J . 'it C 9J f'.r -1 I II ;7 Thfoo Cento tho Copy, INDEPENDENCE IH ALL THINGS. Subscription Priso, SLOP Per Year irt Acfrccsa VOL XVI. COLUMBUb, POLK CODNTY, N. C, THURSDAY, MAY 26, 1910. no: 2. THE STATE FAIR PROGRAM ; PRESBYTERIAN ASSEMBLY THE NEWS MINUTELY TOLD KING EDWARD IS BURIED CAPITAL FACTS: !',' a ft , k . - ' 1 - . 1'.;.. ! h ...''.- -' i 6; " mi ciir PHENOMENA famous Scientific Scholars Ex press Various Opinions QUESTION ABOUT , THE TAIL Const Crossed Sun Sun Spots and What Causes Them Celestial Lum inary Can Now "be Seen in the Western Sky After. Sunset. - Washington, Special. The weather delayed the first-evening view of the comet in Washington. ' ' , Should the sky become clear, how ever, it will be - possible to see the streamer at 8 :20 to the best advan tage. " I. ; Sunset comes about 7 :10, and. twi light ends a little more than an hour thereafter. As to future visions of the comet, its similarity to the sun's corona may be apparent. Prof. George Peters, the sun-spot spec ialist at the Naval Observatory, said that in his view the two phenomena might be - regarded asj of like 'clasa. In this view both' the ..comet and the - sun rays are expelled and are T 1 1 i J 1-1 Composed partly, ox aiuuis auu uarw y of the disrupted ions which,' as sys tems of ' a thousand to . hundreds of thousands, constitute the various ele mental "atoms" of the older, books These strOims, both those pouring through the holes,, which constitute sun spots, and those radiating from the comet head, produce electrical and magnetic effects on striking the earth's atmosphere, because the ions carry electrical charges. - Definite information about the earth's passage through the streamer -will hardly be available for some days. It passed through 4 the tail of a comet in 1861 without the fact' be ing known for some : time, and then .only from " calculations, based on ob served positions before . and after the 5 passage." t. .. , Chicago, msp Barnard, at ,aerkes Observatory, says that a comet spectrum secured , Fri day night is continuous and prob ablv from reflected rays of 'the sun. No cyanogen gas was shown, but there were traces ' of carbon monoxyde, hy drocarbon, dioxygen, and sodium. He found it impossible to give any opin ion regarding: solid matter in the nucleus. . v . London, By Cable. A dispatch from Mahe, one of the Seychelle Is lands, in the Indian-Ocean, says that Halley's comet has been a magnifi-: cent si;ht there for many nights The tail-at 4 o'clock in the morning cf May 17 -was fully 90 degrees long The nucleus was below the horizon Part of the tail was visible on the following morning, but it was much fainter, and at 4 :30 Friday morning 'it was barely discernable. No phe nomena were observable. Baltimore, Special. At 4 o'clock Friday morning a ball of light, not unlike a gigantic searchlight; was seen to span the firmament from northwest to southeast, Dr. John A. Anderson, of the Johns Hopkins University, stated that this phenomenon was con clusive evidence that the tail of Hal- ley's comet was curved and that the earth did not pass throu2h,,it. "The phenomenon was undoubtedly ; observed," said Dr. ' Anqeyson, - and its presence at 4 a. m., seems io me to mean that the tail of ' the comet has about 2,000,000 miles of curva ture, and that consequently the earth - missed it altogether." - Providence, R; L, Special. Prof. Winslow Upton of Brown University, s does not concur wholly with some other astronomers in the belief that the earth missed the tail of .Halley 's omet and did not undergo the plunge through the million miles of ' ' star dust," but thinks 'that the world id fca-ke the passage duringithe daylight hours Thursday. y , ' "We are pretty certain that .the eart h was swept by the tail of Hal . ley 's comet Thursday during day light,' ' he' said, ' because - we picked up the tail before daylight Thursday horning in the East." J Staggering Appropriation - for vNavy. Washington, Special. That, the t nited States as . a nation has gone viid in the matter, of armaments and especially in the construction of bat tleships, was asserted in practical con- ; prd by Senators Hale. Clay and Gal- UnfTer. ill tho Sonotn Cof,,nr TUnen ; statements were made in connection wui the consideration of the .naval appropriation bill which occupied the tention cf the Senate throughout the ao The carries $133,000,000 Senator Hale predicted that with ia live years the annual naval appro- 000 0001 WUld DCt be less than www W W IW MIA W a til fc VI VVMI Tair Circuit's : Race Program In Raleigh October 17-22. RoLirrV, XT n Qnnni o 1 TV,a Qfofo Race Program, of the close approach ing events of the great Virginia-Caror Unas Georgia' Fair Circuit is just is sued and it will be noted with en thusiasm that the management of the North Carolina State Fair at Raleigh hangs out the most attractive purses offered that city. , J v. In " Raleigh the dates are October 17-22, and the stake purses amount to $2,100, there being, four purses, there being offered a purse of $1,000 for the Big Thursday of Fair Week, besides this the other purses being two of $51)0 and one ot $1UU. In this record Raleigh takes the lead as it is the onlv member, of the circuit that breaks all precedents and puts up a thousand dollar purse as its banner event, the largest amout pre viously offered on the circuit being a $500 prize. - , The Virginia-Carolinas-Georgia Cir. cuit hangs but this season $20,000 in Stake Races, $30,000 in Class Races, and $20,000 in Running Races, about $70,000 total. It is certain that the race feature this fall will eclipse any thing , previously seen on the track of the N. C. Agricultural Society. Methodist Conference Closes. Asheville, Special. The sixteenth quadrennial session of the General Conference of the Methodist Epis copal Church, South, came to a close Saturday. ' v Bishop - Collins Denny has been elected secretary of t the college of bishops. The discussion on the ques tion of an assessment for an endow ment fund for -wornout preachers Was again-taken up and by vote of the conference lost. The salary .of the secretary of the board of education was raised to $3,600. The report of the committee on the statment - of faith for worldwide Methodisnr show ed that their .work failed on account of another Church - declining ' to cgk operate in the effort'' -&- By far" the most confusion sinee the conference opened was created by the discussion as to. whether the, in ference strike out ,the words " the Holy Catholic Church " in the creed and substitute, the words "Church of God." The session adjourned with out the question being settled. . An appropriation- of $12,000 was voted for the Pacific Methodist Ad vocate for the next .four years. The last measure adopted by the conference before adjourning sine die was the adopting of a report that a committee" of five be appointed to co operate with the national committee on uniform divorce law. - Remarkable and Mysterious Man. Asheville, Special. After standing unclaimed for over seven " years in embalmed solitude, dressed in full evening dress, with silk hat and' cane, the mummified body of Sidney Las celles, alias ' ' Lord Douglas, ' ' . alias ''Lord Beresford," alias Charles J. Asquith, was sent to Washington,: D. C. consismed to Dr. McPherson Chrichton, to be burned in the' crema tory at that city. The body was claimed and : identified by a Mrs. J. T. Summerfield of New Jersey who said that she was the sister-mvlaw of the" deceased first wife, now living at Baltimore. She made affidavit to that effect and by her . order the mummy, was shipped to Washington. . Great mystery shrouds the, life and career of this bogus Lord. It is said that he had sixteen living: wives. In Georsria he served a loner tenitenti muT , ary term for bigamy. He was a noted forger and swindler, and operated among the - wealthy class in several Southern states. . He went to Ashe ville from - Texas. He - married an Asheville lady several years ago, who disappeared, completely after he de serted her. She- has not been heart of ; since. ' Mystery surrounds thoi who were behind the removal of his body. Their identity i3 a secret. In the letters to the undertaker through her. sister-in-law, Mrs. Summerfield, wife No. I, speaks endearingly of the great Lothario.- She writes, "He had the voice of a Parsifal and the elo quence and charm of a Disraeli, and his influence over women was won derful.!' Newspaper Job For Kerby. U Washington, Special. Frederick W. Kerby, who was recently, discharged by - Secretary Ballinger, hereafter will be connected with the newspaper as sociation; to which he gave his .state ment regarding the work in the Sec retary s office. He will probably go to Cleveland. t DO Something. AUUi uxuiuu x or murbe. - New York Special. Education and Boston, Special. George W. Cole reform in sanitation will be the chief mani the $12-a-week' clerk -oi the means v by which' the r hookworin-will 1 National City Bank, of Cambridge, be eventually, wiped out, according pleaded guilty to looting thatjnsti tc'Dr. C. -W. Stiles, scientific secrt- tution of $309,000 and was sentenced 1 tary of the Rockefeller hookworm I Judge : Hale to it years in the coramission.vs' j :, ' 'federal Prison a Atlanta. . Dr. J. WV Bachman, of Chattanocga, ; Elected Moderator of the Southern Presbyterian Assembly. . - Lewisburg, W. Va., SpeciaL The greatest honor in the gift ' cf the Southern Presbyterian Assembly was conferred Thursday upon , Rev. Dr. J.' W. Bachman, of -Chattanooga, Tenn., when it elected him moderator. The first day's session of the assembly also was marked by the election of Pr. T. H. Law, ; of Spartanbug, S; C, as,, stated clerk. v ; J , "We have both fought for-the bouth ana ior the nag ot 'Jesus Christ," said-Dr. W. E. Beggs, of Atlanta, Ga., the ..retiring vmoderator, to Dr. Bachman. 1 ' You 'never" dV serted your colors. In a great epi demic in your city you completed the conquest there of every heart that was worth knowing. 4 To one ; so belored by his people and his chufih, it is a great joy to turn over this gravel.". j ; For. a moment Dr. Bachman hesi tated, then he said: 'II have been called to accept several honors, ?but nothing has given me more pleasure . V - . . mm than to receive this gravel irom you' Then 1 hese two great leaders i the church threw their arms around one another; in a tender embrace. W Northern Presbyterian Assembly, r Atlantic City, N. J., Special. Rev. a mea '-pMevLim- fln AmWv nf tu Rt& M the third ballot Thursday afternoon. John C. Cheney, national . represen tative from Indiana,' who nominated Dr. Little, told of the fact; that; the nominee had two brothers in the Pres byterian ministry and three sisters who had married Presbyterian min isters. ' - 1 ';- -' Cumberland Assembly Meets. Dickson, Tenn.y Special. Judge Jo seph H. Fussell of Columbia, Tenn was elected moderator by acclama tion and the formal organization ol the- eighth Cumberland Presbyterian General " Assembly was completed - at Thursday nights - sessionPV Commit tees were apponited and the actual work of the assembly, began. , Delegates Prom 62 Nations. Washington, Special. The world's sixth - Sunday-School Convention Opened in this city Thursday after noon with 3,000 delegates present, and most of them are accompanied by alternates and friends. Five hundred delegates are foreign ers and represent every country in the world. The other 2,500 come from the United States and Canada. The Canadian visitors are so numer ous that a special division has been assigned to them in the great parade of Bible class men to' be held to morrow evening., The convention meets but once in three years. It is regarded as one . of the great events in the Christian world, and affords an opportunity for all denominations and creeds to get together on common ground. Ten thousand strangers" are within the gates of the National Capital. The ' delegates from the 52 nations will in turn represent 26,000,000 Sunday school students. . Louisiana Wants Panama Exposition. " Baton Rogue, La., Special. With its passage through the House Friday the Panama exposition bill, already favorably acted, upon by the Senate of the Louisiana assembly, now goes to the Governor for his signature. Governor Sanders-says that he will approve the measure. The bill submits to the people of the State the question of , a special tax providing $4,000,000 as a subscrip tion to the fund being raised for the promotion of an international expo sition Ao be held, in . New Orl e a ns i n 1915 to , celebrate the completion' of the Panama canal. The people will vote on , the tax in. an election next November. Job Printers Will be Glad. . Washington, Special. Representa , tive Silvester C. Smith of . California intimated in a speech before the con vention of the United Typothetae of America that the house committee on : postroads and postoffices would soon report favorably a bill to cause the government to 1 discontinue print ing return, cards on. stamped envel opes. '""-''. Roosevelt 's i Throat Troublesome. ' London, By Cable. Mr. Roosevelt's throat is proving. more obstinate than it was thought it would be. He. obeys the London - specialist V stirct orders to be as quiet as possible, but his throat; now seems to be worse than it was some days ago. . .. . f The Heart of if. Happenings Carrel ; . Prom the Whole Country. ' President Taft has Consented to make the ' annual address at the commencement i exercises at Bryn Mawr' College June 2. r I j:: The . National Credit Men 's Asso ciation,' in convention at New Or leans, , declined; to take 'action on , a proposition to raise a fund of $1,00, 000 for the investigation and prose cution in credit transactions, v i " Commemorating the completion i of the lock and, dam in" the Ohio river at Cincinnati,' thereby furnishing! a harbor 25 miles" long, there will ibe held! at-Cincinnati, from August 29th to October- 4th, the Ohio Valley Ex position. ' -S '"! The , annual Reunion of the South Carolina'' Division of the United Division of the United Confederate Veterans will be held I on August 17 and 18 at Spartanburg. Mrs," Hannah Sullivan, of New York, the widow of f 'Little Tim," says that he left no real estate : and a personal -estate worth, only $15,000. . One of the most interesting under takings of Hhe lSouthern Baptists lis the annual Cowboys ' ; Campmeeting which is held every July in the Davia Mountains of West Texas. -Rev. Dr. George W. Truett, of Dallas, conducts the , services, with' the I assistance bi ministers of other, denominations. ! Lilliuokalani, former queen of . Ha- wan, ; has again i met defeat in her effort to secure $450,000 the rentals from the crown lands in Hawaii. I ; .Mrs. Jarrett Pittman, of near Mc Connellsburg, Pa., 80 years of age, whose head has been covered for a decade with snow-white hair, is creat ing no end of surprise for her neigh bors, and--friends of the vicinity by growing very dark hair. Sotight has the short skirts that is now-the vogue, become around the ankles and below the knee, thatif it grows any tighter, the wearer will be' quite unable to walk. Harvard College has abandoned the idea of the erection , of . memorial tablets in Memorial- Hall in .wewnw to her sons who died fighting under the colois of the Confederacy. Disquieting rumors ? of an anti foreign I movement- not unlike that preceding the Boxer : troubles are be ing reported by the American con sulate at Nan King. Miss Eva Harmon died in Spartan burg S. C, of pellagra. Miss Hap mon was 23 years old,' and had been ill for ! several months. ! This is one of the ; first victims of pellagra that has died in Spartanburg I County. . The 94th annual report of the American Bible' society shows that during i the past; year the total issue of publications at home and abroad amounted to 2,826,831. j George Mitchell, , colored, was sen tenced to serve five years in the pen itentiary in superior court at Savan nahj Ga., for stealing a diamond pin valued at $500, Which evidence show ed had been given 'to Billv Kersands a negro minstrel, by the late Queen Victoria of England. ; - . A jagged fragment of glass, was found in the appendix of a young . man operated onj in New York. Cor oner I. L. Feinberg, who operated, said that as far" as records known to him show; thisf is the first case in which the presence of glass was a cause of appendicitis. ; m i Los Angeles probably: has the only woman .deputy district j attorney in the county. Mrs. Clara Shortridge Foltz has ' receiyed herp commission, and took the oath of office. Judge John D Haymaker made an adoption order ihf an unusual case at Pittsburg, which I makes - Ida Selma, Light, 40 years old, the daughter of Mary , L. Mcintosh, who is 76. Neither woman has ever married and have no heirs. The order! of court gives the adopted woman the right of a child and heir, and ; directs that she shall be Subject to the duties of a child Significant of the growth of Cath olicism in the new -world was - the splendid ceremony ' performed by Archbishop Ireland in St. Paul, when for the first time since the church came to America; six bishops were consecrated simultaneously. - 4 T Woodmen of the World observe memorial day June C, this being. the date set for the ' members of this order throughout the country to honor their dead. " I -Following the spirit of the recent conference held, to consider social r1?pncp! nrt tVlPir TVroirpntJnn xt aAri- . VAA.MV.M .UV ..VII J VUU" Ll t 1 T ;L '' O ' T-fc 1 caiioii, iue juepanmem;; oi.. . jrUDiic Health and Charities", Philadelphia, makes in its weekly health talks . an earnest appeal tot . parents to talk plainly with their? children, and not to be ! reticent through a feling of false modesty, on the important facts f personal and sexual hygiene . . ". William H. Barrett, a hotelkeeper, of 'Locust " Valley, 1L I., famed for being considerably ; broader than he was long, is dead. His collars were size 22 1-2, he was 6 feet 8 inches around the waist and weighed 568 Ipounds. He was 48 years old. Largest Number of People Ever Gath ered in London-rGUttering Pa ' gean Roosevelt There. London, By. Cabled The body of King Edward VII was carried through the streets of i the capital Friday in the presence of many hundred thou sand subjects and with the Kings of nine European nations, several future rulers, members of all the royal fam ilies of the world and a former pres ident of thft United States followiner the casket from Westminster Hall to Paddinffton station. ; T The cortege 1 moved through solid double lines of re-d-coated soldiers standinor -with rifles reversed and the regimental celors dipped to the ground. At the 'railway station the I congressmen wnp are encountering op casket ,was nlaced in a funeral carl position to their return to Conkress and was taken to Windsor where, af- ter the Church of England service had been conducted by the archbish- op of Canterbury, St. George's chapel ial adjoining. L ,' No such processional spectacle had been witnessed! in Ixindon sinre Queen Victoria jubilee. Jtsehmd the casket upon which rest- ed the imperial j symbols followed the lafA K mrr;o nhorrfoy btVii!a Uio ite terrier was lied, by a Highlander soldieri just before the imperial en- e:n I i e sign, i TV,a nr0ntnni, 4 great republics, the United States and France were given a position at the rear of all the royalties and the prince of ,the pettiest of European states. Their carriage followed those carry- inn. Aao Br,A ut ; u of foreign governments. J Liin iaali ill" linn ill l. rr ri i irfKKii l.x i.i vhn The morning was clear and a hot sunbeat upon the greats mass of iiu- Tnomft, tnof MnaA . procession. It is doubtful, that so Tnrirt Af twiT-u irt c. t street, ind at Hyde ParkW throng almost overwhelmed the procession. The police- and-soldiers had to fight to : prevent the lines - being swept awayisr received. Hundreds of persons faint- ed, among them j many wometf who had been stflndin n r,0nf for hours before! the procession left Wfminsfot. Tfoii - I : 1 I Bishops 31ock Change of Name. saevuie, xn. Kj oueciai. xne I measure adopted at Friday morning's session to name the Church the Meth- odist Church was vetoed "at the after- k u:-u w.bW4v uj uUvpa. del Cove, Md., on the -annual prac- Then conference voted to change the " . ' "tj - ZZAl:h name to the Methodist . EpScopal Tc Se f. church in America and requested the on June 6. V?sits will be made to S?-?-f .f116 tne England,; France and the Azore Is bishops as it is a constitutional ques- S JVT t.-u-Si LI. SJti vote on the question. Not until the next General Conference can the name be legally changed if by a three- fourths vote of members of the an- nuai conierence wey vote m uw ji a change. It is predicted that the finflwh AT. lawo -will nrr. aonorr. thai change and equally confident are the! ueiesraies wno iavor mexjnange man lucT .. vvoTv jnem. v Inv explammg why thebishops ye- toed the measure Bishop Candler stat- ed that in their minds the change would invdlve titles and pave the way for; litigation. This is the first time since 1894 that the bishops have ex- -i i , . . . c .1 ercised their right to veto. The announcement that the bishops! had vetoed the'measure created a lit. I tie stir. ' . 'I , r J - .. zr . ; I Tflr,rrri. r; uJT ' t V T -"7, SSV J- ?. Vaughan of Pleas- Jrlr LThl5 gaVG a1- f? lJ AAS0 d whS. I? w i!Cdedf mon3st5os which he brought to town Saturdaj ti??? - xe,the .unsiSht: .V; i wn ; J Sl , xl ?r l?e nea Department no authority to buy rail I tt of a duck and the claws oi ro ( equipment the 4entiofhas a cat- - 1 . been declined. . I l'. . Can't . Give Whiskey for Sickness. Montgomery, Ala., Special.Whis- key can not be legally lent for the , ; The : White House will be open to- use of a. sick friend, according toa the thousands of visitors who areex- rulmg handed down by the supreme pected to be in Washington forHdme court in the case of Preslev Clarke against the .State. 'Clarke was con- dieted I of exchanging prohibited liquors and entered the plea that a quart which he. transferred was giv- en to a neighbor, members of whose family were ill. ' . t. ; - - Difference in Cost of Coffee. - Washington, f Special.' - Herman dlemaii's profit on coffee in this Sieleken, a New York coffee impor- ate .$220,000 is asked for the enlarge- ' ter, told the House Ship Subsidy In- ment of the Patent; Office and$2,500 ' vestigatmg Committee that the mid- for- kteel stacks for i the scierrtifi j country is approximately 15 cents; a timates were f or 80.000 for the 3 en pound, against Germany's 7 cents largement of the heating" plant' of profit. Germany imposes a tariff on Howard University, and Freedrien's cunets, buu uniiea oiaies aoes not. Sieleken, replying to questions of representative Longworth, said that during a period of many, years the pnee of coffee laid down at New York has averaged 71-2 cents, and the cost of,' roasting and preparing; it i 2 to 2 1-2 cents':-'-trie YonsnTnpr ri--ino ' for this 25 cents a poaTid and rmward Interesting News Gathered In the District of Columbia. THE AMERICAN CONG&CSQ. Personal ' Incidents and ;: Important Happenings of National Import . Published for the Pleasure ami In t ... ..... formation of Newspaper Readers. Uacle Sam's Popular Cook Book.' Uncle Sam's cook book, which. has been in preparation for several years nnaer me airecuon oi oecreiary o Agriculture , Wilson, I has become mighty popular- publication ajnong t The House authorized the publica oi x,uuu,uuu copies oi tni cook book, but -the Senate does not put euch a high estimate on the yalua of the oublicatibn. ' I f ' ' . The authorization for the puhlica- tion ot l,UUU,UUl copies or the oos ingl manual .was1 cut down frbla 1,- 000,000 to300,000 copies in a bill that passeu iue oemue. t T - . . v f ww w v - w;" - "j"5u feded ,to their, temployes an Jight- hour day. In return the employes t.i i j - recu tw i,jii.c uut mull-, tuau wo! dnnks o during theeight t i. ' ' ? " "T c - he Part ?? the wenes managnent however, is responsible, but , ajwish to get a full measure of worE out of the employes. I Before and af ter working hours itl is agreed empjoyes i - tt" lUB .uy wu. vflLt. pjffnn Pb jifl(r Kemp s Prison Term Ending, ,!r Kemp, former chief was sentenced to the United States penitentiary " arMounds Va '""'7; L"4" 5 7 i and donarsfrom the-functsof the Police Protective Association; will PamoTis Educator Will Retire. ... ZASi a ears of service, Or. E. M. GaUaudet, one of the best known ty?S 'n P' ident of the Gallaudet College for the Deaf 1 and' Dumb. I announces his 'in- tention of retiring He is 73ears oin. ; ' vo Cad Going on Long Cruise. Sf . w" Trr r. ' : - i The revenue cutter i service cadet practice ship Itasca, will leave Arun- tunor? gust.12. Tf tma vt r.,.a , The action. 0f District Meaical iQ refusin2 Dr. Lewis B. p. a Maryland physician, a hL f .o; i Ttrev practice in 'Wash- . . ..... H ! I.i- 6 I the District Court decision just ren Aa-Al vaan Ufri.,j the license will he issued by direction 0f the court. W . i If. An Inrentor's Dream. " Rapid transit beyond the dreams of other mecf has been offered td the I'ostomce Uepartment by an ;Mmg- 1 J Til A ; a mr.. Tti'i man. had a scheme to run a railroad train i at the rate of 80 miles an hour for 500 miles without stopping. . He ' would unload" passengers, mailand baggage while the train was in W tion. 1 His device would whirl ') the most delicate passeilger out of the,, car and kto the statioS without sen- speed of the train or birring the passenger. It) Would do th5feme wkhils? he says. : On the grounds that . Congress gave to.the Pofffce Wiite House " Home Cominz Wm1c' , President Taft notified IsaatfGans,' chairman of the committee whiah is arranging for the fall , celebration,' that he would be glad to havthe White House visited every 'day of home-coming week. ... . J, l Patent Office Must be Enlarged r I In I estimates submitted to tfie' Sen- ! lihrary cf the deDartment. Otiier pa- 1 JJ-uopita. .Officials of the Interior Denartmenf in their, report" declare the 'Patent Offici lacks : sufficient : space, 'fit is proposed to erectl a four-story" stone structure over the entire interior court. The 'addition will contain thirty-two rooms for the accommoda tion ef 300 empieyes. ' it' V n 4 t . l 1- fl pi It I ' 4i1 ii i '1 i ! i ; t 1 'i! r s i - i - j t , I t . - r.

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