1 ft ;y-" V sr r -e i- 4-f f '. 1' Three Cents the Qopy. INDEPENDENCE IN ALL THINGS. Subscription Price, $1.00 Per Year in Advance. 7M " 1 1 -f' VOL. XVI. " : . : . ' i,Mi",,wwiWMBBssMMBMMMSsswMSiMiWiWMBMMwMBMMawBWBMMiMMMwwMBWMawwMMWMwpiiBMiMMaaBM .i I tog Cabin OPEN ALL Mrs. D. E. CUNNINGHAM, Prop. 'Stearns, Polk County, N. C- l. n. ci.oub The Thermal. Belt Realty Co. Railroad Station TRYON, X. C. COLUMBUS. INVITES INVESTORS AND HOME SEEKERS AND those who desire to dispose of . their real estate to list their property with an AGENCY that can show you the way to secure what youwayt. Home builders, farmers, or manufacturing or hotel pro moters my find us on the desired spot ready to trade, ex change or sell. Splendid FARM LANDS suitable for truck ing or fruit growing and the production of com, wheat, and cotton, on and near the wonderful THERMAL BELT influ ence, andsome other choice property now on our list. CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED, nished promptly. Tije TqEitftqL BeLf HejLjy Co., CoLufiBuSj fl. C. The Carolina State Bank SALUDA. N. C. . PER CENT . Paid on Sayings Every Ranking Facility It has ljeeu the constant endeavor of the management of , this lank to furnish every possible facility, for the cnven- ience of its. depositors together ;vith absolute Balety" r j'. thir money. ' - An account with this bank will prove a valuable asset to any corporation, firm, or individual requiriug the best banking facilities. . We solicit your account. D. C. BARROW, Q. C. S6NER, W. C. ROBERTSON, President. Vice-President. Vice-President' H. B. LAlStE, Cashier. THE BAN LAN DRUM, S . O TlHE only safe place for your dollar is in the bank hence, the problem of today is to find -a good, sound institution -for your savings; such an institution you will find in THE BANK OF LANDRUM-conducted according to recognized rules of legitimate commer cial banking. Courteous attention to all depositors. H. B. CARLISLE, President ' p. v. THE BANK . " - John WQrr TRYON, Groceries, Dry Goods, Notions Shoes, Crockery, Glass-ware Enamel and Tin Ware . Blue FlamMU Stoves, Etc. Inn THE YEAR J. H. HOG AN Railroad Station TRYON, N. C. Informarion fur- MX STRONG COURTEOUS PROGRESSIVE LANDRU1 JOSEPH LEE, Vice-President CUNNINGHAM, Cashier Your bank deposits roll up surprisingly if you make it a rule to pay by check only and. deposit all your cash at The Bank of Tryon. Then stop tQ think before you buy and in many cases thinking means refraining. Ambition to have a good balance prevents . a ' many spending and thus your deposits roll up. : i OF TRYON Go N. C. & COLUMBUS, POLK, COUNTY. N; C. ! , :. ' " " ii i - i. i i i i . i n I, , mi -ii- ii tm ifc WM WMM Souvenir Postal Cards. - The Polk County News Job and Station ery Department Is now turning out fresh from the press an attractive series ef Sou- L.! - ' . ..1. S. ' of charmine scenes in the vicinitv of Co- luinbus, Spring Mountain park., steafos. etc. Log Cabin Inn, Skyuka, Shunksjra- kan and Rainbow Falls, Hemlock Shoals, and I ryon Mountain are among the subjectsJg jj C0Ur8t3. Vizi1 titerary shown. These cards will be on sale at THK 1 t Tt , ' ' tMKrmrJ NEWS OFFICE and McMurrav's Store ial,""B5S 1US1C. t I ... fntL a V mm m m Columbus, BaDenger's at Tryon, Log Cabin inn at steams, an other places. Usual prices, caji ana iook over uie joi. . Advertising is' Business. IF YOU Want a farm Want house . want a partner . Want a horse or cow Want to buy anything Want to sell a mule oi hog Waiit to sell ' a carriage Want to sell town property Want to sell your groceries Waut to sell your hardware Want to sell your millinery goods Waut to sell or exchange anything Advertise in THE POLK COUNTY NEWS Advertising , is the way to success j Advertising brings new customers ' Advertising keeps the( pld; ones Advertising will increase business Advertising shows energy Advertising shows pluck Advertising is vp roper Advertise tomorrow Advertise today ADVERTISE ALL THE TIME OB PRINTING Thr NEWS OFFICE is now Dreoared to accent orders fur any and all kinds of JOB PRINTING. First class work aud prices to suit. " . Chattel mortgages, warranty deeds, mort. gage deeds, and posted land notice cards for sate at News office. r For. Rbnt. The 8-xoom house on the northeast corner of the street opposite the southwest corner of Court House Squire. Splendid water, good garden spot, an 4 nec essary sutbuDdings. ior particulars call on or address T. H. Posey, Golumbus, N. C. NOTICE OF LAND SALE. UNDExC DEED OF TRUST BY VIRTUE OF THE POWER CON tained in a Deed of Trust executed on July 29th, 1909, by John Irvin and wife, to James . E. Shipman, Trustee, to secure a note in the sum of 1119.80 to B. B. Jack son, which Deed of Trust is of record in mortgage book No. 5 at page 221, of the rccoms of mortgages for Polk County, which note became due and payable on July 29th, 1910, aud default having -been made iu.the payaient-of said note,, the un dersigned Trustee, for the purpose of satis fying said note, interest aud costs, will , on Monda), Oct. 3rd, 1910, w.thin the legal hours oi sale, offer for sale at the Courthouse door in the Town of Columbus and. County of Polfc to the highest bidder for cash, the following described lands, being the lands cenveyeti by said Deed of Trust, aud bound ed and described as follows: j The following described piece and parcel of land, situate, lying and being in th Town of Saluda, N. C , and being in Two tracts: First Tract bought from I. D. Thomp sob, lying on the east tide of the A. and b. Ry., Beginning at a take on tha public road in the Morris liae and runs with said line N. 1 dcg.E. 443 feet to a stake; thence South 75 deg. . West 62S feet ,. t a ttakt. Thence South 84 deg. West 200 feet to stake; thence South 10 deg. -West It6 feet to a1 stake. Thence North 82 deg. East 20S feet to a stake; thence South' loji dtg. West 208 feet to a stake." TUence Nerth 82 J4 deg. E. 300 feet to a stake. Thence Souh SiYa deg. East 347 feet to the begin ning, being the place upon which John Irwin now lives. Tract Number Two. Be- ginning t a locust post on the North side of the I Towards Gap Road, at Pink Hip's Southeast, corner ana runs North 9 deg. East 12 poles and 15 links to a locust post; thehce North j . deg. East 7 poles and 3 links to a stake, ou the South side of Valley street; thence with the South side of Valley stret North 76 deg East 25 poles and 4 liuks to a poplar; thence South 2 deg. West 2io feet to a stake; thence South deg. West 210 feet to a locust post near John Irwin's house. Thence. Nerth r deg. East 205 itt to a white pine on the North side ot the Howards Gap road Thence with the North side of said road S. 83 deg. West 13 poles and 10 links to the beginning, being all that land fully described in two tracts and contained in a Deed of Trust to McD. Ray trustee, duly recorded iii Book 4 at page 380 of the records of Pork Countyv North Carolina, used for the recording of Land Mortgages and Deeds of Trust refer ence to which is hereby made.! Containing in both tracts 7 and 9-10 acres' more or less. I This the 1st day of Sept., 1910. TAMES E. SH1PAIAW, et - -v .-. ' 1 rusicc. - . - Executrix's Notice. , ! -'-V ' ' HAVING qualified as Executrix of tha estate of MARY ANN GILBERT, de ceased, late of Polk county, North Carolina, this i ro notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deeeasd to ex hibit them to the undersigned on or before the !a8th day of July, 1911or this notice will be pkaded in bar of their recovery. - All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. v This the 28th day .of July, iqio. 1 MAKY ELIZABETH COLE, , - 7 28-9 I Executrix. News Advertisements Pay. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER Columbus Bigb Scbool snd Industrial Institute. fal1 term Columbus High School and Industrial Insti- ItUte Will open OH Monday, Spt. 5th, 1910. The School offers 1e principal, Xu W. O. UDD. is a graduate of the Georgia- AiaDama BUSlrlSS Clnlttfcrp nf Maon, Georgia, and an A. B. graduate of the North Carolina btate University. At the last named institution he took a special course in pedagogy and school organization; thus thor oughly preparing himself for the duty of supervising and teaching in the modern school. Principal Cobh has, in addition to this special preparation, had six years of successful experience in school work. The intermediate department of the School will be taught by Miss Ina E. Jones, an A. B, grad uate of the old and renowned Salem ' Female Academy, Winston-Salem, N.C., at which insti tution she also took a special Teacher's Normal Course. Miss Jones has also had two terms of successful experience as teacher. Miss Maude Ruppe, one of Polk county's first grade, experi enced and successful teachers. has been elected to teach the primary department. The department of music' will be under the skilful direction of Miss Garnette Williams'. This is Miss Williams's third term with us. . The dormitories will be under the direct supervision of the prin cipal of the 'school; Good, wholesome, substantial board will be given 'for both the boys and girls at the girls' dor mitory at the now very "low rate of $10.00 per month. Mrs. Cobb, who is an experi enced teacher and a Greensboro State Normal College woman. will have charge ;sf the girls' dormitory and boarding house. It shall be the utmost endeavor of both the principal and Mrs. Cobb to make the school and dor mitory life as home like" as possi ble that it be made pleasant as well as profitable, and to see that each studeat hta the same priv ileffe and adyantaj WiUi tho above advantages, to gether with the fact that every cmin in Kniir notintv has thA on-' portunity of attending the Colum bus High School free of charge, and further that free scholar ships will be given worthy stu dents to enter without examina tion or tuition the.State Univers ity of North Carolina, the Greens boro Normal College, or any of the other colleges of the State; it seems to us that a casual consid eration of the matter! would in duce every citizen of Polk county to see to it that his boys and girls attend the Columbus High School and Industrial Institute this yearJ and enjoy the privileges aifd ad vantages which the State ' . of North Carolina has made it pos sible for them to get at this insti tution. V . Further particulars, if desired, can be had by writing J. E. Ship roan, secretary, or E. W. S. Cobb, principal Columbus, N; C. ; Cstton Still Soaring. . August cotton has reached the 20 cent mark in New. York, due to shoits being forced to jcover. This price is nearly 1 2 cents higher than the top figure reach in the famous bull year, of v1903 04, and is by no means the limit, the market being in - a panicky condition. " . 1, 1910. The Polk County News Published every Thursday. j . Telephone Office 2. ' Residence, 12. . Subscriptions must be paid ia ad vance. . h'- V: COLUMBUS, N. C, SEPT. 1, I9I0. PERSONAL AND GEKERaL. A blue C mark on your paper signifies that you are in arrears. ' Born Thursday.- August 25tb, to Sheriff A. L. Hill, a daughter. Everything .wentf Democratic last Saturday even to the water 'milyuns.', White Cochin Bantams, $1 per pair. Mrs. Louise Hogan, Co lumbus, N.C- But oh, what we won't do wien that ilandrum telephone system is completed! Why worry over that railroad? A bottle of "dope' costs only a nickel. At McMurray's. " C. H. Williams ! has secured employment in Tryon, and will be a Tryonite again for a term. " TVIr. j W. G. Egerton, of Mill Spring No. 1, was a pleasant vis itor at the News office last Satur day..''; " Register of Deeds F. M. Bur gess and Mr. R. A. McFarland, returned from s Rutherf ordton Friday. .. 'f . ' Beautiful pets and good layers are White Cochin' Bantams; $1 a pair. Mrs. Louise iumbus, N- C- Mr. E. G. Seism, Hogan, Co the hustling lumber dealer of ; Tryon, N- C-, was in town last Saturday on business. , - Mis's (Bessie Gay of. Jackson ville, Fla,, is still Jen joying the delightful scenery in and around Columbus. - f John Mclntyie, of Landrum No. 1, adjudged insajpe, placed in the county jail pending com mitment to asylum Att'y Claude B. McBrayer, of Marion, N. C, visited his friend and college mate, Att'y Buford F. Williams, last week. .'I--' t j - Miss Minnie Arledge will be one of the teachers in the school at Youngsville, Franklin county, for the term beginning Sept. 5. I Mr and Mrs. G$o E. Claxton and Miss Helen Claxton of Spar tanburg are visitintr in Columbus, the guests of the Hotel Arledge. Will Jarrett (escaped lunatic) and Ottaway Green were taken to Morganton Asylum for the in sane last Thursday by Deputy Sheriff Fonze Edwards. Dr.jB.'B. Lancaster and son were j business visitors in town last Saturday. Thjeir new "bub ble" caused considerable curios ity 011 the part of the youngsters. i- -": 1 ' .-'I'- John H. Hogan, the editor of the News, left Tuesday morning on art extended business trip. During his absence John G. Bier baum will take charge of the office.; V- -. j ':-, - : That xhicken thief had better see the -error of his way ;if he doesn't want to go to his last roosting place filled with some thing far more indigestible than chicken. j N Mr. N. T. Mills made the heart of the editor glad the other day by bringing in a nice basket of sweet potatoes, the! largest speci mens we have seenjlhis year, and a bountiful mess of beans. Thank you. 1 : J. '"Z ' . I ' Messrs. W. M. Thompson and W. G. Hill, progressive agricul turists of Walkers, N. C, called at the News office last- Saturday to , renew; their subscriptions. They say everything , is, rosy in their section judging by the apples.'- , , . - ;. 4S'i-', - : i.r;; I;, : Professor and Mrs. E. W. S. Cobb arrived in -town last 'Friday and are temporarily located at the Hotel Arledge. They . willi soon get,tnmgs in proper iorm at the Dormitory, preparatory to the opening of the fall- term of the Columbus High School, ' which Professor Cobb will direct. ' - NO. 16. -9 Democratic County Convention. Last Saturday was a grand raW ly day for, the Democrats of, Polk county L who met-in mass conven tion at the court house to nomi nate candidates for the various county I officers. The following is the ticket as named:1 v For representative J. Livingstone. " -I'.lii , For sheriff AL. Hill.1 "f -fit , r For register of deeds F. M. Burgess. -' For treasurer W..B. Feagans. For coroner L. C. Gibbs. For county commissioners Q. C- Sonntj M. A. Cprnwell, T. M. .Ruppe. i Hon. A. Hall Johnson, demo cratic nominee for solicitor, ad dressed the convention after the nominations were made, on the issues of the day. Clyds Hampton very ill. Friends of the Hamptons will be very grieved to learn that the physicians at Kutherfordton j?ive out very little hope that little Clyde Hampton will ever be well again, j They diagnosed the case as enlarged spleen. Clyde is now at his sister's, Mrs. Hodge, but will be carried home as soon as practicable. We miss the little fellow who was always so willing to do for everyone, and trust he will, soon rally back into sound health again. TRYON NOTES. : r. ;.,--:"..-; Correspondence tf The News ' J " 1 Mr. PctiEngel went to Asheville Mon- V ' ' day. ' . : , " ' Dr. an! Mrs. Nettles of Spartanburg vis- ited here Sunday. . V Mrs. John Cagle of Columbus is spending a week ia Tryon. Mr. C, Rodgers of Flat Rock was a vis itor here Sunday. . v Mr. John Pace of Saluda was hereon business Tuesday. ' J 7 Mfss Julia Fisher spent several days e-f last week.' in Landrom. , . ' , Mrs. George Morion's youngest . child diedTMwfWay nwrni. . -'Vr'fr ' ? -?v" Mrs. W. J. Gaines Is wilh Mr. Gaines in . - - ........ . 1 . Campobebo this -week. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar IcKenney of Spar tauburj Visited Mr G. C. Gurley Sunday. . Mrs. T. T. Ballenger, who has been a week in HendersonviUe, returned Monday. Misses Jane and Iris Jackson spent sev eral days of last week ViUDg , in f air V Forest. J -.v-I- MUs Mary Butler and brother of Green ville, S. C. are spending two weeks with Miss Virginia Butler. .. V .- Mr. C. H. Wilson went to Henderson- ' ' ville Monday Wspcn'd a few. weeks with his daugliter, Mrs. Bennett. James More and Minguess Justice, who have been away for a pleasure trip for the ' ; , past week, returned Monday. . , NOTES FROM CROSS KEYS.- Correspondence of Th News. - Little Annie May Miller is very sick. : 4 . Miss Bessie Burns of New Prospect is vis- - ; itinij here this week. ' . 1 Miss Aah Walker is very ill. We hope v -v . for her a 'speedy recovery. , . , " Master Irvin Caldwell ot SigsDee is visiung here at his grand parents. Miss Lillian Cantrell has returned a pleasant trip to New Prospect. from. Miss Salens Feagan is expected home in a few days from Ixckney, Texas. Mrs.W D. Caldw-ell, of near Spartanburg, is visiting her parents at this place. vThe people of this section are enjoyinp,. the protracted meetinga at Green's i.reek. v Miss Winnie AWersoaof North Pacolet is attending the big meeting at Grees's Creek. y , . :'l - ' Mr. Jesse Barnett, the village Diacjcsmuu of Cross keys. U very ill at his home near Sandy Plain. .' r I . . Where to Spend Summer. .1 From Lile. - ..- , 1: .. Egoist1 snould go to Me. " " Catholics ahould go to Mass. ; Readers should go Id Conn. 1 Suitors ' should go to Pa. ' ' ; " Invalids should go! to Md. ' ' ' ( Debtors should go to O. , . .- Physicians should go to 111. . Arithmeticians should go to Tenn. . r . Young men should go to Miss. - - Noah skould go to Ark. - - - ' Miners should go to Ore. Laundresses should go to Wash,-, ... White Cochin Bantams, $1 Per Pair.1 ' The' prettiest and gentlest pets in the': world'of fowls White Cochin Baatams; $i per pair. I Mrs. Louise Hogan, Columuusi N. C. -s- . .-x - . ; ' , 1- .11 1 s It ii m S I J ? Y f. i 'I. 5 1 1 1 It : .. . , .... .. , . , . - 1 - vp'1 . ' . ,,. " yis. . 4. fj (; l ' . :. ' I - - r.1:-

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