;.;,, v. -I:, :r "r)i:s;c.ii";l;Av.v-v'v! .: - - - - i , ' ' . -' ; . - - ' "; - "."'.'' : :..' -'"" f Thfca Cehta t!!3 Cc. IMDEP2HD2r:G!2 IIXALL THItlGS. srtpttca Pric3, CULCO Per Yccr la Ar VOL XV. COLUMBUS, POLK CJOUim', N; C;, tTRSD AY, FEBRUARY 3,1910. NO.38. HUB HI Great Danger From" Waters in Paris is Passed. s EXPLANATION OF THE FLOODS little Tear of Predicted Disaster to the' Great City--Conditions Are Improvliuf Everywliere. Paris, By Cable. Slowly, very wlv. the swollen waters of the Seine, which reached the high mark at 2 o'clock last Saturday morning, are subsiding and at midnight the fall measured about four and a half in ches. : . :!i i . The danger of some great calamity, each as has been predicted &or seems over, alUaough the situation contin ues to be critical at many points within the city.. The effett of the rcaoen-al of the irater pressure has been to weaken founltftions generally ad this causes i It is generally belierwecl that the breaking of thedam a.t Gonnevilliers apiareciably hastened the climax by releasing an immense amount of.wa te, but the conseqwaices below are appaling. Gonnevillasers and Colom bes. having 30,000 inhabitants, are completely; submoged, . the water reached the tops of (the houses in the lower sections wicfle the" flood is backing up into tie very center of .Asnieres. ' . ' Certainty 40JOTJlhave been driven from their homes by the flood in Ibe valley of the Seme to the hospitals andj other buildings which have bteen; placed at the Ssposition of the ire-; fusees. . ! Ttie local semment anthoxatieB are displaying qreat devotion and' zeal Sin the work of salvage and rescue. Nevertheless the .conditions, especially sa Ihe country districts, are pitifuL- The houses of farmers ai submerged to their roofe, nfl in many cases the inhabitants !have losU everytijEg including tkeir !Ihre stock. - A number rff deplorable ineideitts have been Teported. Several shop- keepers, tkm , attempted to Charge quadruple ,il5cesl Jl&T while a pPocery who was dnven w jl the upper tory of his house "by an anry crowd ffired a revolver, -wound - ; ing a woman. Rowdies have at tempt ed to 'pillage many of fhe i .houses aTifi iat several of t!be towns they have Ibeen driven eff "by fhe military. t The explanations of the "floods given by French scientists are of 'especial Trfterest. Etienne Stifitas Mouniere, 'the eminent 'geologist, considers fbe- phenomenon to he more of a geolojjreal than a meterologiral nature. After explaining the -action and reaction of the water in fhe strata below the surface, he declares that the eoil of the entire bas'in of the Seine and the other big rivers of France Trad become imperceptibly filled to frie point of complete 'satur ation during the preceding three months of gentile rains, with moder ate temper; rtures which retarded evaporation.' "When the heavy rains came .last wreek the ground was; su persaturated' and the water ran' 'df as if from a cement floor. ' Busy "Week Anticipated. Washington, Special. Committees of both, branches of Congress antici pate a busy week. Several impor tant hearings will be continued; in the; House. lfley mciuoe mat ra roa- tion to tne postomce aencit, miersiaie commerce bills, including the admin istration bill, wKch, by the way,' will receive attention by the Senate com mittee as well; cliarges of extravi-. gance made by Representative Hitch cock of Nebraska, against Secretary Ballinger, as well as the joint hearing in relation - to the' BalUnger-Pmehot controversy. , ..;"! ' . f House to 'HonW CanTai. f Washington, Special. Acting foi some unknown person - or " persons w number of agents began a house to bouse canvasS in this city- seeking subscriptions to a monster- petition to be presented to President Taft for the pardon of , Banker Morse, who has begun to serve a 15-year sen tence in the Atlanta penitentiary. Investigating Pellegra. . Washington, . Special. J. D. Long, passed Assistant Surgeon in the pub lic health service, has been directed to proceed to Columbia, S. C, and other places in that vicinity for the purpose of continuing the investiga tion into the cause, nature and meth od of - transmission of pellagra, i ' Killed in Wreck. London, By Cable. As a result of two third-class cars and a Pullman gashing into the station at Stroal 's ;.Nest,. eight were killed -and 30, in 3ured last Saturday. The train was running 40 miles an hour when the accident happened. Fl In Past Centuries. 1161 Thousands drowned in Sicily. , 1173 Zuyder Zee enlarged by floods. 1219 Norland, Norway, lake burst, 38,000 perished. 1228 Friesland, 100,000 drowned by 1446 Holland, seventy-two villages v sea. 1483 The H great waters" caused by r the overflow of the Severn. ' 1521 Holland, ino.nnft liva lost. ! 1530 Holland, dikes break, 400.000 i drown. 1570 Holland, 20,000 people perish in Friesland. 1616 Greatest flood ever recorded in "Paris. : . ,- ;, : ' . 1646 Holland; 110,000 perish. ; -1802 Great floods in Paris. -1813 Austria-Hungary and Poland, 10,000 perish. 1825 Jutland made an island by in undation of sea. : 1840 France,; overflow of Saone and Rhone swept away many villages. 1846 Disastrous inundation in the centre, west-- and soathwest. of - rance. - i; " : 1852-Floods in Europe from Bel gium to Switzerland. 1856 Sooth of France, damage $25,- - traooo. 1866 threat floods in France. 1875 Large5 part of Toulouse troyed by the rising of 'Garonne, 1,000 lives lost. X876 Great- floods in France de the and Holland. Second greatest flood in Paris; other inundations in the sonth of Europe. - - XJEN. WM. FDltAPER DEAD, ZPormer Ambassador to Italy and n War Veteran Passes Away. Washington. H k., SpeciaL Cten. "Wm. F. Drapex, ffbrmer ambassador to Italy, died -at 8iis home here ter a prolonged illness, aged 63 years. Brig. Gen. Dtcaper was bcon 'in Lowell, Mass., April 9, 1842, the -son of George nd Hannah Thwing Draper. . He served in the Union army from 1863. to 1864,' hldmg commissions from second lientennt to lieutenant - (colonel, commxnding, and also cokm& and brigadier gen-. era! by brevet. , 5Ie was twice wound-i ed. ; -v . - - In 188 he iwae a Presidential oalee tor, and he served as a Repablican member-in Ihe-rd- and-tth-Coto presses, declining a third nomination. In 1897 he rwiei appointed ambassa dor to Italy, Ihilding that paert until 1900. He served ips commander -of the Loyal Iegkra nfZ Massachusetts, whs a member df .the Army and TSTayy Club of Washington, ' the Alronquin Club of Boston, the, Cacia Club ot Rome and others. Much of his Iffo he lived in Massachusetts, of lrte years dividing his time hetweea Washington -and Hopedale, Mass. it DRY "HEAD QUARTERS. Prohibitionists 17111 Put Ont a Presi dential Ticket. Atlanta, Ca., Special. "We hajw decided - to make Atlanta the head quarters tor the prohibition mowe- ment in the Southen States. J "Every State Tnit Mississippi is in' line, and we mean to fight to win.! "We are going: to put a ticket inl the field in Georgia as well as the- otner estates lor tne next election. We are going to (Birect the campaign from Atlanta and fin 1912 we are go ing to bring Che National Prohibi tion convention hate. 1 ' The above statements were given .out following a conference of nation al and - State prohibition leaders. Among those present were : Eugene Chafin, late prohibrfiim , presidential iandidate, and Chairman R. Jones of Cihacog, national chsairman. ' Bishop Cyrus D. YVoss Dead. ' Philadelphia, SpeeisL-r-Bishop Cy ras D. Foss, retired of the MY E. church, one of the best k&own clergy xneac. is dead. :- J Hinimnm Rate Is CSren. Wafiljington, Special. The presi dent &as issued a proclamation de claring that inasmuch as Denmark, The Netherlands, ' Norway, Sweden, Belgium, Egypt, Persia and Portugal do not sanduly discriminate in their tariff . against goods imported from the United States, those countries nre entitled to the minimum rate estab lished by the Payne-Aldrich act. V Acanit Zlembers of Court. Managua, Nicaragua By Cable. The court at Mesaya. has acquitted General ! Medina, Prosecuting Attor ney Salomon' Selva and other mem bers of the court-martial, of respon sibility for the illegal convictiop and execution of the Americans, Groce and Cannon. Cake Cause of a Killing. v , Florence, S. C, Special. In a quar rel' over the price of a cake sold at auction at a schol festival near, here Lofton Poston was fatally stabbed by Moses Bazen and died five min utes later, FLOODS IN EUROPE II I It Wholesale Meat Sale Off 20 Per Cent At Atlanta Farmers ,Holdixs Meetings. Atlanta, Ga.tl Special. "The salts 1 of trust handled meat by the whoie- sale has fallen off fully 20 per cent p 'to effect the first of the past week,'!!. a. iv. oawieii, ine weu-nuwu Atlanta wholesale and retail meat dealer Saturday night while discuss- i il i a. - i x a. j i , tngj the present meat situation.! ' Begmning Tuesday of this week, iu paoor organizations oi rticnmona, va., Degan ft ou-aay ngns agamst trust by agreeing to eat .no meat v - going it on Vegetarian diet. Other towns and sites in the Souths as well as the north and middle west : are joining Nthe ranks Not Eat Meat." Reports from New York say the entire city is placarded with eat no i- - J r . . i : i mean signs, ano Duicners are joih- t be the crusade. Meat prices were down in local retail markets. New York,, Special. The United Master Butchers of America, i in a statement given out here, decry the meat boycott as "misdirected energy wtiich is defeating' its own iLV...The statement urges the removal tn ami stock. It says ra part: on! all lite - it i k n wit n Ymm va. v u 1 r ed tZ I v vi V Vu. the most severe blow from the : J Jl 1 v ' a v vnom Wh mnff kite hiMnrv ckn rl j WUV JXI.iA.Ob ccuu ui 111 Xllg (UlU suppof't his family throttgh the sale of meat; Why not go to the .root of the evil; why not seeTc the cause of the disease T I -ugn meat prices -ore aue moswy t tthe creat scucitv Wf live cattlle. iVXivl Tin f- nvne rlna wiAOffxr to! The no;nni trvonf oT.fc i ktriff on live stoct, batting.out out- cAmwM r'imlv. Tii ortnr a l W pmn,i ; tvnni ftf fiiA vrpnf. 'A4oAan vvn. r.;1KK vviie ' .fooi min.nmwt iVa ;mTWbita . a avf vi umiyuK 4'aa.v aim hivuwvv eps to have the aaty on all live stock removed."" PParmers Withhold Produce From ; ! Sale. . ; . - Nevada, Mou, 'Special. Three hun- dred iSirmers at ?a meeting here adopt ed a resolution agreeing not to sell any cattle, hogs, ipbultry, tsggs or butter for 60 days, "beginning Febru ary 1. Their 'action I is a protest against the statements of the large packing house interests that the fatwwOT '.fTPtpiai? f Ah for the high pTice df 'foodstuffs. I A letter will "be sent to all the farmers' associations in 'the United State requesting them - td Withhold their products from) the market.) Retail Prices of Heat Shew Decline In "Boston. ' i Boston, Special. The agitation against the high 'CoSt'df 'food has" be gun to show Tesiilts in Boston, a general decline in the prices of meat heing shown in the markets. Retail prices fell from2 to 4 cents a pound on the higher grades df meat. Prices Continue to Drop; Retailers : Cut Tignres. New York, "Special. The effects of the7 anti-meat, campaign are still strongly reflected in local markets. Retailers are cutting 'prices on all kinds of provisions. .: Sales4 Off in Baltimore-; Meat De clines 25 tJents. Baltimore, Special. Tkrr the first time since the meat "boycott started here the beef market showed a weak tendency declining about 25 cents j a hundred pounds. Pork sold for $2 less than at this time last week. Many large dealers report that sales thave fallen off 25 per cent, j Meat, Butter and "Eggs Save Reduced in Rochester. ' I " Rochester, N. Y.v Specisd. -Wholesale meat dealers here have reduced prices 20 percent. Butter- has been reduced 1 to 2 cents per pound and eggs have dropped m price. Will fTnrn Light on Hifh Cost , of Food. Washington, Special. Unless plans fail a congressional investigation of the causes for the increased cost of living will be made, despite the op position. Nt Boycott in Lynchburg- Lynehhurg, Special.--Although the widespread agitation against ! high prices of foodstuffs is apparently ef fective elsewhere, local dealers and brokers report no change in quota tions to them. There- has been no effort here . to boycott meats, and the sales are up to the usual. ! Meat Boycott Indorsed. ' Norfolk, Special. At a meeting held last Friday the ciic department of the Woman's Club of Norfolk in dorsed the present boycott on meats, and pledged its moral support in in creasing the number of those who sign pledges to abstain from it fori sixty days. . - Jackson Smith j Dead. Knoxville, Tenn., Special. Jack son Smith,- a native of South Caro lina, but of recent years a , citizen of this city, died at Portland, Oregon, last week. He was a well known1 railroad man. He was formerly a member of the Panama canal com mission. . '-.-, TAR DEEL CHRONICLES -r Urn Notes Gathered Froa AS Parts of the Old North State. Handled Much Cattle. , Asheville, 'Special.--Since August ls 1909, the Southern railway has handled 3&0 cars of eattle from wes ter A' North Carolina, a total of , about 75 more than during 1908. Most of IhJse cattle eame from points along thtf Murphy , division of the South- -erj which is the greatest cattle rais- gection of North Carolina. Al- on u v-V a vjt & uu vn,o. n .a xtotal of 11,400 cattle were ship- PSPvh. sunaungr tna vaey aver- per neao a- very low esu- w TtWluve it snows mat vuese cavtits brought $399,000. Many of these were snippea utnwest SfA-'kr ' ofr" And soldi m thp. snnn? months t . t -. - . at fancy prices. This does not in clude the cattle that are driven to Asheviile and sold to local ; dealers, thich would " probably. amount to more than $200,000; making a grand t6tal j yearly of over $600,000. Ad vices from the i cattle countries is to t the Life effect that more attention is be- g paid to 1 cattle, raising now, and - faM are carrying over . i i.ut i km. ! nnmVm I ftva 4Pm11 )iaa Fancv - attle on hoof are bringing 6 cents i.-- : j i i new high record. . To Prmnt N, 0. Bond Suit. Washington ! Special.5 Oontemplat Wg the modinca'tion of the Eleventh MnendniMic of the Cnnstitutinn sn as 7-V-: V ri prohibit one State from institot- Uig suit agamsx another except in I matter of boundary , disputes, oenaior uverman, oi jNortn Carolina, &as introduced ; a resolution to amend the Constitution. Mr. Overman's ' resolution is aimed - at individual . . mfi holders of rntlawed bonds of his State; who have endeavored to make collection on them by transferring them to other States. No Heat Tor SO Days. Asheville,' Special. Petitions , are being freely signed by labor union men and others pledging themselves to abstsTH from eating meats for 30 days unless prices are materially re duced. Petitions are also being cir- ulated asking the board of aldermen to remove th'ethreeatedf r'amiler limit against the sale of meats and vegetables in - the city except in the city market, declaring that the i law enables dealers to maintain, a trust. They also ask for a reduction of the special taxes jon dealers outside of the three-quarter mile limit and on farmers and peddlers. Dodged Pasteur Treatment. Durham, Special. Bernice Man gum, descendant of a celebrated United Statesj Senator, died I here of hydrophobia. j Young ; Manguxn, with four I other boys, was bitten two months ago by a dog. AH of them took the Pastfur treatment, Mangum after, one injection, running away. The other boys recovered. Mangum died on his efeventh birthday. ! J! : Dynamite Explodes in County Court !' i House. Asheville, v Special. By; the acci dental discharee of a stick of dyna mise in the county court house at Bryson City, j Omar Conley was in stantly killed, Barret Banks lost both eyes land was otherwise seriously in jured, and Lee Francis, registrar of deeds of Swain county, was fatally injured. Conley and Banks were thawing dynamite on the radiator of I the registrar's office in preparation xor a nsning trip. For -Reunion of the Bine and Gray. Raleigh, Special. State Auditor Dixon was at j Southern Pines last weekj arranging far a great reunion there late in April of the National Association of the Blue and the Gray, of which he is the commander. To Ask An Appropriation. Raleigh, Special.--Over 100 dele- j - :-. ' - . i . . gates were in t attendance upon the Good r Rbads Conference. ; Much in- terest was manifested. A resolution was adopted calling on the next leg islature to provide an ample ap propriation for aiding counties in constructing good roads in this State. , Exchange of Courts. Raleigh, Special.-L-Governor Batch in authorizes exchange of courts; Judge; J. L. Wehb to hold Rutherford court j February 7, McDowell Fehru- ary 21, Henderson court March 7, and Judge Council to j hold Catawba court I February 7, Alexander Febru ary 21, Caldwell February 28. . I -M , Stack Appointed Solicitor. Raleigh, Special. A. M. Stack, . of Monroe, succeeds L. D. Robinson, of Wadesboro, as solicitor for the Eighth Judicial . District. The commission was issued by Governor Kitchin. NEWSY GLEANINGS. f The American Playgoers honored Lord Rosebery Is engaged Id writ the memory of Clyde Fitch. ng hi8 "memoirs. . . Tnree miasnipraen were dismissed r from the Naval Academy on charges Of intoxication. . White" ducks shipped from China to a Long island fancier turned tolacx during the voyage. : - 1 Government troops defeated a party of revolutionists in a small skir mish at La Libertad. Charles K. Hamilton made two sensational, flights In a , Curtis aero plane at .San Piego, Cal. - i i President Madriz ordered the ar rest of several leaders in Managua, Who opposed his regime. ' President Taft sought to compel tTie Senate to redeem some of the Chicago platform pledges., : j Germany is sending ' commissions of experts to all parts of the world in t au eaori la uewi uaue. i . Mm L i. ' 1 X J The nw cornet discovered by Pro- f!!or Inns In Johannesburg was vis ible in New York for a few minutes. Albrrt T. Patrick, in a new move to win freedom from Sing Sing, ac cused Ju'i a-ps and officials of conspir acy and bribery. . I Washington, D. C, officials are ac cused hy a Benin newspaper or em plovins; poker tactics in connection with the German tariff agreement. Floods, reported throughout France, were especially severe in Paris, where they threatened the sub way and the foundations of the Eiffel Tower. ;.' i .. , ' . ' ' Members of the Pittsburg Presby tery stopped the prosecution of Will iam C. Ltlley, the former treasurer, who admits a $20,000 shortage in his accounts. ! New York District Attorney Whit man announced that the Grand Jury investigating high food prices will Inquire what interests control thr cold-storage warehouses. Want Tax Repealed. Atalanta, Ga., Special. Declaring the tax -10 cents per. pound on oleo margarine to he largely responsible ror rne mcreasea cost oi nvmg, tne Atlanta Chamber of Commerce health committee, have adopted a resolution j memorahzmg Congress to repeal the tax. The resolution sets forth that the tax is "class lftflnalnt.inn.--whin.il? deprives the Federal Government) of : $2,000,000 revenue, while it shuts but of the market a wholesome product 'First Volunteer Dead. Worcester, Mass., Special. Simon . Chandler, said to havfe been the first man to enlist in a regularly brganiz edanilitarycompany. in response toi Lincoln's call -for volunteers in the ' ; civil war, is dead at his home in this city. V . ; Greenville Chosen. Greenville,' Special. Greenville has been selected as the meeting place for three divisions of classes of Masonry, and the gatherings will be on j?eoruary a and 9. Briefly Told. j At sWaynesville Thad( Brownings shot and killed Allen Green, a con- stable. - ; . I To fill the vacancy caused by the. f death of Dr. W. A. Syme, Prof, j Luther B. Lockhart, of Orange coun- 5 ty, has been appointed , State Oil Chemist of , the Department of Agri-! culture. This year will see enacted at ttaleigh a municipal building and au ditorium costing - $125,000. ! .!- BELOW any othef y2 rLD or oa any kind of terms, until you have received oar complete Free Cata logues illustrating: and describing' every kind of high-grade and low-grad 1 NI11H I II 111 uicvcicB, oiq patterns ana latest moaeis, ana learn oi our remarkable LOW PRICES and wonderful new offer made possible by selling from factors direct to rider with no middlemen's profits. - i . IVT CHIP OM APPiTO VA L without a cent deposit, Pay the Freight and allow 10 Days free Trial and make other liberal terms which no other house in the world will do. Yon will learn everything and get much valu able information by simply writing us a postal. j We need a nittmm Aamni in evenr town and ran nffr m flnfinHmtt, r MY Vi to make money to suitable .qnjin pnriRTiinp.pnnnp TTin-Q only Vvsvw wanw u WUH .SO liZJmCU per pair. TO tetrot-'xoo v:o win coil Yea o Ccn?sf9 KAILS. TACKS Cil 8 LASS WONT LET fcJ Only OUT THE AIM o (CASH WITH ORDCR S4.S8) RO O0RE TROUBLE FR0H PUNCTURES. Result of is years experience in tire V u making.! No danger from THORNS,' C AC TVS, PINS; NAILS. TACKS or CLASS. Berious punctures, like intentional knife cuts, ran be vulcanized like any other tire. ' i Two Hundred Thousand pairs now In actual ess. Over m . .1 ....j f t j t i a. 9i,6mjiti iHuuMiu pair iy hwi fvsr CSSSXPmTtSSti Made in all sizes. It Is lively and easy riding, very durable and lined lusir' with a special quality of rubber, which never becomes porous and which closes np small punctut without allowing the air to escape. We have hundreds of letters from satisfied customers statin that their tires have only been pumped up once or twice in p. whole season. They weigh no more than -an ordinary tire, the puncture resisting qualities being given by several layers of thin, specially prepared fabric on the tread. That "Holding Back" sensation commonly fait when ridingon asphalt or aeft roads is overcome by the patent "Basket Weave" tread which prevents all air from bring squeezed out between the tire and the road thus overcoming all suction. The regular price of tbest tires is $8.50 per pair, but for advertising purposes we are making a specUl factory price to the ridei of only $4.80 per pair. All orders shipped same day letter is received. We ship CO.D. on approval. Ton do not pay a cent until you have examined and found them strictly as represented. 1 We will allow a eash dlsooont of 5 per cent (thereby making the price 4.55 per pair) if you send FULL CASH WITH ORDER and enclose this wlvertistment. We will also send one nickel plated brass hand pump and two Sampson metal pancture closers on full paid orders (these tnetsl puncture closers to be used in case of intentional knife cuts or heavy gashes). Tires to be returned at OUR expense if for any reason they are not satisfactory on examination. ti .. We are perfectly reliable and money sent to ns is as safe as-in a bank. Ask your Postmastet. Banker, Express or Freight Agent or the Editor of this paper about ns. If you order a paira. these tires, you will find that they will ride easier; run faster, wear better, last longer and look finer than any tire yon have ever used or seen at any price. Vc know that you will be so well pleased that when you want a bicycle you will give as tout order. Wc want you to send us a small trial order at once, hence this temarkable tire offer. oedala. and repairs, and CO AS TiMDItAilSSlf eerygaWcrcHneIaredM at halPtusaa; -prices charged by dealers and repair men. Write for our tAg SUNDRY catalogue. :'.'r.' r-r mat ffirr write us a postal today. DO NOT THUfK OW BUYING JO IdUT is4MM bicycle or a pa'-r of tires from anyone until yon know Ihe new and wonderful offers we are making. . It only costs a postal to leam everything. Write it NOW. 'CSST CYCLE C0-?CIV.oC:.M-'t" ODIOflCCfllli . ... I .....-( . ' 'V'.. , -.. . L-' ' ,. ; , " 1 .: i " f i The flood situation In France wan becoming desperate. Premier Brland declared.' Senor Sanguily was appointed Cu ban Secretary of State and took the oath of office. , ' Politicians wonder if Herbert Par sons has an ambition to succeed .Gov- , ernor Hughes of NewNYork, I Members of the collapsed pool in Columbus and Hocking seek an ac , counting from James R. Keene. , ; ' Rabbi Charles Fleischer, lot- Bos ton, preached a sermon in which he ' advocated early marriages and small families. .;, A .. It was announced from Washlng- tlon that President Taft would pre-' pare a special message on the high cost of living. Nicholas Monsarrat,. president of the Hocking Valley and other "rail- way companies, was hurt in an auto- -mobile accident. j ; V More than a thousand Greeks, in a x mass meeting in New York City, pro claimed their confidence and respect for their minister, Lambros Coro miias. .;;j"7"i':i ; , -". Emperor William invited President Wheeler, of California University, several times to meet, the Imperial family informally, and chat about - America. - . . j ' John Wanamaker accepted the h6norary vice-presidency of the Amer ican committee, for the exposition of American manufacturers, to be held In Berlin in 1910. James R. Garfield in a magazine article repudiates a plea for the valid ation of illegal coal land entries, made in a report to Congress j when be was Secretary of the Interior. Living Omnibuses. ' f Oliver Wendell Holmes compared a man to a living omnibus In which he carries all his ancestors. Most of us. are copies of those who havecne be fore us. We take up Into our lives. j their traits and characteristics. We ar4 hampered by their faults, helped' their virtues. Our progress is. et or handicapped by what ' hm rfece!ved our ancestors., 4BC8S asihe I ' ' Are a Necessity 1 in me uountry i nume. ir The farther you are removed from town to railroad station the more the telephone will save' in time and horse flesh. No man has a right to compel one of the family ' , " T.. .'. to he in agony for hours while anves to town lor the doctors TelrJ ephone and save half the suffering, ; r uur free Book tells how to or ganize, build and operate tele phone lines and systems. ! Instruments sold on thirty days' trial to responsible parties: THE CADIZ ELECTRIC CO., 201 CCC Cdldbj, Cadiz, Ohio. t t I Slills! nucnaie ni it nn i mot vn I II UIW i4Ui wim uui IUJ 11 I 1 1 to f6r OT bi FBKJB BICTOUB caUloeua JJ U "bowimr the most complete line of hlgh-enJ m.,m.,mumm3, luuui ana Bunuiuita K J"UvJS9l manufacturer or dealer in the world. j BG IDT BUY n B&YGILIZ !r: young men who apply at once. T MUUI il SALaiW O I tLAPAlf Kotloo tha thlek robber tread "A" and puncture strips b and Dl" also rim strfn "IT to prevent rim eutting. ThJa tire will outlast any other make SOFT, CLASTIC sad M uASs luUlNCk i. A 1 I - I J 1