Thrsc Cents the Copy. INDEPENDENCE IN ALL THINGS. Subscription Price, $1.00 Per Year in Advance. VOL. XVI. COLUMBUS, POLK COUNTY, N. C. THURSDAY? AUGUST 1910. NO. 15. L 11- CLOUD ffie Thermal Bet Puilroad Station TRY ON, N. C COLUMBUS. INVITES INVESTORS AND thee Mm desire to dispose of property with an AGENCY that can - show you the way to secure what you want. ''. - - ' 1 - ' - ' Home biiiMcrs, fanners, r rnannfacturirg or hotel pro-' ' moiers may find us on the desired spot reaciy to traderex" change or sell. Splendid FARM LANDS suitah'.e for track ing or fruit growing and the production of, corn, wheat, and cotton, on and near the wonderful THERMAL BELT influ ence, and some other? choice property now on our list. 3 CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. Infonnarion fur nished promptly. ; V : '. ' . r .. . TijE TtjEipjl BeLj IejLjy Co., GQLypBi'Sj ft G. The Carolina SALUDA, N. C. PER SENT Paid on Savings E ve r y Ban kin g F a oil it y It has been the constant endeavor of the management of this hank to furnish every possible facility for the conven y ienee of iti depositors, together with absolute safety for their money. , . . An account with this bank' will 'prove a valuable asset to any coTjoration, firm, or individual requiring the best V backing fncilities. fA W: solicit your account. v v D. C. BARROW, Q. C. SOMVER, W. C. ROBERTSOy, . Fre&dtnt. Vice-PresUicnt. - Vice-President. 1 . fi. B. LA1E, LAND R U When tou do business with a Bank, be AND SOUND irstitution. The BANK OF LANDRUM is conducted -ac- j cording to recognized rules of LEGITIMATE (foMMERClAT BANKING j... Conservative business men in every line of enterprise, farmers, ,and the . public generally will receive courteous personal attention, and may feel assured of careful consideration and proper handHng of their business when they open an account with us. - - ! f . .V j 1 H. B CA R LIS Liz, President JOSEPH LEE, Vice-President ' P. V. CUNNINGHAM, lashier - - , ' .. 1 B A N K O F TRYON, (Groceries, Dry John Off Shoes, Crockery, Glass-ware Enamel and Tin Ware - Blue Flame Oil Stoves; Etc. We are handling the . v ' hisMam7t on-Brown Shoes In order to introduce them and make you a regular customer .we ive you - Watch with Every $5 Cash Sale . ' T R.Y. T H E M . . , - PHE BALLENSER COMPANY Fnr Every thins , TRYON J. H. HOG AN ' ' , j Co. N. C. Rilma l Station TRYON, N. C. HOME SEEKERS AND their real estate to list their State V . STRONG ' COURTEOUS PROGRESSIVE Cashier. M SV C:.V - sure you are in touch wiih a SA FE BURGLARS OPEN OF THE ORDINARY KIND WITH ridiculous ease. They very seldom care to tackle burglar-proof Vaults, like those in the BANK OF TRYONj, The wise man will, therefore, open up an account there and thus put his money where it is beyond the reach of burglars. TlJ? less you have the less you can afford to lose it. T Ry 9 N. Goods, Notions N.G For Everything Realty vwvvvv Bank I v ON c OF APPL1CATI0H FOR PARDON. . . ;., ; 'j : NOTICE ia hereby given to the : public, that epf licaiion will be made to the Gov ernor of Noith Carolina for the pardon of Joe Fowler, who was convicted at Fall i erm, .1909. of the Superior Court of J'olk County of ! the crime of manslaughter and sentenced, to three 3-ears imprisonment in the penitentiary. ; , ' v SHIPA1AN & WILLIAMS, vr Attorneys foT Petitioner,; A8-i8T2t 4 Executrix's Notice. HAVING qualified as Executrix of the estate of MARY ANN GILBERT, de ceasecf, late ef Polk county, North Carolina tiiisis ro notify all . persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to ex hibit' them to the undersigned on or before the '""aStirday.of July, iqii. or this notice will' be pleaded in bar of their recovery. Alt persons indebted' to said estate will please make immediate payment. This the 28th day of July, 1910. .MARY ELIZABETH COLE, 7 28 g 1 . Exitrix. NOTICE OF SALE, STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA County of P-lk In Supericr Court Before the Clerk. JAMES LILES et al. r$. LOUISE LILES and MAGGIE LILES. r NOTICE. OF SALE. Bv virtue of an order -of re-salc made by the Cleric of the Superior Ctuit in the above entitled proceeding on the 2lst day of April, 1910, and on-the 6th day of June, 1910, the undersigned commissioner will on Monday, September 5th, 1910, within the legal hours of sale, -offer for sale at pub'ic outcry, to the highest bidder at the Court House of Polk. County a one-half undivided interest tu and to the followinsr described lands: . j That tract of land situate in the township of Green's Creek, County of Polk and.StaKj of North Carolina, knowtl as the "Philip Henderson Place," and consisting of three several lots, which are boundad as follows: Lot No. 1.. Beginning on a ston, G. T. Feagan's line, and runs - north 54 degrees east, 40 poles to a walnut; thence north 30 east, 106 4 poles to "a stake at the creek; thence with the old inn of creek to a hick ory; thence south 37 degrees'west, 96 poles to the beginning, and containing 22 acres. : Lot No. t". Beginning on a walnut and running thence touth 77, degrees east, 40 pokd-a pcplar; thence north afl degrees , eist,' 100 poWs to a stake on the creel t thence with said creek to a stake, corner of Lot No i: ti.ence'with line of said lot south 30 degrees west, io6 poles to the "'begin ning, containing 22 acres. . Lot No. 3. . Beginning at a poplar and runs south 77 degrees east, 50 poles to a wh te oak; tbence north 8Veast, 106 poles to a tbek-oak at mouth of branch; hence with the creek to a stake, corner of L't No. 2; thence with the Hue of said lot aouth 26 degrees west, 100 poles to the begin ning, containing 22 acres, excepting 3? acres sold to Robert Henderson, j The purpose of Jsaid sale is to realize.the balance due the petitioners on sale hereto fore 'made, the terms of which have not been complied with by' owe of the bidders. The terms of said sale are: One-third cash and the balance on six months' time, or all cash at the optiou ef the purchaser. Title retained until puithase money is paid in full. This the 30th day of July, 19 10. J t . J. E. SHIPMAN, - 8 4-4t ' Commissioner. NOTICE OF UHD SALE. BY VIRTUE OF THE POWER CON tained in a Deed of Trust executed by Fred Foret to W. C. Robertson, Trustee, to se cure a note in the sum of Four Hundred and Fifty-eight Dollars ($458,00) due J. N. Cudd, which Deed of Trust is of record in Polk Countv in Mortgage Book No. 2, at paSe 304. of the Record of Mortgages for said county, and oefault having been made in the .payment of said note, there being still due thereon the sum of ,$396.30, witn interest thereon from Augusr 1st, 1909. : ; Therefore, for the purpose of satisfying said debt, interest and costs, the under signed Trustee, will, on Monday, Septem ber 5thi'l9lo within the legal hours of sale, offer tor sale to the highest bidder, for cash, at the Court-House door for Polk County, the following described lands, the said lands being the land conveyed by said Ieed of Trust, and bounded and described as fol lows: . ' - Situate in the Townsihp of Tryon, County of Pblk and State of North Carolina, and adjoining land? of Thompson, French heirs and others, and bounded as follows: Be ginning on a post Oak, Logan's corner on his line; thence with, his old line N. 120 poles to a white oak r his old corner; thence with another line W. 120 pos tcf a black oak; thence SE.l8 E. 137 poles with Bro dies' line to a stake on William Lcgan'a V. anna t-xiA tin- f n t Kf-rrin nmT - lint. iijviii,. nil." u """"t5 I containing So acres more or less; txccptingl therefrom 27 acres sold to Frank Thompson and David Foster,and 2 acres sold Osia Rhodes. i . This the 3d day of August, 1910. - ' W. C. ROBERTSON", Trustee. SHIPMAN & WILLIAMS, Attorneys. , STEARNS, N. C. OPEN :ALL THE YEAR. 2lrs, D E Cunningham, Prop. The Polk County News . - ' , . - ' - Published everv Thursday; , . Telephone Office, 2: Residenee; 12. , Subscriptions must be paid In ad vance., ' ;''':'.-j.---,-.v-'.i-x:'(;i COLUMBUS,' N. C.N, AUGUST 5, I910. PERSONAL AND GENERAL. JVIrs. F. B. -Williams left for Shelby last Saturday. ; J A blue mark on your paper signifies that y ou are . .. in arrears., Miss Virginia Butler, of Tryon, was in town Sunday and Monday. Rev. and Mr, T. Hr Posey are in the Chimney Reck section this week '. v;l . - Mr. John- Hampton and wife visited Mr. C. C. Hampton last Sunday. s ; Miss Myrtle and C)de Hamp ton are visiting relatives in Ruth erford county r r j The' Saluda Seminary opens September 15th, Prof. G. C. Bur ragei Principal. White Cochin Bantams,, $1 per pair Mrs. Louise Hogan, Co lumbus, N. C- , . ;' Mr. and Mrs: F. M. Burgess an d Mr Robert. McFarland went to RutherfordtorLSunday The Tryon Sunply Co. is selling summer, hardware at summer prices Buy hardware now and save;money. . v -j Beautiful pets an'd good layers are White Cochm Bantanjs;-$1 a pair; Mrs. Louise Hogan Co lumbus, N- C- : Sheriff A. Li. Hill and Frank M. Burgess, Register of IDeedsJ went to Asheville on tPuiness last Thursday, v ' The. Misses Adair and' Viola WalkerofGreen's Creelc sectioh were in town Saturday, and Sun day, the guests of Mrs. Arledge. Get in on the ground floor by ordering your office stationery now at the News office. Why. wait till you "run out'' when you can save a dollar or two now? Mrs. A. LrM Murray and Mrs. L. H. Cloud returned home Sun day from a several days' - visit among relatives in Chimney Rock section. j v I. G. Morris, of Laiidrum No.l and J. E. Morgan, of Spartan burg, were in town Thursday ar rangingfinal settlement of Mor gan estate. j; If you have property to rent, sell or exchange, or if you are in the market to. buy, call on the Thermal Belt Realty Co., office in the News Building. Patents, are you preparing to send your children to Columbus High School? The opening day is near at hand, Sept. 5th. The new professor reeds all the en couragement vou can give him. ."' '' . ' - ' I " " ! x " ' Mr. A. L. McMurray's big re duction sale is rapidly nearing its close (Sept. 1st.) r Everything going at great sacrifices.! If you need anything at all' take a look over,the little thats left you'll surely save money by buying now. The ice-cream' supper held at the Library last Saturday night i would have been a huge success j J. S. Wynne is chairman 'and it the heavy storm had absented I Fred. A. Olds secretary of the itself from the day's vfestivities j committee which has this matter just a little longer. Everyone ! in charge and they desire to, ob was happy,- however, and ex-1 tain the 'names anc( ; addresses, penses were cleared. 4 A' party of gay picnickers hail ing from Pacolet, S. C, pitched their tents one' night last week on" ,t i- . , -if j j the tJaptlSt L'tlUren grounqs, and after exploring The town and im bibmg the healthful ozone in sleep, awoke refreshed, broke camp and - continued on their merry way to Skyuka, Log Cabin lmi and Chimney Rock, i The Farmers' v State Conven tion will meet at the North Car olina College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts, in West Raleigh,. Aug. 30, 31, and Sept.-1. 1 An interesting program will be pre sented. 2 Rooms for delegates at the college wifl be free, but they should - provide themselves with pillows, towels and a light blanket:- Meals served for 25c. Del-, egates should secure "certificate" plan return tickets. - a ' Death cf Pearly and Goldie, "PearVancT "Goldie" were; only golafish but as pretty speci mens of the finny tribe as ever frisked and fluttered around the glass-inclosed walls of an aquari um. 'Goldie" measured 6 inches from tip of nose ia tip of tail, and 1J inches across s the widest part of body below the 'fins.: They were brought south' by -Mrs. Louise Hogan last fall, and, had been in apparently thej best con dition of health for several years. They were happy chums in the world of fish and only a few days intervened between tH eir sudden taking awav. Dairy Products as food The producta-of the . dairy are perhaps the most useful articles included in the . diet. A meal made up of dishes into which no product of the dairy cow enters would not jbe such as to inspire 1 'the turnpike road to people's hearts I find lies through their mouths, or I mistake man kind." Take away the butter for the bread, the. cream for' the coffee and the. porridge, the short ening in the crust and the bis cuits,, the milk in the jgravy and in the puddings,, the! cream for the dessert and the various kinds of cheese which pieas and satis fy, then take away j the cup of milk for the little one and the meal that would be left would be neither tempting nor j nutritious. " With the Old Vets. ' Mr. Chas. E. Page, the Veteran young, star , route-pony express mail carrier between Columbus and intermediate points and Try on, took a day off on Wednesday the 17th, and hied himself to the veteran filled city of Spartanburg to swap a few yarns with his former enemies in the pits around Fort Fisher. Charley jdid not find any of his old chums-in . the big crowd, but managed to get away with a lot ot thq good things to eat which were spread gveKthe city in great , abundance, - and while the playing of "Dixie" did not disturb his digestion, he felt that he was too young to stay away fiom home over) nighC IJe tried to persuade a friendlyi po liceman to "run him in" so that he could lie down and rest his corns, but the officer - told him that the town was. "free jfor all" and nothing short of murder would be checked. And so Char lev frot a bier stick of Icandy and came home to-ro'ost Wednesday night. North Carolina Home j Coming. Thousands of North Carolinians have migrated to all parts of th6 country. - This State has played a great part in the winning of the west and in the development of all sections. North Carolina vir ility, pluck and ability have proved notable factors in many other States. People from the Old North State have set their mark every where but have never lost their love for their, mother State, North Carolina. .Complete arrangements have been made for a great "Home-Coming Jubi lee and Reunion" for all persons born in North Carolina: this to be held at Raleigh during the fiftieth State Fair, October 17-22. Mayor .as tar as possible, ot any people from this community: who now reside in other States, in-order that' invitati6ns may be sent them..." : ": 1 1 . J- Recent Guests at Leg Cabin Inn. . Mrs. R. B. Edwards, Mrs.! J. W. Williams, MuJlins, S. C-; Mrs. W. J. Ixingman, St Petersburg, Fia.; W. lV Sanders, Miss M. 4 Sanders, Yemassee, S. C.J Dr. w. Clark, L. J, Taylor, Mill Spring; Mrs. W. B John son, Miss II elen Johnson!. ' Mrs. W, B. Ward, Atlanta, Ga.; Mr and 4 Mr. . Geo. Cox, Miss Margaret Gresham,iss ECox, Waynesboro, Ga ; Mrs. Julia T. Fielder, Cuthbert, Ga. ; R. G. Mayo, R. P. Mayo, Augusta, Ga. ; Laurence McArthur, Mrs. R. M c Fee, Tryon; , M iss: Prudeuce McArthur, New York; Mrs. Mark Hooker, Miss Ethel Hooker, Jacksonville, Fla-j -'''i '. .;. - . .v. j ;. ' "' V White' Cochin Bantams, $ ,Pef Pair. . , The prettiest , and jentlest - pet in the world of fowls White Cochin Bantams;: $i per pair. 'Mrs. Louise Hogan, Columbus, N.-c .' r - 1 r" "i Columbus High School, The fall term of Columbus High School, will open on Mon day, Septj 5th, undei conditions whicji point to a floursshing ses sion. Prof. E W. S. Cobb assumes .. control as principal, and his rep- utatiori and standing as 'a'leacher . and manager will be of great value in bringing out a grand rally lor this Polk County enter-' prise, '"f"'"-.-. C v'- Miss Ina -E. Jones, o'f Winston Salem, a 'graduate of Salem Fe male College, who comes into the school life of Columbus very highly recommended, will be in charge ; of the intermediate de partment,1 and Miss Maud Ruppe, a well and . favorably ' known teacher of this county, will ditect ' the affairs of the primary depart ment. , . Arrangements have not- yet been completed for the music de partment, but it is sale to assume that a good teacher will be se cured if the necessary support can be gua'raiiteed The people of Columbus and vicinity should get together and make a united effort to have the music-department of the school as good if not better than is offered in the in stitutions iof nearby towns. EASE. BALL. Columbus Champs Win Game in First Inning The Grceni's .Creek aggregation of ball tossers met the Columhus Champions last Saturday on the Columbus diamond and were defeated by the score: of 9 to 4. The locals took kindly to Mf: S.ayne"s delivery in the first inning, taming five runs on six successive hits two being doubles. The all important features of the game were the indisputable and - unquestionable decisions the umpire. jScore in detail rerdered by follow: ' . : COLUMBUS AB R H' PO A E ' 1 ; a 13 o; o 3- 5.' 1 3 o 1 1 2 2 1 i 1 o 1 o 2m' I O "0 O -'i"'f"''" i- (r ' r o p, 2 2 ' 2 o j y 1 2 0 o . o i 2 ; o a 9 14 27 15 4 R : II PO A E i o 1 5 3 o o ! 1 o .1:3 o 10 7 I o 10 .5 ..1". o o I32I o o ,2 3 3 0 o o I ' I 10000 1 I ' 2 O O 4 4 27 14-S Williams, lb 5 5'. Armand'i p Arledge. 2b :-v5 M. HutchersOn, 3b. Smith. If . . . J . . . Glover,'" SS... L . -. 5 MIutchersbi, rf . 4 Lemon, cf Totals . 41 Wm Jones', t . . 4 Sway "p. i 4 Wh Joiies, lb . , . . 4 Chftdei s, 2hl . . . 3 C.W. Shook, Brown, ss... I Jolt, rf.... I .C. Sh'ook, 3b.. 4 4 r ,4 3 cf...... x Walker, If, 3 Totals. K 32 Cul5'reth played leu field after sixth inn. 3b hit Cu'.breth, 2b hilar Armand (3) G. Ifutcherse 2) , C.W. Shook, Wm Jones. Stolen bases Coumbui 4, Green's Creek I. Left ou bases Columbus ic. Green' Cr. 2. First on errbra-r- olumbusS, Green's Cr. 3. First on 1 alls-V)ff Armand 1, off Swayne 2. Struck out--by Armand 7, by Swayne 5. Hit by pitched ball by Armand, 2. Wild throws -Columbus 2, Green's Creek 2. lime ih 25m . Umpire Mr. B F. Williams. TRYON NEW3 NOTES. Correipondence of Th News. t ': - Miss Estellle Canuon ia with Mra. Kenne dy this week. . Roy Cushing has accepted a position in Missildine's pharmacy. , Mrs. T. T. Ballenger is spending this week in Hendersouviue. - ' v Mrs. W. J. Gaines is spending a waek with th liimettes hi Spartanburg. ! 1 ' J, C. Fisher left Sunday' for Charlotte,' ' where he Will perhaps ipeud the week. ' Samuel Hill of the Tryon, Supply Co. ' sput Sunday th his people in Flat Rock. Miss Amanda Fisher spent last Saturday with; friends aud relat-ve ia Heudersou vifle. ... :" '" j ''"-'" . , Miss Bessie Forde spent several days of Ian week with Miss Emily Spar tanburg :-. "' ' r Miss Pinkie Durham of Landrum visited "with Mra. Lottie Durham Satmday and ; Sunday. . .' . ".'' Miases Emmaand Bell Wingo: of , Roe buck, S. "C:, speut Sunday with Misses.. Jane ainl Iris Jackson. Mr. and Mrs John Landrum of Green ville are visiting with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Godshaw, this week. ' ; Mrs. Craig aad ton of California arrived last week ad are stopping af Mrs. Size more s. They expect to buy a place There and settle down, f-; M.r. Little, ; a Presbyterian minister of Charltte, who is staying at Oak Hah for a tew days delivered; an excellent sermon in the Metlit,dist Church Sunday evening, wnica was very mucu i eujujc uj present. r ; ; LEBANON NOTES. Correrondence t The 'ewi . , Very heayj rains In this section Saturday and Sunday evening. s-'-- " - Most of I the people of this community at Bethlehem Sunday. ; . '-.j; ' ' " ' Revival services . will begin at Lebanon church nex Sunday, Aug. 28. The 'pray ers of Christian people are requested for the' success of the meeting. - A lew friend' arid neighbors on joyed a good dinner at the home' ot Mr.J: C Powell recently, the occasion being the lirthday of his younger son, Mr. Quiucy. . ' 1 t; ' I ' ! . 1 ' 1 - - t .1 r I t1- -.1-! i - . - - -t j i t - It " ' i i t- " -, -, t i !' f. : "t I. t : ' t . I j -i - - 'M .

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