Three Cents the Copy. INDEPENDENCE IN ALL THINGS; Subscription Price, $1.00 Per Year in Advance VOL. XVI. COLUMBUS, POLK COUNTY. N. C. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1910. NO. 22. - . I II I I .11. ii MMM THE K BAN JOHN ORR & COMPANY TRYON, N. C. . Groceries, Dry Goods, Notions Shoes, Crockery, Glassware Enamel and Tin Ware ' ..Blue. Flame Oil Stoves, Etc., Etc. THE bank LA N D RUM, S. C THE only safe place for your dollar is in the bank hence, the problem of today is to find a good, sound institution for your savings; such an institution you will find in THE BANK, OF LANDRUM, conouct : ed according to recognized rules of legitimate commer cial banking. Courteous attention to all depositors. H. B. CARLISLE, President JOSEPH LEE, Vice-If resident P. V. CUNNINQHAM, Lashier The Carolina State Bank SALUDA, N. C. PER CEWT Paid on Savings Every Banking Facility It'hai been the constant endeavor of the management of this bank to furniih every possible facility for the conven ience of its depositors, together with absolute , safety for . their money. U An account with this bank will prove a valuable asset to any corporation, firm,: or individual requiring the best, ;. banking facilities. j We solicit your account. D. C. BARROW, Q. C. SOSNER, W. C. ROBERTSON, President. ViceiPresiderd. ' Vice-President. H. B. LANE, , - WE ARE HANDLING . " A .- ' HA:MILTON-BROWN SHOES In order to introduce hem and make' you a regular customer, . we give you A WATCH , with every $5.00 7CASH SALE Try them. THE BALLENGER COMP'Y For Every think TRYON, N. C. For Everything "BRUSH RUNABOUT" AUTOMOBILES (BEST BY TEST) ; TWO YEARS OLD, THREE THOUSAND CARS SOLD Thi roads are good enough The Brush is BETTER KNOWN AS P. F. ALLRED, Agent, T TT1fIM.Tr LULUlVlDUb Non-Sectarian aiaie anu rcumxc Located in the Mountains of Western North Carolina EVERY BOY AND GIRL IN POLK COUNTY-WHO CAN .ENTER . THE HIGH SCHOOL DEPARTMENT MAY ATTEND FREE OF TUITION Expenses very moderate- tndents may entet at any time FOR FURTHER INFORMATION, ADDRESS , E. W. S. COBB, Prin., Coliimbu3, Polk County, N. C. Handing the Dealer a Check IS THE MOST SATISFACTORY WAY of settling yur accounts. Even if he for gets to record your payment, the check it elf is a receipt for the money there is no going back on. If you wou!d avoid all disputes and misunderstandings open an account with the BANK OF TRYON. It is ever so much more dignified to pay by check, any way. OF TRYON STRONG r COURTEOUS PROGRESSIVE Cashier, THE CELEBRATED ' - , . for the Brush good enough tor every man "EVERYMAN'S' CAR "Rutherfordton, N.C. OF LAMOBUIVi HIGH SPECIAL Seven Jewels, Elgin or Waltham Screw Back : and Beyyel Solid Nickel ase; Guaranteed. $4;95 By Mail, Cash with 'Order. F F. A'LLRED Jeweler RUTHERFORDTON, N. C. .' SED qats L. L. TALLANT COLUMBUS, N. C. APPLER OATS FOR SALE - $1.00 a Bushel E. F. WILLIS J. G. BL ANTON Willis & Blanton SKIPIAITH, IFK. WE HAVE A NUMBER OF fine FARMS FOR SALE, suited for Fine Tobacco, Cotton aud Grain containing from 37 1-2 to 300 ACRES conveniently situated to Churches Schools, and Railroads, price ' From $10 to $20 Per Acre Write or call on us for particulars FOR SALE We are prepared to fur- nish all who wish to buy Apples, Cabbages and Potatoes ing elsewhere. Our prices will be reasonable. We are located 9 miles west of Mill Springs on Mills Gap road. THOMPSON & McKILL0P Railway SCHEDULE Schedules published . as information only Not guaranteed. x EAST-BOUND TRAINS No. 14. Leave Asheville 7.00 ajn; leavi - Tryon 9. 15 a m; arrive Spartanburg 10. 25 am. No. 10. Leave Asheville 4.10 p m; leavt Tryon 6.30 p m; arrive bpartanburg 8 o p m. WEST-BOUND TRAINS No. 9. Leave Spartanburg 10.30 a m; leav Trvon u.Sda ni: arrive Asheville 2.1 p m. -No. it. Leave.Spartanburg5.25pm; leav Tryon 7.00 p in; arrive Asheville 9. 1; p tn. Subject to change without notice. J. H. WOOD, District Pads. Agt Asheville, N. C. t J. H. RION, Local Agent, Tryon, N. CJ Log Cabin Inn ST&ARNS, N. C. OPENALLTHfi YEAR. Mrs, u. thUunnmaham, rrop. Southern COLUMBUS COLUMH J Personal and General ;l Have you registered? Subscription list is growing. Summer has gone says the Equinox. No blue cross marks on the paper now. S. B. Edwards went surveying last week what? New subscriptions are" always acceptable-renewals too. Commissioner Carson went to Tryon Monday on business. Mr. William Jones and wife visited relatives at Skyuka Sat urday. Mr. Frank Belue, of Tryon Market, was a business visitor here Tuesday. Mr. John Smith, Jr., visited his grandfather in Pea Ridge last Saturday night. Mr. J. R. Smith and daughter, Miss Nellie, went to Landrum, S. C. , last week. Atty. James E. Shipman seems to have his hands full with court and other matters. If you have an interesting piece of news send it in and we will let others have it. Mr and Mrs. Childers, of Greenville, S. C, are registered at the Columbus Hotel. Reckon the Independent News office will stand jacked up on all sides by both the political parties? Mr. E. W. Jones of Landrum, S. C. visited the News office last Friday; he is another of. our staunch supporters, . , The Tryon Hosiery Company's 'Shovel-em-out Shoe Sale" ad vertisement is in the supplement interesting bargains. John Thompson, J. H. Pritchard and Evveli Taylor, Columbus High School bo vs. visited their narents at pea Ridge last week-end. T, rA was a laro.p risrr arW considering the weather, when the Register's books were opened Saturday morning by Mr. T. R. Constant. occupied the Ben Craigen cottage all summer, returned to their home in Spartanburg, S. C, last Wednesday Sheriff A. L. Hill Was collect ing taxes in Cooper Gap, Pea Ridge and Mill Spring last week; Registrar F. M. Burgess went with him to visit friends. Four former editors of the Polk County News mentioned in our columns this week and still they come! Rev. TvC. Croker of For est City (another former editor) , passing through Columbus while this item is composed- Mrs. John P. Davis, of Jack sonville, Fla., who has beer spending several weeks as a guest at the Columbus Hotel, returned to her home Saturday. We all hope to see both Mr. and Mrs. Davis again next vacation time. Mr. C. H. Williams left Colum bus last week for his new home in Baskerville, Virginia. Mr. Williams was, for a long time, ed itor of the News and it is not im probable that we shall see a Bas kerville weekly among our ex changes before very long. Mrs. J. H. Hogan, .wife of the former editor of the News, left Saturday to join her husband in Washington, D. C, taking the large family of pretty singing birds with her. Mr. Hogan is back again to his old position in the Uovernment rnnting umce. Ull TERM SUPERIOR COURT, OCT. 17th. 'Fall term of Superior, Court for Polk County convenes next Mon day, His Honor Judge James L. Webb of Shelby, N.C. , presiding. The criminal docket is a slim one and not likely to last over four days, the case of State vs. Laurena Field, indicted for pois oning her husband; being the most important on the docket. All the cases on the civil docket to be tried by jury will be con tinued by . consent of the entire Bar, Charlotte Painted a Brighter Hue. That Mr. Walter Croker, one tune editor of The News and now general manager of the Char lotte Observer, entertains his "country cousins", royally w'hen they come to his town was evi denced when a large party from Polk County, including Messrs. C. C West, Luther Case, A, L. McMurray and Leroy and R. F. McFarland of Columbus, went to Charlotte to attend court last week. Mr. Croker devoted his entire time to making things pleasant for his friends and as sisted them largely in their desire to give "the best little city in Dixie" a fresh coat of paint, the "Mid way "being given exception al coloring. , The jolly quintette from Col umbus returned after a five-day round of pleasure last Friday, delightfully weary and complete ly "tuckered out," voting it the time of their . lives. A warm reception awaits Walter; when ever he comes this way. Columbus Democratic Club Organized. A democratic club for Colum bus township was organized Sat urday night. The club elected. Buford F. , Williams, Esq., as chairman, and are now preparing for the fight which is to have its close November 8th next. Despite the inclemency of the weather ik good crowd Was in attendance and much enthusias m was shown. The regular meeting nights of the club will be on Saturday, U 1 7.30, excepting this week, when the club will meet - on Friday, at the appointed hour, in order that the Columbus Club cart attend the democratic speaking at Lynn Saturday night, when Hon. A. Hall Johnson, candidate for so licitor, will address the Try on Lynn Democratic Club. On next Friday night at lea t two speakers of note will address the club. Everybody is cordially invited to attend and hear the issues discussed. A GOOD POSITION Can be had by ambitious young men and ladies in Hhe field of "Wireless" or Railway telegra phy. Since the 8-hour law became effective, and since the Wireless companies are establishing sta tions throughout the country there is a great shortage of tel egraphers. Positions pay v be ginners from $70 to $90 per month, with good chance of ad vancement. The National Tele graph Institute operates six official institutes in America, under supervision of R. R. and Wireless Officials and places all graduates into positions. It will pay you to write them for full details at 'Memphis, Tenn., or Columbia, S. C. ( Here's another,: talking about snakes; Roland Emory r set his trap last week for a groqiid hog and caught a rattler. ,f Can',t tell how old it was, for the snake had shaken off all the rattleg in its futile efforts to escape, TRYON NOTES. Correspondence "f The Newi Mrs. A. L. Hill visited in Lan-. drum Monday. Mr. E, E. Missildine was in Asheville last Friday. Mrsr;M. E. Strong went to Asheville last Friday. Mr. B. B. Jackson was a busi-. ness visitor here last Friday. Miss Bessie Wriitlock is with Mrs. J. W. Kennedy this week. Mr. Charles Godsha w and fam ily are here to spend the month. Miss Willie Harnette of Spar tanburg visited here last Thurs day. Mrs. Matherson returned last week after being away for some time. Mrs- Robt. Gaines is visitjng her mother in Spartanburg this week. Mr. xs. Li. muenjrer was in Welford, S. C, the first of the week. 1 - Mr. A. H. Williams of Saluda visited at Mr. Joe Davidson's Sunday. Mrs. W. J. Gaines left Sunday for Asheville to spend several weeks there. ! Mrs. Missildine and Miss Ida, who have been away for some . time, returned last Saturday. Messrs. W. J. Forde, George Gurley and James Wood attend ed the Knoxville Exposition last week. Miss Mary Sue Hill is with her brother, Sheriff I Hill; she will perhaps spend the winter here and attend school. V Mr. H; Ei Still well and family have moved to Flat Rock, where Mr, Still well is engaged in busi ness with the Skyland Hosiery Company. . Republican at White Oak to Organize. The republicans of White OaH townshiptwill mert at the school house at Millspring on Saturday night, Oct. 15th, for the purpose of organizing a club. After or ganization the club will be ad dressed by Hon. J. M. Rector, of Hendersonville. All are invited to attend. - Another Store for Columbus. Work on thenew building toN be erected by Mr. A. L. McMui i ay on his .town property was started Tuesday morning and is progresiing rapidly under the skilful workmanship of Messrs. W. A. Hill, L. H. Cloud and Jas. Ormand. The building is to be one "and one-half stories J and will contain store and living apartments. WHAT IS IT WORTH TO YOU ? . For the benefit of those who r are considering what a good road from Columbus to Tryon is worth to them, individually, we reprint the following contribution blank. To the editor of the Polk County News: . i I hereby inform you that I am willing to contribute ...... . .. . ..... dollars i ''!'' :'' ' ' ' ($ . . . . . .) in money, labor or' use of teams, towards getting a good graded road over the new. suryey from Columbus to j fche Tryon macadam road. ' - l (Signed) i i . I if : r-b. : fV ' , ff ''CM -V. ' .. AJt f - h ' Uii, ." . V j'lf t! , f v ' - HI. - - Mi1 H ' ..." .: . .; j n 1 1 si V. M ' i'r A -Mi

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