pgTCcnta tfto Ccs3. . IMDEPENDEKCE in ALL THIHCS. ScSccrtotten Prisa. CLCO Per Year tn Agrsnca. 3 , VOL XV. r COLUMBUS, POLK COCJNTY. N. C.1 TH (TRSDA Y. APTHT. 7. 191ft. - NO. 47. C A.n nni nirnn' lirrritin -U dUUlip mm be Hefd at Mobile, Ala., April 26-28 HE APPOINTMENT OF OFFICERS j5 iiucy ivxa ujtcb, oxuixsui Acting - Safford , , ; Montgomery, Ala. Dr. Clarence J. krpns, commander-in-chief of the fnited Sons of Confederate veterans, Lates public the sponsors and maids- r. 1 j.' - .i if-bonor ior ine organization at tne eseral reunion to be held in Mobile (pni -o io - Xfce'y are as follows: -Matron of honor, Mrs. B. B. Ross, .Anm Ala ? hnrrnn ATts "M .TK ' orrest, Memphis; sponsor in chief, iss Georgia Whiting Saffold, Mont-. menr ; maids of honor, Alabama, iss Clara Ellen Forbes, Montgom- ry; Mis:j Mary Henry Ruffin, Miss Dannie Goodbard, Miss Lillie Ratl- life, Mobile; Miss Mary Rosalind ardy, Birmingham ; Miss Annie Lyde mith, Tuskegee. Georgia, Miss Lylia IHutchins, Athens. Louisiana, vMiss . iGladys Broadway, Monrot. Mississip-' pllliss Sallie Hunt, Greenville; Miss Mildred Merriweather Sledge, Como; Miss Cornelia Wallaee, Como. South Carolina, Miss May belle Weathers- bee, Williston ; Miss Ruth Kennedy, Greenville. Virginia, Miss Avis 't Wal ler Grant, Richmond. Maids of honor for the general staff for states not listed will be named later. ! Miss Frances Alexander Duncan of Auburn will represent the Children of the Confederacy. ; Appointments for the Louisiana di vision, named bv Commander B. H. Kiehardson, are as follows : Sponsor, Miss Caroline A. Reanaud, Jew Orleans; maids of honor, Misses Georgia Richardson, Andrea Freder- eiehs, Leila Riddell, New Orleans ; Miss Georgia McDonald, Mobile : fkperon, Mrs. P. J. fredereichs, New Orleans. Northern Virginia department, by Commander C. M. Felder; Sponsor, Hiss Lila Li. : Jamison, Roanoke ; maids, Miss Grace G. Jinkard, Reho both Church, Va.; Miss Annie Baker, Lamar, North Augusta, S. C; matron nd chaperon, : Mrs. L. F. Fleming, Augusta. Ga. Vir:iriia department,' by. Comman der T. W. Spindle; Sponsor, Miss Mary Darnell, Roanoke ; maid, Miss ilary Hunter Bethel, Sawville ; ma- ion, Mrs. William L. McGill, Peters- Kew Orleans. La.. Special. The following annointments were, made William E. Mickle. adjutant t gen eral and chief of staff of the United Confederate Veterans: , Brigadier generals ) and assistant Mutant generals, Julian W- Whiting and price Williams, Jr., of Mobile, Ala. ' Colonels and aides-de-camps, C. C Settles, Robert Middleton, D. P Bes- Ed T. Toomer, Wm. F. Johnston, of Mobile, Ala. ; George W . Taylor, uemopohs, Ala. ; John H. Leathers, J Louisville, Ky.; John W." Tench, of Gainesville, Fla.; R. Preston Crew, J Charleston. W. Va.; E. L. Cpnally, 0 Atlanta, Ga. ' .Mobile, Ala. Commander-in-Chief ment A. Evans has named Miss cy Davis Haves as sponsor for the ual reunion "of the United Confed-: efae Veterans, to r: be held in this ey April 26 to 28. Miss" Hayes is jje second daughter of the late Mrs. pes, daughter of the only presi- of the Confederacy, Jefferson ,rk on the ' Merited city" for mc' the war department has loan a te"ts and cots for the use of the ..tJtrans, began -wfth the erection of e kitchens and ' dining rooms and Ellrl-., The Rented city" faces inni ?R Mobile 5ajr and will accom- ; die -000 feterans. . - THE HEWS MINUTELYTOLB Thft Heart of Happenings Carved . Proa Cio TOiola Country. The Senatehas confirmed nomi nations of the fiye men who are to constitute the new Court of Customs Appeals. ; They are Robert H. Mont gomery, of Michigan, to be presiding judge and William H. Hunt, of Mon tana; James F, Smith, of California: Orion M. Barber, of Vermont, -and I jaanon jjevenes, oi uaiuornia, tc be associate judges. . ; A 37-inch copperhead snake, the first killed in Cecil county, Mary land this year, was beaten, to death. ! Police are searching for Miss Sarah Morales, a beautiful iV-year-old girl from New Orleans, who disappeared rather suddenly over a month ago. . The "entire Knoxville, Tenn., plant of the Standard Oil Company with the exception of one eighty thousand gallon oil tank, was destroyed by fire. . Fifty thousand gallons of .a in seven tanks were consumed. A wood fibre plant located nearby was consumed as were four or five small cottages. Friend W. Jenkins, the "flag officer of the battleship Maine, who lost his life when the Maine was blown up in Havana harbor, ' will be com memorated by a statue in Pittsburg. The bill, which purposes to appro priate $20,000 for the statue, was in troduced by Representative Graham, of Pennsylvania. C Statistics compiled by the officers of the senior class at Princeton show that the average expense of a college student at Princeton, N. J., f or the four years of his course is $3,675 or about $919 a year. The minimum I four-year expenditure ' reported is 1 $800 and the , maximum $10,000. I Mrs. J. R. Etchmgs rushed in front of a passenger train at Ada,.! Okla.r to rescue her 3-year-old boy, I who was playing , on the track, t and she and the child were killed. I The colored State fair will be held I in Columbia. S. C- November 7-12. I The scout cruisers Birmingham and I Salem fwill try to communicate over aiJ distance: 0)f 1 3,000 miles -with the new naval wireless station at Brant- rock, Mass; j Miss Constance Hovt, daughter of I the Counselor oi the State Depart- ment and Mrs. Henry M. Hoyt, was I married at , Washington on Wednes- day to Mr. Ferdinand von Stumm, lately promoted lto second secretary of the German Embassy. Twimrwere born to Old Bel Afns, I a Siberian camel, in the winter quar- ters of a circus at Baraboo, Wis. It is cam iuav . uiis xs me urst ume camel twins ever made their appear- ance in this country. I In a dispute in New York with Benjamin about his wages, two of Uoldberg's teeth were knocked out. o.4ie jury awaraeq mm a veraici ana l the Lourt hxed the damage at $400. , The Secretary of State of North 1 The President reiterated to his vis Carolina "finds that 1,387 automobiles itors previously expressed views to have been registered. It is said that the effect that he favors the prac- there are five times as many auto-I mobiles in the State at present as there were two years ago. feister Aureaa (i. Mace, bead or the Shaker community at Sabbath. Day Lake, Maine, is dead, aged 80. Sister Aurelia was the author of several books and many' poems. Becowitz is from Philadelphia, and be says the street car, strike' made it impossible for beggars to make more than $30 a week at the "please Governor Kitchin. of North Caror i; i i i iuia, some time ago accepiea an in- vitation to deliver the Memorial Day address berore the Daughters of the lyonieaeracv ana onreoerate vet- n f i : . n . -. erans at Raleigh, May 10. Consress' session mav end bv Mav ' ' w mJ J iu.- oeuaiur aiuiicu Bipresses "if I states were represented, tne univer belief that adjournment is not so far 1 3ity of Virginia won first place, away. ' The thirteenth annual conference for education in" the South will be . . . i held at Little Rock, April 6, 7. 8. TL. Amn.n T.1nI.AA 11 f fe ' .tOAA AAA AAA AA AAA AAA The, Mississippi legislature has adopted a resolution favoring the in- TT T come tax amendment to thl Consti- had mplet i and evi ction of the United State, . , rSffS ?.sZ Physicians and health officers are mo ti-fBt-tit: is readv for pre- mystified by the spread of an un- laemuieu maiany at, uiuc,vn,j-, xa., which caused the , death of several p6T wSM wlfln A TTftVisfi noshed & bill prohibiting wearing : of hats by wo- men in theatres and similar public nlaoes. y 1 . "i Andrew McMuliin visited his in- sane mcther at the Eastern Ken- tucky Aaylura, at Lexington. Short- ly after leaving the institution he be- came violently insane, and it was necessary to incarcerate him in the i !f . , . asylum. , . t . 41. Rising from the confessional in the Jesuits church, at New Orleans Mrs. lndii. m ' Louis Mathis fell to the noor un- be in. danger.- Anotner stream is cWr i ,use of their Suuday conscious. She died , before, medical advancing slowly, toward Mount of th tr? s rooms for the use aid reached her.' V,; v'..-.- r !Nocilla.-f; , f HIGHER UP" Arrested for Wholesale Stock 1 Gambling, FIVE OF THEM MILLIONAIRES. Twenty-Nine Indictments Returned Against Prominent Brokers in the Business World Tor Conducting "Bucket Shops' From Missouri River to Atlantic Coast Placed Under Heavy Bonds Trials at Early, Date. Washington, Special. -The govern ment of the 7 United States Saturday made its first rigorous onslaught upon stock gambling which in scope practically covers the country from the Missouri river to ". the Atlantic -eoast. - :. Brokers' offices in New York, Phil adelphia, Jersey City, Baltimore, Cin cinnati and St. i Louis were raided simultaneously at 11 o'clock Eastern I time Saturday by special agents of the Department of Justice, who were armed with bench- warrants issued by the Supreme Court of the Dis trict of Columbia. V Conspiracy indictments in which twenty-nine persons are named- five of them said to be millionaires, and all interested in brokers ' offices in large cities of the United States, were returned by the Federal grand jury of the District J of Columbia jupon evidence whieh agents of the Department of Justice had. been gathering for more, than a year. The indictments were withheld on the re quest of Attorney General Wicker- sham, so that the Department of Justice detectives might make the raids simultaneously upon the places suspected of being bucket shops." The theory of the conspiracy m- that every man who was connected in anv- wav with the ot- eration of the firms which did busi- ness in the district, had entered into a ? conspiracy ; icelieve people of. their money. ' V - " Violationof the law. upon convic- tion, entails a maximum penalty of IU,UUU nne and two years imprison ment. 5 All of those arrested were placed under heavy bonds. President May Visit Durham. Washington. Snecial. President Taft may visit Durham the latter part of May or the first of June to1 iay me corner-sione , oi me JManonai Religious Training School and Chai tauqua for the colored race. An in- vitation to be present on the occasion of the dedication of the proposed building was extended Saturday by a aeiegation oi prominent wnite cixi- zens. tical training of the colored race. Six Banks to be Indicted. Pittsburg, Pa., Special. All of the nrese.nt and " former couneilmeh bown as the Bi? Five have now told their stories to the graft investigat ing committee. The indictment of j 3jx banks as corporations -and other startling sensations are expected as a result. ' The graft prosecution is 1 now hnsilv 'ene-aced nreDarinsr cases for the trials. It is possible that three Judges will sit in criminal court dur- If . . . . ... i ine the opening davs of the trials. J ' First Place For Virginia. i tii.x tt. d t hlfl Southern TntereolWiate track m. ho Rtnrlnv. in whih fivA I U1VVV UWAV MMf . . - ' ' JClemson second, Wake Forest, with I siv representatives, won fifteen points, which gives her third p ace and carries away five medals. 1 . . District toyt Ja.saidJhjt Investigation -by the Federal Deparjt- rTWl. 3eotation to a special grand jury which had been drawn. x . Volcano's 'Horrible Roar. Professor Ricco, director of the Mount Etna Observatory,, has been forced to abandon his post after passing' hours of terror at the yol- cano. JHe says: . I . "One could not stand he deafen- mg and horrible roar of the volcano for more than one day. It would cer- tainly drive him mad." A river of lava from the active craters of Mount Etna ' has invaded Iisi Plain, fiow- :no. ;n the direction of Cisterna and I Regina. . Borrello does not appear lto MEN TnELIBERIAtfl TROUBLE. United States Will Block Interven tion European ! Powers. Washington, Special. The; Iibe- xian trouble is causing apprehension here. . The attaek by the native tribes from the French side of the southern boundary along the Cavalry river up on the English factory; and the Iibe- !rian troops . would be J in itself dan gerous to the existence of the little republic: , ., ; jf ; . All factories might easily serve as a pretext for intervention by some of the European powers. Such in tervention usually leads to 1 perma nent ; domination and J' the state de partment - is resolved that this shall not be. '. ... j- -Already British arid French war ships are on ' their, way to the seat of trouble. The gun boat Des Moines, in ' TTnTnrkf rw "RrvorJa SSwoa TViTlTSlftV ordered to the Norfolk navy j yard to get - into condition to proceed to Africa and relieve tile Birmingham. The Des Moines should be at Mon rovia by May L j i Pursuing Pittsburg Grafters. Pittsburg, Special:j Wm. Birand, former president of common I council, who was brought from the peniten- tiary to testify before jthe grand jury, contributed his full confession to help the graft probers in trailine the "rnlin liiirlia rv' " . If i Three more councilmen took the immunity .bath by K pleading no defense to charges of ! taking! bribes. To strengthen the evidence already obtained about the transfer of $45,000 to Stewart at the Hotel Imperial in New York in May, ; 1908, for alleged use in - bribing Pittsburg councilmen to vote for the bank prdinance, the grand jury is said to have asked for the , 1908 registers of several New York hotels. Handwriting j experts are to be employed, it is said, to de termine definitely what Pittsburg men were in that city .- at the time the money was paid to Stewart. It has already been published here that the unnamed man who paid Stewart the money is not known to be a banker, but i one of the most prominent bu siness men In tbi entire country; ttXi-?, ... Great Rural Route System, v Washington, ' Special. Postmaster General Hitchcock, in his annual re port, says that rural delivery has de veloped in 12 years from an experi ment, involving the disbursement of less than $15,000, to one of the larg est branches of the postal service, with an annual expenditure exceed ing $35,000,000, and says: ' "Rural delivery- service is now in operation throughout the United States on 41,094- routes. . j - "During the present fiscal year, up to March 1 readjustments have been made involving the discontinu ance of thirty routes, effecting a sav ing of $26,000. In one county alone, by the readjustment of the routes and a net decrease in ( the number of routes of four, an annual $4,000 is possible. I saving: of Dr. Waltersilndicted. .. Pittsburg, Speciaii-Dr. E. R. Wal ters, former president of select coun cil, who is now director i of. public health and charities; has been indict ed as the alleged recipient of $1,0.00 in bribe money, and 15 other former selectmen from $500 to $250. The indictments make a x total of 91 in three reports by the grand: jury with in two, weeks and' there are more to come, says District- j Attorney Willam m rv ' . t .4' i A. ciakeiey. Advertise for New Bids. .- : i 1 - . . Washington, Specials A suspicious uniformity in the bds for supplyin 1 half a million tons of New River and Pochahontas coal for the use of the Panama 1 Railroad, together with the average high price demanded, led the directorate of that corporation to re ject all of the bids, offered . and to order a readvertisement. r No Contamination for Oysters. Washington, "Special. Oysters can no longer be: fed tor as the trade term goes 1 floated i in brackish wa ter" before they'-' are 'offered for sale. The Department of Agriculture has ordered that the practice : must stop , at . once. To float j an oyster when ' it is taken from its bed, pro-1 vides means for 5 the oyster to . take in contamination from the water and offers risk of typhoid. ; Fighting to Tree Morse. Atlanta, ' Special.--Habeas corpus proceedings has been instituted in the Federal Court here this week,vby mo tion W. Littleton," lawyer, for the re lease from the Federal prison of Chas. W. Morse, the New York banker. Curtailing Sale of Liquor.. , Boston, Special. The - Massachu setts lower" House" passed to third reading, the bill, which prohibits the selling of bottle-goods of an intoxP eating nature by holders of licenses which, permit them 1 to sell , liquor to fes drunk on tne premises. REFUSES TO VISIT POPE. Col Roosevelt Declines to Ac cept Conditions Imposed. Rome, By Cable. The audienci which it was believed :ex-President Roosevelt .would have with the Pop on Tuesday, will not occur, owing to conditions which the Vatican has im posed, and, which Mr. Roosevelt re fuses to accept. ' ' " The Holy Father will be delighted to grant an audience to Mr. Roose- velt on April 5, and hopes thai i," .,v" . ' i t t nothing will arise to prevent it, suci as the -uch-regretted mcident which made the reception of Mr. Fairbanks Roosevelt's reply:, "I in my turn : must decline j to make any .rItaov or submit to any conditions, , which S any W would linutj my freedom of conduct. I trust that on April 5 it convenient to receive) me. ; I Pour Boats at $2,000,000. 1 " f,w,ww. , i Washington, Special. On the fact of the bids, the Lake Torpedo Boat company, oi enagepon, L,onn., oai- urday , submitted the lowest proposal for building four submarine boats foi the United States, navy. This was for a type of boat of 450 tons dis- placement ana xne price ior me ioui boats would be $424,500 each, de- hvered on the Atlantic seaboard, and to be constructed at the Newport NeWS WOrks. ! Congress- authorized an expenditure of $2,000,000 for the construction of these four boats, so that the bids are within the limitation for boats of moderate size. Great Reception to Ex-President. Naples, By Cable. No American ever got a greater reception than Colonel Roosevelt did Saturday wheL.1 with his family, he arrived here on I the Priz Heniznch. I Mr. Kooseveit, attirea in a gray 1 sack suit and wearing a soft black I hat,-appeared in splendid health and! spirits.--His weatherbeaten fase. ave I him the, appearance of. a" tramedl abuiete. xxc . spu&e ; witu a uuyisu i pleasure oi setting nis loot again upon l European soil and of feeling that I at last he was homeward bound. Postal Granted Injunction. Nashville, Tenn., - Special.--Judge Edward E. Sanford, of the Circuit Court of the United States for the middle district of Tennessee, hand- ed down an opinion Saturday grant- ing to the Postal Telegraph Cable Company an injunction against the Cumberland Telephone s and Tele- graph Company, "a Bell Company,'' discriminating against the Postal in the matter of charges for telephone service. The decision tolds that the Postal Company is entitled to tele phone service at., the same rate charg ed other business subscribers. ' Maryland Senate Passes Disfran chisement Bill i Annapolis, Md.. Special. The so- J called Digges bills for the disfran-1 chisement of the negro in all state I and municipal , elections in - Maryland were passed by the senate at a later nour oaturaay mgnt. iney now go to me uuuse wuere ineir passage is assured Decause oi , tne large demo- crauc majority in inat oooy. it is uuw pxupuseu tu aiweuipt iu prevent aegroes vo mg ai congressional ; or presidential elections; the restriction 1 applying oniy to state and municipal uauuiwg. , v. Ballinger Will Seek Redress, Washington, Special. Secretary of I the Interior Balhnger j announced Sat- urday that; in due time he would in- stitute proceedings in law , against Collier's Weekly as the result of the publications concerning, him which :J iL-i , are appearing in that paper. The Czar in Public. St. Petersburg, By Cable. For the first time i in many years 1 Emperor Nicholas Saturday night attended a brilliant concert at . the Imperial Opera House, given in aid of various military charities. The intention of his Majesty to attend the function had been kept secret, Jalnd, there fore, no crowd collected to witness his arrival r and departure. i Church's Crusade Against Fight. ; " Qakland, Cal., Special. The church federation of this district has begun a crusade against the holding of the Jeffries-Johnson , fight at Emeryville July 4, by instructing counsel to take legal ; steps to prevent the. con test.' Coal .Miners on Strike. Washington, Special. Two hundred thousand organized miners of 'the bituminous coal fields of Pennsyl vania, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois,' Iowa, Missouri, Kansas . ' Oklahoma ( and Arkansas are out on strike. - ROBBERS ARRESTED Two Men Charged With Rich mond Postofftce Burglary TRUNKS FILLED WITH STAMPS Postal Inspectors Trace Safe Crack- ers to New York by Means ; of Trunks Put up Pesperate right Third Man Escaped -One Believed to Be "Fay," a Wealthy and Bad i ly Wanted "Crook." . New York, SpeciaL Two men charged by postal inspector with rob- binsr the postoffice at Richmond, Va, i T UwMn SflfnTjav ' aa ,MaV mo were rested af the Grand Central station "SJr J-ZS ;TO;tt!wert. knocked senseless. A ' fVii , .anan0A .n,.- - to New York by means of three' i t j i r:.i. j m, S?JLM M I . iiic ill iiiiir.i n avc lug uoiiica i m i. ci - . u s o. I Tans. Ksii ester, y ears uiu ux oi. i au1' v-"?""? uaTT, 34 -poors nlrl Cnnnme-ham main. .;, that he is a. banker and that his home is in London, Eng. Qne 0f the men arrested for the Richmond burglary, the police believe, is Eddie Fay," whose picture is in every rogue's galery of importance in the country, and for7 whose ap- prehension $20,000 in rewards have ' teen offered in various citiesj - The Richmond exploit netted $85,000 in Stamps and $3,000 in cash. Pa ic vaiA tn ha watK fwwn $300,000 to $400,000. Allds Dishonored and Disgraced. Albany, N. Y., Special. Jotham Allds went to his home in Norwich Tuesday night & ' private citizen, branded as a bribe-taker by his f orm er colleagues in the - senate and by his own act no longer a member of n that body. Senator Cobb introduced a resolu tion nrovidine for the appointment. of a committee .to present to the senate charges against Conger ' grow- ing out of his connection with legis- lation and the use of funds to influ- ence the members 'of-aeleslSBytari V; or oiner ; persons witn . reierence thereto. 7 f There seems to be no longer any doubt that the present , legislature will conduct a general "graft" investiga tion, t. . - Roosevelt Stirred Em TJp. Cario. Eevpt. Bv Cable. Ex-Presi- dent Roosevelt's speech before the Egyptian university has aroused the extreme Nationalists to a state of fury. ' Seven evening hundred , students Tuesday marched to his hotel and de- monstraid against him, shouting in Arabic : j Down with autocracy I ' ' ' Give us a constitution. " -1 Determined efforts were made toi dissuade Col. Roosevelt from referring! to the 1 assassination of Premier Boutros Pacha Chali, and the politi- i cal situation, but Colonel Roosevelt determined a scathing denunciation i nf the assassin, and as strongly con- demnedi those who would condone such an act. Another Grafter Found Guilty. Columbus, O., " Special Mark - Slater, supervisor of public printing 0f Ohio from 1901 to 1906, Wednes- day was found guilty of certifying as correct a false voucher for $5,- 501. Slater's total thefts from tbe state are alleged have amounted to nearly $40,000. "Anihilate Graft' Says Hughes. New York SpeciaL Governor Hughes was cheered at New Rochelle Tuesday night as he advocated annihi- lation of graft in politics in an ad- dress at a banquet of the Merchants ' Exchange.? He did not refer specifl- I cally to scandals at Albany -at any I .. " . . . - , . ... r. , time during his speech King Men elik is Dead. Addis Abaeba, Abyssinia, By Cable. Menelik Ilj King of Abyssinia, is dead at the age of 66 . years and in -: the 21st year of his reign. ' , , , Roosevelt Party Gone to Naples. Alexandria, Egypt, By Cables Former President Roosevelt, Mrs Roosevelt, Kermit and ) Miss Ethel; .' salied for Naples Wednesday after- noon on the steamer Prinz Heinrich. i ' I ' ' . - ' ... ' : -1 . " - Guns on Street Cars. - Pittsburg, Special. On account of bold holdups in outlying! districts the" . -treet railway officials have furnished arms to motormen and conductors, : and given orders to "use them with , discretion ' ' in case the cars are stop-' ped late at night, or otherwise molest- - ed. . - ,;: - - j 1 - . '? Being "Forced" to Kill Ballinger. Cleveland, Ohio. William Scheld- , knecht,46 years old, who declared he was. being" forced by anarchists to assassinate Secretary of the Interior I , Ballinger, was arrested here and car-v ' ried to the State Hospital for the Insane . - ' - v. If 1 ' ' 4 !' : i ( i '? i . , i -A Jf ! w I1 ' ' Is ,'i ! i - ur. V A'