H Three Cents the Copy. INDEPENDENCE IN ALL tHINGS. Subscription Price, $1.00 perYear in Advance. VOL. XVI. COLUMBUS, POLK COUNTY, N. C; THURSDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1910. NO. 23. It THE BANK WE ARE HANDLING THE CELEBRATED HAMILTON-BROWN SHOES Iii order to introduce them and make you a regular customer, we give you A WATCH with every $5.00 CASH SALE Try them. THE BALLENGER COMFY For Everything TRYON, THE LAN DRU Deposits June 30. 1909 Deposits June 30, 1910 'Watch BAN H B. CARLISLE, President JOSEPH LEE, Vice-President P. V. CUNNINGHAM, Huskier JOHN ORE TRYON, N. C. j Groceries,. Dry Goods, Notions Enamel and Tin, Ware. Blue Flame Oil Stoves, Etc., Etc. The Carolina State Bank SALUDA. N. C. PER CEKT Paid on Savings Every Banking Facility It has been the constant endeavor of the management of this bank to furnish every possible facijity for the conven ience of its depositors, together with absolute safety for their money.. " , . , An account with this bank will prove a valuable asset to any corporation, firm, or individual requiring the best banking facilities. v ' ' We solicit your account. D C BARROW, Q. C SOWER, W. C. ROBERTSON, President. Fie-Presidnt. Vice-President. H. B. LANE, Cashier. "BRUSH RUNABOUT" AUTOMOBILES (BEST BY TEST) TWO YEARS OLD, THREE THOUSAND CARS SOLD The roads are good enough for the Brush The Brush is good enough for every man BETTER KNOWN AS "EVERYMAN'S" CAR F. F. ALLRED, Agent, , Rutherfordton, N.C. COLUMBUS HIGH SCHOOL Non-Sectarian ' Male and Female ' Located in the Mountains of Western North Carolina EVERY BOY AND GIRL IN POLK COUNTY WHO , CAN ENTKR THE .HIGH SCHOOL DEPARTMENT ; MAY ATTEND FREE OF TUITION . Expenses very moderate Students may enter at any time " FOR FURTHER INFORMATION, ADDRESS E. W. S. COBB, Prin., Cclumbus, Polk County, N. C BURGLARS Open a Safe of the Ordinary Kind with Ridiculous Ease. They very seldom care to tackle burglar-proof vaults like those in The Bank of Tryon. The wise man will, therefore, open up an account there and thus put hia money where it is beyond the reach of burglars. The less you have the less you can afford to lose it. OF TRYON N. C. For Everything F LAM BRUM M , S. C. $13,701.18 26,842.23 Us Grow 99 & COMPANY STRONG COURTEOUS PROGRESSIVE Advertising is Business. IF YOU Want a farm Want: a bouse Want a partner Want a horse or cow 'Want to buy anything Want to sell a mule or hog v Want to sell a carriage Want, to sell town property Want to sell your groceries Want to sell your hardware ' Want to sell your millinery goods Want to sell or exchange anything Advertise in THE POLK COUNTY NEWS Advertising is the way to suct ess Advertising brings new customers Advertising kteps the old ones Advertising will increase business Advertising show energy, Advertising sujws pluck Ad vertisingx is proper A d v e r t i se tomorrow Advertise today ADVERTISE A I, I. T II E TIME ' SPECIAL NOTICES. For Rent. The 5 room house on the northeast corner of the street opposite the southwest corner of Court House Square. Splendid water, good garden spot, and nec essary outbuildings, rwr particulars call on or address T. H. Posey, Golumbus, N..C. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE, Having qualified as administrator of K'. B. Hatchett, late of Henderson Co., N. C, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased, to ex hibit them to the undersigned on or before the 4th day of October, 19x1, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery.. y All persons indebted to said estate will pl.ase make immediate tettlemem. This 4th day of October, 191 o. ' W. A. NEWELL, Administrator. NOTICE. Bids will be received at. the County Com misM ers office any time between now ami the 1st Monday in November, iol , to build a low bridge over Green River at what is known as the Wamack bridge, to be built according to the plans and speci fications of file or of record as to the old bridge which was there. The commissioners reserve the right to rejret all bids. This 3d of Oct. 1910. F. M. BURGESS, ; Clnk to Board of County Com, 4 NOTICE Know a-l men whom it may concern, that i, Joshua d. jonea. of the County of t'o-k, and btate of Noith Carolina, will on the 1 7th day of November, iQlo, lell to the 1 highest test bidder for cash, viz: All Personal Property, Household and Kitchen furni ture, 2 mules, I cow, 2 wagons, 1 buggy, 1 cane mill, corn, fodder, tops, shucks, etc., also fanning implements. N. B. The sale will be at my residence in Mill Spring, and will begin at 9 A. M. This 10th day of Oct., 1910. J. D. JONES. j- jj j X xjl Jj I : Seven Jewels. Elerin or Waltham Screw Back and Beyyel Solid Nickel Case, Guaranteed. 4i95 By Mail, Cash with Order. F.'F. ALLRED Jeweler RUTHERFORDTON, N. C, Southern Railway SCHEDULE Schedules published a information only Not guaranteed EAST-BOUND TRAINS No. id. Leave Asheville 7.00 a m; leave Trvon 9 5 ra; Spartanburg 10.25 No.", . Leave Asheville 4.10 ptn; leave Tryon 6.30 pm; anive Spartanburg 8.0c p m. WEST-BOUND TRAINS No. 9. Leave Spartanburg 16.30 a m; leave Trvbn iioani: arrive Asheville 2.10 --j d m. - No. 13. Leave Spartanburg 5.25 p m; leave Tryon 7.oo p in; arnve Asheville 9.15 p in. ' f . Subject to change without notice. II. WOOD, District Pass. Agt., Asaeviiic, A', v.. J. H. RION, Local Agent, i Tr L ryon, N. C. News Advertisements "Pay. I COLUMBUS COLUMN I : Personal and General -1 Have you registered? . I Registration books close Satur day the 22d. j EVen crops are put by till the election is over. ' . j New subscriptions are always acceptablerenewals too. Rev. W. A. Newell, of Tryon, was a visitor here last week. . . ! Mr. D. H. Houser of Ruther- fordton No. 2 visited us Monday. i - i Mr. Ralph McFarland left for his home in Rutherfordton last week. Mr. J. C. Griffin of Mill Spring No. 1 made us a pleasant visit Monday. ' Mr. L. Odel of Mill Spring No: 1 was a business visitor to the News Monday. Dr. M.C-Palmer passed through Columbus Saturday enroute to Mill Spring. j ! Messrs. T M. Burgess and Grover Hutchersim visited in Tryon Sunday. t - i Mr. J C. Nodine of near In man, S. C. , is visiting friends in Columbus this week. Herman Walker and Jno. Green of Green's Creek came to town Monday to hear the i political speeches. Lester Lemons and Osts Blan ton visited their homes in King's Mountain several days last week, returning Sunday. Mr. William Durham of Tryon was a visitor to the Nevrs office Saturday, and. incidentally, be- ijcame a subscriber Court week comes in very hand i m . vv,,r uy ion dectxoneers-so many of our Ola trienClS Saving US , 1 i i 116 Muuuie ui iuuivjiiK tuciu up. The last public school teachers examinations tor cms year were . m " r held in Supt. J. R. Foster's office last Thursday. The attendance was small. Mrj W. M. Younce, of Ruther- lord ton jno. z, a new resident in the County, who bought the Pear- son property recently, nas added his name to our constantly grow ing subscription list. Melvin Hill notes came too late last week for publication. We go to press Wednesday noon ar d all copy should be in Tuesday to assure correspondents proper space in our columns. Miss Lola 'EdwardVs birthday party last Friday night was well attended, about forty young peo ple from Columbus and Mill Spring participating in the usual games and festivities to be en joyed on such an '.occasion. A number of Columbus citizens are desirous of,, forming a good roads society, and have expressed their willingness to contribute materially in money and labor toward grading a road from Co lumbus to connect with the Tryon macadam road, but like every thing else these days its shelved iill after election. ; ; e are SOrry to learn that Clyde Hampton is confined to bed again with his old trouble which he has been fighting so Ipluckily since his removal home! from Ruther fordton seven weeks ago. Clyde has been out and moving about with the appearance of mending for some time but has overtaxed his strength in so doing. Dra. Grady and Salley were called in yesterday to see him but they ex- tend very ' little hope of his re- covery. COURT PROCEEDINGS. The fall term of Superior Court convened Monday, Hi Honor J. L, Webb presiding. , Following are ttie proceedings of the crinv ; continued. State vs. Jobn Carswell, retailing; not guilty. J. L. Hodge and J. 0. Gris wold, judgment of J. P. set aside. John Turner, C.CW. ; guilty. Judgment suspended on payment of costs. I Ed Gilbert, Mack Gilbert and Joe Johnson, affray; de fendants plead guilty. - Judgment suspended on payment of costs. Virgil McCurry, C.C.W.;not guilty. C. Lynch, C.C.W.; defend ant pleads guilty. Judg ment suspended on pay ment of costs. LillieDohnson, Annie Lynch, Charlie Lynch and Nancy Lynch, affray; defendants all guilty. Judgment sus pended on payment of costs. -. , ( s V j Will Walker, removing cropj defendant pleads guilty! T 1 T 1 . juagment suspenaea on payment of costs. j Laurena Field, murder; judg ment 4 months in county jail. Fine Apples Raised In Walkers. w. m. rnompson, a young bachelor residing in Walkers, who is one of the largest fruit growers in the State, sent the News some very fine specimens of his apples, of which he has 3000 bushels for sale. Mills best, magnum bole- inans, wine saps and hoovers are among the specimens, on of the hoovers measuring fifteen inches in circumference. GREEN'S CREEK NOTES. " ! ? Special to Th News , j Theiewasan unusually i large congregation attended services in Green's Creek Baptist Church Sunday morning to bear the Rev J. Williams, an old veteran of the Cross, who is now 83 years of age. Dr. Feagans of Spartanburg, who came with his wife inja big "honk-konk" car to visit his old friends, also addressed the large congregation. Miss Minnie Collins met with a serious accident last week, re ceiving a large gash over the left eye caused by falling and striking her forehead against a drinking glass she held in her hand. It required 13 stitches to sew up the wound. The new church is now com pleted. $200 was raised Sunday to pay off the indebtedness. Clerk's Office Claimed By Both Candidates. Mr. J. P. Arledge, wllo held down the chair in the clerk's of fice for sixteen years or more, and who is again a candidate for the vsame office, figures he will win by 48 counts. Mr. S. B, Edwards, the present incumbent, reckons he'll continue filling the office for the, next term by the same majority. I i Which means the independents have some one guessing. Mr. J. W. Barnett, the pro gressive s young blacksmith of Cross Keys section made the I News a long and pleasant visit yesterday. ! Rev. B. P. Jackson j of Mill Spring visited us Monday and handed in the program of the Sunday School Convention tdbe found in another column. CAMPAIGN SPEAKING. Gardner, Gudger and Newell Address Lar;t Audience in Columbus Court House. One of the largest crowds it has ever been the orivilecre of our little town to entertain was pres- ent Monday, first day of court,, a day that always draws a large crowd, but to add to the usual interest' political speeches were to be had for tjie asking and Jn istence not being required in the superlative degree. i Judge Webb was considerate in extending the noon recess until all of the speakers had had their say. Mr.O. Max Gardner of Shelby, democratic nominee for State Senate, made the opening speech; discussing the issues presented by the two great parties with clear ness and force. ; His voice was well modulated to conform with the acoustics of the court room, and his language bore evidence of excellent education and train- ng, while his attitude on the floor proved that he possesses the real elements of a born statesman. Mr. Gardner is one of the best young orators m the State and made an excellent impression on his attentive audience, who never for a moment became restless nor. impatient. ; Hon. James M. Gudger Jr., democratic nominee for Congress from this district, succeeded Mr. Gardner. Mr. Gudger was in ex cellent form, his speech being confined mostly to national af fairs and issues, though inter spersed with occasional oppor tune jokes that easily illustrated his point and carried the audience with him. Mr. Gudger is popular in his district and is making a strenu ous campaign against his oppon- Hon. Jake Newell of Charlotte wound up the treat of the day with an earnest, heart-to-heart talk in favor of his party and its policies that kept his hearers in their seais until he was through. Mr. Newell is an old veteran in the political field and well under stands the art of holding the attention of vast audiences, using only the simplest, most direct ianguage, readily understood by all. without the slightest sem blance of rhodomontade or thra sonical bombast characteristic of novices. , The large crowd dispersed at the close of MrNew ell's address and court was resumed. TRY0NN0TES. Crrf pondence f The Newi Mr. T- C. Mills was here Tuesday. Mr. Blains Jackson is here this week. Mr. W. J. Gaines was in Asheville Sun day. , ' ' i ' j Dr. E. M. Slly of Saluda was in Tryon Monday. Miss Julia Fisher entertained some of her friends Friday evening. Mr W. B Coogan who has been awy for several months returned Saturday evening. Miss May Mnroe of Spartanburg visited her brother, Mr. John Monre, here Sun day. Mrs. L. Durham returned Sunday from " ?i L . : a two wecKS visit to aer iaiucr in rvuiuci fordton. j 1 1 Mr. and Mrs. Pearson of Rutherfordton are visiting their son, Mr. F. S. ; Pearson, this week. Mrs. Lettie Gaines, who has been visiting. in South Carolina for several weeks, return ed Monday. I ; . Miss Emily Weaver of Spartanburg Te!-: ephone Exchange, visited Miss Bessie Forde Sunday, j .. Many. Tryon townsmen have gone to Columbus to attend court and to hear the political speaking. ; Miss Maude Ruppe, one of Columbus High School teachers, visited Misses Jane and Iris Jackson Sunday. ' , . ' Advertise in THENEWS, ' . J ' ' -to-' i mi iVl? 4 11 r t if 47 it i A i ViU ' 1 'i A . . f 1 if , i S i j ' 'i II ' . y -i' . I ft: 4 ii:. ill ':A- ;'' I ' t - tt ':-! if , r. ; if. J -