v r t ' " , ' f VK rET:fV Jba v tit t J' .4 i 1 Thrse Gents the Copy. IHpEFENDENGE 1 ALLTHINOS. Subscription PriceSI.OO Per Year in Advanced iJ'hR - 1 Li VOL. XVI. - .":. CO LUM8US,' Pi5LK ; COUNTY. N. C THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 15,1010. V no: is. i 1 -. Gabin OPEN ALL , Mrs. D. E. CUNNINGHAM Prop. . Stearns, . Polk County, N. C- "BRUSH RU N A BOUT" A Wt GM O B I LES ' : : :; illESf liY TEST) 7 TWO YEARS OLD, THREE THOUSAND CAS SOLD Ths roads arc good cncLgh for ths Brush The Brush is - -51 BETTER KNOWN AS F. F. ALLRED, Agent, Theaoliiia;S Bank S A L U D A, U. C. o o Witt V Ut 9 W W " fiiV o7 Savinga Every B nbf n g F acilit y It ha !eeiitiie constant trdravor of the management of this bank to'fivn)i'h tvery possible faciiity fiir tle onven . ience of its depcltcrs, t?gct3;r with- absolute-, safety' r their n:oncy. , An Account with this bank will prove a valuable asset to vJ iVycorr;rtnb', '-riraj, of iiiJividual"rccuidg tlc"b'est " banking JecTitiei. '.'-' ;V. We blicit yxmraccount. ' D. C. BARROW, President. Hr B. LANE, t8 LA N D R U uri u km mHE only safe place for your dollar is in the bank X hence, the problem of today is to find a good, ; sound institution for your savings'; .such airinstitution- ! you wilf find in THE BA?TK OF LANDRUM, conduct- ed according to recognized rules of legitimate commer- ! cial banking. Courteous attention to all depositors, j - - ' ;. ' - : ' i '.. I h B. CARLISLE, President ' JOSEPH LEE, Vicc-Prcsideid --';:';-. P. V. CUNNINGHAM, Cashier ' - ';.. - - THE BANK JOHN ORR & tryon; n. C. . : Groceries; Dry Goods, Notions . Shoes, Crockery, Glassware -Enamel -and Tin Ware - Blue Flame Oil Stoves Etc.; ; Etc. I'i'l TV i JL II IX : THE YEAR V . go.od enough for every man "EVERYMAN'S - ' CAR; Rutherfordtoii; N.C. STRONG COURTEOUS PROGRESSIVE W' ?1 Q. C.'SONER, W. C. ROBERTSON, Vice-President i ' Vice-President. Cashier: M Your bank deposits roll up surprisingly v 1 v 1 if you maKe it a rule - to pay - Check only and deposit all yom' .cash at The Bank of Tryon. Then stop to think before you buy and in many . cases thinking " means refraining. Ambition to have a j good balance prevents a many spending and thus your deposits roll up. ; - ! OF TRYON I ft li PR lira S. C . " Advertising is Business. " -1 ' . IF YOU . " Wkut a farm , ' -Want a bouse -!. , Want partner -- Want a horse or cow ' Want to buy anything - ' - t f WalUto'sell a'xnule or hog ; , Want to sell a raniage , s i W&nt to sell town property Want to sell your groceries ' 'Wunt to' sell your hardware i Want to sell your mHfinery good. 5 Want to sell or e -(change anvtl'.ing'. Advertise in THE FOLK COUNTY NEWS ' Advertising is the way to suCoess Advertising brings new customers : : Adverliiiijg kteps the old ones Advertising wifTincrease business ; Advertiring. showi e n er gy ; , Advertising shows pluck i Advertising' is proper . I Advertise tomorrow ,J - Advertise today ,x, M ' - ADVERTISE " "' ALL T II E special: Seven Jewels, Elgin or Waltham Screw Back -and Beyyel Solid v Nickel Case, Guaranteed. - ' By Mail, Cash with Order. Fv F. ALLRED - 1 Jeweler , RUTHERFORDTON, C. FOR SALE We are prepared to fur nish all who wish to buy Appfes, Cabbages. i-and Potatoes - Come to see us before buy ing elsewhere. Our prices will be reasonable. We are located 9 miles west of Mill Springs on Mills Gap road. THOMPSON & McKILLOP s S t u u 4 r ai IB i Also some chickens Rhode Island Reds and White Wy andottes. Call or address" MRS: J. H. HOGAN, COLUMBUS N C. r A BARGAIN. 65 acr farm "-with 20 acres un der ! cultivation, located three miles south Of Columbasj adjoin ing lands of T. H. Wilson and others Call or address:! v L. IL CLOUD, Columbus, N.C. FOR SALE. x , 16: acres ofjand in high state of cultivation; with two dwellings, water supply, baths, outbuildings etc. Beautiful location: One half imile . from -Lynn Knitting Mill antl two miles from railroad station (macadam (road). Will make fine truck farm and rent for '200. a. year. Prices and m right; 0I address. ' - Prices and L. H. CLOUD. Columbus; N.C. E. F. WILLIS ; J. G. BL ANTON IS ; . ; r i - SKIPU1TH, JH. i "y ,- - ' ' - WE HAVE' A NUMBER OF : fine FARMS FOR SALE, suited for Fine Tobacco,- Cotton and Grain 'containing from . r - - : . . . . 07 i n n onn tnprx conveniently s-ituated-'to Churches Schools, and Railroads, price ,. anton mm From . S0 to. $2'0 Per Acre Wiite or call 'b"I us for particulars JURY US!. The folloving is the list of jurors drawn for the Fall Term of Superior Court: r. FIRST WEEK: N. D. Moore, W. E. Hill, J. C. Griffin, T..E. Camrell, Avery Halford,-G.R.Rankin, M. C. Johnson, Grayson LovIace, J. H. O. Gilbtrt, M. P. Wortman, T. M."C"udd, J. E. Miller, A. Jackson; M; D. Shields, J. H. Cock ran, T. P. Covington, Sr., L C. Gibbs, Earl Head, L. E. Hipp, C M. Fagans J. E.'Horo, Di T, Pce, jEli Bradley," K. C. Gilbert. F. Cs Jackson, Elijah Steaanian, F. B. Princ, Logan Johnson,' J. R. Foster, W G. McMurray. R. H. Coje, C. R. Williams, J. D. II owser, Jt.hn 15. Ar ledge, C. D. Gibbs,- L. OdeL SECOND WEEK: jll. Gibbs, N. E Willrains, J, B: Pan ther, Bobo Lsurance, , J. S. Smith, L. H. Cloud, VVr. J. Screvens, C. C. West, D. J. Burnett, G. W. Bradley, W: P. Head M. N. Hall, J. E. Morean, J. II. Ridings, Ji.-W. Ween, la. lurner, John W. Ed wards, T. L; Prince." . , ?ok' County Teachers Organize. The teachers of Polk County were organized ' into - an associa tioQ known as the Polk County Teache A 'Association , Rev. W.A. Newell, president, Miss Pauline hankie, secretary, Twenty-two teachers enrolled as members. First meeting will be held second Monday in October, meeting place will be announced later. - MILL SPRING NOTES. Correspondence bf-The News. . ., .... , ' . , - , ; Mrs. W. L. Hampton is in Rut? erf or dton this week: Miss Mabel Cherry has return ed to Davenport College. Mr.: and Mrs. Butler Jackson of Beaufort, S. C. are visiting relatives here. Mrs. A. M. Boone is attending a house party of relatives at looresboro, N. C. " Miss Alma Sicard and Miss Eva McEnety of New Orleans are registered at the Mite Inn. VRevvT. J. Moss will baptize new members for Mill Spring Baptist Church this Sunday.. " ' Miss Pauline Shankle ha re turned home after a pleasant visit in Saluda and Asheville. Mr. Rob' Thorn and family of St. Petersburg, Fla.rwere the1 guests of Mrs. Lewis last week. Mr. Roy Lewis from Ft. Pierce, Fla., is spending some time with his parents, Mr; and Mrs. J. M, Lewis. Mrs., H. H". Edwards' mother, Mri. Schwertk, has returned tc her home in Reading, Pa:, after a five months visit. Ihe young people of Millspring gave Mrs; Lewis a surprise party last Friday evening and every body had a pleasant time, v . Miss Delia Mitchell, who - has been with her brother, Mr. J. N. Mitchell, for some tirriV, has re turned to her nephew's, Mr.1 W. tt ': :' v - Newspaper Bargain Day. One- of the biggest biojs made for business in: this state in re cent years by a daily newspaper has j ust been announced by "the Evening Times of Raleigh The subscription price of this papei is $5.00 per year;-but from Oct,' 1 to Oct. 10 th.ey re"-x going to accept yearly subscriptions in advance for, the sum of $2.50. The idea is, according ''to Editor Simms,' of the Evening Times, that several thousand new-: sub scriptions caii be added to the list in these ten days and , collec tions made oil the -.old accdunts with practically ": no cost and therefore it ; is best . to give the subscribers 7 the benefit of the 1 quicb work. ; The idea of getting a ; daily" paper on ; a bargain for $2 50 per year in this estate will be watched" with much interest. The Polk ' County News - Published every Thursday. Subscriptions must be paMin ad vance. . - r COLUMBUS, N. C.. SEPT. 15. 1910. PERSONAL AND ; GENERAL. New; subscriptions are always acceptable renewals too.- 1 - Thisj guessing business never was a paying job. j . a, Mr. C. H. Williams spent Sun day at Log Cabin Inn. . ..Mr. A- D. Quinn of Columbus, S C., is a new subscriber to The News. 1 ': - V ' ' -. -' i .-. . Tryon Supply Company have a new offering f cr farmers in this i : .-. r - ' nsue. i 1 : -;-:v . j . - - ir -s' " '" -..!';-: Mr. Sam Jus tice of Henderson- ville, was . in town: Monday on business. ..... . ..:::". ! . ; ' -;; Atty. James E. Shipman , went to baluda iuesday on profession al business.- , ! ;- - Miss Bessie Gibbs, of Millspring No. 2 is :the hew operator in Col umbus Central. 1 . ' Mr. Pat Hampton of "Atlanta, Ga-, is visiting his jfather, Mr. C. G. Hampton. " j - Mr. and Mrs. Davis of Jack sonville;1 Florida, are guests at the Columbus Hotel. ' " Mr. Grey W. Hampton of At lanta, Ga., was present at the Hampton reunion Sunday. . , Miss Garnette Williams, the popular music teacher of Colum bus High School, arrived in town Monday; N ; - - ' Mr. Fred F. Allred, the jeweler of Rutherford ton, is offering a special bargain in our columns, this week. - r ; Mrs. Claxon and i daughter, Helen, o Spartanburg. S.C., who have been spending several wees in our salubrious climate, returned to their home last Fri day. ";' y"-:-- SVIr. tl. E. Connor of Henderson County,1 candidate on Republican ticket for Senate, and Mr. W. S. Grant, brother of Hon J. G. Grant, were visitors in Columbtrs Moaday. . ' . . V;; 'f K: Mr. J. K. . Hottal - of Si artsn burg, S, .C. was in town again last week. 'What do you suppose has got into this busy bee's boh net to keep him. buzzing around this town so frequently? i It is reported Miss Lula Searcy, of Millspring No. 2, was married to Mr. Jason Vess of Caroleeri. N. C.,' and IMiss Mabel Gil)bs wa married to Mr. John Wilson, bot) of Mill Spring No. 2, last Sunday. THE NEWS JOB Printing : Depart ment Js. now pre pared to turn out good work at low prices, j Let us - do your printings Sat ' isfaction assured. - .vi'i' ,,.-: .-.-r- ;i ' The ; Misses ' Grace and Lenora Ho6ker, J' two of Jacksonville, Florida's most charming daugh ters, ife popular guests at Log Cabin Inn. ' After a. stay of two weeks they intend going to New" York City and other places of in terest in the North for' thewin ter. ;. - . 4, " v Mr. - A. L. McMurray y . new store was informally opened last Friday night before a large n'um be of townsmen: ;.The Columbus String Trior composed of violin. 'banjo and guitar, rendered many beautiful- selections, which were well applauded: by all present. The entertainmTit closed with a banjo solo by Mr. Hi W: HilJ en titled ood-bye; myloverf good bye tt f1 TRYON .".NOTES: ' Correspondence f The News i i-y '. v "'.!" ' !'::::...-.- Mr. W. J. Gaines was in Ashe ville Sunday; -r . i Miss Geraldine Gaines visited in Inman last week. ; ' V , v .. . .( ! . . t .. . ...'"'. ... j'" ; !"' ' - ' "I i i Mrs. Acker spent Saturday and Sunday in Campobello. ; Miss feessie Forde-has gone to Forest City to stay two weeks. ' Mrs. ; and Miss Erskine are spending a lew days in Ashe ville.'.'' -I . ' .'A: , ''-:-' Miss Olive Hotel e of Spartan burg is spending two weeks with Mrs. Gash, - . Miss iBrinnie JBalue visited relatives and friends in South Carolinaiast week. Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton, who have been at the Kennedy Place, left Tuesday for Atlanta, Ga. Mr. L. R. Gibbs of Miles City, Montana, spent sevaral days of last week -witrrMr. James Jack- son.. .. j V' !?. ' Misses Mabel and Ruth McFee are attending the exposition in Knox ville this week and will buy their fail and winter millinery while there. . REBEKAH'S 59th ANNIVERSARY. Cards of invitation to attend,. the anniversary exercises com memorating the 59th year of the Daughters of Rebekah were re ceived by many families through out the country last Friday, v j The exerciser were held in . Mimosa Hall, Lynn, - N. C. , on Sunday ' afternoon, a.' large con- "' gregationJaeing.present, s An address was delivered by Mrs. Hattie Reed Whitaker, who is President of the Rebekah Assembly of the I. 0. O. F. of North Carolina. COLUMBUS 14, LYNN 4. Again were the Columbus Champions victorious when they Ifnet the Knitters of Lynn last Saturday: on the Lynn ball peld and trimmed them 14-to 4 in an interesting game replete with all kinds of baseball. As usual, the heavy batting of the Champs was the feature, the curves and bend ers of the Knitters pitcher being no mystery to the County-seat " aggregation. Jim Ormand pitch ed in his! usual fine style, and kept the Lynn boys guessing at all : times. . ' j- ' The ball season for the Champs will wind up shortly with a game at Green's Creek, which will ie announced later. p A GOOD POSITION A ; i . ' . f. j -i-,'. Can be had by; ambitious young; men and ladies in the field of . ' 'Wireless ' jOr Railway tel egra phy. Since the 8-hour law became eft! eccive, and since the Wireless -. companies are establishing, sta tions throughout j the . country there is a great shortage of tel egraphers. Positions pay be- ' ginners from $70 to , $90 per . month, with good chance, of ad vancement. The National - iele- graph Institute i operates six official institutes in America, under supervisio of R..R. and Wireless Officiate and places all : . graduates into positions. , :Tt will ; pay youj to write them for full details at Memphis; Tenn., or Columbia, S. C. A Famify Reunion. J ' - K ' ' . Mr. C. C, Hampton's home was the scene of a family -reunion 4 Sunday; all his children and grandchildren, J excepting, John. y his eldest son, who is in Texas . b'eing present. - I' . 1 - ' ii JP r ' M Ml I 1" ?! u if v 1 .-1 1 1 ?'l "-it. , ( 1 : if' '"A . , ' J i ( - f. i. V 1

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