VOL. XVI., COLUMBUS, POLK COUNTY. N. C. . '. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER' 8, -' 1910.' , 'NO'. 17. 1 Loo; OPEN ALL Mrs. D. E. CUNNINGHAM, Prop. Stearns, Polk County; N. C n. CLOUDx 7"Ae.. Thermal Belt Railroad Station TRVON, N.v C. s COLUMBUS, N. C. INVITES INVESTORS, AND HOME SEEKERS. AND those who desire to dispose of their real estate to list their property with sui AGENCY that can- .show you the way to secure what you want. Home builders, farmers, or manufacturirg or hotel pro moters may find us on the desired spot ready to trade, ex change or sell. Splendid FARM LANDS suitable for truck. tag or fruit growing and the production of corn, wheat, and 'cotton, on and near the wonderful THERMAL BELT influ ence, and some other cboice property now on our list. - CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED, nished promptly. : The Carolina State Bank SALU DA, N. C. PER GENT Paid on Savings Byery Banking Facility It has been the constant endeavor of the managenitrnt of - this bank to furoiah every possible facility for the conven- ience of its depositors, together with absolute safety for' their money. , : , , An account with this bank will prove a valuable asset to ' ' t j any corporation, firm, - or individual requiring the best j banking facilities. v - ' j We solicit your account. . D C. BARROW, Q. C SOONER, W. C ROBERTSON, President. Vice-President. Vice-President. - H. B. LANE, THE LAM DRUM; S. O THE only .safe place for your dollar is in the bank hence, the problem of today is to find a good, sound institution for your savings; such an institution i you will find in THE BANK OF LANDRUM, conduct- ! ed according to recognized rules of legitimate commer cial banking, r Courteous . attention to all depositors. : ; B. CARLISLE, President- JOSEPH LEE, Vice-President-. V P. V. CUNNINGHAM, Lashier . ' n. 5? T H E BANK Groceries, J)ry MTo John Shoes, Crockery, Glass-ware Enamel and Tin Ware ' Blue FiaifWSWMp. Cabin; Inn, THE YEAR J. H.-HQGAN' Rilrod Station T.RYON, N. C. Infortnarion fur- STRONG COURTEOUS PROGRESSIVE Cashier. Your bank deposits roll up surprisingly if you make it a rule to pay by check only and deposit all your cash at The Bank of Tryon. Then stop to-think -before : you buy and in many cases thinking means refraining. AmbitknTto have a good balance prevents a many spending and thus your deposits roll up. - C r i 0 E T RSO N Q6ods, lH S R lb I si Co Motions I : IF' YOU ' - - Want a farm V -Want a he use ' Want a partner . Want a horse or cow I . Want to buy anythinj - Wahtto sell mule 01 hog V.'ant to sell a carriage " Want to sell town property Want to sell your groceries Want to sell your hardware .'Want iv sell your millinery goods' . Want to sell or exchange aavihing AdvertiseinTHE FOLK COUNTY Nil WS Advertising is the way to success . Advertising, brings new customers AdveVtiingv" keeps the old ones Advertising will increase business f Advertising shows energy -Advertising show pluck , - Advertising is propter j A dverti st tomorrow -A-dvcrtise today. ADVERTISE A L lTH E ' TIME V REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF , ' ' . r THE CAROLINA STATE BAM At Saluda, in the State of North Carolina; ai the closeof business Sept. 1st, 1910: RESOURCES- k. lxans and discounts...,, . ...20 362 25 Overdrafts, unsecured. ... . .'. .. 15 4 AH other stocks, bonds and mtrt- . gages 850 00 Banking Houses. $1,250; Fur. j niture and Fixtures, $1,000. . . i 250 00 Due from Banks and Hankers. 4 780 y Cash items '.' i-.- J 3T 10 GoU coin 7 ' 85 00 Silver coin, including all minor coin currency J . . . . 599 4J National bank notes and other . U.S. uotes ....... :. J.... : 865 on Total 30 810,98 LIABILITIES. Capital stock . - . Surplus fund ......... Undivided profits, less current expenses and taxes paid, . . . .. . N.tes and bills rediscounted. ... Time certificates of deposit . . . Deposits subject to check. . . . . Cashier's checks outstanding. $ 5 oco 00 500 00 733 7S I ox CO 4 Ia 16 19 151 C ; 259 44 Certified checks ; . Total . 30 840 9$ STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, CVunty of Polk, ss: i - "... Ir H. B. Lane, lashier of the Above named l.ank, do solemnly swear that the above stateiucnt is true- to thebebt of my knowledge And -belie).- -4 vi4- ' " : H. B. LANE, Cashier.' Sutscribedand sworn to before me this 5th day cf Sept., 1910. 1 I I. D. MORRIS, Notary Public. Correct Attest: j DAVID C. BARROW, S. D. STATON, Q C. SONNER, : " - " " I Directors NOTICE OF LAND SALE. UNDEtl DEED OF THlisT. BY VIRTUE OF THE POWER CO N tained in a Deed oi Trust executed on July 29th, 1909, by Johu Irvin and wife, to James E. abipnian," Trubtee, to secure a note in the sum of Sj.119.iJ0 to B. B. Jack son, which Deed of Trust is of record in mortgage book No. 5 at page 221, of the recorus of mortgages for l'olk County, which uote betarue due and payable on July 291I1, 1910, and default having bten made in the payment of said note, the un dersigned Trustee, for the purpose of satis fying said note, interest and cofcts, will on Monday, Oct; 3rd, 1910, w.lhiu the legal hours ot sale, offer for sale at the Courthouse door in the Towu of Columbus and County Of Polk to the highest bidder for cash, the tol.lowing described lauds, being the lands conveyed by said Deed of Trust, and bound ed and described as follows: The following described piece and parce) 6f land, situate, lying and btiug in the Town of Saluda, N. C , and being in Two .tracts: FIRST Tract bought from L. D. Thomp son, lying on the east side of the A. and a. Ry., beginning at a stake on the public road i a the M orris Hue and ruus with said line jN. I deg. E. 443 feet to tt stake; thence South 75 deg.. West 628 feet to a stake. Thence South S hd eg. West 200 feet to a stake; thence. S.mth io deg. West 126 feet to a stake. Thence North 82 j deg. East 20S feet to a stake; thence South ioz lg. West 2o3? feet to a stake Thetice North 822 deg. E. 300 feet to a stake. Thence South 8-4 deg. Eabt 347 feet to the begin ning, being the place upon which John Irwiu now lives. TractNumbur Two. Be ginning it a locust post on the j North side of the Howards Gap Road, at: Pink Hip's Southeast corner and runs' North 9 deg. Eastl2 poles and 15 links to a locust post; thence North deg. East 7 poles and 3 links to a stake, on the South side of Valley street; thence with thtf-South sideof Valley street North -7612 dsg. East 2.5 poles and 4 links to a poplar; thence South 2 deg West 2Jofeetstoa stake; thence South 89 deg. West 210 feet to a locust post! near John Irwin's house. . Thence Nafth j 1 deg. East 205 fct to a white pine onJ the North side ot the Howards Gap road. Thence w.ith the North s:de of said road S. 83 deg. West 13 poles and 10 links to the beginning, being all 'that, land-fully desciib'ed in two tracts and contained in a Deed of Trust to McD. Ray, trustee, duly recorded in Book 4 at page 3S0 of the records of Polk , County, North Carolina, used for the recording of Land Mortgages and Deeds of Trust refer ence to which is hereby made, h , Containing in both tracts 7 and 9-1.0 acres more or less.. . i , This the 1st day of Sept., 1910. - ! : '. ' JAMES E. SH1PMAN, j 5t ' 1 ' - V Trustee. News Advert jBements Pay. Advertising is Business. ' The Polk Gounty;News Published every Thursday. Telephone Office, 2. , Residence, 12. Subscriptions must bs paid In ad vsncs. . . . .. ,- - COLUMBUS, N.C, SEPT.. 8, 1910. r 7 PERSONAL AND GENERAL. A blue C mark on your paper signifies that you are in arrears. What's the matter with politics they're all right to leave alone. : Mr. R C. Jackson of Miilspring was a business visitor here Mon day. - . '-; Mr. W. H. McFarland of Tryon was a business' visitor, here this week. ' Mr. W. M. Dimsdale of Mill Spring, Route 2, was in town Monday. : Mr. J. N. Cudd of Spartanburg S. G. , was a business visitor here Monday. .. - Att'y B. F. Williams went to Tryon on a business visit last Saturday. Mr. W. C. Robertson o Saluda wraa in to wn the first of the week on business. Mr John Smith was in Spar tanburg several days last week on business. White Cochin Bantams, 1 per pair. Mrs. Louise Hugan, Co lumbus, N.C- Mis3 Gladys Reid of Jackson ville, Fia., 'is registered at the Columbus Hotel. Judge A. V. F. BIythe of Hen derson vi He, was in town Monday on legal business. . First-Monday came in with the iirst bit oflear- weather we've had irTa'long time come again! Mr. and Mrsr Scroggs of Jack sonville, Fla., are stopping at the f Columbus Hotel for-a f ew weeks. Mr. Robert Clement of Finger vine, S..C; No. 1, was a pleasant visitor at the' News office Mon day. .. . . Mr- R. L, Wilson, the popular mail carrier of Tryon R. F. D No. 1, was a business visitor nere Monday. Beautiful pets and good layers are White Cocliin Bantams; $1 a pair. Mrs. Louise Hogan, Co lumbus, N- C- "Old Nell," Mr. ShipmanV WH known ,mare, died ,last .Sat urday night,' being 20 years and 5 months old. Mr. Chas ft. Williams, who accepted a position last week in Mr. Bacon's office in Tryon, spent Sunday at his homer Mr. Curtis Arledge, son of our townsman, Mr. J.. P.' Arledge, was" married yesterday to Miss Maude Smawley of Maine. John Mclhtyre (colored) was taken to the Goldsboro Insane Asylum last Thursday by Deputy Sheriff Robert F. McFarland. Clyde Hampton was brought home f i om Rutherf prdton Sim-, day, but as yet nothing favorable can be reported as to his con dition. ' A J The V Columbus Champs' ' are arranging for another game with the Green's Creek'"all-star" out fit of ball players, at the latter's grounds. ' ; f Attention of republicans is called to the notice of their con vention," to be held .Saturday, Sept. 17th, 1910, which' appears in -this issue. J Mrs. L. L. Tallant presented us with some very fine sweet po tatoes, larger than are generally seen at this time of the year," and informs us she is willing to sell 1 I r m, Mr. J.H.Gibbs, th well known surveyor of Miil spring, called at the News office to renew his- sub scription and -added his name to the long list of Progressive Far mer subscribers.! About a. week or so ago a few of us were exclaiming, 'Oh, for a little rain right now!" It does seem as it we all get everything we want and just a little "bit more sometimes. Mr. James Ormand, the "P.C." pitcher of the Columbus cham pion base-ball club, vAio has been on a two weeks Visit to his home in King's Mountain, N. C, re turned last Friday. , Oh , what we would have given to fall in line again with the little tot3 on their first trip to school last! Monday! We can at least guide them to avoid the pitfalls we have experienced. x Hiss Minnie Arledge leaves to morrow for Youngsviile, N. C, where she will teach school this winters,- Miss Arledgewili have charge of the primary depart ment in the Youngsville graded schools. ; Messrs. Larney, Major and Grover Hutcherson, and Yates Arledge, went on a two-day ex ton, S. C, last many places of They all de- cursion to Charles week,, and visited historic' interest. clare the money. ' trip was worth the THE NEWS JOB Printing Depart ment; is now pre pared to turn out good work at 1 low prices. Let us . dc your printing. Sat isfaction assured. Mr! Perry Cantrell. of Finger ville; SrC.;cNo. 1, an ardeiit sup porter of the News, came in Mon day to say tile protracted meeting at Sand Springs church is a granc success, twenty-nine mtmbers were baptized Sunday, three are to be baptized Thursday, and many, were restored. v i Mr. A:h. McM:urray's 'great reduction sale, which came to a close last Thursday, left ven I little of the old stock to be movet into his new store, and shows tm. value of a small and timely adver tisement in the News columns. Mr. McMurray is busy., movinj the remainder of his stock and thi postofneento his new quarters. Wajch for his opening announce ment in & latter issue. i JURY UST. The following is the list of jurors 'drawn for the Kali Tern of Superior tourt: ; "FIRST WEEK: ' ' N. D. Moore, W. E. Hill. J. C Griffin, T. E. Cantrell, Avery Ilalfprd, G.R. Rankin M.C. Johnson, Grayson tovelace, J. H. O Gilbert, M. P.. Wortmaii, T. M. Cudd J. Miller, A. Jackson, M. D. Shields J. II. Cockran, T. P. Covington, Sr., L. C. ibb-, Earl Head, L. E.: Hipp, C. M Feaeans. T. E. Horn.. D. D. Tfce. EH Bradley, K. C. Gilbert, Elijah"Steadman F. Ii. F. C. Jackson, Prince, Logan t Johnson,' J. R. Foster, W G.-McMurray, R. H. Cole, C. R. .Williams, J. D. Howser, John B. Arledge. C. D. Gjbbs, L. Odel. ' SECOND WEEK: J. H. Gibbs, N. E Williams, J. B. Pan ther, Iiobo Laurance, J. S. Smith, L. IL Cloud, W. J. Screvens, C. C. West, D, J, Ijuruett, . G. ' W. Braclleyl W. P. Head M. If . Hal J. E. Moreart. J. II. Ridings, E. wl Green, E. L. Turner. John V. Ed- ,wards, Tj L. Prince. Souvenir Postal Cards. ; ' The Polk County Newfc ijob and Station ery Department is now tnrntug out fresh froin the; press an attractive series f Sou venir Postal Cards bearing ! half-tone views of charming scenes in th vicinity of Co lumbus, Spring Mountain j Park, Stearns, eto Log Cabin Inn, Sky'uka, Shunkawa kan and Rainbow Falls,-1 leuiloCk Shoals, and Tryon Mountain are amrfug the subjects shown. These cards will beon sale at THIS NEWS OFFICE, and McMurray Store in Cclutubus, Ballenger's at Tryon, Log Cabin Inn at Steams', anJ othei places., : Usual prices, uaii 4uu ioo, uvc tuc 101, Town Coaissionars Ileet. Mayor's-Mi tenlssisners' Salaries llifilisleu-Iaies figflncsfl to 40 Cents ' I McFarland Elected Ilarsfiall A meeting of Columbus Town Commissioners was held Tuesday at the law offices of E. BCloud, Mayor B. F. Williams presiding. Ail being present the following business was transacted: Salaries of mayor and commis. sioners were abolished and in lieu thereof they were exempted from street duty. - '"; ? Property taX was reduced from fifty to forty . cents. Poll tax to $1.20. ; . R. IF. McFarland was elected marshall, and directed to imme- ft uiaieiy repair streets ana siae-t walks. " : ' c -' Columbus High School and Industrial Institute. Monday, Sept. 5th, being a holiday, the Columbus High School and Industrial Institute formally opened the fall term Tuesday, Sept. 6th. ' The attendance in all the liter- c; ar.y departments was good; There was enrolled in the High School department on the opening day more students than is absolutely necessary for the assurance of the continuance of the High: School. This in itself is espec ially gratifying to thef manage ment of the school. But there are still Jboys and jirls in Polk County whq should be taking advantageof the free tuition offered here and thus have a chance at the free scholarships . offered by the various colleges of the State, which .will enable them " o get a college 'educations with - practically no cost to .them, ( The enrollment in the High School! department this year will oe good: Why not see to It that our boy and girl are among that targe number? The general - de velopment of your neighbor's boy and girl makes it imperative upon you to give to your boy and girl xn opportunity for an equal de-. velopment, or they must forever cake the subordinate place in the battle of life while your neigh bor's boy and girl will, hold the jlaces of highest trust and high est pay. " We say unto you as Moses said ' unto Hobab, "Come thou with us and we will do thee good. ' ' - Good rooms and board conven ient to school building. Registers and Judges for Coming Ejection. ' At a meeting of the Election Board, held Monday, September oth, in Courthouse at Columbus, ' the folloWingcegisters and judges were-appointed: I olum bus Township, L. H. Cloud, Rrg., J. F.' Ridings and J. W. Newman, Judge's. - - -lr Tryon. - R. F. McFee. Reg., F.-I Weaver and Tr A. Rrpiy, Judges. , X j Mill Spring, S . J. R. Wiilianw. Reg., P. C. Jacksoa and Elias Edwards, Judges, - , Green's Creek, . ' W. Mi Bafnett, Reg , S. B. Weaver andv John R. Hampton, Judges. :. t- Saluda, ' . " " W. C. Ward , Reg , E. B- Golett and T. , E. Pace, Judges - , '- :' . j . ' , -Pea Ridge, ' ". " k N. T. More, Reg., Albert Grayson and W. M. Youoce, fudges. - - 1':-. JackWs' Mill,r;,;r"; v" Eli Jackson, Reg., Vaunce Thompsoa aud r Mose Jackson, Jndjes. , '.y Big. Level, . . W, . Ledbetter, Reg. j Jerry Jackson sad W. N. Gibbs, Judges. His Reasan. What reasou does he give for not wish, ingtosee pie," demanded the ' little ata hotly, i.:- yi:'-i.' 1 ' "The governer doe?nr want to ruin Lis eyesight," coldly replied the office bojv . - "": .... .v '.J- - ii h -I -I' 1 '! ! I I ' I 4- Mr-: it" Co (.:". ;:'

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