BE PASSED AT LAST ilroad Measure Passes Sen- ate After 12 Weeks. TWELVE DEMOCRATS VOTED KO, Senator LaFollette Incorporates Amendment Permitting Widows .and Minors of Deceased Railroad Employees to Ride Free on Trains Washington, Special. The Senate passed the administration railroad bill Friday night. It had been under consideration for more than twelve weeks and practically no other busi ness except appropriation bills were considered in that long period. Only. 12 votes, all of these by Dem ocrats, were recorded against the bill. The practicable unanimity with which the measure rwas passed was due to the radical changes made- in the measure from the form in which it was drafted by Attorney General Wickersham, following numerous con ferences at the . White House on the subject4 of amending interstate com merce laws. Had it not been for the retention of the sections to create a court of commerce it is likely that the vote for the bill would have been unani: mous. - , ; . An amendment by Mr. La Follette permitting railroads to issue "passes to the widows, during widowhood,, and minor children of employes kill ed in the line of service, was accepted without division. The only provision in the bill ap plicable to other than railroad cor porations is one regulating injunc tions by the Federal courts which suspend the operation of State laws. It is provided that such action shall be taken only when presented to a justice of the Supreme Court or a circuit judge and heard by three judges, one of whom shall be a Su preme Court justice or a circuit conn judge. v . . Claft to do "&2 North Carolinian: Washington, Special.; Representa tive Charap Clark, minority leader of tie House, has set for himself an ap proximate age limit in public at about 73 years of age. I -' :Tbe people may set my time of retirement a little earlier than that," he suggested laughingly when discus sing political age limits -with a news paper man., "So far as I know the only public man who set' an age limit on his service and lived to it was Xatlian Macon, of North Carolina, Speaker and Senator," , said Mr. Clark. ' i When in his prime he set the exact age at which he would re tire. When that day arrived he was in the middle of a Senatorial term, tut kept his" word and resigned He was one of the greatest men of-thal era. Another Polite "Theory." Louisville, Ky., Special. It is now the police theory that the Kellner hild, who was late for the church service, was discovered alone in the church by Joseph Wendling, the miss ln? janitor, "assaulted and murdered snd her body dragged through the church and dropped into the base ment through a hols in the sacristy. Another Newspaper Prize. New York, - Special. The New York Times announces that it has ar ansed with J. C. Shaffer of The Chi a?o Evening Post for an offer of v-5.000 for an aeroplane race between Chicago and New York. ' V Subscribers Must Pay, in Advance. 'ew York, Special. Mayor Gay rot announced Tuesday on behalf Ji tlie New York World, and the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, a $30,000 prize r a successful aeroplane flight from York to St.. Louis. Elephant Stole Ladv's Diamond. ew York, Special The authorities t the Bronx zoological gardens re gretfully admit that Alice, the biggest Repliant -at the zoo, is a thief. She stole a diamond ring from Miss Wizabeth.Morrell, of Chappaqua, N7 who was feeding crackers to her. jhe ring, which was on Miss Morrell's fn?er, was loose, and Alice apnarent- y snatched it under the impression J ai u was crood to eat. Let It Be Soon. Atlantic Citv. Special. Tnr!n5hrtn! Editions utions urging that the church take . iujc IUC CUUU1UUUS OX tO lffiDrovfi tliA onniMnno - 4 the -.ill v-iasBc were aaoptea at ('losinjr Session nf the o-anorol go. of the United Presbyterian held here. "Pied" a Newspaper Office. eaL s n c . i pmce ot the Black Hills t X u.vrv 1W,U. t. 7" . -j iSler ct this Ait v. nA irr;f. I S 'lO'i r-f n A XV T . " a , - .--. - Itimmi-, J l i' it uu a nnotvne maphin .oublesattack b fttributed to., labor GOV. CALLS LEGISLATURE Extraordinary Session June 14, Take Action on Bond Issue. Raleigh, N. C, Special. Governor Efttchin issued Friday evening a pro clamation calling the, North Carolina General Assembly to meet in extra ordinary session here June 14 to take action as to the impending $3,430,000 refunding bond issue to take care of bonds falling due July 1, the necessity for the special session being the in ability of the Council of State to mar ket; the refunding bonds at this time in sufficient quantities under the re strictions of the legislative act auth orizing them to meet the July bond obligations. ' : Mr. Ballinger ;Will Resign. Washington, "Special. Richard A, Ballinger wiir resign his post at the head of the interior department. His resignation will be 'accepted by Presi dent Taft, who is aware of the inten tion of Mr. LUf.iuger to surrender and an extra dividend of 2 per cent, his portfolio. The South Atlantic States Corn ex- The resignation will be submitted as position which is to be held in Colum soon as the investigating committee - bia, S. C, from December 5 to 8 shall have filed its reports . exonerat- ts , attracting . attention all over the ing Mr. Ballinger of the charges ! South. brought against him. That this will be the nature of the report is not doubted, although one and possibly two minority reports will be submit ted, neither of which will relieve Bal linger ol blame. . 1 ri l: i o i tii: er's intention to resign comes from a;use L an. ?ld vest as a depository mnv.a T.0l?flhilitv i pntrplv V. cost Dominick Rosato his life sav- vond nnpstion. u Southern Suendine Money. Washington. Special. Contracts for locomotives, rolling stock, steel, rails and fittings, involving a total expenditure of $7,290,000 have been , let by the Southern Railway company j according to announcement made Wednesday, thus carrying out the statements as to orders to be given, vvuiftiucu ju x lcoiucut jj-iivjr o nouncement of March 17. By these contracts 75 locomotives, 'VfPU win ; Cu5ci- baggage cars are tobe added to the uiuixvc puncr aim ruiuug siucb. equip ment of the Southern. In addition to this, contracts have been let f oi 46,000 tons of 85-pound steel rail and for 190,000 improved joints for use with this rail. . . . Disaster in New York Subway. New York, Special. Two hundred hysterical woman, screaming children and panic-stricken men fought, theii way through a dense smoke in the Mott avenue subway station in the Bronx, Thursday, striving to escape. Only one elevator, was available to take them to the street, which is 65 feet above the subway level at this point, and the crush to reach this exit on the five flights of stairs which led tc the surface increased the panic. Fifteen persons were overcome by smoke and two men wsre injured seriously enough to require hospital treatment. Fire in an automatic pumping sta tion caused the smoke. The damagi was nominal. ': - ' . ! Ex-Gov. Folk in Democratic Race. . St. Louis, Mo., SpeciaLMissour Democrats of all factions at a dinnei Thursday night heard former Gover nor Joseph W. Folk announce th principles on which, it is said, h will seek the Presidential nominatior in 1912. The dinner was in chargt of men who have: been promoting the boom of the former governor. Identified by. Teeth. " Charleston, 'W Va., Special. Gin seng diggers in the mountain of Fay ette county found the body of Mrs Rachel Carter Martin, who suddenly disappeared while .on a visit to hei brother in January, 1908. . The body was identified by peculiai fiillinz of the teethe No Aid to Special Railroad. Washington, Special. -President Taft says that during his administra tion he will not lend his approvai to legislation designed to give govern ment aid to specific railroad interests in Alaska. Instead, he favors a gen eral law. which' will apply to all whe comply with its provisions; a la modeled after - the ' policy, which f oi years has been in effect in the Phil ippine islands. Would Oonibine Memorial Days. Richmond, Virginia, ,Special, The Rev. James : Cannon, vr., a prominent Virginia Methodist and delegate from the general Soqthern board to the World "Missionary Con ference at Edinburg, Scotland, advo cates the combining - of Decoration Day of the North with all Confeder ate memorial days in the South intc one celebration. - ' Y'A Murderer at 80. . Rlnpfipld. W. Va.. Special. John Dent, 80 years of age, shot and killed .Henry Watson, at unniwoou, v a Thursday. THE NEWS MINUTELY TOLD The Heart, of Happenings j Carve From the Whole Country. : The month of May contributed1 a ?hastly record of 30 suicides in Penn sylvania. Ninety-five per cent of the moving picture places in New York are dens )f iniquity. ; In Louisiana, under. the present statutes, the appearance of any child ander 16 years of age in theatres at light is. prohibited. Cuba willingly authorizes the rais ing of the wreck of the battle ship Maine, and will give every assistance to the Americans in the work. The supreme court of the United States set the corporation tax cases tor reargument at the beginning of the next term before a full! bench. The directors of American Snuff company, New York; have 1 declared a quarterly dividend of 5 per cent,. Five thousand bales of Southern cotton are on their way back to Sou thern spinners after a journey from the' South to Liverpool and from I Liverpool to New York. Lack of faith in banks and the mgs of $747, at Chicago. His wife threw the vest in the fire, i The output of the government's smokeless powder factory at Picatin ny, N. J., arsenel is to be trebled soon. The factory will be abler to urn cut-3,000 pounds daily. .- .t In an opinion handed down Wed- nesday, the Interstate Commerce Commission declined to issue an or-! i uauucu vivwii. ncu- . der, which might disturb the system ji X1CC3 XillcS III I II 6 OUUII1 Police records of Gary, Ind., for vrnv -v,riW nna ncnn in the city was" arrested- during the montn . Tce saloons' which re-, opend May 1, number 135. Ex-Governor Robert B. Glenn has been making , a series of lectures in Newark, N. J., in behalf of the Na tional Religious Training School and Chautauqua for the Colored Race. "I'd rather be known as a boodlei than a liar," said State Senator Dan iel Holstlaw in an interview at Iuka, 111., speaking of his confession j to accepting :a bribe of $2,500 as a i lesrisiaior. i i i Although the New York market re ports show tkat butter receipts in May were larger than usual, the prices of the best grades are higher now than they have been before at Jhis time since the civil war. By a vote of 31 to 25 the senate refused to challenge the supreme court of the United States to another decision regarding the right of com mon carriers to transport commodi ties produced by themselves.; j The supreme court of the United States Wednesday advanced the so called government Panama canal libel suit against the Press Publish ing company of New York for hearing the first Tuesday of next October. . . Gov. Hadley and John H. Curran, commissioner of immigration of Mis souri, have started a fund which is expected to reach $10,000, to be given to the aviator who in 24 hours shall fly from St. Louis-to Kansas City, a distance of 288 miles. In a far-reachig decision in the case of Monroe Hampton, a negro boy of 12, sent up for two years in Lauderdale' county, for burglary, the Alabama supreme court held that no confession of a child, under 14 years of age, could be used toward convic tion. As a result a new trial was ordered." Eighty-five employes of jthe Treas ury Department received "vacation notices' Wednesday, which : means that they wre permanently relieved from duty. King Victor Emmanuel, of Italy, thinks highiy of the American Cross of Honor Society, and has sent Thomas Herndon, at Washington, the president, an autographed photo graph of himself as a token ' of his friendliness to Jhe drganization. A collar which a couple or years ago became soiled in one day can now be worn for two -days in Chicago, so great have been the strides in abating the smoke nuisance, according to City Smoke Inspector Bird. , ' Miss Sarah E. Peck, a member of the faculty ; of Union College, Lin coln, Neb., was fined by United States District Judge Munger $10, after she had entered her voluntary - appear ance. - Miss Peck was indicted by a Federal grand jury on the charge that she wifully refused to give her age to the census" enumerator or to , an swer questions as to whether she had been married or divorced.'; ' Her age I has not yet been made public. Aeriar navigation has made such rapid progress .that Secretary . of State Knox and ; the government of Mexico are negotiating an aviation treaty governing the pasage of air ships across the border line between these two. countries. ! Memorial Day was observed at Paris by all Americans. The embassy and consulate was! closed and Am basador Bacon and Consul ' General Mason made a trip; tothe Cemetery of Picques to lay .flowers on ' the grave of Lafayette; Not one cent o the Rockefeller million dollar fund for the investi gation of the hookworm disease will' be spent in Texas; The State Boar of health refuses j -to contribute n equal share of the'jfund. Kissing as a perfectly, safe paime has just received the 0. K. of Jr. A. M. Worthington, a professor An the Harvard medical school, Boston. Per sons who refrain because of fear of the interchange of jjacteriaare mar tyring themselves . useless! the edu cator told his audience at a lecture on "Man and His Bacteria." Rural Carrier Remembered. Washington, Pa.,: Special. George White, a farmer and- rural mail car rier at Rea, has delivered to himsell a letter from a lawyer in a western state informing him t that one Patrick Sullivan has left tU him in his will $16,000. White, wllo first took it as a joke, has remembered that 15 years o he befriended a- peddler whose name was, Patiick Sullivan. He had often treated him to meals or lodging , Convict's Heroism Rewarded. Montgomery, Ala., Special . As a result of heroism during the fire which cremated 26 negro jconvicts at Lu cile mines on May 5th, last, Nathan Page, a life conyici'will be paroled. ........ 5 r ned lnt0 fire a nd saved V , Tfiompson,;oie of the guards who had been overcome by the fumes of .the burning oil, while trying to unlock the cell , in ivhich the loss of life took place. Suggestion of the coron'er 's jury that I this be done has the approval of the convict board. Foreigners in Danger in China. Washington, D. C, Special. The city of Nanking, China, has been posted with placards inciting the peo ple to the destruction of foreign life and property. : ; President's New Private Secretary. ' Washington, Special. Charles D. Norton, of Chicago, assistant secre tary of the treasury, was appointed secretary to the President Wednes day. . ; : 1 Terrific Tornado in Augusta. I Augusta, Ga., Special. A tornadc here Thursday night, reaching a velo city of 62 miles an hour and lasting for 16 minutes did more damage than any in the history of the city, with the exception of the great tornado in 1878. . , :.-; . .; Death From Unusnal Fall. Cleveland, Special.Plunging head foremost down a flight of stairs, and through the window of a door, Wil liam Raddatz, 30 years old, had his' head almost severed from his body bj the broken, glass. : I Bride in Agony Ten Years. New York, Special. When Mr. and Mrs. Asa Cummingsj , of Binghamton, N. Y., were married 10 years ago their friends showered ,thm with rice, j. One kernel lodged in the bride's ear. For 10 years it defied the efforts of physicians and surgeons to dis lodge it. Three fruitless operations were performed, and' a short time ago she entered the Post Graduate Hos pital here for treatment. Brain fever developed and she died Saturday. ! Important Action of Mayors. ! Winston-Salem, Special. The State Municipal association, the closing ses sion of the second annual convention, unanimously adopted & resolution in troduced by, Walter Clarke, Jr., of Raleigh; indorsing the commission form of city government. 4 ! It is also to ask the legislature to enact a general law allowing cities J by popular vote to adopt the com mission form of government. Mayor F. N. Tate ;of High Point was elected president df the . association and it was decided , to holdj the next annual session in Raleigh. : Very Late About Important Matter. t Washington, Special. Authoriza tion for the compilation of the mili tary and naval, records of the Revo lutionary War, with'-a': view to their publication, is contained, in a bill re ported to the Senate Saturday from the Committee on ; Military Affairs. These records are greatly scattered and it would be a gigantic -task , to find and assemble them in i satisfac tory manner.- Tor this purpose it is proposed that an appropriation ; "of $50,000 " shall be rcaue, : HONOR JPORY DAYIS Six Southern States Unveil Memorial Windows Petsburg, Va,, bpecial.oix bou- therr States Friay, the 102d anni- versry ox iiie uixm ui ncwucui rson Davis of the Southern Con eracy, honored the memory of J leir soldier dead who fell before this I ity during the war by dedicating memorial iwindows in the old Bland ford church here, in the cemetery of which lie j buried these martyrs of a Lost Cause. The ceremonies were under the auspices of the Ladies' Memorial association. ' F. H. Weston, State senator, reprer senting GOv. Anselof South Carolina, presented the window given by that State and made the address. i Alabama's window was presented by Gen. C. Irvine Walker; Congress--man J. W. Collier, of Mississippi pre sented the window of his State; the Tennessee ! window was presented by" Capt. Carter R. Bishop of Mississippi, and Miss Mary Harvard unveiled the Arkansas window and Miss Fannie Constable the Maryland . window. j The six windows were accepted by Gov. William Hodges Mann of Vir- ginia, on behalf of the Ladies' Memo rial association of Petersburg. j With the unveiling of the six win clows Friday, all of these Southern States now are represented in Bland-; ford church, except Georgia, Florida, and Texas, TJ. S. Conrt of Customs. I 1 o ' Washington, Special With two hundred and twenty-five cases on its dockets as a starter the latest Federal court, the United States court of cus tom appeals, will begin business Tues-' day. . It consists of Presiding Judge Rob-! ert M. Montgomery of Michigan; and Associate Judges William H. Hurt of Montana; James F. Smith of Calif or nia; Orion ;M. Barber of Vermont and Marion De Vries of California. The term of the court will probably run through June and July. - The court may adjourn then until Septem ber or October. One of the rules .permits attorneys before the Federal courts or the court of last resort in a State or ter-. ritory to become a member of the bar either by recommendation by. a judge in one of these courts, or upon motion by an attorney of the customs court.; Whew! Some Dividend. New York, Special. One of the largest "melons" ever sliced for the! delectation of stockholders will be cut by the Singer Manufacturing company, which has called a meeting of directors on June 18 to declare a $30,000,000 stock dividend to its shareholders. Is It Necessary? . Washington, Special. General Clarence R. Edwards, chief of the Bureau of Insular Affairs of the War Department, will leave for the Phil ippines the last of June to make an extensive inspection of the govern mental machinery of the islands. Baptist Missionaries Watery Grave. Bombay,! By Cable. Miss W. Wil liams and -Howard Bishop, missiona ries of the (American Baptist Society, were drowned while sea bathing in the gulf of Bombay, at Bulsar, north of this city. Bishop lost his life in attempting to save his companion, Miss Williams. Troubles of the Rich. New York,-' Special. Mrs. Mary Blair Brokaw has asked the Supreme Court in Brooklyn for an allowance of $8,000 with which, to contest the appeal which her husband, W. Gould Brokaw, has taken from the separa tion decree recently granted her. Young Lady Sat on Burglar. New York, Special. Unmindful of a revolver which he leveled at her, Freda Dolinsky, a girl of 20, tackled a burglar in her parents ' home early Sunday and floored him with a seltzer bottle. She! followed this by breaking a tumbler on the burglar's head, stunning him, then sat on him until help arrived.' She is the daughter of a silk manufacturer. Innoncent of Murder. St. Louis, Special. Mrs. Dora Elizabeth Doxey was found not guilty Saturday by i the ' jury which heard the evidence against her on a charge of murdering William J. Erder with arsenic. She was rearrested on the charge of bigamy. ; A Month to Pass $110,000,000. Washington, Special. After serv ing as a vehicle for. political debate in the .House of Representatives, for nearlyva month,' the sundry civil ap propriation i bill, , carrying proposed appropriations aggregating $110,000, 000, was passed Saturday. . ; . SOCIALISM FEARED Framing an Issue for the Com ing Campaign TAFT'S SPEECH IN MICHIGAN points Out the Demands and Conten tions of the Socialists, and Admits That it ;is a Very Grave Problem, and One That Has Not Yet Been Solved byv the American People, j .. ' j ' ' & -X ' Jackson, Mich., Special. President Taft Saturday proclaimed socialism as the great problem that confronts the American people, the issue that is soon to come and that must be skillfully met. He predicted that the American people must soon determine whether it! shall trust the same party with the solution of "that problem than which we have had no greater in the history of the country." Mr. Taft spoke with great earnest ness and his remarks seemed deeply to impress his hearers. By many his words were taken as frajning an is sue for for the coming campaign. He said:! "The issue that is being framed, as it seems to me, is the ( issue with j respect to the institution of private property.- There are those who charge to ' that institution the corporation abuses, the greed and the corruption that grew out of those properly, the poverty of some and the undue wealf of others, an therefore say We will have none of it and we say must have a new rule or distriDuuon . that for -want of a better name we shall call socialism.' , '.'.On the oher hapd it is contended thdt it is not the institution of pri- . vate property that shall be abolished, but only that the time has come in wnicn it is necessary to lay aown cer tain rules restricting and regulating the "use of that private property'which. , shall not deprive the world of in dividual effort but which shall still keep the law. .and the- opportunity to r uac jxxv : x yjyjx w jf uuuu ouvii vuu- trol that these abuses may be wiped ' out and the boon of individual effort v sun ue iexu ij us. "Now, my friends, that presents a gTeat and difficult problem that I am quite willing to admit we have not yet solved.' Automobiles Ruining Men. New York, Special. There are so many young men coursing about the country in i automobiles an(J their pleasure absorbs such a large share of the productive capital of the coun try that Chancellor James R. Day 'of Syracuse University believes it is be coming , a question if the automobile is not a curse to' the country. The chancellor was speaking to the graduating class of the University Sunday on self-sacrifice and self -de-' nial and he chose the automobile as a " broad and apparent illustration" of a luxury that too often is not sacri ficed. -i "Young mechanics and clerks and business men," he said, "who need all of their capital, are mortgaging t;heir homes by the thousands and los ing their positions often by their in fatuation with this form of pleasure. ' ' Lack of 'self-denial is accountable the chancellor, believes, for a lower marriage rate. ' ; Who Said That It 'Did? j : Philadelphia, Pa., Special. Presi- ' dent Taft delivered the annual com mencement day oration at Bryn Mawr ; College, where his daughter "Helen is a student. I Taking for his subject TT .1. n .! t TTT . f f i President declared that he . favored the higher education of women, and v said that he utterly dissented' from the suggestion that higher education rather unfits them for the duties of - wife and mother. i Gold Stampeders. ; .y. -Iditarod City, Alaska, Special. (Via Kaltag, Alaska,) -f-Three hun dred , and fifty prospectors, the first party of stampeders to reach the new Iditarod gold fields, ' reached 1 Fair banks Sunday after three-weeks trip down the Yokon river. Uncle Sam After Murderer. Washington, Special. The State Department will" render every possible assistance to the Louisville, Ky., au thorities in (tracking the murderer of little Alma Kellner. - ? ; " , Risked Life For False Teeth..- , ' East Point, Ga., SpeciaL-A Gold berg, a merchant, barely missed death Saturday morning when he attempted to rush into his burning .. residence and secure I his set of ; false " teeth. JViends . barely reached him in time to detain" mm,'