t ' - . n . it. - Three Cents the Copy. INDEPENDENCE IN ALL THINGS. Subscription Price, $1.00 Per Year in Advance VOL. XVI. COLUMBUS, POLK COUNTY.' N.-C.. THURSDAY, AUGUST 11; 1910. NO. 13. n !v vxfh rVA fees f 11 I. II I I 'J The Polk County News Published -every Thursday. Telephont Ofi&ce, 2: .Residence, 14.' Subscriptions vance. mtst pc paid - in ad- COLUMBUS. N." C. -AUGUST n, PERSONAL AND GENERAL Golumbus HiRh School opens Monday, Sept. 5; ; - ' F. B. . Williams was in Forest City several days last week. - Dr. Allhands, of Rutherford County, was in town several days this week : , ' v Fine farm for sale in Sandy Plains section. Address J. H. Hogan, Columbus, N. C. - See chancre of ad. of Allred the Jeweler, 'Rutherford ton. Mr. Allred will treat yon right. . Misses Rucker of ' Charlotte, N.. C, are vis? tinj? Misses Minnie and Sallie Arledge this weelc. . An irp nronm fpsttval is nrom-i Ised for Saturday night weather permitting) , by the Columbus baseball team. Mrs. William Gregory and Mr. Kermit Henton, Florida, are r registered at : the Columbus HoteJ. F. Y. . Hanna, of Yanclvula, Florida, writes that 'he wants to rjurchase a place north. Real estate men In- thissection take notice. . . Attention is directed to the real estate ad.' of Wiilis.& Blan- ton, Skipwith. Va. They, offer some vaiuatxie iarm properties at attractive prices. , , The Republican.. Convention of the 33rd Senatorial 'District of ijoHh Carolina meets in Ruther ford ton on Monday. August 22dv t LJLt, at & o ciyci. noun. . ' Srinng ck"2 ; sehds r-Tn a cemmii nication on a, birthday party too late to be squeezed in this issue. It will appear next week.? , ' The attention of the Democratic voters of Polk Coimty is called to the notice of their convention, to h held Saturday, August 27th, 1910. at 11 A. M. , which appears in this issue. "How firm a foundation, is a grand old song as' applied to the work of the churchy and it is a comforting feeling for the pat rons of the Bank of Landrum when doing business with this institution. See ad. in another column. .:, . . . . A FINE FARM FOR SALfi 100 acres of splendid land, 35. in bottoms in Green River section. Gcod dwelling, - barns, and all necessary buildings. A bargain; Can be bought on almost any terms. Call on or write J. H. Hogan, Columbus, N. C. Col umbus may r may not get a railroad within the next twelve months, but she is proud of the fact that -people-come from far and near ? to feast theireyes on the beautiful scenery hereabouts and inhale the odor of the hem lock and the pine.wjtkthe purest air in the world. 7 Mrs.Emma Htsley and daugh ter, little Miss "Velma; and Mrs. Louise Hogan, visited Spring Mountain Parjk ahd Log Cabin Inn last Satutlaraud the heavy storm in the &f teftaoon made the passage -across ' Shunkawakan Fallg somewhat risky and they remained over night at the Inn. Mr. and Mrs. G. S. - Hensley and son, Sherman H. Hensley, and daughter, ;Velma, of St. Joseph, Mo., who have been vis iting and sight-seeing in , and around Columbus and Spring Mountain Park for the past two weeks, guests in th home of Mr. and Mrs." J. H; Hogan, left for their Western home lasj: Monday. Mr. and Mrs, J. G. Hughes en tertained in their usual .hospita ble spirit at their home . on the 7th Mr. and Mrs. G. S. Hensley and son Sherman. Hensley and little daughter Velrqa, ef St. Jo seph, Mo and Mr; -and Mrs. J. H. Hogan of Columbus. One qXJ the splndid dinners for which Mrs. rHughes, justly famed added to the pleasures of a day long to -be remembered by alH i i ; A rc spn tnti of ; the Jbureau offon .ept. of;Agri- cqltu' vwn yesterday. ! At; :. v t. otfees are out call inK attention to the opening of the fall term of Columbus High. School on Sept. 5 r Prof. E. W. S. Cobb, the new principal of the school, will announce his curricu lum and faculty in" a short time,' full particulars concerning whici will appear in these, columns at a later date. Mr. VV. F Swann, superintend ent of the Try on Hosiery Co. ; kindly conducted The News man through the Lynn Mill- recently and explained the various phases of hosiery making and the won derful process of mercerizing cot ton goods; giving it the lasting appearance of. silk and greatly, increasing wis , wearing quality.! The pure silk and mercerized products of this mill, turned out in many colors, find a ready mar- ket; and speaks' volumes for the push and" energy of, the company which operates this 'enterprise, j The revival services in the Bap-, tist church- closed Tuesday night. I after a series of interesting meet- I . i 3' . . ' J ings extending over a period of. ten days. Rev. T. H. Posey, the I -kcf rt.os Vidian rrf?nf iri rr of Jacksonvil leyjbe meetinirs. was comnelled b? a .physical breakdown caused'' by continuous revival work forf sev eral weeks past to discontinue the meetings here for the pres ent. Marked interest has been shown in the; services, and the church has been greatly benefit ed, 21 names being added to the membership,, 18 being candidates for baptism. The time and ar rangement" for the baptismal ex ercises will be announced at the regular cnurch' meeting next Sat day. ' TRYON NOTES. Correron4enee of Tha New. t;-Osborne . Weareirapeni-M o trd a y Saluda. ' s, ; , v Mr. B. C. Livingston spent Monday m Spartanburg. , '.' MissvErailie Weaver and her brother' Cdx arc visiting in Spartanburg. ' . Mr. J. C Fisher, who has been away several days returned, Monday. Dr. and Mrs. Netttes spent Sunday with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. G: A. Smith, in'Tryon. 1 . Mr. Sizemore apd her two nieces, Misses Joe and Sadie Hilton", are spending a week; with relatives lit.lircvard. - , Prince liannon (colored), who wag work-' inf at iheRock Quarry, fell from the-top-of; the cliff last Saturday and was instantly killed. GREEN'S CREEK MOTES. Correspondence 'f The News. Mr. Elias Cantrell is "visiting in Spartan burj this week. Miss Ada Blackwell, of Inman, visited here last week. Miss 'Maude Giles of this place is visiting in Iiiman bow. - Mr. Zeno Shields and sisters visited at NorthPacolet last Sunday. The fevival meetings at Mill Creek are .going along nicely this week. Miss Edna Prince is attending the pro tracted meetings at Sandy Springs; Mr. Floyd Dackman. of near Spartan burg, visited ,Elias Cantrell last week. Messrs. Ira Brown and Charlie Fite, xf Inman,"-visited4iere last Saturday amd Sun day. s ;Miss Bertha Cantrell, who has been visit ing her parents at Crosa Keys, has returned to Boiling Springs, where she is spending the surciher. . Miss Salena Feagan has gone to Lockney, Texas, to spend a few weeks with her brother and relatives. y Mr. Walter Daniel, of Landrum, No., I, wishes to change routes with the mall car rier of Mill Springs, Route I. . - A large number of "young. people attend ed the ice cream supper at the home of Mr. B. Feagan last Saturday night, though the storm of the afternoon kepr some lew away. .. IF YOU Want a farm . .Want a house -a . , Want a partner'' ' ..Want a horse or cow Want to buy anything ' . - Want to sell a mule or hog , ' Want to sell a ' carriage . . Wnnt to sell town property . Waht to sell your groceries ' Want to sell your hardware . Want to sell your millinery goods .Want to sell or exchange anvthins? Advertise in THE POLK COUNTY NEWS; - Advertising bringnew customers Advertising keeps the old ones ' Advertising'will increase business Advertising- shows e n f r g y r Advertising shows tJuck Advertising is proper Advertise tomor -Advarttse tod -. . ADVERTIS). i Several Business Houses Wiped: Up Tuesday NightOngin Unknown. : Special to Tht iNews ;" . '. . .-, ' . SALUDA, j N.: C, Aug. io. A fire-of unknown origin started in Saluda last night about 10.45, alniost wiping out the business section of the town. Thome &. Booue's Ktoe and feed warehouse, S. B. Staton's ?torer Sonner & Morris storage waftbouse and stable, and Siner's. shoe sbop were com pletely destroyed. Itis said there was no insurance on the buildings 6r contents and that the total loss-will exceed $ I oo.ooo. BASE BALL. Columbus played Lynn last ThwwJar on Columbus field, and defeated the 'KnU tcrs" o to 5, The heavy hitting and snappy fielding of the PoTk County Cham pions made the boys from ' the Pacolet vaUejr feel very tired before the game yas fiuil ed. ' i' - .. ' v,; " 1 " AN N O U NOEME N T, I. hereby announce myself a candidate for the office: of County Treasurer, subject to the action of the "Democratic County Convention. x- W. B: FnAOfs. . SPECIAL NOTieEl Beaditxg notices vmdtr this head, 5 words or less, 25 cent each Insertion Over 25 words, 1 cent a word each Insertion. GO TO McMUKRAY'S, IN COLUM BUS, FOB.! SPOT CASH BARGAINS. Goods are being slaughtered t6 make room for NEW STOCK AFTER REMOVAL. Everything parked down for this weefc. Don't, wait until Saturday come now. Notice7 ol Bemoaratic County ConVeatioa. ' NOTICE IIS HEREBY GIVEN TO the Democratic voters of Polk, Courxtwlhat on Saturday, August J 7th, 1910, a .Wnio crmtic County Convention (in mass) will be held at the Court house in Columbus for tfce purpose of nominating a; candidate for the Legislature and the candidates for the var-. ious county offices. ; Said Convention will meet at 1 1 o'clock A. M. - .: ":'':-.. ' All Democrat ic'voters. in said cunty are entitled to a seat in said convention and ten represent tbeir respective precincts. Im mediiteJy alter the adjournmenVof asid Cott vention therewlll be a meeting of the Coun ty Kxecutive Committee fir the purpose , of etecttng a chairman of said Committee and for the transaction of any other business that may be brought before the committee. Hon. James M.' Gudger, Jr.. Democratic nominee for Congress, and Hon. A. Hall Johnspn, Damocratic nominee for Solicitor, are expected-; to be presept to address the convention.. ?J The chairmen of the various' precinct committees $;ill call piecinct meetings for their respective precincts to be held omer time prior - to the . time above fixed for the County Convention for the purpose of electing their precinct committees and nominating a constable and three Justice of; the Peace or "their Townships. , -s ' . J This tho 9th day of August, 1910. i j . J. E. SHIPMAN, J Chairman Dem. Ex. Com. S. B. WEAVER, Secietary. YOU WILL FIND I ' That the Best Wutch Is the SOUTH BEND YOU WILL FIND : The South Bend Watch To lie perfectly reliable YOU WILL FIND - The SOUTH BEND ; ? Guaranteed 12 months YOU WILL FIND "A WELCOME AWAITING ,. ..YOU AT -.. .. . -v:X; . ILl!ed's JeweLfy S Tofe RUTHERFORDTON,' N. C. 1 : i -. , . . L ' ! ! . WHO'S FIRST? . " 1 E.TWILLIS J. G, BLANTON Willis & Blantori W EsTVtE 4it SKIPIA1TH, VA. FIRE IK SALUDA, 1 1. WE HAVE A NUMBER' OF , fine FARMS FOR SALE, suited ; . ; for Fine Tobacco, Cotton and Grain, i " containing from ; , 37 J-2 to 300 ACRES conveniently situated to Churches ', ' Schools, and liailroads, price ; i - " " . From $10 to $20 Per Acre . -y'" - - n" .- : , : Write or call on u fbr particulars BANK OF TIE MM LAN DRUM , SVO When you do business with a Bank, be sure you are in touch with a SAFE AND SOUND institution. The BANK OF LANDRUmIs conducted ac cording to recognized rules of LEGITIMATE COMMERCIAL BANKING Conservative business men in every line of enterprise, farmers, and the public generally will receive courteous personal attention, and may feel assured of careful consideration and proper handling of their business when they open an account with us. H. B. CARLISLE, President P. V. ' .. : CUNNINGHAM, Lmshier The S A L U D Paid an Savings Every It has leen the. constant "endeavor of iht management of mis uaoK 10 mrnicu every possiDie lacnuy ior tne cnven ie'nce of its deposiiors, together ineir money. x . An accouui with this hank any - corporation, ;nrur, , or banking facilities. ? " We solicit your account. . D. C. BARROW, Q. C. SOfrNER, Presided. ,1 Fice-Prsideni. ' H. B. LANE, ' - We are handling the his! Hamilton In order to introduce them and mace you a regular customer, we give you A Watch with Every $5 Cash Sale TRY THEM THE BALLENGER COMPANY For Everything TRYON, Groceries, Dry JdMn TR Shoes, Crockery, Glass-ware Enamel and Tin Ware - Blue Flame Oil Stoves, Etc. 00 LtJ BOS' non-sectariaN, Located in the Mountains of Western North Carolina EVERY BOY AND GIRL IN POLK COUNTY WHO S CAN ENTER THE HIGH SCHOOL DEPARTMENT MAY ATTEND FREE OF TUITION y Expenses nry moderate V FOR .FURTHER! INFORMATION, WRITE golumbus High School Handing the Dealer IS THE MOST' SATISFACTORY way of settling your accounts. . Even if he for gets to record your payment, the,check it self is a receipt for. the Imoney there , is no going back' on. If . ydu would avoid all disputes and misunderstandings open an account with the BANK OF TRYON. It is ever so much; more dignified to pay by check, any way. ' TR ON " JOSEPH LEE, Vice-FresMenl State Bank A; N. C. STRONG CaURTEOUS PROGRESSIVE with absolute safety! fr ; . :. - .... . .. will prove a valuable-asset to : lnaiviauai requiring me "y . best W. a ROBERTSON. Vice-Presidentr Cashier. - Brown Shoes N. C. For Everythirg Goods, Notions MALE AND FEMALE Session begins Sept. S, 1910 OF LANDRURfl Co s 1 HQOL UOHEY! UOHEY ! UOilEH mm M's Bal f (re Mir;" Enry Last Qsi cl UsMes, Tra anil : Reports from many sections tell of a cot ton crop greatly damaged by the continued heavy rains. Stat Commissioner Hudson of Georgia estimates that there will not be over half a normal crop of- cotton in that State. - Wherever this is the case Mr. All Cotton Farmer is going to be hit hard. Nearly all our reports, however, tell of good corn crops; and right here is another proof that the doctrine of diversification is right not haphazard planting of different crops, but a rational system ot rotation that provides or a fair. acreage of the various staple crops each year. .No man can fore-' sea the season, but any rata can, by a little foresight, insure himself lair returns from his farm in almost any year. The one-crop -farmer risltft it all on one throw, and such farmer is gambling'ratlntr than business. Diversification of crops is the firt tsten-" tial of 'permanently successful agriculture, and you must practice it if you wish to be sure,(9f making money every year. Thi Progressive Farmer and Gazette, The Southern Farm Paper, preaches the doc -trine of diversified crops preaches it, 52 times a year, in every issue. - If you wish lo make money read the Progressive Farmer and Gazette a paper made for you by Southern men, dealing with Southern con- ' ditionsonly. f 1.00 a year and your money back if ycu are not pleased. Sample copies sent on request. ' Tie FrogressiYS Fanner and Cazstte, . RALEIGH, N. C. ....... K " ' " .!..: The Polk County News and the Pro gresslve Farmer and Gazette, ONE YEAR for $1.00. . ' BOTICEJF SALE. STATjg OF NORTH CAROLlNAr-County ofPoilt In Superior Court Before the i Clerk. ' , . -i: - -"j. ' .- 1 - ..' JAMES LILES et aVw. LOUISE LILES and MAGGIE LILES. f. 1 NOTICE OF ALE. : , ,i 1 By virtu of in order -of re-sale made by the Clerk of the Niperior Court in the above entitled proceeding on the 2st day of April, l9lo, and on the 6th day Of June, xoio, the undersigned commissioner will, " on Monday, September 5th, 1910, within the ; t legal hours of sale, offer for tale at jjabUc f otitcry, to the . highest bidder ;at .tb.pourt!. House of Polk County a one-hf uhdiYed interest ia and to the following described ' lands: ;"'..'.!'.;,' That tract of land situate in the township " pf Green's Creek, County of Polk and State of North Carolina, known as the "Philip Henderson Place," and consisting of three . several lots, which are bounded as follows: Lot No. X. Begionhlg on a stone, G. T. Feagan's line, and runs north 54. degrees east, 40 poles to a walnut; thence north 30 . east,, 106 poles to a stake at the creek: ' thence with the old run of creek to a hick- (. .. ory; thence south 37 degrees west, 96 poles . to the beginning, and containing a I acres. . Lot No. 2. Beginning on a walnut and ( ruoning tbence south 77 degrees east, 40 poles to a poplar; thence north 36 degree cast, 100 poles to a stake on the creek , thence with said creek to a stake, corner oi " Lot No. I ; thence with line of said lot south 30 degrees west, loojfc poies to roe oegxa- - ning, containing 22 acres. " . Lot No, 3. Beginning at a poplar and " runs south 77 degrees east, 5 poles to a white oak; thence north 8 east, 106 poles o a black-oak at mouth of branch; tbence ith the creek to a stake, corner of Lot ' So. 2; thence with the line of said lot south 1 :6 degrees west, 100 poles to the begin- ting, containing 22 acres, ei csp.ting ZC -wres sold to Robert Henderson. 1 The purpose of (said salt is to realize the )alance due the petitioners on sale hereto-1 ore made, the . terms of which have not een complied with by one of the bidders. ' The terms of said sale - are: ; Ooe-third -ash and the balance on six months' time, r all cash at the option of the purchaser. Title retained until purchase money is . .aid in full. - This the 30th day of July, 1910. . J. E. SHIPMAN, 8-4-4t - Commissioner. Notice ol Final Settlement janfl Discharge. ; NOTICE is hereby given to all con :erned that. we will apply to S. BEd vards, Clerk of the Superior Court for t?olk 'ounty. at his office, Columbus, N. C, oa Thursday, August 1 8, 19 10, at 10 o'clock a. o., for final settlemtat and discharge as txecutors of the estate of Henry C. Mor gan, deceased, j J. Ej MORGAN, P. G. MORRIS, : July 18, 1910. Executors. , ! 11 i. 1 11 ' 1 11 1 m mm m i ! i I i ail . . .11 . 1 THElNORTH CABOLINA State Normai fand Industry 'r:, . - I '".- ' ; i;,' " ' Maintained by the State for the Women of North Carolina. Four ; Regular Coursea leading to Degrees. Special Courses for Teachers; Fall Session begins September 14, 1 910. Those desiring to enter should apply as early as possible. . For catalogue ana other information address JULIUS C rOUST. Pros Greensboro. K.C Randolph Housed LANDRUM, S. C: " Transient rates, 1.50 per- day. " Per week, $$. Per month, $15. Regular paU y rons giten special rates by the day or single ineaL ? -1 ,-' - ' - . . . vi- t - m 'ii It! 1 'i! 1 .-if if T . 1 t ! n? i v ' ' 'hi , , ' fi. . i . f Jit. 1; f ;r,. f ' ! it , 1 7 f i' -;'i c . r. , I. I' i ii v i . iff ti : HI' t 1 S'1 , 1 1 ' f.l Wis . ,t . .t:j-:.: . ."' in M t'j ALL T H ' T I M E , Cofumbus:Polk CotiAty North Carolina: , ? present.