- Mi 1 . til .. . : i Thrac Cents the Copy. INDEPENDENCE IN ALL THINGS. Subscription Price, $1.00 Per Year in Advance. 4t 'if- VOL. XVI. iff COLUMBUS,, POLK COUNTY flURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 22-1910 NO.' 19. -- -- ' - " v i, -- i - - - mm 1-4 - t .'J 1 . I I -1 m r E - I m m m . S ' y N. a. jr : Log Ccl OPEN ALL Mrs. ; D. E. CUNNINGHAM, Prop. Steamy, Polk County, N. C- 4C BRUSH RUNABOUT" AUTOMOBILES . (BEST BY TKST TWp YEAR OLD, THREE THOUSAND CARS SOLD The roads are good enovgft The Brush is x x BETTER KNOWN AS F. F. ALLRED, Agent, - The Carolina SALUDA. N.C. PER GENT Pcid on Savings 1 E v e r y B a n k i n g F aeility It has beett the constant endrayor of the management of - this bank to furnish every yosible facility for the conven- ietice of its depositors, together, with absolute safety fer tlieir money " - - -. - .. . " ' ' ' Afl account with this bank will prove a vahiJblerasrfet to any" Corporation, firr, or individual requiring the best banlcing faciiiiits. " ' - ' , We solicit your account. . , .' - " ; ... - D. C. BARROW, Q. C. SOMS'ER, W. C. ROBERTSOX, President. Vice-President. Vice-President. ti. B. LANE, Cashier. THE lAiK LAN DRUM, S. O. THE only safe place for your dollar is in the bank hence, the problem of today is to find a good, sound institution for your, savings; such an institution you will find in THE BANK OF LANDRUM, conduct , ed according to recognized rules of legitimate commer " cial banking. Courteous attention to all depositors. If. B. CARLISLE, President JOSEPH LEE, Vice-President P. V. CUNNINGHAM, Cashier THE BANK JOHN ORR , TRYON, Groceries, Dry Goods, Notions Shoes, Crockery, Glassware : Enamel and Tin Ware ...... . ' f- : - :.-Ji. " .".V '. . :- Blue Flanae Oil Inn 3m THE YEAR for the Brush good enough for every man "EVERYMAN'S" CAR Rutherf ordton, N. C. State Bank STRQNG COURTEOUS PROGRESSIVE 7f - - Handing the Dealer a Check IS THE MOST SATISFACTORY WAY of settling your accounts. Even if h fr gets to record'your payment, the cheek it self is,r rleceipt for the momey there is no going uacJC on. xi yuu wuuiu vuiu disputes and misunderstandings open an ( account with the BANK OF TR YON. It is ever so much more dignified to pay by J check, any way. ' 0F TRYON & N. C. Stoyes, Etc.. Etc, COMPANY 4- 1 Advertising is Business.' " IF YOU ' Want a farm-" Want a house ' Want a partner ,Waat a horse or cow Want to buy an thinj i f 'Want to sell a mule or hog, Want to sell ' a carriage '- Want to selt town property-' . Want to sell your groceries Want to sell your hard wart Want to sell your millinery goods Want to self or exchange anything -Advertise in THE FOLK COUNTY NEWS Atlvertising is the , way- to suctss v Advertising brings ' new customers Advertising 'keeps the old ojis Advertising will increase businejss Advertising shtows e n e r giy Advertising shows pluck - . Advertising is proper A d v e r ti s t tomorrow ' Advertise today - A U V IS K T l S K A L I. THE T I ME vf, SP E CIAL - SeVen Jewels, -Elgin or Waltham Screw Back. and Beyyel Solid Nickel Case, Guaranteed. I til V By Mail, Cash with., brder. F. F. ALLRED Jeweler - RUTHERFORDTON, N. C. FOR SALE We are prepared to fur nish all who wish to buy ' ' ; :; . - Apples; Cabbages . and 'Potatoes! Come to see us before buy ing elsewhere. Our f prices will be reasonable. We are located 9 miles west of Mill Springs on Mills Gap road. THOMPSON & McKILLOP A BARGAIN. 65 acre farm with 20 acres un der cultivation, located three miles south of Columbus, adjoin ing lands of T. H. Wilson and others. Call or address: L. H. CLOUD, Columbus, N.C. FOR SALE. 16 acres of land in high state of cultivation, ith two dwellings, water supply, baths, outbuildings etc. Beautiful location:' Ope half mile from Lj nn Knitting Mill and two miles from railroad station (macadam road). Will make fine truck farm and rent ior $zuu. a year, races ana terms right. Call or address. L,H. CLOUD, Columbus. N.C. E. F. WILLIS j. g: BLANTON Willis & Blanton SklPlAlTH, VA. WE HAVE A NUMBER OF fine FAKMS FOR SALE, suited for Fine Tobacco, Cotton and Grain containing from 37 1-2 to 300 ACRES conveniently situated to Churches . Schools, and Railroads, price From $10 to $20 Per Acre Write or call on ua for particulsra - Randolph House, LANDRUM, S. C. Transient " rates, I1.50" per day. Per week. I5. Per mouth, $15. Regular pat roits given special rates by the day or. single meal. . V" - I . " ' i JURY NST. The following is the list of j urors drawn ior the Fall Term of Superior Court: " FIRST WEEK: N. D. Moore, W. E. Hill. J. C. Griffin, T. . Cantrell, Avery Halford, G.R.Rankin, M:C Jobason, Grayson Lovelace, J. H. O. Gilbert,, M. P. Wortman, T. M. Cirdd, J. E. Miller, A. Jackson; M. D. Shields, J. H. Coclcrad, T. PCoviogton, Sr., U C. Gibbs, Earl Head, -li; E. Hipp, C. M. Ffagans, J. JE Horn; D. D. Pce, Eli liradley, K. C Gilberby 'F. ;C. - Jackson, Elijah Steatfman. F. B. Prface, Logan fobnson, J. Rt-Foster, "W Q. McMurray, K. H. Cole, C. R. Williams. J. D. Howser, , hri B. Arledge, C. D.bbs, L. Odel. SECOND WEEK: J. H. Gibbs, N. E Williams, J. B. Pan ther, B'obo Laurance, J. S. Smith, L. H. Cloud. W. J. Screvens. C. C. West, D. J. Burnett, G. W. Bradley, W. P. Head, M. N. Hall, J. E Morean, J. H. Ridings, E. W. XJreen, E. L. Turner, John W. Ed vards.T. L. Prince. MILL SPUING NOTES.7 News From The Neighborhood Correspondence of The News. The people are very busy, pull ing their fodder, building bridges and the like. v h Mr. William Gibbs, having been to Columbus Saturday, returned and spent the night with D. J. Hal ford and family. v Messrs. C. Bv Greene and C. L. Halford were out at Church Sun day with smiles upon their faces, watch out, Mill Spring girls! Mr. W. W. Burgesi, who has been out West for the past two ytars, nas enterea nom once more to spends the winter with his parents. Miss Delia Greene has entered Columbus High School for a seven weeks tay, after which she will return home and prepare, for teaching this winter- . The freshet has been ofji- vantage to many while it has not been so for others. It is estima ted that the farm known as the "Hamilton Farm" is one hundred dollars better than before. -I There was preaching at Mtj View last Saturday and Sunday, Sermons by Rev. J; IC White sides. After the Sunday preach ing services a 'matrimonial serv ice was performed. The bride, Miss Hattie Burgess, is the pretty daughter of Mr. N, C. Burgess of Mill Spring, one of North Car olina's most progressive farmers. The groom, Mr. John Martiiuof Inman, S. C is the son of Mr. Isaac Martin, noted for his cour tesy, hospitality and benevolence. We wish them much joy and all success in life. r Guess Who? Step on a banana peel and you will tumble to the fact. THINK IT 013&. WERE A FRIEND TO TELL YQU: "I have had my own carriage and ridden my fill, I hare gone 'to three balls in -a night; I hav lighted my cigar with a io bill, and all when money was tight," "you would think he was boasting, possibly pre varicating. But "if he should explain thai the carriage wag a baby carriage, the three balls a pawn shop and the f 10 bill aboard bill, you would see the joker. i When a farm paper advertises three full years for 35 cents, and it ia a monthly pub lication, they gire you just 36 numbers in thd whole three years' time. Again, when they advertise three full years for f I, sad -it is a semi-monthly publication, you get just 72 issues in the whole three years. In the first case 16 issues less than the Progressive Farmer and Gazette give its readers every year; and in the latter Case they give only 20 issues more in the three yenrs than we do in one year. And you know that a pa per coming once a month, or even twice a month, cannot be as interesting, or as time ly, or as helpful as a paper coming every week. . Don't forget that The Progressive Farmer and Gazette is made in the South by Southern men, Ior Southern num. and dealing with Southern conditions only. It is made for you. r i' - News Advertisements .Pay, The Polk I County News Pnhlished every Thursday. ; 1 - - i i Subscriptions must be paid In advance.- . .- j COLUMBUSrN. C. SEFr.2a, i9io. PERSONAL AHD GENERAL. j New .subscriptions are always acceptable renewals too. I Logan Gibbs of Pea Kidge vis ited town Monday. , S. B. Weaver of Green's Creek was in town Monday on business. U. S. MarsKaJ. Samuel Waldrop of Asheville was in town last week. Vv ' In the matet for an automo bile? See F. F. Allred of Ruth erfordton. t,. John Henryrritchard of Pea Ridge is attending the Columbus High School. X Atty. Br F.v' Morrow of Ruth erf ordton was a visitor to the News Saturday. Evefihe-coca-cola found its way to Republican 'headquar- ters .last Saturday. W. C. Mills of Walkers, N. C, was a business visitor at tne News office last week. Mm. Ida Reid of Canton, N.C visited Mr. and Mrs. John Cagle last Friday and Saturday, Misses Bertha Cannon and Myrtle Hampton visited in Ruth erf ojrdton Saturday and Sunday Surveyor Justice of Hender- sonville passed through town Monday enk route to Green's Creek." :" ""T "Jr Attention of democratic voters is called to the special call con vention notice in our. columns this week. ! The Landrum Telephone Ex change is rapidly nearing com-. pletion under the skilful direction of Mr. J. G. Hughe3. Mrs. JoeHodge, who has been visiting relatives here th past week, returned to her home in Rutherfordton Sunday. Atty. E. B. Cloud and Mr. F.B. Williams visited ajt the home of Mr. T. E. Walker of . Green's Creek Saturday and Sunday. Miss Augusta Pless, who has been operator in Columbus Tele phone Exchange for j seven months, left Sunday for Waynes- fvilie, N. C. - : Mr. T. ! A. Rippy, the enter prising manager or TrynT ft08' lery Company store at Lynn, came to the News office Tuesday to talk business. p; Mr. John P. Davis of Jackson ville, Fla., who is spending sev eral weeks in our toth resting up.'ade antv.ttfl to the News office during the past week. - I , Ex-Sheriff Walker of Rutheri fordtonj. W. Hampton of Lan drum, and W. C. McRorie of Rutherfordton.' republican candi date fori solicitor,, were among the many who attended the con vention Saturday. : ! Mrs. Mark Hooker and her charming daughters," of Jackson ville, Fla., who are enjoying the magnificent surroundings of our Inn on the Mount, came to town Saturday! tand gladdened the heart of the News editor with a visitcall again. ' j Printing" I Depart ment is now pre pared to, turn out good, work at low prices.: Let us do your printing. Sat isfaction assured. 1 it 11 1 1 Republican County Convention. j The republican county conven tion was held in the court house in -Columbus Jast Saturday, the ideal weather bringing put a goodly crowd.- Following i the ticket as named: " Hon. John W,McFarIand, representative, ifi. B. Edwards, clerk "sbpefioT'court. ;C. H. House, sheritt. j H. W. Hill, registerof deejsr H. P. Arledge, county, treasurer, M. M. Shipman, corpner. ! lohn Gilbert, survevdr. r " s ; C. A. Carson,' J. L. Jackson, A. i. Mc- Murray, county commisaioneVs. -i -, f Hon. J. G. Grant and -Mr, W. C. McRorie addressed the con vention after nominations were made. . , A, TETON NOTES. .. . Crretohdf nee "f The News - x Miis Gibbs left Saturday for Asheville. j Mr. J. A. Mills is attending school in Weaverville. 1 Mr. S. Hill Spent Sunday at his , home in Flat Rock. Mrs. 'Pearl Warleclf is visiting in Campobello this week. Mr. G. H. Wilson returned Sat-' urday from Hendersonville. Dr. H. A.vSmathers is doing dental work here this week. j Mrs. Gaines and Miss Maggie are in Inman. for two weeks. , I Mrs. Harvey Beame of Char lotte is with her people here this' week. ' , ! , Mrs. Matherson and Dr. Be- delle spent Monday, in Hender sonville I - " Miss Julia Fisher spent several -days last week and reports a' grand time. Mrs. Holmes, who has been away for the past two weeks, re-; turned Friday. ; ! t Mr. B. C. Livingston ( left last week for Macon, Ga., where he expects to remain some time. Mrs. and Miss Van Wririckle returned last week to heir win-, ter homelin Tarpin Springs, Fla. y Mrs. McGuinn of Gaff neyr SJC.. has been visiting relatives and friends here for the past week. Dr. Edgar Balenger and family of Atlanta, Ga., are with his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. T. T. Ballen- ! ger, this week. ; Miss Lizzie Weaver left last Thursday for an extended visit , with Iiss Van Wrinckle in Tar- pin Springs, Florida. v ? Rev. T. H. Posey of Columbui hed the-Baptist Church preached at the Baptist Sunday morning. He will preach here, regularly the first j Sunday in every month. v Mr. A. H: Williams has sold his share' of the Williams & Jackson. and wil, rhap3 6pend tha winter in Florida. . Mr. Jackson bought his share in the store. A GOOD POSITION ; Can be had by ambitious youns men and ladies in the field o "Wireless" or Railway telegra phy. Since the 8-hour law became effective, and since the Wireless' companies 'are establishing sta tions throughout the ' country there js a great shortage of tel egraphers. Positions pay be-, ginners from $70 to $90; per month, with good chance oflad vancement. z The National Tele- hgraph Institute i operates six official institutes in America, under supervision of R.'R. anpl Wireless Officials and places all graduates into positions. It will paybu to write them fdr full detiUs at Memphis, , Tenn.V :c? Columbia, S. C. . 3)' 1 H iiti. tv 1 4 it 4 !t f ! 2 1 I i f I'll "'Ml ( 1 it It .1,' .',1 -T! M I rt '1. .1' ' if W r! "; ' i hi r- 1tV