .12 months sentence 4-V o cxinf ovira im ilia in 'the Atlantapen- itehtiaryV Ashcville ; SpetjiaL-Hunting J for fur bearing, aninjalsiin. this tate is aj-profitabl ; business Last !wpekl,the firm of:.: Stehiberg ,Co.rshipped somciiungi UKeu;, ,vw wviiu iuioi them ' markets I Insurgents Expected ' to Keep 1 : " I up Hostilities. I J P UNREST EXTEND TOlSBJATEi Fate of Several "Administration Bills One of thejiyestopi wbn Nat- i ional Lawmakers;- 1 Washmston, Special. No :t matter s&tiacVm arrangement . is made for the selection of, the joint ." iiact irrofo M'tViP Kal- I commiuee ,iv:-ingow;-us . j linger-Pinchot controversy, the insur gent, fight promises,.to .occupy-a iff om atibn during the. week. ' ' ! Dissentions between the insurgents and regulars in the - House have oc cupied . the center of the stage for a fortnight. -The bickerings have even spread to the Senate wing' of, the Capitol and legislation there . has been at .standstill. I That there will be a lull in hostili ties in the House as soon as the Bal-linger-Pinchot . committee .is appoint ed is concealed, but those 'who are anxious that? legislation nayviprpceed without delay or not ovi sanguine of their efforts to keep the insurgent row in check.. (They look for renew ed outbreaks whenever any question affecting the Gannon rulers is inter jected into the proceedings.; Second ;iriterest to the' discussion of the. battle between the Republican or eanization - and: the insurgents in the House is the gossip In bothwbranches of Congress as sto what ll be the tate of ; the several I administration . bills to put into force what are known; as I Taft policies As differentiated from. w 'ii . i r ' . . i mi "i T . . KOOSeveit policies. : inese; eraorace the iprograni for the amendment of the interstate I commerce "laws. the. Sherman an'ii-frust l&m n d caiTying into effect L measures fpr the conser- 'Little opposition has been 'heard to the adminjstrtion measures fbrtthei strengthening of the interstate com-; merce act.v ,Ci all sides , it ; seems to be conceded that "some such measure as 'is -propose Yf 1. Taft will be enacted.7, r 1 i '. S tu'-. 4 jeveral heajings of 'more than or-, dmafy 'iMereslaro scheduleoT f dtake1 place,, or at (east begin, ; during the week. Theref willJje the consid eration of thi interstate , i commerce bills at both nds of the Capitol, the Mann, canal pill before, the benate committee! oh jinteroceanic canals, and the 'meat j inspection question before the House committee on agriculture, Another interesting 'situation will he raised in the teouse committee on ex penditures in the ! Interior,, . Depart ment by Representative itcheock of Nebraska, who will -Ueor t.o;Stibt stantiate tkef cfiat,ge made, by him in the Housef of extravagance in the conduct of laiid offices. - ; GARLINGTON GUILTY. r Former Officer of Seminols Securities CompanY Sentenced to Hard Labor .. Columbia, 3; - C, . Special.-r-Judge Prince Saturday sentenced John Y. Garlingtonand James Stoho Young, secretary ", and . treasurer-: f dr " the defunct Seminole Securities 'Co., who were trid in fiva counts. for con spiracy and fraud' in conhectionwith their manipidation of $55,000 iZ a the assets of thefeompahy with fraudulent p ltiient ; 4 tne ; iprme r i o inree years ana -the latter to! one, year on the 'chain- j gam; or State penitentiary. Bail has been granted pending appeal, at..45,'- 000 each. f - . - ; .. Shoe and Xeather Men Meat. . . . Boston '",ecial. SafnHayvv'mpre' tnan 200 men1 representing' tly. Shoe Wholesalers I Assocolition, .'met ' fhere:' to consider whether the trade is real ly, confronteli with .'a radical advance J." K. Oxrf of Atlanta, 4fejiresidetl.' ; I. . .; r.v '- -i. Smiifppx .Closes. ThtftfresJ . ? Hieht Poirit, N. C.:-4A Specialsays I the r health lauthorities of this : city have ordered that all places of - wor ship t and theatres, motion picture shows be closed from the loth to the 24th, to prevent thepread of small- pox.. Twelve cases reported, but the cHnfinn i LpII in 'hftnd No crowds SE1 lSt;? TJ , 'depot -or pn street- corners, 'mT. s ntrtf u0 Day r The Hpokworm Conference. . . Atlanta, Qa., SpecialsWith, three members ot the Rockfler commis-. sion -for th study of the hookworm disease in attendance, more; than two hundred prominent physicians, life "insurance oBcials "and representatives of civic and commercial organizations gathered "Atlanta Tuesday for , the j opening session . of the first national 1 cbnfeerncei called for I the study; of the hbokwna. The conference j was in session iwo . days and a' permanent organizatiofi, to':b - known as ' i The S6iithemIIealth Conicrencc was P-i.,1 GOIIGRtSS - t i ; SEPARATE THE FLOCKS. . , Notmore than twenty-five " birds should be kept In one"; flock. If dl vlded into . flocks , or..-about .this size they will do better than in one large flock. Y hotoe Sxl6-fetwill accom modate twenty-five "birds1 if it1 Is kept . Clean, and . Is properly '.ventilated. ''CTJn- less ample quarters; can be provided , for the fowls, it is better to, kill a part of them and cut the number down ,'toflt the' quarters. Farmers Home Journal: i';:;7: Southern R: E. Not to. Blames , Raleigh, Special. The N. , C. Cor poration Commission' held an qvestl . gation in - regard to the recent wreck at Reedy Fork, in - which persons lost tnciriives.,anda score oi others injured. -The ontcials.-oX.lfeiSouth om ataiaA -' tliaf ''rfiltV inpnnl,'n i track .wis made,; and,, after thorough investigation the: following lby wo( : investigation the testimony rioffered ;' showed t.no blame attached to the railroadj. "Experts attribute accident to defective rail. n-r . , - 4- I 'j&Vi'y'--:-,',-'" Fourth Reprieve Granted. , Lumberton, Special. -On account of the death-chair, not being in read iness at the State penitentiary, Gov. Kitchin has issued a fourth reprieve to Walter Moore j of Robeson coun ty, to February ' 2nd. ' He ; was to have been the first - to pay the pen alty, in the electric chair.. By its clotl.Iig igniting from the fireplace, the 2-year-old daughter of Mr. A- S. Gotch, near .Washington, was burned to death. l I 1 ' Notable 4 Meeting Tins' Week, f Washington, SpecialRepresenta) tvi 's of every phase of the complex Citizenship - of i the -United .StatesMis- sembled .in conference Tuesday and. Wednesdayunder auspices of .the; National Civic Federation, at the Ba lascb: theater for the purpose of de:i .rising ways and means to bring. about uniform laws- relating to marriage and divorcer child labor and pure food and: drugs. , Snowfall i 14l4vIneheS '.'-'?Itf New York, Special Nine lives were lost and six persons i injured in, one of the worst "storms" that ever visit ed New York City. The total . snow fall at 10 o'clock Saturday mornim LwssJ,4 ipahes, :seco.ndQnljr . to the oiizzaras:oi uoyy, wnen- id x-z incnes fell, and of 1888, in' which Sehatorl Rbscoe ; Conklih lost his lffe; when 20.K inches fell. Eighteen thousand men "havebeen put to work clearing the streets, : and it is estimated that . the. cost u of removai - will ."exceed $S00,000: - ''' . To "Aid of - Cotton Growers. - ; London, Special. The t British government Ic.ame to the aid of tHe cotton growers when Lord Cremfcf' the colonial pecretary, announced that the 'government : would '" grant $50,000 annuajlyfor three years o the British Cotton Growing Associa tion in aid . in increasing production. Aged Tar Heel Dead. . s Chattanooga, Tenn.,- Special. Rev. Daniel Glass, .101 years ,old, . died here, "lie Afas a Baptist minister, and 'a native of Yancey county, North Carolina. - i -.; -he: Hi- showin BICYC BEIiOW any other AL&BOnOT I or on imy kind of terms, 1 1 Hi I a mxM wnn uiusiraun ana aescnuing every kidu oi uu-biuc uu s'" bicycles, old patterns and latest models, and learn of our remarkable LOW PRICES and wonderful new otfen made possible, by selling from factory direct to rider with no middlemen's profits. - - .- '- WE SHIP ON APPRO VA L without a cent depvsit. Pay tha Freight and nlWnr io TJa.va ien Trial and. make other liberal terms which no other house in the world will do. ' You will learn everything and get much valu able information by sinaply writing us a postal. ' ;"We need a Rltlem A front in every town and can offer an opportunity " XtTfOiaJCe money io auitaoie To intnoduco Wo WNi Soti Yon a Samalo NAILS. TACKS OR GLASS WONT I LET Paip fop Only OUT THE AIR O (CASH WITH ORDER $4.65) NO MORE TROUBLE FROM PUNCTURES. Result of 15 years experience in tire makine. No danger from THORNS. TUS. PINS. NAILS. TACKS or m SMPTOTURE-eBOOF TIRES 2hX Lnor Tjunrtures like intentional Knife, cuts. he vulcanized like any other tire. - ; . Two Hundred Thousand pairs now In actual us , Over DESCiJSPTIOH I Made in all sizes. It is lirly and easy riding, very durable and lined sv with a special quality of rubber, which never becomes txjrous and which closes up small punctur without allowing the air to escape. We have hundreds of letters from satisfied customers statu.,, that their tires have only been pumped up once or twice in r whole season.' They weigh no more than an ordinary tire, the! puncture resisting qualities being given byseveral layers of tnm, special! nrepared fabric on the tread. That "Holding Back" sensation common It felt when riding on asphall or soft roads is overcome by tfie patent "Basket Yon do Wen IW1TT T soneezed out netween the tire ana tne roaa tnus overcoming an cnon. i oe regular pnw ui won . . . Ses is J8.50 per pair, but for dvertising purposes we are making a special factory pnee to the ridct of only f4-Bo per pair. All orders shipped same1 day letter is received. We ship CO.D.-tn approval . ' not pay a cent -until you nave examine uu iubuu incm bukuj iciucschiciu?. . rill allow a oasn aiscoanc ot 5 percent inerey majting me pnee psr PJ . rA&vT with nnnKR anA Mip'.ojie this K-2vertisment. We will also send' one nickel plated brass haid pump ana two Sampson nieuu phuciuix ciosers jd iuu paiu oruen ukui ouncture closers to be used ia case of intentional knife cuU or h-3 y gashes). Tire to be returned it OUK expense if for any reason they are not satisJactory examinaUoo. V We are perfectly reliable and money sent to us is as saie as in a b-ink. Ask jcmt Postmaste Banker Expressor Freight Agent or the Editor of this paper about s. If you order a pairof. Sese tires, vou will find that they will ride easier, run faster, wear hetter, last Jorger anHJook ' finer than any tire you have everusedor seen at sry rce. . e knew that you win be so well plcafcd that when you want a bicycle wo, will give as 70UT ordei. T'e want 3u to send of h sulaU thai oraer ai once, iu prices charged by wonderful nnjRJtt&WmkUKni&Sia-, everrOiinsr in the bievde line are solrbyjis at half the - mm Lana. W fmmmm-mm aUiaur' ww rrw.-a'va V a - - r r . , j v .oi.rc rf-nair mfn Write for our i2 SUNDRY caalojr-A- ' - - : - t 1 , ..,.(-1 rtlt Wrte U3 a. postal WWay. UW xv Aiuna v QQ MQT'VAST bicycle br a pa of tires from anyone ontJl yoo .know the new and offers we are making, it oniy costs a pusu. i reaiuwj.us.' ... . iJXISY GLEANINGS. Fresidenft Taft declared war on the Insurgents in Congress who oppose bis VHrlesC -: : '" Ah "rnsurance company announced .its readiness to t assume liability for -'all ' risk fctdH1ators. .7'i -j', Tho J3ritish ParHament was dls soilved artd a n?w ore was summoned to .-net TTeLrpary in. : " f 8rv9v?hirrtr∨'!-pt -.tTtte.- War neparjmenVs railed, on President i Gomrr lit Ha van a , fJnbst Society. fjifartea to rnisa.ffind 6'JP1,0,00, 000 vl5t"it-s, at the Jnjff ratlonal Au jln'noll' ow rpnorted heavy retail Knd (deplofs orders tor new models. 1. Prlzer offsfpfl in the House, at WShirVtnn. a 5o!nt. 'resolution i o rec- onlzeiEstradaas President of ficar-- aguai"' . : -. '. r;5 ' - --; ;. :--'' 1 ! TH? OTin?v?of llse tx .ooks for ' jlDtO pnovef that Mrs". John S. Ken- Tifidvras -Kew ,York City's richest . ;vrrijtan.r.e.uX u'. i r. ' ' . T.ieutefVv Krr'st TT. PhnkMon snrtiin-d ttiat li had decided to -yiiv another, trip to. the Antarctic region's. ' " . ' - . ,l -' " " Oo"?rrcr1Nr1. of M!ssfssini"!, has rotnefa nn-octltntional a blil-pro-viVJin5 for Judicial nominations at primaries, ; , Tbp tav'r!T3 TMso'ofiT movement held a oa?n f aign in Manhattan to ;lnr tere,. liiislnpf"! mari in the project of world evanarellzatioii.:' li "Annulment cases r becoming so frequert1 tiev rsernble trial mar- rlaeps," -paW'-Justice TaveTin?r, of New York. 'grrtln? tho application of a couple still tinder age. " . . t .Mayor Gaynor, of New York, in structed jiis new Tar Board to give J list' cp to ?!1 in making assessments, to flml reat value, to avoid favorit ism, ;to i?norp oUttcsr and' to dismiss any deputy dolngv wrong. 'S,: :" i V Substantial Proof. , The owner of a good library sol emnly; warned a friend against,, the , . practice of lending books.? To punctu ate his advice .he .showed bis trlemi the ,v well-stocked' shelves. ' "There," said he, "every one of those books was lent me!" V;.- i J" . . - Necessity Countryt ' . Home. '? The farthej: you' are removed from town to railroa(. station, the more theT telephone will save, in time and horse flesh. No man hasl a right to compel one of the family I to lie in agony for hours while he dnvps to town for the doctor. T.el-J ephone and save half the suffering. ' Our Tree Book tells how to or ganize, build and operate tele phone lines and systems. " ' Instruments sold on thirty days trial to responsible parties. THE CADK ELECTRIC CO., 201 CCC DuIIdlrtg, Cadiz, Ohio. nnr?iie nil iTi nil i rust Ynn Ill I II to write lor oar Dig mum liiiiv cau;ogiw J VJ - II showings the most complete line of-, high-grade manufacturer or dealer in the world. BUY A BICYCLE until you have received onr complete Free Cata- young men woo appiy at once CAC- GLASS. Notice the thleKrnbbertrea "A" and pnnotara strips B and "D," also rim strip to prevent rim catting. Tnl tire will outlast any other taak OFT, ELASTIC and EASY RUDilGk Weave'; tread which prevents an airjrom Dfing .... ivn. M .iV1 kmrtra' anl ILL 4 - i 4$ r , 1 r. j , -ft ., ytr ..-