-V! ; it :.::;.f,.; In Three Cents thcCopy. INDEPENDENCE IN ALL THINGS. Subscription price, $1.00 Per Year in Advance. 1 ' - VOL. XVI. r COLUMBUS, POLK COUNTY. N. C. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 6, 1910. NO. 21. ' ' V : u:. , : A ' I 4 I I I . I IN Y 6 " ' " ". " '''' ' ' ' 1 ' ' ' ''''''''' . N THE BANK JOHN ORR & COMPANY TRYON, N. C. Groceries, Dry Goods, Notions Shoes, Crockery, Glassware Enamel and Tin Ware Blue Flame Oil Stoves, Etc. , Etc. THE MM LANDRUM, S. O. THE only safe place for your dollar is in the bank hence, the problem of today is to find a good, sound institution for your savings; such an institution you will find in THE BANK - OF LANDRUM, conduct ed according to recognized ruvjs of legitimate commer cial banking. Courteous attention to all depositors. H. B. CARLISLE, President P. V, CUNNINGHAM, lankier .The -CaroHna;cState Bank. S A ll U D A , N. C, ' PER CENT Paid on Savings Every Banking Facility It has been the constant endeavor of the management of this hank to furnish every possible facility for the conven ience of its depositors, together with absolute safety for their mouey. An account with this bank will prove a valuable asset to any corporation, firm, or individual requiring the best banking facilities. We solicit your account. D. a barrow, q;c. sooner, President. Vice-President. H. B. LANE, WE ARE HANDLING THE CELEBRATED HAMILTON-BROWN SHOES In order to introduce them and make you a regular customer, we give you A WATCH with every $5.00 CASH SALE Try them. TH E BALLENGER COMFY For Everything TRYON, N. C. For Everything 44 BRUSH RUNABOUT" AUTOMOBILES (BEST BY TEST) . TWO YEARS OLD, THREE THOUSAND CARS SOLD The roads are good enough for the Brush The Brush is good enough for every man BETTER KNOWN AS "EVERYMAN'S" CAR FF. ALLRED. Aerent, COLUMBUS HIGH SCHOOL Non-Sectarian Male and Female Located in the Mountains of Western North Carolina EVERY BOY AND GIRL IN POLK COUNTY WHO CAN ENTER THE HIGH SCHOOL DEPARTMENT MAY ATTEND FREE OF. TUITION Expenses vtry moderate Students may enter at any time FOR FURTHER INFORMATION, ADDRESS E. W. S. COBB, Prin., Columbus, Polk County, N. C. Handing the Dealer a Check IS THE MOST SATISFACTORY WAY of settling your accounts. Even if he for gets to record your payment, the check it self is a receipt for the money there is no going back on. If you would avoid all disputes and misunderstandings open an account uith the BANK OF TRYON. It is ever so much mor dignified to pay hy check, any way. - - ' ' OF TRYON JOSEPH LEE, Vice-President STRONG COURTEOUS' PROGRESSIVE W.G'ROBERTSOy, Vice-President. Cashier. Rutherfordton, N.C.V LANDRUm FOR SALE! OF FINE FARMING LAND Lying within one -half to one mile of Post-office, Good Schools, Churches and Court House. On Main Road through County, "and within 4 v. one and one-half miles of fine macadam roads. Well watered and well timbered. This has been off the market for 50 years. Will cut Jinto tracts to suit customer and give reasonable terms. Price very low. 'This land is well adapted to all farm products. Address: . B. L. BjLLeqe! or I. L EjiU Try on, N.C. SPECIAL Seven Jewels, Elgin, or Waltham Screw Back and Beyyel Solid Nickel Case, Guaranteed. By Mail, Cash with Order. F. F. ALLRED ! Jeweler RUTHERFORDTON, N. C. SEED OATS L. L. TALLANT COLUMBUS, N. C. APPLER OATS FOR SALE $1.00 a Bushel E. F. WILLIS J. G. BLANTON Willis & Blanton fvjl Estate SKIPIA1TH, fjl WE HAVE A NUMBER OF fine FARMS FOR SALE, suited for Fine Tobacco, Cotton and Grain containing from 37 1-2 to 300 ACRES conveniently rituated to Churches Schools, and Railroads, price From S0 to $20 Per Acre Write or call on ut (of particulars 1 II w fliUilUI UU ' - - . - . Acres $4i99 COLUMBUS, COLUMN Personal and General New subscriptions are always acceptable renewals too. Atty. B. P.j Williams went to Tryon Monday on business. Mr. T. R. Constant of Lyiln is now on the subscription list. Mr. James Carey of Pickens, S. C, was a'visitor here Sunday. Mr, G. A. Fainter of Melvin Hill is now on our subscription list. . Atty. J. E. Shipman is attend ing court in Hendersonville this week. Mr. F. E. Hellen of Tryon was in town on business several days last week. Let's have a few more conven ions and then what do you say to a fair? P . Come in andsee our illustrated post cards of Columbus and sur roundings, i . ' Misses Brtha Cannon aud Myrtle Hampton were in Lan- drum Saturday. Mrs. Leon Feacock, of Jack sonville, Fla., is registered .at the Columbus Hotel. Born to Mr- and Mrs. N. B. Jackson on Thursday, September 29th, a daughter.; Sheriff A:. L. Hill always spares a few moments on first Mdndays o visit the News office. Ransome Moss and Frank El iotte are two new names on the ol of Columbus High School. . Mr. T. Ellis Walker, the well 4 . 1 1 1 . . n Known still raider, attended the democratic special convention Monday. i The Revs. B. P. Jackson, of Mill Spring, and J. B. Arledge, of Saluda made the News editor a long pleasant visit Monday. Messrs. B. L. Ballenger and A. L. Hill of Tryon are offering in our columns this week a rare bargain in real estate look it up. Mr. K. C. Gilbert of M-lvin Hill makes sure his subscription to the News never gives out. He is also taking the Progressive Farmer. . Messrs. J. P. Arledge, James E. Shipman and B. F. Williams attended the organization of the Tryon-Lynn Democratic Club at Lynn Saturday night. Rev. T. H. Posey and Messrs. L. H. Cloud and Larney Hutch- erson, who' have been attending the Baptist Association at Marion N. C., several days last week, returned Sunday. Mr. A7J. Lemort, of Tryon No. 1, one of the best known fruit growers in this section of the country, was a business visitor here Monday and renewed his subscription to the News. Mrs. Scruggs and the Misses Bessie Gay and Gladys Reid, of Jacksonville, Fla. , after spending many pleasant weeks in thisfirar- den spot of the world, returned to their homes last Friday. We had a long and interesting chat Monday with the republican candidate for sheriff, Mr. C. l. Howes of Tryon, who has just returned from an extended trip through the New England states. We consider ourselves good guessers when it comes to guess ing who 'Guess" tff the Green's Creek correspondence -is. With out mentioning names, Guess's pater is an ardent supporter of the News. Give us something difficult next time. COLUMBUS, HIGH SCHOOL NOTES. Now that the newness attend ing the opening of schools has worn off the scholars have settled down to routine. The enrollment this year is larger than ever before, and the dormitories are well filled. The new one bell system of call ing scholars to school is an im provement over the old one of two bells as it keeps them on the qui vive to reach the school house on time. The students display a lively interest in their studies and are advancing rapidly under the guidance of their skilful and at tentive teachers. Stationery has-been prjrited for the students which will :be sold at a low price. Democratic Convention. The democratic special call con vention was held in the court house Monday to nominate other candidates for vacancies on the ticKei maoe oy Messrs. i. ivi. Ruppe, Q, C. Sonner and G. W. Pearson, who were unable to ac cept their nominations. Messrs- J. W. Kennedy of Try- on and Barrett Wamack of Coop er Gap were nominated. for com missioners and Mr. James Early of Lynn for surveyor. A GOOD P0S1T10M uan oe nad oy amoitious young t i i t i . men and ladies in the field of Wireless" or Railway telegra phy. Since the 8-hour law became effective, and since the Wireless companies are establishing sta tions throughout the country there is a great shortage of tel egraphers. Positions pay be . Jfe tk sv ginners irom $YU to per month, with good chance of ad vancement. The National Tele grapn institute operates six official institutes in America, under supervision of R. R. and Wireless Officials and places all graduates into positions. It will pay you to write them for full details at Mempnis. Tenn., or Columbia, S. C. GREEN'S CREEK NOTES. Special to Th News Miss Bessie Jackson is visiting at Spartanburg. Mr. JudsonTay lor visited Miss Nora Prince Sunday. The sunday school at this place is progressing nicely. The people are fixing to build a new church at Green River. Mr. John Miller visited Miss Mary Clement Sunday afternoon. Mr . Clarence Ridings visited at Mr. Perry Can trell's last Sunday. The Gilbert Bros, and Dr. Lan caster have their telephone up to Chesnee. Little Mabel Lancaster, who has been very ill, is rapidly re covering. Mr. Judson McDowell visited at the home of Miss Carle Shields Sunday evening. The boys are having real good prayer meetings at Sandy Springs and Green River. Miss Nora Prince has returned to her home from Mill Spring, where she has been teaching sev eral weeks. t J The farmers of this country have been working faithfully with their fodder and are about through now. Rev. R. J. Tate filled his regu lar appointment at Sandy Spring first Sunday land delivered a forceful sermon. i "Guess." FEDERAL PRISONERS TRIED. 3 Years at Hard Labor for Halyard Peak-Ridgelor Spencer goes Free. The two negros, Hilyard Peak and Ridgelow Spencer, who have been residing in our county jail for many months awaiting trial, accused of burglarizing the Co lumbus post! office on the night of May 10 last, were taken to Charlotte Sunday morning in the custody of U. S, Marshal Samuel Waldrop and Deputy R. F. Mc Farland, and tried yesterday in the Federal court before Judge James E: Boyd ; Halyard Peak was sentenced', to three years hard labor in the United States Penitentiary at Atlanta, Ga., and Ridgelow Spenter was. "turned loose.- Among the witnesses were Messrs. C. C. West, Luther Case, A. L. McMurray, Leroy McFar- land and E. Brownlee. TRY0NJ0TES. Correspondence f The Newt Mr. C. P. Rodgers visited in . Tryon Sunday. . Mr. A. H. Williams was in' -. , . j.i Tryon Monday. Mr. W. J. Gaines spent Sunday in Old Fort, N. C. Mrs. Grady was in Asheville Sunday and Monday. w. ' . Mr. Pearson Boleman of Ihman is in Tryon this week. " - . Mr. T. T. Ballenger is in Char lotte, N. C, this week. Dri Roy Engel of Aberdeen, ' N. C;; was in tqwri Tuesday. Dr. M. C. Palmer .spent several days of last week in Spa rtanburg. ? ' Mr. J . G. Hughes of Columbus' was in Tryon Monday 'oh busi- . ness. , Mrs. Li tte Durham is visiting. ' her parents in Rutherfordton tnis week. ' r Messrs. L: H.Butler and F. C. Weaver left Monday for Cali-. fornia. , Miss Bessie Forde, who has been visiting in Forest City, re- turned last week . ; Joseph Livingston, of Weaver ville School, spent Saturday and Sunday at home. Miss Katie Thompson of the Fruitland Institute visited at Mrs. Sizemore's Sunday. Miss Maggie Gaines, who has been visiting relatives and friends in Inman, returned Monday . Mrs. R. C. Moosley. of Colum bia, S, C, is with her mother, Mrs. T. T. Ballenger this week. v, Mrs. John Cagle, who has been visiting in Tryon for;three weeks, . returned xto Forest City Sunday. Misses Iris Jackson and i"edde Cannon and Messrs. B.Jackson and W. Hevener spent Sunday in Landrum. . Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Wilson went to Hendersonville Saturday night to attend the wedding ban quet of their grandson, Amos Bennett, who married Miss May Boyd in Spartanburg on Tuesday, Sept. 27th. 'r FOR SALE. ! 16 acres of land in high state of cultivation, with two dwellings, water supply, baths, outbuildings etc. Beautiful location: One half mile from Lynn Knitting. Mill and two miles from railroad station (macadam road). WilLt make fine truck farm and rent f for $200. a year. ' Prices and ' terms right. " Call or address. L. H. CLOUD, Columtos, N.C. hi ' I i1 1 Si v l ! M f! t -I. I : t . r I i'i' I!' in - H ft ' f ;f