jTpolk County News PobUrfied every Thursday. ; Trfep hone uracc, , rfjrfloas mast be paid in ad- 3(je,;ts vm'11 -kindly 'send in com Cf.r3iis c -early inihe week as poa- e- aj Opinions and crititisms must , oiJe(l- I1,C n communications, not necessarily fiu-nfo'i ut av guarantee of good I'.K. ! t .1.- oi inc writer must, attwiu' r";li The Poi.k County News..' 7. JpS ji- i1oGAN Publisher. r0LUMBUS. N. C, JUNE 9 I910- PERSONAL AND GENERAL. .. Monday was not a remarkably ;ely sa!eday. : ; ' Attorney B. F; Williams was In Seville last week, Attorney J. E. Shipman was in ilda Tuesday on business. - The County Board of ; Educa- iwere in session, Monday. ; V Ben Craigen cottage is adyer- ed for sale or rent. See adv. H. P. 'Ar ledge and J.H. Eoster Mill Spring were in to see us is week. . " ' v. C. B. 'Arnold of Lynn sends in l long green" for a renewal. hank you. . -. -r : See notice of mortgage sale of Jnd, Mills v. Dimsdale, in an- ir column- he count? commissioners were essiuri Morfday to consider tine business. Mrs. J. F. Williams returned e'sday from an extended visit Cherry ville and Shelby. rank Cjackson of 'Mill Spring ok the second degree in the K. P. lodge -Tuesday night. White Cochin Bantam eggs for ttin? for sale. $1 for 15. Ad- ess Mrs. Louise Hogan, Colum- LIS, IN. V. - ,. - Ptfjugh and dressed lumber and truer, Mill Spring, R;' 2; see v . - ... . A food dinner at Log Cabin Inn a'sr&t revivor after a tramp long the enchanting scenery of bring Mountain Park. . Clerk of Court' Edwards went Rutherf ordton on business yes may. Mr. J. F. Williams kept "ce for him in his absence. Messrs. J. Terrell Green and . C. Newman of Mill Spring ire in Columbus Tuesday, night attend the K. of P. lodge meet- C. H. Williams and William Iavener of Try on were in Co abus Tuesday night especially witness degree work in the K. P. hall. ' : v,-; ;. ev. P. W. West and family t)f ndrum, S. C. visited the home Rev. B. M; Mitchell; a well own colored divine of Lvnn. t Sunaay. ' , . . ' lie programme of the com- ncement exercises oi the Sa- Seminary reached this office late for this issue. It will -ar next week. -: ' Puei'iff Hill in his nffifain court house several days this ek. He brightened The News R with a visit; and renewed subscrintion. Call aeram. Mr. fee Mnrl fWlr- ttjmtist. Union their annual meeting with ' Saluda church on Sunday, v25.- A large representation the colored brethren were in 8fKlance. and it. is reriorted y had a great time.' . rt- B. T-? Tnpucfor e wp1T lfjn ; citizpiT. rpsidincr, in th er Part of the county, -an- nces himself as a candidate htate senatorial district, subject paction cf the Democratic atOriarconvGnlion. ' " ' gelow Snencer . . xv.ho has r 111 jail for some time charged ipuibjr in ine recent m nary hearing before U. S. rnS-oner ' Hampton;; Satur fconJ sng-evidence being i ni aeiauit oi a $1,UUU e Was vn JJ J:i aP&.m of the U. S. If ou see a cross mark opposite, your name on the paper . or on the wrapper it indi cates that your subscription has expired. Please be prompt In snciingin renewals. Corn, po tatoes, Gate; wheat, fresh eggs, (Os good butter will, be received at he-market price in payment of subscriptions. . ' Qur overland pony express be tween Tryon and Columbus, or probably better known as Mr. Chas.TE. Page, the faithful, ac commodating, and much over worked star-route mail man, did not make , close connection with the paper supply yesterday, con sequehtly this issue of The News ! ill be from 4 to 12 hours late in i t& mails.-. WITH US GSOW. The Folk-County News is the People's' Paper Send in Your Name, i The News is receiving new subscriptions notwithstanding the dull times. The following names have been added to the roll recently: M. E. Chads, Columbus. Flod Corn, Mill Spring. J. B. Jackson, Mill Spring r. i. W. B. Fcegans, Melvin Hill. A. B.. Greenlee, Melvin Hill. - Rev. B. M. Mitchell, Lynn. Miss W. M. Booker, Lynn. Mrs. J. L. Ladison,fcynn. Rev. P. W. West. Landrum, S. C. Jain-s Peace, Saluda, N. C. Lee W. Lynch, Forest City. G. W. Harris, Caroleeu. G. W. Griffin, Grover. J. L. Edwards. Earlsboro, Okla. TRYON NOTES. Cqn-cinondcrwe of Th News. Mrs. F. S. Wilcoxe spent Mon day in Landrum. Miss Julia Fisher spent several days of last week in Saluda. Mr. J. C. Fisher and daughter "Manda'pent last Friday in Asheville. ; Miss Maude Beluehas returned from the Home Industrial School in Asheville. Miss Marie Ladson of Lan drum visited Miss Geraldine Gaines Friday. iMrs. J. E. Pace of Saluda visited her mother, Mrs. Daniel Pace, Sunday. Miss Virginia Butler, a gradu ate of Saluda Seminary, came home Monday. Misses Bess Ford, Einily and Mildred Weaver spent Ja pleasant 4ay in Saluda last Friday. Logan Butler of Greenville, S. C.i spent the past week here with his uncle, J. W. Butler. Master Paul Gaines spent several days of last week with his father in Chesnee, S- C. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Furk left Monday for White Plaines, N. Y., where they will spend the sumT mer. Mr. Jones of Tarpon, Florida, who has visited here for the past week, returned to his; home Monday. Miss Maggie Gaines, who , has been visiting friends and relatives in Campobello for two weeks, returned Saturday. Mr. Hall, , who has been em ployed as book keeper"1for the Skyland Hosiery Co. for the past year, left last Thursday, with ' his family for their former home in Norfork, Va. Mr. and Mrs. Hall were Very popular in -Tryon, and will.be greatly -missed..-; ; WHB THREW A BRICK AT CROSS KEYS? v . -; ' A Place of .Active Business Life in the Limits of Polk County. . . . Editor Polk Connty Novtb: ' ' ' -vr ;- I recently overfieard the yques tion: "Where is Cross: fieysV'. For- the enlightenment of the ignorant, I wish to state; through the medium of your spicy paper, that Cross Keys is a very im portant locality, second -to Col umbus only during court. It is situated in Polk county, N.", C, and bounded onHthe north by the horizon, east by the Dunkard church, South, by ; the richest gqjd mine oh earth, and west by Mart. CornwelPi. ' " You can buy a lot, the lumber to build your house, and- store goods, for your .general use at Cross Keys for cash or eggs, s Mart. Miller and Walt;. Daniel will dole you out your daily mail and you can telephone to South Carolina if you can awaken the "Hello Girl." .; You should visit Cross Keys and buy a lot before the railroad is built through the town. At Cross Keys you can be a Dunkard or a Baptist, as you like. No one was iniured at Cross Keys by the comet. Some of the families about bross Keys are evidently in favor of one of Roosevelt's policies. ... If you ever desire a political job? come to Cross Keys and make our acquaintance. The moonshine is not as glar ing a: Cross Keys as it once was, yet the thirsty denizen manages to mak outv . Yours in haste I "Josh.1' Cross Keys, Polk Co., N. C, U.S.A., June 6, 1910. COLUMBUS CHURCH DIRECTORY BAPTIST. Rev. T. H. Posky, Pastor. Preaeh in every stooud and fourth Sundaj'8 at 11 a.m. and on tke Saturday before tke second at 3 p.m. feabbaih Ecfaool rvery Simday morning at 10. J. E. Shipman, Buperintendent. PRESBYTERIAN. No regular praohinjr- Sab bath school every SMnday morning at 10. C. C. Hamilton, superintendent. FRATERNAL SOCIETY MEETINGS. Col umbu8 Lodge No. 114 Knirhtf of Pythias meets every Tuesday nigat at 8:30- Visitiug brother! cordially invited to attend. Mimoa Loso No. 2n6 T. 0. 0. F. meetg Friday eyeninp?t 8 o'clock in uall over post-oflicc, Lvnn, IN. 0. Visiting brothers welroine. Lynn Rebckah Lodge No evenings, same ball. 41 Meets Monday Tryon Council 143 Jr OUAM meet in Knights of Pythiashall, Tryon, Tuesday ev-nings at 8 o clock. Viitinjr members welcome. A NNOUNC EM E NT. FOR STATE SENATOR. I hereby nnounce myself as a candidate before the Democratic Senatorial Conven tion for the nomination for State Seimtor from the Thirty-second Senatorial District of North Carolina. B. B. LANCASTER, M. D. Wlien writing to or ordering goods from our advertisers please mention tiiis paper. riSriorieis; Beading notices under this head, 25 words or tess, 25 cents each insertion Over 25 words, 1 cent a word each insertion. Chattel mortgages, warranty deeds, mort gage deeds, and posted land notice cards for sale at this office. Tourist parties should bear in mind that excellent dinners are served every day at Log i.abin Inn. 'Phone orders frem Co lumbus or Tryon for meals, staling number of persons in party. ) , First-class NURSERY STOCK from the N. J. Van L ndley Nursery Co., Pomona, C, may be secured through E. J. BRADLEY, Agent, Saluda,. N. C For Rent. The S-room house on the northeast corner of the street opposite the southwest corner of Court House Square. Splendid water, good garden spot, and nec essary outbuildings. For particulars call on or address Rev. T. H. Posey, Golumbus, N. C LEGAL BLANKS FOR SALE Sent postpaid on receipt of price: Chattel mortgages, with note, a for 5c; dozen, 25 cents. - Warranty or mortgage deeds, with insur ance clause, 5 cents eachi. ' PostedJand notice cards, 2 for 5c; dozen, 25 cents - " Notice of Mortgage Sale By virtue of the power contained in a certatu mortgage executed by C. W. Dimsr dale to Thos. F. Mills on the 14th day cf September, 109, to secure a note in the sum of Forty (.'$40.-00) Dellars of even date therewith, ivhich mortgage is of record in book 5, at page 263, of the record of mort gages for Polk county, and default having been made in the payment of said ote. Therefore, for the purpose of satisfying said note, interest and costs, the under sigaed will, ON MONDAY, JULY 4. 1910 withfn the legal hours of sale, offer for sale to the highest bidder at the Court House door in COLUMBUS, NORTH CARO LINA, the lands conveyed by said mort gage which are described as follows AJ that piece or parcel of landlying and beioe in the county of Polk and State of ,-Nortl) Carolina, and known and designated a, follows: Known as the lot sold u w Dimsdale by Thbs. F. MillsBeginning. on a stone, Leander Brown's corner; thence N. 88 deg. E.I4V6 poles to astake; thence N.' 21 4eg. E. 37 poles to a stake; thence S. S8 de'g W. ijz poles, to a black oak; thence S. 21 deg. W. 37 Pole to the begin ning, v t ' ;.- , "... Terms of said sale are cash. This the 3d day of June, 1910.. THOS. F. MILLS, - . Mortgagee, SHIPMAN & AVILLIAMS," 1 "V - Attorneys, Per I . jj .. -. IF ' I, DON'T FORGET US ."S "ti HOT GEO. A. GASH, Manager. - i - - -. MAIL AND PHONE ORDERS GIVEN PROMPT ATTENTION. B f 1 T RYON, N. G. The Placfe to Wage-Earner, ! Are you a man of family? Are you laying aside some of your earnings for that;' day when sickness and death" cross the threshold of the home, or when panicky con ditions cost you your job? ; -In justice to yourself answer' the questions and REMEMBER H . "A SAFE PLACE FOR YOUR DOLLAR" TMEl iM OF TRYOM ' -;' ... . . - , j j We Pay Four Per. Cent Interest: For Sale or Rent v- Ben Craigen Cottage and grounds,; overlooking Shun- kawakan Falls, in Spring Mountain Park. v . Eight rooms and barn and out buildings. ; - - Delightful summer hdme 3,000 feet above sea level. . ! . : ! For terms and particulars address . : J ';''. ' ''T .- i-'-, V. v.' h- U D. E. CUNNINGHAM," STEARNS, N. CJ a' - - ' j. i !-' ' ' ' i V YOU NEED Screen Doors, Screen "Wire, Screen Windows, Hammock Hooks, Lawn i Mowers, or anything IN SUMMER HARD- '' . I-' , j WARE ; r '4y'E- 'jifEjQoppt4r'- Ttf When in need of Fertilizers, ' : ' ...... Law n Sprinklers, Hose, Get Everything Rough and y Dressed, AND Orders Filled on Short Notice. Jonathan Turner ; ; MIDLi.PRING, No72.V; 1 - ! Company Z9 12 fltQtiT Price N . TRYON, NIC. Southern Railway - SCHEDULE, Schedules published as information only. ; Not guaranteed. , .1 EAST-HOUND TRAINS Nov 14. Le;.ive Asheville 7.00 am; leave Tryon 9.15 am; arrive Spartanburg 10.25 - a m. ; v ' ' - '.. - ... . No. io. Leave Asheville 4.10 pm; leave Tryon 6.3o p m; arrive Spartanburg 8.00 WEST-BOUND TRAINS No. 9. Leaye Spartanburg -10.30am; leave, , Tryon . n;5o a m; arrive Asheville 2.10 p m ! J No. 13. Leave Spartanburg 5.25 p m; leave v Tryon 7.00 p m; arrive Asheville 9.15 P m- .. . .! . ': ' . I ; Subject toi change without notice. J. H. WOOD, District Pass. Agt., , ! ' ' Asheville, N. Ct J. .11. RION, Local Agent, . - Tryon, N. C. O.C.GORRELL .,.... , .r,.- 1 .. . i . JEWELER : Everything in this line-to suit . ., your taste and purse.- - Watch ' and Clock Repairing. "Honest' work and honest charges We . solicit your patronage. 1 '' ' ' - "'-- ' ' J : SPARTANBURO. S. C. j THE CHARLOTTE OBSERVER Every day in the Year $8.00 a Year The Observe consists of j 10 to J 2 pages daily and 20 to .32 pages- Sunday. It ban- ?les more news matter, local, state, national nd foreign, thanany other North Carolina ewspaper. . - - ; yj'';'";vr-'si' 4-- The Sunday; Observer is unexcelled as a news medium, and is also Tilled with- excellent matte? jof a miscel laneous nature. . Address 1 . "1 . ; 'THE . OBSERVER CO. " V . v CHARLOTTE, N. C A

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