he polk Cotroty ' News evidence, 12. DEATH Of A. A. MILLFORD. V; paid in ad- jtJLV i8; 1916. AND GENERAL. ' frix a notica or Mrs. . Mrs. Ann A. Millford: widow of the late Judge Thomas Bailey Millford, of Abbeville, S: (X, died at the .residence of her son, John H. , Ho&an in' jGoiumbus, Tues day, July. 26, at ,2 30 p. ni. Mrs. Millford had been in failin&healtfr for some time past;-but Jier death came almost suddenly and pain lessly in the last hours, a partial paralytic strode on Tuesday morn ing breakmgthe last strong chord that held her to life. Mrs.. Millford was 78 years bid on "the 12th , ot this month, and had been an active and vigorous woman through life until about three years ago, when by an ac cidental fall she sustained inju ries which weakened her slender body and gradually wore the life threads away. " Long years a member-" of the Baptist :chureh and always ready and willing .to answer the cry ot distress or wait oft the sick or assist wherever her efforts or hands, were needed - to lighten the burdens of others she lived truly a Christ-like life. A loving and devoted mother to an only son, (whose grief and sorrow in this saddened hour checks a flow of speech or an adequate ex pression in written words of the loss in the little family circle, who will miss and mourn the kindly face and gentle hand) , a diligent worker while strength and vital ity was with her, and a patient and uncomplaining sufferer in lameness and disability, the im age of her presence with those who knew her in life and' vigor will ever remain fresh in mem ory. Her remains were laid to rest in Trydn Cemetery, Tryon N. C, Wednesday afternoon, July 27. ; ' Leave have their time to fall,1 And flowers to wither at the North wind's breath, ' And stars to set but all, Thou hast all seasons for thins own, O Death. di' r i -inatn Aoie. - . - ,1 -rtVi -l . 4--tnr4-ja!C! .J- Hnn c. nwrmino inn l'';0. J, nn assistants. See adv. Io - , -J 'ounty Commissioner- Carson turned home from a vacation tin last Saturdays and has been uite sick since. .' Messrs. E. Cloud and U. ri. mi- .n iiria miaQfc in tin a hftmo J'11" -WS ,.tt 1 1 f Mr. T. rJ. waucer m Meirni ill Saturday nignt ana sunuay., A set of 15 post cards of beau iful views of scenery in and: hear oprnig awuuuuuu s. airv -xut: ale at this office; S cardsoc, set f 15 for 25c;- by mail, 30c. ; The News office is well sup- lied with a nice line of station- ry at bottom, prices. Look the ot over, li we navent gor. your ind, it will b-ordered at once. i ) The Columbus ball team will lve an ice cream tete next fcat- kiay evening -on the Library crrounds for itbe benefit of the iteam. funiic generally invitea. The Sandy Plains section wants Isome enterprising hustler to es tablish a flour and grist mill in that locality. There's plenty of business m tight for an up-to- date mill. Prof. E. W. & Cobb has ac cepted the principalship of the Columbus High bchool, and will bring his ifamily among us at an eagfy'dayv Prof- Cobb was with theMorganton graded schools last year. ... " ; "" . ' Mr. John G. Bierbaurn of New York, at one time associated with Mr. C. H. Williams in the publi cation of this paper, and , latterly located in Asheville", is visiting in Columbus and expects to remain for some weeks. v - ;, - i Mr. J. Lewis Smith of St. George, S. C, is visiting his sis ter. Mrs. S. B. .Edwards; wife of - Last Wednesday was an inter esting day for many Polk county farmers and others interested in good farming and stock raising. It was Farmers' Institute day for th- clerk " of th'eTertnrcilk county.-and Qreditaple at Mr. Smith is connected with the Dorchester Eagle, and assiited insetting out the. first copy of the Polk County, News. "4 BIG REDUCTION SALE now xm at A. L. McMurray's ffeffieral store in ColumJjus. - If you are looking for bargains, this is the opportunity. Be nTt let it slip, It may not come ajram. See adver tisement for particulars, an'4 get in line before the rush. Columbus and Green's Creek mot for a tussle on the diamond last Saturday, and the game had reached an interesting stage aL 4.U 1 fil til t ui oeginnmg oi tne otn inning vnen Green's Creek scented de feat, and , laid down the bat, for feiting the game to Columbus. THE NEWS JCB Printing Depart ment is now pre pared toA turn out good work at low prices. Let us do your printing. Sat isfaction assured. A FINE FARM FOR SALE 100 acres of splendid land, 35 in bottoms in Green River section, Gcod dwelling, S barns, and: all Necessary buildings. A bargain. an be bought on almost any terms. Call on or write J. H. Hogan, Columbus, N. C. a Mr. George S. Hensley, of the detective bureau of the Burling ton and Northern Pacific railroad ystem, residing, at St- Joseph, Mo. , with Airs. Emma Hensley and son Sherman Hensley and Mtle daughter Velma. are visit- Tne in th home of Mr. and Mi s. ff- H'.Hogn, Mrs. Hensley being 4 Rister of Mrs. Hogan. They re greatly pleased with this sec ?n. being trmir first visit tcr the Piedmont South; 7: '?: , ' Abbeville and Greenwood, S. C. will please mention. papers farmers' Institute. tendance greeted the department experts. Mr. T. ,T. Ballenger of Tryon was made chairman of the meet ing, and his genial face and cor dial manner made everybody feel at home in the .fairly well-filled auditorium of the court house. Mr. J. VV. Robertson made a splendid address on cattle and stock breeding generally, the val ue of pe dairy herd on the;farm, the importance of the modern poultry yard as an asset, extend ing his remarks to farm machin ery, the telephone, etc. , Mr. A. Cannon of Henderson ville, a member of State agricul tural board, delivered an interest ing address on fertilizing and the various methods of building up worn out lands, the importance of grain and foodstuffs on the farm, and the necessity of know ing the productive value of va rious soils.. lv Mr. Sherman made an excel lent demonstrative talk on the insect pest problem, showing in a series of charts the proper pro portion of sprays and emulsions for fruits and vegetables. Mr . Sherman also delivered an im TRy ON NOTES. CorrWondonee of hNewi. i " ;Mr. Hiinent Sunday here - Mr. ;A; is in Asheyille Monday. Mr. B. CI, Myingston spent Monday in Landrum. ""1 : . ;. rfJr. -Nettles of Spartanbtirg visited in Tryon Sunday. ' .' , ' Mr. Satcuel Hill risited his home people at Flat Rock laseSunaj. ' . Mrs. LaCompte oJndiani,. it VisUing her daughter, Mrs. A. L; Hill. Mr. Tom Schrivensand hit mother from Spartanburg spent ihinday in Tryon. Misses Marie and. Jennie Lindsey are visiting their brother, Mr. M. T. Lindiey. Mrs. Gain and children left Sunday for JCjawah, N: G., where they will spend two weeks with frienda and relatives. : Mr. & Mrs. Edgar McKinney of Spar tanburg, spent Snnday with Xlrs. McKin Bey's father, Mr. G. C. Gurley. Mr. & Mrs. Maihew of Morganton are slcnding a vacation of two weeks among friends and relatives in Tryon; - , . Misses Clara, Katie and Flora Mingo of Fair Forest, and Miss Maude Ruppe of Mill Springs, spent several- days of last week with MUsek Jane and IrLs Jackson. MILL SPRING NOTES; Correspondone bf The News. Summer boarders are arriving and having a jolly good time. . - ' The croquet ground at this place is very popular nowdkys. .'I-. Mr. Vade Hampton was in Rutherford ton this week on busings. Mrs. Albert Waldrop is visitiag ber par ents, Mr. & Mr. ,T. M. Ross. Some of our young people are attending the Teacher's Institute at Columbus ihUI week. , ' ( , ' The cheerful face of Mr. Frank Jackson it teen very frequently on our streets since the weeds and grass are all killed. The weeUy prayer meeting at the Baptftt Church wm suspended Sunday night jh account of Rev. Mr. Jackson being abseiit. Fruit and vegetables are bountiful in our community -these and' other ' good 'things with whieh we are blessed make life wtrth living. Mr. Eddie Dimsdale and Miss Bernice ( ildas of Coopers (aPt were married at the residence of Rev. B. P. Jackson on Monday he 25th, Rev. Mr. Jackson officiaiing. The bride was one of the County's best teachers, while th; groom belong to Uncle Sam's military forces. LANDRUM, 3. C. R. 1. Correspondence of Tba News. " We af"eladfta rebbrt or pTening Sunday School is doing good work. '- Miss Cartie Shields visited at New Pros pect last Sunday. Miss Hmma Miller visited Miss Edna Prince "Sunday afternoon. '"' i . Miss Leila Jackson and brother visited at Mr. M. O. Shield8 last Sunday. . Mr. & Mrs. J. E. Belcher, of near Spar tanburg, visited at Cross Keys last week. Miss Maude Shields, of North Pacolet, visited our Sunday Sebol last Sunday afternoon. Miss Berth Cantrell of Cross Keys is visiting near Spartanburg with her sister, Mrs. J. O. Bishop, Messrs. Tom and Charles Pendleton and Miss Myrtle Flynn of Sandy Plains visited Cross Keys Saturday afternoon.. Friends will be glad to learn that little Alex Feagan, who has been very sick for several weeks, is now doing nicely. There will be an ice-cream supper at Green's Creek Church next Saturday, July 30th, at 2.30 o'clock. It is fos-the btnefit f the new tharcfa Everybody js invited. f -, NOTE 'Of THANKS Our sincere and heartfelt thanks are ex tended to the kind friends and aeighbors missive address Ori the value arid i who so nobly and generously gave their yeair Postal Cardt. V-i Sfce .P?$PQuaty News Job and Station ry Department is now turning ou (resh 'rm the press ,an Attractive series of Sou-' Tenir Postal Cards bearing "half tone views charming scenes in the vicinity of Co Iumlus, Spring louutaia Park, Stearns. fc- Ug Cabinnn, Skyuka,'Shunkawi. an and Rainbow Falls, Hemlock Shoals, and Tryon Mountain arc amongthe' subjects Jown. These cards will be pn sale stTHK EWb OFFICE and McMurr'ay; Store in Rumbus, Hallenger's at Tryon, Log Cabin na Stearns, ana other places. , Usuaf J)rice. Call awi look over tht lot. ' s need of education on the farm and the great rfood that comes from educating the youth of the land. His remarks were well xe ceived by all.;t Teachtrs1 Institute. The following named .young ladies and gentlemen were en rolled and in attendance on the session of the Teachers' Insti tute, which has been in sessionsince the 18th'; and' will end on the 30th: " ' 1 ; : , Miss: Minnie Arledg, Miss Blanch New. man, Miss Nellie Smith, Mr. John Gilbert, Mr. Yates Arledge, of Columbus, N. C " i Misses Ada and Ida Acker, Miss Virginia .Butler Miss Nora Johnston, of Tryon, N. C. : ' tit'J John Arledge, v ev W. S. Cherry, Miss Nellie. Kossj Miss Pauline Shajakle, of Mill Spring N.C, ''i;:r--.':'r.- - Miss Novella Cook; Mr, Anderson Wo mack; of Mill Spring, No. 1. 1 A . "Miss Harriet Xrledge, Miss Mabel Gibhs Mits; -Delia Green Miss "Hattie Jackson, Miss Panola McMurrty; Mist Maud Ruppe, oT Mill Spring, No. a: f :N ; : Messrt: Clyde, ; and William Davidson; Miss Bessie Jackson, o Mdvin Hill, N; C. -Miss Elizabeth Thompson, of Saluda,N.C, -Miss Nora Priacej of ' FingeryiU'e,. S. C, Miss Annie Foster, .of Mill Spring; N. C; excuse accepted.. . . . :,;; time and gentle assistance to us during the illness and recent' death of the dear old mother in our little home circle. Respectfully, Mr. & MkS. Iohn H. Hogan. For Sale or Rent Ben Oaigen Cottage and grounds, overlooking Shun kawakan Falls, in Spring Mountain Park. , . Eight rooms and jbarn and out buil dings. . ' : J Delightful summer home 3,Q00 feet above sea -level. r ' ; For terms and particulars aidrest l ': ; , ; D. Ei CtJNNINGpAM, ; : STEARNS. -N.C- '. , :, ' - Notlcpf Final Settlement and Discharge. .. . H y!- ; ' V NOTICIf' is hereby given to 11 con cerned ttajp'we-'wlll apply to S,B. Edr wards, Clefl& of the Superior Gorf for Polk County athis office, Columbus; Ni C., oh Thurs'dayiugust 18, 19 10; af 10 6' clock a. nWfor fimtt settlement; and discharjre at executors j&t ,the estate of Henry C. Mor gan, deceased. ' ' r s . Z. I.E. MORGAN, : ' : - p. G MORRIS, v " 'JhIj 18, 'itoio Bxeeutora. 4 S'kmm et Hardware 7 IF -Y-OU NEED Screen Doors, Screen Wire, Screen - Windows, Hammock Hooks, Xiawn Mowers, or ' anything IN SUMMER HARDWARE -V;." DON'T FORGET US When in need of Fertilizers, L a w n Sprinklers, Hose, Hose Reels, Etc, fttyofJ. SuppLy -.Go., GEO. A. GASH, Manager. TRYON, N, C. MAIL AND PHONE ORDERS GIVEN PROMPT ATTENTION; FINEST SINGER EVER HEARD 50 Canaries for sale. Fine sonjjttera and feinales Now is the time for mating.' yniat is scud of my birds: Suite I, The Dunham, , "Cleveland, Ohio. "My dear Mrs. Hogan; We are simply delighted with the bird vre bought from you. He is Uio finest singer I ever heard. He sang as 'soon as, I put him in n cage, which tvas the morning after I reached home, and seems very contented and hap py. .We are ,Very grateful to you for such a &n't bird Very truly, Mrs. A. E. C " Mrs. LOUISE HOOAN, Columbus, N. C, Executor's Notice. ' - ' . 1 HAVING QUALIFIED as Executor to i the last will of Mrs. Sullie Foster, decease'di late of Pok county, North Carolii a: This is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to pre sent tnem to me property appiwveu un w before the 6th day of June, i9H,orthis natice will be pleaded in bar of their re- . All persons indebted to said estate will please make,immeaaie paymcuu " This July 6, 1910. e I V J. F. FOSTER, Execator. THE NORTH C Aft 6 LIN A State Norma and Industrial, College ' ' ' " 'r . Maintained bv the State for thA Women of North' Carolina. Four Regular Courses leading to Degrees. Special Courses Sot Teachers, Fall Session begins. September 14,6 lio. Those desiring to enter1 should apply as early as possible. For catalogue and other Information address . JULIUS L. rOUST. Prth Gr&ntboro '.N. C. Johh TR Off I I Co, ON, N. C. Dry Goods, Notions Shoes, Crockery, Glass-ware Enamel and Tin ! Ware Blue Flame Oil Stoves, Etc, : 1 rs. Southern 01 Rah ay O v x st xj yj , Schedules published , as in formation only -"V . . Not guaranteed. , : KAS'l'-WOtJNn TRAINS iio. 14. Leave Asbevijle 7.00 ; leave Trvon 0.15am; arrive spananourg lo.ij 'o. 10. Leave AsWviHe 4.1? P m; leave Tryon 6.30 p m;,arnve spananourg o.po rpm. -:-,v . , , - ' WEST-BOUND TRAINS o. 9; Leave. Spartanburg I0.30 a m; leave vTryon it. 50 a m; arrive Asheville 2.10 nX.13. Save Spartanbafg S25 p njj leave Tryoh 7.00 p m; arrive Asheville 9.15 -Subject to change without notice. H. WOOD, District Pass. Agt., , J . feheville, N. C. . - t . H RION. laical . AexntV Learn the Way Landru TO THE Mercantile Successors to Company, BOMAR, THOMSON & COMPANY, GENERAL MEROHAJJTSi " rTh Store on the Corner' LANDRUM, S. C. Q p.' CfiSUBUS HIGH i NONECTARIAN MA CE ANp FEMALE , Located in the Mountains of r Western North Carolina '.k. EVERY BOY AND GIRL IN POLIC COUNTY WHO CAN ENTER THE HIGH. SCHOOL DEPARTMENT -. MAY ATTEND FR1?E OF TUITION Expense wry modetats 3' M ; Session begins Sept. 5, t$10 ?' -A FOR FURTHER INFORMATION, WRITE . v' - . f - t . i-'-tt- ' '", . V..-.r ;. Columbus MigH School Columbus, Polk Cou.tty, North Carolina r ti - 'K.