f' (1 -J1 v J fs. 2PP II M Mil Throo Conto tho Copy, I N DEPEN DErCCE IH ALL THINGS. Subscription Price, $1.00 Per Year in Adransa. vol xv. COLUMBSv THCTRSDAT, MARCH 24,1910. NO. 45. Hurled From Lofty' Position ' Last Saturday; PHILADELPHIA TROUBLE. No Indication For Peace Yet Established END REACHED IN BITTER FIGHT Philadelphia, . Special. After a week of peace talk and innumerable conferences between union leaders and peacemakers the striking mo- Kefased to -Resign, antt nonse te- tormen .and conductors and the offi- iused to Further Humiliate Him by cials of the Philadelphia Rapid Tran- ' . - I cif fnmnflnv arfl nnnnrent.lv Still f&T rr ... .1 w " . -iFS . -T Deposing xiuu. . - ;- . ; ...mi, ' Knwever.Von both might apart. There is, sides a better feeling ' which lead at anv time to the opening of a i. L vf A y-y-f- 1 . - - ; n house ol representatives uy vuic ,i negotiations. In no peace conterence- 182 to lbU repudiated speaker vui- ; - t jield has the transit company been 1iTPntlv rnrpsented. It is said tli -J X ; Washington, D. C, - Special. The 11011 iuHl HIS cuiuuinicc. , fxpededly large majority it over ruled his decision and insisted upon k-onsidering the resolution of Norris, of Nebraska, providing ior a re- nf : tbfi committee of -rules with the speaker eliminated. Thq complete overthrow of Speak- ( Vmnnin nil rl the annihilation of the hdusji machine -was a question t?mp 1 The crizzled old -warrior is o-oinr down with "flags flyin ncl'inn rr nnJlTtPT. -??ivill?-"110ne. ' He vas contesting each point witli a grim determination, -i knowing full .Lii i,0t i,Jo iinwn -f nil Avas but a W Cll Uii v v , tiuestion of hours. It was currently reported - that Cannon would resign the speaker ship in the event of his deteat in the fight." There was no confirmation of this report, "however, and it was not given the credence that was it. before ' the result of the tiirht beeame so painfully appar- More- succinetlv than it can be in 'anv other wav, the complete downfall of the Cannon forces in the House i of Representatives is shown roll calls taken in sVinrdnv's historic struggle. ' Oratory' and strategy couniea ior little in that temendous fight. It was the brute strengtji of votes that was of availing- importance. v In their, . 'chror.clogical; order, the votes taken, resulted as follows: Ayes Noes. On Dalzell's "motion to lay on the table the appeal of Norris ' appeal from bpeak er's ruling. . . . TAR HEEL CHRONICLES News Notes Gathered Prom AD Parts of the Old North State. , . office the It is said tnax the irifnrmnl tieace meeting will con tinue until ' common ground can be found on which o bring both sides together. . President Mahon of the Amalga mated Association ot street ana Electric Railway Employes, has an nounced that all peace negotiations between .the strikers and the peace makers, so far as he and the car men's union is concernedare off. It is now 29 days since the strike and the fifteenth of the general walk out. There have been few desertions frpm the ranks of the trolley men but there- is a slow movement to ward a return to work on the part of the general strikers. The return is not universal, but each day finds a few more men going back, so that there is hot nearly the great num ber idle which there was in the first few days of the sympathetic strike,. President Greenawalt ot.tne fetawj Federation of Labor, is still deter mined to Dut the State-wide strike into effect. , He said he hoped such action would notk be necessary but he saw no way in whieh to delayx carrying out the instructions of the reeenl State convention. The dynamiting of three cars in? differentparts of the city Saturday .. ' r . i J i are tiie nrst acrs 01 violence requit ed in nearly a week. In this connec tion it has been ' learned that 100 sticks of dynamite were stolen from a quarry on the outskirts of the city Thursday night. The police have been instructed to watch all. persons who carrv packages of suspicious ap pearance. , " Big Fire at Shelby. Piw xehieh ois-inated in the f Tir- T. A. Woods, a dentist, m Shelby v National bank ouiiamg, tlanfon on entire business ww there Sunday night.- But; for the hard work of the fire; department the loss would have been much more se vere. " . '..,:... ' ,: . iV- v" j . kii-i ; ko vinrnaA is stimateo at $10,000, most of the loss being due plane; of rout Wonv. i u. Woods' office ii on the For always be second floor of the building and the other apartments on this floor; are oc cupied as offices. One apartment ns occupied by Mr. and Mrs. ;J. Smith. Mr. Smith is secretary of tha Shplhv eotton mill. His loss was small . ; Thefire was confined to the flstsv Ktr T-APllpnt work on tl UUUl tJJ t i onartment. Those who suffered a loss by water are the Sliel w -Nratinnal bank. Evans . McBryer, a NEAVSY GLEANINGS. iv.ino- merf.Tifl.nt Farmers! Hard ware ComDanv, Eskridge. Millinery. $ Jewelry Co. and Pendleton and Mag n ess -music house. ' ' TVie fii-e is snnnosed to hate caused by an overturned lamp Woods' oflice. Easter, of all holidays, Is the most signifi cant; for It symbolizes the w i d espread, belief In the immortalir of ithe soul the be lief which, most of all, makes life valuable; the hope which helps men forward from ijlay to day, and cheers them as they tplli on the monotonous routine and materialism. ore their eyes gleams the rosy-tipped peak which, tells of purer heights, land which shines al ways with- the itadiance of a sun en tirely n submerged from the mortal view. At Eastertide the serious and thoughtful think of the glorious prom ise of the life to come, made certain j.yv n i I 1 1 li ill t M iiirr ivra ill r-i .ill 1 11 . iiai. til ie scwu" i . w the part I alive with the lad tidings of life re- vivea. Alter sumDering ior mourns under frost anil snow, with the ap proach of the gentle spring there is a great quickeniiig. , To nature's anal ogy add the trth of revelation, and man's hope for life beyond is assured. It has been jjwell said that man's longing for imfnortality is inherent. Men are born ifeto this life with that fond anticipation. This heart-throb- PROMINENT PEOPLE. been in Dr. Evans, Chauffeur, Keieasea oa the negro chauffeur, VJ ' l wTin was held for five days m jau in Charlotte, fo lowing the coroner s . .164 181 motion ordering question on his .. ... ..182 160 On X orris the previous appeal . . On the question "Shall the rn!ii:" f ilie fliair be sustain- mi'' ....... .. ..160 182 On ordering the prevous niK'stion' on the adoption of the XnrrU' substitute. . . .178 159 To substitute' the new Nor- . ris? resolution- for the old, offerer! Tlinrsdnv.. . .. ..193 153 To-adoot the Norris' 'reso-;?.- l.itir... .. - .191.155 On Burleson's resolution tdsij dociare the ' Speaker's chair- va,-ant..- .. .... .. .. . .155 191 What will be the definite, tangible results of the big victory of the ailifs no one is yet in . a position or of a mind to say. Admittedly Cannonism is ended, for one thing. hatp Sentenced to Wed. Kansa City, Mo., Special. If the sentence imposed upon him by Judge Ralph S. Latshaw, of the Criminal Court of this city, is carried out, Fred M. Miller, an attorney of this city, will have to wed the first wo man who will consent to become his wife. Miller filed an application m the Jnveetio-ntion aiM lnauest into iue death of M. W. Christenbury, who wo c im nrpr fln rl killed bv an auto- v.- t r mobile" belonging to Jeremiah Oott, half-mile south of Denta, has been released following a habeas ( corpus nrnreedm"- instituted by . attorneys before Judsre James L. Webb J conclusion of the day's work court Saturday. at the ... in civil White Woman Charged With Murder, uvau, Corn ell arg- m xnc Mrs - Jake Goble and Albert lie latter5 eolored. have been mitted to j jail in Greensboro aA witVi heins' imolicated i j " o , - i, j.r fnnvflernns -assault UPOn John M Stale v. of Julian,, who died 1 Satur? day at - St; Leo's Hospital. Officers are searching for Jake Coble ind his son, Hiram, who have disappeared. Mt- Pnhle. a woman of 50 years, says the assault va, committed by her son. Hiram, who struck Staley nvor fKe bend with ! a beer bottle. ftlenn Visits HneheS. v i Former Governor R. B. Glenn, of North Carolina, paid his respects to llororn rT He introduced a delegation from Charlotte. who were m Albany to invittJ Governor Hughes to at tend a convention in that city in of the All France Is aroused by the Due ieandal. :, -: ! Paris Is declared officially to: have resumed its normal healthy condition. ! Arthur F. Zimmerman, spurious Baron Llchtenstein, was convicted of perjury in Brooklyn. - - ! Congress devoted a day to exercises in connection with the unveiling of a statue of John C. Calhoun. ; Plans to use oil as fuel in the Uni ted States Navy arouse strong inter est; in the British1 Admiralty. j Prince Henry of Prussia, speaking t TTnmbnrsr. eiDressed absolute con fidence in England's- good will. Tho Herman Government proposed to introduce a bill widening the self government af Alsace-Lorraine. Canada is flooded with anonymous circulars directed against any tariff concessions to the United States. Serious street fighting followed a meeting of Catholics : at Saragossa, Spain, to protest against lay schools. Liverpool brokers 7 resented the treatment of James A. Patten -.by the members of the Manchester Cotton Exchange. ' . I Sir Edward Grey, speaking at a Liberal dinner in London, urged a radical reform of the Lords, but op posed a single chamber. ' Cheers, fireworks, singing and speeches marked the trip of the first electric train on the Harlem Division of the New York Central Railway. ; - i'A bill was passed' at Washington, D. C, providing for the enumeration nf the nationality and mother tongue, of all persons included in the next census. ' Prosecutor Garven, of Hudson Coun- ty, N. J., appeared oerore a legisla tive committee at Trenton, and told conditions of cold-storage plants or Jersey City, urging a law to protect the people. ; April under the auspices court, in which he represented him- Greater Charlotte Club, in the sell as a "lonely single man, in- i inai giuw " again, is it claimed will de- he prohibited. 17-Inch Lemon. Bedford CitvV Va,, Special J. U. Brown, of Good View, Bed ford county, while in Richmond had a lora on nearly as big as himself. The. lemon "is I six inches high and seventeen inches in circumference, anil weighs. two pounds. This lemon was raised in Mr. Brown's house in IWtWd from a lemon tree ?rov.n from a small slip, which sot. from Ohio. Mr. Brown thinks Hint battel lATnnn ran be raised in- ii-'iiifa than in anv other place in tlic world, and certainlv spired with the lofty ambition to take unto himself a wife," and soliciting the aid of the court to this end. "Here is a man who desires to preter against himselr in the crim inal Oourt ' a . charge of wanting to get, married," said Judge Latshaw, when Miller s application was read, "rue the application, Mr. Clerk. Enter a plea of guilty after his name and sentence him to be married to the first woman who will consent to be come lib wife." indus- this No. 1 Masons to Meet 29-30. On the 29th and 30th of mnnth the Carolina Consistory, of the ancient and accepted bcottish Wit cc nt Freetnasonerv will meet . v-. ' Charlotte.) Renresentatives from the Temple nnd the Shrine will bei in Oasis there be on of for these davs and delegates will appointed to go to New Orleans the 10th, 11th, lain, ana io n Anril to attend' the biennial meeting nf the Tmnerial Council of Shriners of the United States. I New Orleans entertains this jnobh order for the hrst time. blng for life beyond impelled the giants of philosbphy of ancient times to speak and write on the subject. It inspired Socrates in his noble wosk among Ihe Athenian youths, and gave courage to Ciqero in the Roman forum. And what was regarded, by them' as onlv a! possibility was later "made manifest! hy thelappearance of our Saviour Jesus Christ, who hath abolished death,! and hath brought life and immortalitjf to light through the gospel." The Christian's ideal of im mortality, it shofud be noted, was that of prolonged existence upon an im measurably elevated plane. The wonderful truth of, immortal ity, impressed at Easter, gives the highest possible motive for faithful Christian life aiid service. Impelled by the fact of immortality, wise men live as they ought to live, for life goes on forever and the future is the harvest of the present. They realize that the eternal years of God belong to truth, justice and righteousness. The light of immortality shines on and unravels all the apparently hope less entanglements of earth and time. It is worth while to live, to fight, to labor, to wait, and endure, for the end is sure. Men can struggle, toil and sacrifice in hope and patience, for they realize that life goes on forever, In; new fulness, with new earnestness and power. y. It is well that once year 'the sym bolism of Easter brings home anew the lesson that men, if they will, may o'erleap the barriers that their own errors and weakness have created, and emerge into! a fuller and higher Governor Vetoes Birthplace Bill. Frankfard,' Kv., Special. Follow si -a a.y i ins on the iailure oi the Legislature at its recent session to accede to his request that the Lincoln memorial farm be exempted fom taxation, came Governor Wilson's veto of a bill ap propriating $5,000 for , improvement to he made, on the birthplace of Jefferson-Davis,- in Todd county, Ky " Hobert B.r Mantell, actor, i3 fifty tlx.;, . : :." Prosecutor Garven, of Jersey CIty, aid cold storage foods are a menace to health. n y - The Rev. J. M. Robinson, an Epis copal clergyman from Ireland, is to raise funds for Irish charity. : " J. Pierpont Morgan, in Rome, was amused, at reports of his death, and said that he never felt better. v Prince Henry of Germany urged support of the company organized "to build airship stations for oversea, lines. . ' ; . - s . .-. ' James R. Keene, testifying before the United States Commissioner said greed , was the cajuse of the Hocking: pool collapse. - : : v; London's Court of Common1 Coun cil unanimously voted to confer tho honorary freedom of the city on ex President Roosevelt. ' A new schedule went into effect In t the New York City subway and Frank. Hedley said he hoped to be regarded "as a decent citizen yet." Mayor Gaynor is so overwhelmed with callers and invitations to make speeches that he has asked the public to keep away for two weeks. The Bishop 'of North Dakota de clared in Grace Church, New York City, that advertisers could help to make the papers more gpdly; Martin W. Littleton, who left Texas ten years ago and has since achieved reputation at the bar and in politics in New York, Is thirty-eigm years um. . Bolton Hall, lawyer, socialist and land reformer, intends establishing a farm- near Plainfield, N. J.,,as a resi dence colony for persons of artistic bent who have been unable to market the fruits of their geaius. Released on $1,500 Bond. Denbrigh, Va., Special. Santa A. Morse, a negro, assistant, postmaster .-at Denbrigh, has been ar rested by Deputy United States Mar shal R. S. Holland, on the charge of stealing the contents of three , regis tered, letters. The accused was re leased on d bond of $1,500 for his ap-; pearance. . , , Complication Avoided. Richmond, Va., Special. 1S6 vacancv Jiaving oceurrea in me the session of the Oeneral Assemblv Shoots at Mother-in-Law, ajus ynuu. I John D. Turns Down a League. I Louisville, Ky., Special. George R. Washburne, secretary of the National Model License League, received un opened and marked "declined to re ceive." a registered letter he sent 'John D Rockefeller several days ago, asking the financier's moral and financial support of the Model . Li cense League.- Sits life, crowned immortality. wth the assurance of Seminary at Muskogee Burns. Muskogee, M Okla.,. Special Fire destroyed the main building of the Cherokee Seminary at Tahlequah, one of the oldest institutions of the Cherokee nation Sunday. Personal effects of the 200 Indian students were lost. The loss on the building is i estimated at $75,000. The seminary was built in 1856 by Cherokee Indians, who hauled the material for its construction more than 75 miles overland. Are a Necessity in the Country , Home. The iarther you are removed from town to railroad station, the more the telephone will save in time and horse flesh. No man has a right to compel one of the family to lie in agony for hours while he! drives to town ior the doctor, i ei ephone and save half the suffering, Our rree Book tells how to or ganize, build and operate tele phone lines and systems. - Instruments sold on thirty days' trial to responsible parties , THE CADIZ ELECTRIC CO., 20 CCC Building, Cadiz, Ohio. larger. Slayei of Carolinian Convicted. ; I'anville. Y.l. Special. '. W. Samnelc. wluf shot and kill- Sherilt William V. Flahniganr of raptr, N. C, in October, 1908, has Wn given 18 years in prison. The vc Tilif-t was the same as, that render- !,.v ihe'jurv at a former trial in ''''nibfr. 1S)08, which resulted in the anii'ii- ()f a nt.w trial. -Under the v,rnia laws he could not have giv- a U.nn onjruiafiv severer than what he was sentenced. ; v ' - lai-; .!s 400,000,000 Years Snpeint.--Old ' ,. I i . . . T I 1 i.o hns c'oseiv sruaraea ner iV- r .Iut entire life", is 400,000,000 ;,'aris old. actordin'r to" the curi'eht i,,t!'-r of Old. Mother lie S!" iui.,; a ireolosrieal publication University of Chicago. ( In S(i(iiUilic phrascolor the :-'ap e earth, it has he determined y nc amount 'W-bv 'the rt. - - Jol w-ntifie phrase Cins?:r a-c ,of xu brOugnt. down rivers that ' empty anl r r. -,lrrav, rroiessor ooiy i cauou -m - r ,. . , . TairpsT; fam0US eided to send pother crioad ;.JSSii ol the new. method tn .New "Orleans. ' all of the constitutional questions which have so deeply stirred the minds of , State officials during the past ew days have "been disposed of, The iact that benator Daniel was alive at V midnight , Saturday night removed the last uouot in1 any one s mind as to the correct situation. The Govenior will appoints if it is necs saryy f : - Negro Murderer Respited. Riehmond. Va.. Special. Gov Mnnn ' at the '. eleventh i,nn Fridav granted a respite until May : 13 to. Henry Smith, one- of the negroes convicieu ui . mc mmu Walter F. Schultz, a Chicago artist, at Alexandria, Va. on March 6 last year. Richard Pinls, Eugene Dor sev and 'Calvin' Johnson, threej other np.rrnej ronvicted of the same crime, had been respited until May ,13. four' therefore will he Changed o-etlier on this" date. , & Big Demand For .Babies. New Orleans, : Special. -The bullies here has i inn that it SUCH a 1t"'" .- : - . . 'there; wilr bo a serious shortage in the suppl , ?y' - ' A carload of babios from the ew v.v Fnnndlin- and Orphsin Asylum .c-tW--: awaV hereV lastt.Teek., yain ftfctf&l&o are thejapph- 1,0 iusfltllTlOn . .UV5- LUU - w " wife, who had gone to the home oi her father. Clem McLean, near Hope Mills takins her two children: with her, Gaston Kirk,, a negro, Sat urday night, after forcibly1 taking of one of the children, and started off with' ill fired at his moth er-in-law from the yard, and instant Kr Villprl n s?x-vear-old . child of his wife's sister, Gertrude McLean. The to- i- Carolinian Dies in; Manila, -j News has reached Marion an nouncing the death of Arthur Byars in Manila. Philippine Islands. The throusrh a cablegram to F H. Bvars, his -father. Typhoid fever was the - cause of death. . Arthur Bvars was about 24 years old. He received an appointment in the agricultural department oti Philippine government " An Easier Luncheon. . Utilize the shad roe, using it in a new way. rne irmt'cuuise ai mo beginning of the luncheon may be cherries or strawberries, or the meal may begin with soup. Fruit. Cream of spinach soup. r Olives, salted nuts, radishes. . Shad-roe balls, horseradish sauce. . i ' . " Broiled squab on watercress; peas and potatoes; .of chicken cuiieis, French peas; potato balls, browned; banana balls 3n shells, French dressing. Frozen cheese - W4tn -jireserveu us&. wafers. : Ccffee. v.. V A. &Mk V M lit I I o IS ALL IT WILL COST YC3 to write for our big FREE BIorCUE t caUlogue snowing mt most comemc uuc wirVvr.V.S TIRKS nd 8 CNDBIES at P KICKS BEIADW ny other manufacturer or dealer in the world. - . Q DO HOT BUY A BICYCLE St-JSJ .- J 4 ..ntil mmn tiavo Wrfivfd OUT COmDletC TW JLt dt unanr mna vi crm uum. t - - : . - . . loirues ulustratme and descnbi J M M lAfMf PRICES and wondertul new oners maae possiwc w k""s direct to rider with no middlemen's profits.- . . w, SHIP ON APPROVAL without a cent deposit ', Pay the Frelg&t ana SltowlO DiVS FreVrilaland make other literal terms which no other hou in the world will do. You wiU leant every thiog and get much vato- .V1. l.fA.mainii ho eitr;T1 V writinsr US A TXtStaL - nt in every town anq can oner n opivtuu. ; men wno appiy at once 4 , z UAng every kind of high-grade and to-gracte st models, andJearn of our remarkable UO W .,: I'A i We need a Rfdcr Alent in XmA make monev 4? suitable young 2BO n mi Fit -de- .reached is1 feared the Bring Kline Back For Trial The sheriff of Catawba county .; there with J. E. Kline, want-1 ed fdr'' fliewalleged- embezzlement 7of .,.000. - A. Teward of $200 will be baid tcTthe local police in Bluefield, W Va., for the capture 01 ivime. f North New N. C. Postmaster. - Carolina postmasters .5- tCkMiMy- a a Kit TV ffiffinfluAfl VfO WiU SOU UVW 0 LASS You a Sarnplo X p womt let Pair Yfot Onty ' U out the air a. . (CASH WITH ORDER i64.e6) linMORE TROUBLE FROM PUNCTURES. Result of 15 years experience in toe - TU& PINS, NAILS, TACKS or GLASS. Berious punctures, like intentional knife cuts, -un be vulcanized like any other tire. - . Two Hundred Thousand pairs now In actual UW. Over c.mfv.fivA Thousand tairs sold last year. C 1 j n -:.. it ; inriv and easv ridine. verv durable and lined usv flF55?i,55St' bber which neverbeeVrxrous and which closes up small punctux fPITvSSidsot letters fiom satisfied; customers statin. Notice the thick rubber trc4 A" and puncture strip and "D," also rim atrip H to prevent rim cutting. Thl tire will outlast any other make SOFT. ELASTLV EASI RIDINCb O ap- r.rHnted: Maury, Greene couniy Wtritt faardy, viee'A.,1. flruo ley, resigned ; Procton'iiie, .itoDm .4 Vv ;rj -;-v cor ins. sometWr for nothias. . ; got ! what dcserve'-Louis- rllle Courier-Journal, j JESSEirl MhlvcouTv bVrn pataped uoonce or twice in r whole season.- They weigh no more tnaa SnUreltSuure resisting qualities beiag iven by several layers o thm. TaMf n OTl , th JSead7 ThatIiolduie Back" seafcation commonly (eit when riding on asphaft PSSJu SSonSbv patBasket Weave" tread which prevents all air from i being or soft joad to owerowaw t y Troad MUius overcoming all action. The regular, price of VHeat qwzedo"tltwBthe are mating a special factory price to thende Ures is ffi .50 'per pa;r bu. JT., ieUer is veceivedV We ship CCD. on approval onlV per 1111. "." : ' r T: : t,A m ctiv-M'r a renresentd. OI Von do We v mwm - r r z vwnvi t n mtt cw a Mi iv -rm w run " ..r..r xr. T-f r -r,.T nfl.-WI tJ v.VCn.:SrnC!M. WC VUi BMW Km vu. - ; you oraer-a pair- , last tourer and look will be so well plcasel We wan. u to tend us a small trial at OCR expenss We are pe Banker. Express k ."-. - finer than any lire yoa nave crc ""j.; riii una. max mcr wu - -. any pnee. j and epairs, and vt at halt the usua, , finer man any ic yu . rirr-. wderat once, nence itoi. -r .." -Jii- -mAitim. Al. m ft ?TTrO7El tPS-. Sri a in thf fficrde line are soldby "II. fants to.Nw

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