1 ' mp k 6, . : i I i i i i i r;t r i i - -J Three Cents tro Copy. INDEPENDENCE IN ALL THINGS. Subscription Pcicc$LOO Per Year in Advance. VOL. XVI. COLUMBUS, POLK; COUNTY. N. C. THURSDAY, AUGUST 18, 1910. N(X 14; 1 r v 7 h,. M I 'PI I r - x.-: tliJ nil mmi MM III M l II m I ' , ,, ,- 1T ! 1 1 . J1J ! ! - T " '. : T : " : r : r 1 ,i - . . "TTT3 L. 11. CLUUU . ; . The Thermal Belt Realty Co. 'Railroad Station TRYQJJ, H. C COLUMBUS, N. t INVITES INVESTORS AN) those Mio .desire to dispose of property xvitli . an AGENCY that secure what you want. ' Home builders, farmera, or roatiufacturirg or hotel pro moters may find us on the dealred spot ready to trade; ex change or sell. Splendid FARM LANDS suitable for truck-. in g or. fruit growing and the production of corn, 'theat, and cotton, on and near the wonderful THERMAU BELT influ . ence, and some other choice, property now on our list. CORRESPONHENOE SOLICITED. Informarion fur nished promptly. , TfjE TtjEF(.ijL DuL j JlLfY Co., CcLvftBus, J. C. The Carolina j SALU D A . PER CEHT Paid on Savings Evbtj Bankin g Facility It has l)n the constant endeavor of the managerhenr of , this liank to furnish every possible facility for the cnven ienee of its depositors, together with absolute safety far their money. An account with this banlc will prove a valuable asset to x any corporation, Arm, or-individual requiring the best banking facilities. We solicit yaur account. D. C. BA RROW, Q. C. SOONER, W. C. ROBERTSOX, Prti&nt. Vi(X-PrtMkni. ' fict-PrBsident. H. B. X4AE, Cashier. LAND RUM . S. O . When you do business with a Bank, be sure you are in touch with a SAFE AND SCUND irstitution. The BANKfOF IaNDRUM is conducted ac cording to recognized rules of VLEGITI MATE COMMERCIAL BANKING Conservative business -men in every line of enterprise, farmers, and the public generally will receive courteous personal attention, &nd may feel assured. of careful consideration and proper handling of their business when they open aa account wHh us. H. B. CARLISLE, President JOSEPH LEE, rice-President " P. V. CUNNlNQHAiM, lashier -.BANK OF TRVON : John Drr TRYON, N. C. Groceries, Ery Croods, Notiorts Shoes, Crockery, Glass-ware Enamel and Tin Ware Blue Flame Oil Stoves, Etc. We are handling the Hamilton Celebrated En order to introduce a regular customer, we giye.you . A Watch with Every $5 Cash Sale TR Y 4" H E M 'f THE BALLENGER; cbMPANY For Everything TRYON, N. C. V For Everything J. H. HOGAN Railroad TRYON HOME SEEKERS AND their real estate to list their can show you the way to " y State Bank A. N. C. 1V STRONG COqRTEOUS PROGRESSIVE BURGLARS OPEN A SAFE OF THE ORDINARY KIND WITH ridiculous ease. They, very seldom care to tackle burglar-proof vaults like those in the BANK OF TRYON. The wise man will, therefore, open up an account there and thus put his money where it is beyond the teach of burglars. The less you have the less you can afford to lose it. them and make you Station Co Brown Shoes McMurray REMOVAL SALE Is Still On. ' SUCH BARGAINS NEVER BE- . BORE SEEN IN COLUMBUS. COME IN TODAYi THE NORTH CAROLINA State formal and Industrial College Maintained by the State for theiWomen of North Carolina. Four Regular Courses leading to Degrees. ; Special ( Courses for Teachers.. Fall Session begins September 14,1910. Those desiring-to enter should apply as early as poftible. For catalogue and otber information address : JVaUS L. rOUST. Prea't, Greensboro, N.C. UOHEY! MONET 1 HONEY ! Ms mafWre ''Altar;' Every Last One ol Us Tes.-Tou and L Reports from many sectiens tell of a cot ton crop greatly damaged by the continued heavy rains. State Commissioner Hudson of Georgia estimate tint there will not be over half a normal crop of cotton in that State. Wherever this is the case Mr. All-Cotton-Farmer is going to be hit hard. Nearly all our reports, however, tell of good corn crops; and right ftere is another proof that the dictrine of diversification is right- not haphazard planting of different crops, but a rational system ofrotation that provides for a fair acreage of the various staple crops each year. No man can fore see the season, but any man can, by a little foresight, insure himself lair return from his farm in 'almost any year. The one-crop farmer risVa it all on one throw, and su. h farmer is gambling rather than business. Diversification of crops is the firat essen tial of permanently successful agriculture, and you must practice it - if you wish to be sure of making money every year. The progressive Farmer and Gazette, The Southern Farm Paper, preaches the doc trine of diTeraified crops preaches it, 52 times a year, in every issue. If you wish to make money read the Progressive Farmer and Gazette a paper made for you by Southern men, dealing with Southern con diticms only. i.oo a year and your money back if you are pot pleased. Satdple copies sent on request. The Progressive Farmer and Gazstte, RALEIGH, N. C. The Polk County News and the Pro zrcsslve Farmer and Gazette, ONE YEAR for 11.00. ' HOTICE OF SALE. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA County of Polk In Superior Court cetore tne Clerk. TAMES LILES et al. vs. LOUISE LILES and MAGGIE LILES. NOTICE OF SALE. By virtue of an order of re-sale made by the CWk of th Surjerior Court in the above entitled proceeding on the 21st day of April, 1910, ana on ine or.n aay 01 june, 1910, the undersigued commissioner will, on Monday, September 5th, 1910, within the loral hours of sale, offer for sale at oab'ic outcry, to the highest bidder at the Court House ol Foia bounty a one-nan uncuviaea interest in and to the following described lands:'! ; i " ' t That tract of land situate in the township Creek. Countv of Polk and State of North Carolina, known as the ' 4 Philip Henderson Place." and consist in cr of three several lots, which are bounded as follows? Lot No. X. Beginning on a stone, j. 1. Feaoran's line' and runs north 54 decrees east. 40 poles to a walnut; thence north 30 east, iobj poles to a stase at inc cree; thence with the old f creek ta a hick ory; thence south 37 degrees west, 96 poles . . to toe beginning, ana containing 72 acres. I .ft! No. 2. Bepinhinr on a walnut and ruaning thence south 77 degrees east, 40- poles to a poplar; taence nortu 20 oegrees fast, 100 polea to a stake on the creek ; thence with' said creek to a stake, corner of . m - 7" f "tl . A 1 Lot No. 15 thence witn tine 01 saia 101 souui jo degrees west, 1064 poles to the begin Wtner eoiitaininff 22 acres. ' ' -'I.otNo i Becinninz at a poplar and rims south 77 degrees - east, 50 poles to a whte oak; thence north 8 east, 106 pole,s to a black -oak at month of branch; -thence with the creek to a stake, corner of Lot No. 2; thence with the line of said lot south 26 degrees west, IOQ poles to the begin ning, containing 22 acres, excepting 3 acres old to Robert Henderson. The purpose of .said sale is to realize the balance due the petitioners on sale hereto fore' made, the terms of ' which have not been complied with by one of theliidders. .The terms of "sa'd sale-are:- One-third cash nd the balance on Ax? months' time, or all cash-at the option-ft-he purchaser. Title refained nnti purchase money is paid in full. ' . v;- " " This the 30th day of Julji 1910. -, . J. E. SHIPMAN, 8 4-4t c ; " 1 -' Oommissioner. J, G. BLANTON WiHis & Elantoii SKIPIAIXH, A. WE HAVE A NUMBER Q fine FARMS FOR SALE, suited for Fine Tobacco, -Cotton and Grain containing from 37 1-2 to 300 ACRES . j conveniently situated to Churches Schools, and Railroads, price i ' - From $10 to $20 Per Acre Write or call on us for particulars YOU WILL FIND That the Best Watch Is the SOUTH BEND YOU WILT; FIND The South Betid Watch To be perfectly reliable YOU WILL FIND 4 The SOUTH BEND Guaranteed 12 months VOU WILL FIND A WELCOME; AWAITING YOU AT ! JLLied'& JeiyeLhy SToh RUTHERFORDTON, N. C. i WHO'S FIRST? Notice ol Dsmccratic Ccunty Ccnventlon. "NOTICE IS HEREBY CtyEN TO the Democratic voters: of Polk County that on Saturday, August j 27th', 1910, a Demo cratic County Convention (in mass) will be held at the Court house in Columbus for the purpose of nominating a candidate for the Legislature and the candidates for the var ious county offices. Said Convention will meet at ix o'clock A. M. All Democratic voters in said ceunty are entitled to a seat in said convention and to reoresent their respective orcein cts. Im- mediitely after the adjournment of said Con vention there will be a; meeting of the Coun ty Executive Committee for the purpose of etecting a chairman of said committee and for the transaction of any other business that may be brought before the committee. Hon. Tames M. Gudger, Jr., Democratic nominee for Congress, and Hon. A. Hall Johnson, Democratic nominee for Solicitor, are expected to be present to address the convention. The chairmen of the various precinct committees will call precinct meetings for their respective precincts to be held some time prior to the time above fixed for the County Convention for the purpose of electing their precinct committees an J nominating a constable and three Justices of the Peace for their Towaships. i This the Qth day of August, 1010. J. E. SHIPMAN, Chairman Dem. Ex. Com. S. B. WEAVER, Secretary. ' NOTICE OF LAND SALE. BY VIRTUE OF THE POWER CON- I tained in a. Deed of Trust executed by Fred I'orest to vv. v. Kooertson, .trustee, to se cure a note in the sum of Four Hundred and Fifty-eight Dollars ($45800) due J. N. Cudd, which Deed of Trust is of record in Polk County in Mortgage Book No. 2,' at page 304. of the Records of Mortgages for said county, and default! having been made in the payment of said note, there being still due thereon the sum of $396.30, with linterest thereon from Augusr 1st, 1909. Therefore, for the purpose of satisfying , said debt, interest And costs, the under- signed Trustee, win, on ; Monday, Septem-1 ber 5th, 1910, within the legal hours of sale, offer tor sale to the highest bidder, for cash, at the Court-House door for Polk County, the following described lands,- the said lanas neing tne jana conveyea Dy saia ucea of Trust, and bounded arid described as fol lows: x - k V Situate in the Townsihp of Tryon, County of Polk and State of North Carolina, and adjoining landsof Thompson, French heirs and others, and bounded as follows:, Be ginning on a post oak, Logan's corner, on his line; thence with his old line N. 120 poles to a white oak, his bid corner; thence with another line W. 120 poles to a black oak; thence SE. 8 E- 137 poles with Br ed dies' line to; a stake ou William ' Lcgan's line; thence with said line to the beginning, containing So acres more- or less; excepting therefrom 27'' acres sold tp Frank Thompson and David Foster, and ! 2 acres sold Osia Rhodes. !x This the 3d day of August, igio W.jC ROBERTSON, Trustee. SHIPMAN & WILLIAMS, Attorneys.. Randolph House, LANDRUM, S. C. . Transient rates, $1.50 per day. .Per week, '$$'. Per month, $15. Regular pat toos given special rates by the day or single weal., - 4-28 E. F. WILLIS The Polk County News '" ' - t Published every Thursday. Telephone Office, 2. Residence, 12. - Subscriptions mast be paid In rad vance. "'"'(.. COLUMBUS, N'. C, AUGUST 18, 19x0. PERSOMIi AND GENERAL. Sheriff A; L. Hill was in town last Saturday. Mr. J,. F. Williams and family have moved into the Croker cot tage. . i Mts. A. L.' McMurray is visit ing friends about Chimney Rock this week. ' . J. C. Whitesides of Cherokee Falls, S. C, called in Monday to subscribe fori The News August is the month to gather in your hay crop. Cut cow pea Miay. when the pods begin to turn. John W. McFarland of Pobre's Ford was in ito see us Monday, and is how on the new subscrip-, tion roll. j Owing to the storm of Saturday, afternoon the ice cream supper advertised for that evening was postponed. Miss Lena Gay, Miss r Maude Connelly, and ,Miss Lena Laney, of Jacksonville, Fla., are guests of the Arledge Hotel. 1 The News ! acknowledges with thanks the good work of Rev. B. M. Mitchell in bringing in sever al new subscribers recently. Rev. T. Hi Posey and family have vacated the Dormitory and moved into their new home, the residence on Peak street, oppo site Arledge Hotel. - Misses Evlyn and Charlotte Rucker of Charlotte, who 5 have been visiting friends and rela tives.hfira. for some time, re turned hoixie Saturday, k . The baseball ' game scheduled to be played last Satuiday on the Columbus diamond between the Columbus and Lynn teams was postponed on: account of rain.- Wm. Gregory and Doyle B. Hinton; of Jacksonville, Fla., left for home Sunday, after enjoying the delightful atmosphere of Co lumbus for the past two weeks. Mr. J. D. Pless of Canton, N. C, visited his daughter, Miss Augusta Pless, operator of Co lumbus telephone exchange, last Friday, returning. home Monday. . Mrs. N. T. Mills returned home Saturday from Spartanburg, af ter several weeks' treatment in the hospital.j .Her friends will be glad to know that she is much improved in health. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Arledge and MicS Minnie Arledge attend ed a family home-rcoming at the home of Capt. Rucker, father of Mrs. Arledge, m Rutherford county the first of the week. The "Thermal Belt Realty Co.'' is the name of a new business firm in Columbus, with L. H. Cloud and J. H. Hogan the active members, who ar looking for trade in real j estate. List your property with them. It will pay you. - The Mud Crek association of the Western North Carolina Bap tists (colored) Will meet with the Rock Hill church at Biltmore to day An interesting series or meetings continuing until Sunday . ft , t.. r r nff:j.T i pronnatJU. - xvev. . ivi. iuitc.i- ell, representing the colored Bap- jtist church at Lynn, Will be in onrlfln 4lWw , - . When a subscriber gets a paper 3, 4, 5 or 6 moiiths over the time paid for and then has the unmit igated gall to have the postmas ter send the publisher a "Re fused" card; he ought to be im mprtalized by a place in the gal lery of dead-beats. In future all persons serving this paper in that way will, be advertised free of cost. The editor, of The News ' takes pleasure in acknowledging the courtesy and kindness of Mr. W. B. Abbott, general secretary of the., Spartanburg Y. M. C. A., whq 1 recently presented us with a set of newspaper file frames. MrAbbott is an untiring worker and has' by his resourceful - ener gy and push placed, the Associa tion in ; the Spartan city among the best managed and most pros perous Y; M. Cr A "strongholds in he Southland, k . Tryon Graded School Teacner The Tryon graded scbool trus- tees have 1 elected fMiss' Isabella " Lindsey of Frankfort, Ky prin cipal, and Miss Gussie Dodson, Hendersonville, N,' C, and Miss Nora Johnson, of Tryon, N. C, assistant teachers in. theTryon graded school for rhe coming scholastic term .- 'Tvwsnty Imm.rsed. . . - ' ; j. . '-:." The recent revival -meetings in the Baptist church were; quite successful, in the adding of. 23 -new names to the membership roll and the exhibition of great. -interest generally in the work of the church in . Columbus.' . -. The baptismal exercises were , conducted last Sunday morning by Rev. T. IL Posey on Second Branch before a large crowd. Twenty persons received baptism -by immersion. - Agricultural Coflege Experiment Car. On Aug. 25 Clemson f Agricul tural College .yvill leave "an "ex periment station' ' car side-tracked at Landrum S. C i and a great good time is anticipated. Dem onstrating speakers from thor, J j college will present in an attract- lve way the. scientific -side -of -v ' farming, and all who are fortu- , f nate enough to be present will be s highly entertained and instruct- '. - ed. A picnic dinner is promise ' - i and the people of Polk county. are ; 1 invited to be there with; their well-filled baskets and join; with - i V their So. Ca." neighbors in a ; day of pleasure. Buggy Smashed and Lady Injured. A frightened, mule attached, io s a buggy in which were a gehtle-. man and lady driving into town Saturday afternon ran awajr at ' the tuyn into -Main street , near ' Newman' itable"s- collided with. and overturned a buggy in front, -throwing the occupants uti nd . turned and crossed the sidewalk -and ran into Mr. Newman's garr. den corn, demolishing the buggy and severely shaking up and in juring the lady in the vehicle. ; Messrs. Henry Thompson and Walter Russell of Mill Spring and Mrs. Waldrop.and Miss Wilson of Spartanburg were the occupants -of the vehicles. High School Opening. Monday, Sept. 5, is the open-, ing day for the fall term of Co lumbus - High School. The pat rons and friends of this institu tion should put forth extra effort to make the coming session a rec-' ord making term in the history of this popular Polk county en terprise. Prof. E. W. S. Cobb, the new principal, wiil spon be on the ground and will at once out line his plans and arrange with his assistants for a successful scholastic year. There should be no half-hearted support to the new school officers, but thorough and unqualified cooperation and assistance from parents arid guar dians to the end that nothing may mar the good work which can be expected from a well-man-. aged school. SPECIAL N0TI0ES. Reading notices under this ltead, 25 word or less, 25 cents eailf Insertion. Over 25 words, ( cent a word each Insertion. L H. CLOUD and J, H. HOGAN We eu-, tered into a PARTNERSHIP under the firm name and Ityle of THE THERMAL BELT, REALTY COMPANY, ynlh offices at Colum bus, N. C to buy, sell, trade, exchange, ; lease, or rent dwellings, firms, improved ' and unimproved lands of every description ' IN POLK and ADJOINING COUNTIES.. If you have property to sell, trade) o.r ex change, or to rent or lease, list it at once with us.- Wean placi , you ii line witfi people who do business.. THE THERMAL BELT REALTY CO., Columbus, (nearest railroad station, Tryon), N. C. " r " i' - . tr GO TO McMURAY'S, IN COLUW--' bus, for' ;spr,T CASH BARGAINS. : Gods 'are being slaughtered to make room for NEW STOCIC AVtCER REMOVAU Everything rcaiked down for tbia week, Doa't'wait until 'Saturdayome' now. For, Rent. -The 5-room house on the northeast corner of. thf street opposite th sonibwest r corner of Coiirj House. Square. Splendid water, good garden spot, and nec essary outbuildings, tor particulars call oa or address X. H. osey, Golusob&s; N. C M. i u Mi '.I r 1 1 - it (; r f i, 4 I I it fx.' l , I'.'' i ! it i j "Hi . i, "i" El! (:: v.. 1 v i r j r I 1 )mA , 13 t : ' ill 'ft ti If IT 1"