t ' o Three Cents tho Copy. INDEPENDENCE IN ALL THINGS. Subscription Price, $1.00 Per Year in Advance. VOL. XVI. COLUMBUS, POLE COUNTY. Q , THURSDAY, AUGUST 4, 1910. NO. 12. 3B The Polk County News Published every Thursday. ; Tel ejAone Office, 2. Residence, 12.' Subscriptions must be paid in ad- COLUyBOS, N. C, AUGUST. 4. X9I0 : a PERSONAL AND GENERAL. - Sheriff .Hill called to.seo us Monday. ?' C. V. Elliotte of Mill Spring called Monday. John Moore of .Green's Greek section was in town Monday. J. E. Walker and C. C. Con stant were among our callers this week, . ' - ' ' Postmaster Brownlee of Tryon was in Columbus on business -'Monday. Mr. Thompson of Saluda was a guest in the home of Mrs. Carne gie last Friday. Mr. W. C, Edwards of MU1 Spring was in town Monday arid paid us a visit. See notice of commissioners' sale af lands, Liles vs. Liles. in anoiJlier column. H. Howser and T. P. Moure of Rutherfordton, R. 2, were in to see us this week. Fine farm for sale in Sandy "Plains section. , Address J. H. Hogaiu Columbus, N. C. . M. Norville of Sandy Plains section called on us lact Friday. He reports crops in fink shape. Mrs. N. T. Mills is visiting her sister in Spartanburg, and is re- ported as much improved in health. ' .. Saperintendent Foster of the Board of Education has been a frequent visitor, to this office re cently. He is always welcoine. v.' McMurray is closing out a lot ot odds and ends in many lines of merchandise af panic prices. Call early; the good things are going fast. Religious service an d Sunday school at Log Cabin Inn last Sun day. Mr. Abb3tt, secre tary of the Spartanburg Y. M. C. A., conducted the" meeting. Mr. Joe Tayior Edwards of Mill Spring, R. 1, presented The News editor with some of the finest specimens of Irish potatoes seen in Columbus in many a day. - Fire destroyed the home of Geo. Lynch, colored, in Ruther ford county, near Gray's Chapel church, in Green River section. Very little was saved; no insur ance. . Rev. T. H. Posey returned Sat urday night from a two weeks' trip, in South Carolina, conduct ing services in Rocky Grove, Ai ken c6untv. and Salley. Grange- , burg county.- ,' -V; ? John G. Bierbaum, who' has .been seeking pleasure and health in Columbus for the past lOaays, a guest in the home of Mrs.' John Carnegie, left for Waynesville Tuesday morning. , Protracted revival services are going on at the Baptist church, Rev. T. H. Posey, the pastor, conducting the meetings. Inter esting services and a good at tendance is encouraging to the laborers in the Master's vine yard. , - 1 Sunday school services will be held at Log Cabin Inn every Sun day until further notice, under the supervision of Mrs. W. B. Abbott of Spartanburg. Children and grown people generally are cordially invited ' to these meet ings. The Polk County News station ary department was quite p'opu Pr with the. attendants at the feachers institute. The young 'adies seemed to find exar.tlvt.hft jWide desired in paper, tablets, ?x paper, pencils, souvenh' pos tcards, etc. Call again. The Columbus boys crossed ats with Henderson ville last fat before a small crowd: score. rl Tney ave arranged to If J again on August 8, and ex pect to be in better, shape.; AH SonefrS are cwdially.inyited to go Picnicing parties from Lan drum spent a jolly day in Colum bus the past wek. W. .C. Robertson, trustee, ad vertises sale of land in another column to satisfy a mortgage. v A 'FINE FARM FOR SALE 100. acres of splendid land, 35 in bottoms in Green River section. Good dwelling, barns, and all necessary buildings. A bargain. Can be bought on almost any terms. Call on or write J. H. Hogan, ColumbusrN C. THE NEWS JOB Printing Depart ment is now pre pared to turn out good work at low prices. Let us do your printing. Sat isfaction assured. Republican Convention. v f The Polk county Republicans held a convention at the court house on Monday to select dele gates to the State convention at lUreensboro on Aug. 10. The rolJowmg delegates were chosen: S. B. Edwards, J. W. McFarland, C. vC. Hampton, J. G. Hughes,. James Jackson. The same persons were elect ed to represents Polk county at the senatorial convention at Ruth erf ordton" on Aug, 22. TRYON NOTES. Correionilei!Ce of The New. T. C. Mills is in town this week. J. C. Fisher was in I lendersonviile Mon day. ,V. J. Forde spent Monday in Spartan burg. iMiss Mary Underwood is with Mrs. W. J. Gaines Shis week. - Mr. Acker and fatuily attended church in Campobeilo Saturday. ( - - WrJI. Eugei.-wha h4acTr'away some time, is with us again. Mr6. Pemberton f Saluda visited friends in Tryon last Thursday. R. C. Moosley is visiting Mrs. Moosley at Mr. T: T. Ballenger's this week. ' Mr. and Mrs. Ward are visiting their daughter, Mrs. Parker, this week. CVH." Wilson came home Sunday from a week's visit to his daughter in Hendcrsou viile. Mrs. G. A. G&sh, vrho has been visiting relatives and friends in Etawah, N. C, re turned Monday. 1 L. A. McCall, who has been engaged in plumbing work here,"reiurned to Hender- sonviilc Saturday. Mrs. MiUhews, who has been visiting relatives here, returned to htr home m Mprgantou Sunday.- Guests at Log Cabin nn. Recent arrivals at Log Cabin- Inn: Mr. and Mrs. vV. B. Abbatt Spartan burg, S. C. ; CJrorge S. Hensley, Sv II. llensley, St. Joseph, Mo.; John II. Hogan, Columbus; Cornelius KoUock, Darlington, S- C. ; J. Morgan Aiken', Princeton, N. J.; Wra. A. Baiber, jr., New York; Mrs. John Orr. Tryn; Miss, Clara- Siuny,; Ilamptou, Vra.; Miss Kate L. Snow,-Greenwood, S. C. Souvenir 7 Postal Cards. The Polk County News Job aud Station ery Department is- now turning out fresh from the press an attractive series of Sou venir Postal Cards bearing half tone views of charming scenes in' th vicinity of Co lmhua: Spring Mountain Park, Stearns, etcLog Cabin Inn, Skyuka, Shunkawa kan and Rainbow Falls, Hemlock Shoals, and Tryon Mountain are among the subjects shown. These cards will be on sale atTHE NEWSjOFFICE and McMnrray's Store in Columbus, Ballenger's at Tryon, Log Cabin Inn at Stearns, ani' other places. Usual prices. Call and look over the-lot, Y COLUMBUS CHURCH DIRECTORY BAPTIST. Rv. T. II. Posey Pastor Preach ing erery eooond and fourth isundaya at 11 a.ni. and on tke Satrday before the second at 3p.na. :ibbth school vory Sunday morning at 10. J. E. Shipman, superintendent. . ' P UESB YTERIAX. No regular preaching. Sab bath school every Sunday morning at 10. C.C. " Hamilton. suDerintendent FRATERNAL SOCIETY MEETINGS. Colambus Lodje No. 114 Knijrbts of Pythias rats every 'ikiep-lay nigat" at 8:30- Visiting brothers cordially invited to attend. ..v ! Mimosa Lo'co No. 26Tv I. 0. 0. F. meets Friday evenings at 8 o'clock in iall over ixts't-office, Lynn. N. 0 . ; Visiting brothers welcome. . Lynn Ilebckah Lodge No- 41 saeets Monday evaiugs,veaiHO jiall. "V '" v Tryon Council 143 Jr 0 U A M meets in Knights of pytbiMS iiall, Tryon, Tuogday ov.nings at 8 o'clock. Viitin members welcome. - AN N CEMENT. I hereby announce (niyself a candidate for the office of County Treasurer, subject to the action of the Democratic County ConvcQtion. W. 0J. jpeagans. SPEGI1L uOTiOES, Reading notices under this Itead, S5 words or less, 25 cents each insertion Over 25 words, 1 cent a word each insertioni GO" TO McMURliAVS, IN COLUM BUS, FOR. SPOT CASk BARGAINS. Gicds are being slaughtered to make room for NEW STOCK AFTER REMOVAL. Everything marked down for this week. Dou't wait until Saturday come now. JOB PRINTING The NEWS'OFFICE is now prepared to accept orders for any and all kinds of JOB PRINTING First class work aud prices to suit. ; s For RjiNrr. The S-room houeon the Niortheast corner of the street opposite the southwest corner of Court House Square. Splendid water, good garden spot, and nee ' cssary wtilbuildings. For particular cadi on ;r address Rev. T. H. Posey, Golumbus, n. c. . : LEGAL BLANKS FOR SALE Sent postpaid on receipt of price: Chattel mortgages, with note, 2 for 5c; dozen, 25 cents. Warranty or mortgage deeds, with insur ance clause, 5 cents each. . Posted land notice cards, 2 for $c; dozen, 25 cents . FINEST SI USER EVER HEARD , SO Canaries for sale. Fine songsters and females. Now is the time for mating. What is said of my bii-ds: "Suite 1, The Dunham, sTlee'atid, Ohio. "My dear Mrs. HoRan; Ve are dimply deligbtf d with the- bird we . bought from you. Me is tho finest singer I ever heard, lie ' sang as soon as I put him in u cage, which was the mornine after I reached home, and seems very contented and hap- py. w c aie ver)' gratelul to you tor such a fine bird. Very truly,, Mrs. A. E. C." Mrs. LOUISE HOQAN, Columbus, N. C. . ' 1 NOTICE OF ' LAND SALE. BY VIRTUE OF THE POWER CON taincd in.a JJecd of Trust executed by Fred Forest toV. C. Robertson, Trustee, to se cure . note in the sum of r our Hundred and Fifty-tjg'.t Dollars ($45S.oo) due J. N. Cudd, which Deed of Trust is of record in Polk County in Mortgage Boole No. a, at page 304. ot the Records of Mortgages for saul county, and default having been made in the payment of said note, there being still aue thereon the sum of $396. 30, with interest thereon from Ar.gusr 1st, iqoq. Therefore,-for the purpose of satisfying said debt, iuterest aud costs, the under signed Trustee, will, on Monday, Septem ber 5th, 1910, within the legal hours of sale, offer tor sale to the highest bidder, for cash, at tbe Court-IIouse door for Polk County, the following described lands, the said lands being tbe land conveyed by said Deed of Trust, and bounded and described as fol lows; f ituate in the Townsihp of Tryon, County of Pplk and State of North Carolina, and adjoining lands of Thompson, French heirs and bthers, and bounded as follows: Be ginning on a post oak, Logan1 corner, on his line; thence with his old line N. 120 poles to a white oak, his old corner; tBence with another line W. 120 poles to a b'ack oak; thence SE. 8 E. 137 poles with Bro llies' line to a stake on William Lcgan's line; thence with said line to the beginning, containing 80 acres more or less; excepting therefrom 27 acres swld to Frank Thompson and David Foster, and 2 acres sold Osia Rhodes. . j This the 3d day of August, 1910. I W. C- ROBERTSON, Trustee. SIIIPMAN & WILLIAMS, Attorneys. THE! CHARLOTTE OBSERVER Every day in tbe Year $8.00 a Year The Observer consists of 10 to 12 pages daily and 20 to 32 pages Sunday. It han dles more news matter, local, state,, national and foreign, than any other North Carolina newspaper. . " "... The Sunday Observer is unexcelled as a news medium, and is also filled with; excellent matter , of a miscel laneous nature. Address HE. OBSERVER CO., 4 CHARLOTTE, N. C. STEARNS, N. C. OPEN ALL THE YEAR. Log Cabin Inn dinners are just right. I Kind Reader, Listen! It will be a great favor tothe publisher of this paper and a'': projection - to advertis ers if persons writing to or, calling on busi. ness firms advertising in these' columns will kindly say they have seen the adrer iseraeut in The Polk County News. ; -V Oil 111 . 1 HOTIGE OF SALE. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA County of P.)lk In Superior 'Court before the Clerk. JAMES LILES et al. vs. and MAGGIE LILES. LOUISE LILES NOTICE OF SALE. . -i . ' . ' By virtu of an order of re-sale made by the Clerk of the Superior Court in the above entitled proceeding on the 21st day of April, 1910, and on the 6th day of June, 1910, the undersigned commissioner will, on Monday, September 5th, 1910, within the legal hours of sale, offer for sale at public outcry, to the highest bidder at the Court House of Polk County a one-half undivided interest ia and to the . following described lands: ; : . That tract of land situate in the township of (Jrcen's CreekXounty of Polk and State of North Carolina, known as the "Philip Henderson iphict," and 'consisting of three several lots. which are bounded as follows: Ixt No 1. J. Beginning on a stone, G. T. Feagan's line, "and runs north 54 degrees fast, 4 poles to a walnut; thence north 30 cast, 106 poles to a s,take at the creek; thence with tbe old run of creek to a hick ory; thence south 37 degrees west, 96 poles to the beginning, and containing 22 acres. Lot No 2. beginning on a walnut and running thence south 77 degrees east, 40 poles to a poplar; thence north 26 degrees east, 100 poles to a Btake on the creak; thence with said creek to a stake, corner of Lot No. I ; thence with line of said lot south 30 degrees west, 1064 poles to the begin' ning, eontainiDg 22 acres. Lot No. 3. Beginning at a poplar and runs south 77 degrees east, 50 poles to a white oak; thence north . 8 east, 106 poles to a black-oak at mouth of branch; thence with the creek to a stake, corner of Lwt No. 2; thence with the line of said lot south 26 degrees west, 100 poles to the begin ning, containing 22 acres, excepting 3 acres sold to Robert Henderson. The purposo of said sale is to realize the balance due the petitioners on sale hereto fore made, ths terms of which have not been complied with by one of the bidders. The terms ef said sale are: One-third cash and the nalance on six months' time, or all cash at the option of the purchaser. Title retained until purchase money is paid in full. This the 30th day of Tidy, 1910. ' J. E. SHIPMAN, S-4-4t Commissioner. Executrix's Notice. . HAVING qualified as Executrix of the estate of MARY ANN GILBERT, de ceased, late of Polk county, North Carolina, this is ro notify ell persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to ex hibit them to the undersigned on or before the aSth day of July, 191 1, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This the 28th dav of July, 1910. MARY ELIZABETH COLE, 7 28 9 I -Executrix. THE NORTH CAROLINA Ccllege ol Agriculture and Mettaic Arts, The State's college for training indus trial workers. Courses in Agriculture, Horticulture , Animal Husbandly -and Dairying; in Civil, Electrical, and Mechanical En gineering; in Cotton 'Milling and Dye ing; in Industrial Chemistry; and in Agricultural Teaching. -'"'. Entrance examhvatims at each county seat on Vie 14th of July. D. B. HILL, President, West Raleigh, N. C. Executor's Notice HAVING QUALIFIED as Executor t the last will of Mrs. Sallie Foster, deceased late of Poik county, North Carolina: This is to notify all persons having claim against trfe estate of said deceased to pre sent them7 to me properly appioved on o before the 6th day of June, 191 1, orthi notice will be pleaded iu bar of their re covery. All persons indebted to said estate vviL please make immediate payment. This July 6, 1910. j. F. FOSTER, Executor. 1 . Southern Raifaiay SCHEDULE v Schedules published as information only Not guaranteed. EAST-BOUND TRAINS i U. 14. Leave nsucvjiic ,w a m, iwyi Trvon 9.l5 a m; arrive Spartanburg 10.25 a m. - No. 10. Leave A she ville 4.1 p tn; leave Tryon 6.30 p m; artive Spartanburg 8.00 p m. v .... V . . - . t . a ru . . 1 - WEST-BOUND TRAINS No. 9. Leave Spartanburg 1030 a m; Tryonlil5o a m; arrive Asheville leave 2.I0 P m. ' . No. 13. Leave Spartanburg 5.25 p m; leave Tryon 7.00 p m; arrive Asheville 9.15 p ro. "''-"; ; Subject lo change without notice. 1 T. 11, WOOD, District Pass. Agt., '-)-. Asheville, N. C. " J. HrRION, Local Agent, : i -T-' Tryon, 1. C. . THINK lT OVER. WEHE A FRIEND TO TELE YOU: 'I have; had my own carriage and ridden ' my filLj I have gone to three balls in a night; Ij have lighted my cigar with a $10 bill, and; all when money was tight," you , would think he was hoisting, possibly pre varicating. But if he should explain that the carriage was a baby carriage, the three balls a pawn shop and the $10 bill a board bill, you would -see the joker. - When a farm paper advertises three full years for 35 cents, and it is a monthly pub lication, they give you just 36 numbers in the.whbls three yeais' time. Again, when they advertise three full years for $l, and it is a semi monthly publication, you get just 72 issiiesin the whole three years. In the first case ji6 issues less than the Progressive Farmer and Gazette gives its readers every year; and in the latter case they giv only 20 issues tnre in the three years than we do in on year. And you know that a pa per coming once a month, or even twice a month, cannot be as interesting, or as time ly, or as helpful as a paper coming every week. Ecn't forget that The Progressive Farmer and Gazette is made in the South, by. Southern mn, for Southern "men, and ' dealrflwith Southern conditions only.: It is made for you. i ' ' John Orr TR YON, s Groceries, Dry Shoes, Crockery Glass-ware 1 Enamel and Tin Ware Blue Flame Oil Stoves, Etc, NON-SECTARIAN Located in the Mountainsiof Western -North Carolina EVERY BOY AND GIRL IN POLK COUNTY "WHO CAN ENTER THE HJGH SCHOOL DEPARTMENT MAY ATTEND FREE OF TUITION Expenses very modei ate FOR FURTHER INFORMATION, WRITE Columbus 1 Columbus, Polk County, North Carolina: 0GifIt$T ;C ; ' -i TRYOW, REPAIRS OF ALL KINDS MADE -TO STOVES, RANGES, BICYCLES, GUNS, SEWING MACHINES, ; LAWN MOWERS. ETC, ETC. . When you want anything in this line, wnieor call. "-7-j ... ;n : We are iiandling tHe ;i - a'- ' : r T .. : j.f- - Celebrate$am j A - j . In order to introduce them and .majite you a regular customer, we gryeypi; 4 Watch with TRY THE BALL ENGER For Everything TRYON, N. C. LOW CABIN 1 1 OPEN ALL Mrs. D. E. Cunningham, Go VN. C. .1 Goods, Notions MALE AND FEMALE Session begins Sept. " 5. 1910 High School - LE0TlIGIlifl c. Every $5 Cash Sale THEM For Everything THE YEAR , Propr. Steams. A. Ct COM P ANY 1N-M 1; t '-f S i . - U 1 .. . . f I v i u 1 i. i1. -) . .1 . "t 1 1. 1 'A . US' fit "IT ,i P r v j

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