The Polk, County News Published every Thursday. , JOHN G. BIERBAUM Editor Entered t the Post office at Columbus. N. C., as second class matter. auBscRirnow rates, i One year. ! Sit months 5 Three months $ Subscriptipns must be paid in adoance. Advertising rates furnished on apph ation. . Make all checks, drafts, and money or ders payable to The Pouc County News, Columbus. N. C. COLUMBUS, N. C, OCT. 20. roio. COLUMBUS CHURCH DIRECTORY.. BAPTIST. Rav. T. H. rosKYPastor. Preach inc erery seaond and fourth Sunday at 11 a.m. and on tae SaUrday before tbe second at 3p. . Sabbath fehool avery Sunday mormug at 1U. J. E. Shipmani iuperintfr ndent. PRESBYTERIAN. No re&nUa preaching Sab bath school every Sunday morning at 10. C. U Hampton, superintendent FRATERNAL SOCiLTY MEETINGS. Polk County Sunday. School Convention. The next . session of, the Polk County Baptist Sunday School Convention .will be helcb with the Church at Silver Creek Saturday and-Sunday, Oct. 23 and 30. 1910. Following is the program; SATURDAY, Oct. 29., 11 a. m. Sermon. Rev. T. W. Arlelge. j 12 m. Noon Recess. I p. m. Organization. 1. 30 p. m. Progress of the Polk County Sunday School Association. J. H. Gibbs. a p. m. Christian .Giving. Rv. T. H. Posey. 2.30 p. m. Present Day Opportunities for Iiaptists. Z V. Thompson and N. T. Mills. SUN I) VY. Oct. 30. 10 a. m. Sunday School Lesson, taught by Rev. T. II- Posey. 11 a. m Sermon. Rev. E. Jacltson. 12 m. Noon recess, ip m. Mass Meeting. 1J. E. Shipman B. H. Jnckson J. B. Arledge Follow Clarence Poe Around the World! Columbus Lodge No. 114 KnUhts of Pythias J rneU every Tuesday mg-at at o.ou- iwna krotheri eordiallv invited to attend. Mimosa Lo 'e No. 256 T. 0. 0. F. meets Fri-'ay evenings at 8 o'clock in aall over post-eihce, Lynn, N. 0. Visiting brothers welcome. Lynn Rebekah Lodge No- 41 meets Monday veaings, same hall. ' Tryon Council 143 Jr 0 U A M meets in Knights of Pvthia hall. Tryon, Tuesday ev mngs at 8 o'clock. Visiting members welcome. Fine speeches do not make line officers. Even if he is on the other side he's a good fellow. - r' " " ' i - i. . V- v Rather lose ten elections offend your neighbor once. than Tho roeflnt mirchase of the old .4k w Jj a Hampton farm by a syndicate of J 'Dabbling in mud" always was Tryon citizens, headed by Messrs. a filthy way to win an election. B. L. Balienger and A. L. Hill. is the most important real estate venture made in Polk County for many years. In dividing this large tract of land into small parcels to suit customers, and thus establishing a small com munity along the main road of the county, between Lynn and Columbus, these gentlemen are putting their shoulders to the wheel of progress and are giving it the shove toward Columbus that is necessary for the improve ment of the entire County. They deserve unbounded success for the spirit of enterprise they have shown in this venture, and also the co-operation of all large land holders in the County, who might well follow their example if they have at heart the interests of our "Dear Old Polk." Editor Clarence Poe of The Progressive Farmer and Gazette has just started on a tour Around the World, making a special study of everything bearing on the South Southern Agriculture, Manufac turing, Commercial Opportunities, Politi cal and Racial Problems, etc., etc Mr. Poe's articles will appear exclusively in Tlie Progressive Farmer & Gazette RALEIGH, N. C. STARKVILLE, MISS. and will alone be worth ten times the subscription price. " Mr. Poe is one of the foremost and soundest thinkers in the South to-day." Atlanta Constitution. Wish them all good luck but reserve your sincere demonstra tions for your own crew. Mn nne else has ever made a world-tour . v... as the special representative of Soutliern in- 'Tis strange that politicians terc$ts nd deem it proper to associate with some people just about election above all other times wonder why? 1 tercsts and needs. Write at once for free sample copies. The Polk County News and Progressive Farmer sent to your address for one year ior $i.uu. FOR SALE ESTABLISHED 19 isr S whTS, Z buy SPARTANBURG HERALD. Apples, Cabbages and Potatoes That railroad we, of Columbus, have dreamed about these many years, will remain a phantasm just so long as we are content to sit idly by and watch a few ener getic apd far-sighted men strug gling with the entire burden of this subject of improvement. Come to see us before buy ing elsewhere. Our prices will be reasonable. We are located 9 miles west of Mill Springs on Mills Gap road. THOMPSON & McKILLOP Sl'aRTANBURG. S. C. DAILY AND WEEKLY Spartanhure's Oldest, largest, and best newspaper. Pull of news from the first to it,. t.Bt nnoa Entire Associated Press uv F telegraphic service. THE CHARLOTTE OBSERVER Everyday In the Year $8.00 a Year E. F. WILLIS ; - j Judge James L. Webb, presid- 1 - ing in Superior Court at Columbus this week, gave us another in stance of his tender mercjr in dealing with young culprits just erring from the path of rectitude illustrated in the case" of the three boys, Ed Gilbert, Mack Gilbert and Joe Johnson, brought before him Monday, pleading guilty of affray; the Judge making them hake hands all around and be come friends again. These boys can only, and doubt less will, show their aDDreciation a. " of the kind, fatherly hand that has just led them back into the right way, by cementing their new bond of friendship and liv ing straightforward and upright lives. How much brighter and better and purer the world would be if it had more judges like His Honor Judge James L. Webb presiding in its courts! Willis & Blanton SKIRYAIXH, VM. The Observer consists of to to 12 paes flallv and 20 to t3 naves Sunday. It liau- more news "matter. local, state, national and foreign, than any other North Carolina J. G. BLAMON newspaper. The Sunday Observer is unexcelled as a news medium, and is also witli excellent matter of a lniaCei- laneoua nature. Address THE OBSERVER CO., CHARLOTTE, N. C. WE HAVE A NUMBER OF fine FARMS FOR SALE, suited for Fine Tobacco, Cotton and Grain containing from 37 1-2 to 300 ACRES conveniently) situated to Churches Schools, and Railroads, price From $10 to $20 Per Acre Write or call on us for particulars O.T.BAYNARD ; COTTON BUYER Pays the Highest Market Price- See him before selling. LANDRUM, . O. A BARGAIN, 65 nrrp. farm with 20 acres un der cultivation, located three milpR smith of Columbus, adjoin ing lands of T. H. Wilson and others. Call or address: L. H. CLOUD, Columbus, N.C. A GOOD POSITION .Can be had by ambitious .young men and ladies in the field" of Wireless" or Railway teleera . f " r phy. Since the 8-hour law became effective, and since the Wireless companies are establishing: sta tions throughout the country inere is a great shortage of tel egraphers. Positions pay be w u . i? . t ny - a xmiiers irom ftU to XHll nor month, with good chance of ad vancement. The National Tele graph Institute operates six official institutes in America, under supervision of R. R. and Wireless Officials and places all graduates into positions. It will pay you to write them for full details at Memphis, Tenn., or Columbia, o. t. . Leap's Prolitic Wheat. khe Most Prolific and Best oi Milling Wheats Yields reported from our cfustom-" era from twenty-five to fifty-two bushels per acre. When grown side by side with other kinds this splenr did beardless wheat yielded from; five to eighteen tushels more per; acre on same land and under same i . conditions as other standard wheats. Wherever grown It ia superseding all other kinds and it should be sown universally by wheat growers everywhere. ' 1 Wrice for price and "Wood's Crop Spedal" which contains new and valuable article, How to grow big crops of wheat." FOR SALE. 16 acres of land in high state of cultivation, with two dwellings, water sudoIv. baths, outbuildings Ptrv Beautiful location: One- half mile from Lynn Knitting Mill and two miles from railroad station! (macadam road). Will make fine truck farm and rent for $200. a year. Prices and terms right. Call or address. L. H. CLOUD, Columbus, N.C. T. 7. WOOD & sons, Seedsmen, Richmond, Va. We are headquarters for ,.., Farm Seeds. Grass sand Clover Seeds Winter Vstches, Dwarf Essex Rape, Seed Wheat, Oats. Rye, Barley, etc. - 'f. . . . J . . Descriptive Fall. Catalog mailed free. L. H. CLOUD Real Estate and Insurance COLUMBUS, POLK CO., N. C. Log Cabin Inn STEARNS, N. C. t OPEN ALL THE YEAR. Advertise -In THE NEWS. Mrs, D. . CunninghamfPcop. ;1 t Farmers-Farmers! .-I.. .. . i ; Let us interest you in the IMPROVED OLIVER CHILLED PLOW, for our Fall work. !We have this plow now in stock and do not believe that you can buy a better plow anywhere.. Prepare your land now by plowing deep, so that when Spring comes, your soil will be in better condition for planting. We are selling these plows at very reasonable prices; and it will be to your interest to examine our display of these goods. Anything in hardware we have it, or will get it. Mail and Phone Orders given prompt attention. Tryon GEO. A. GASH, Mgr. Sunn y Co. TRYON, N. C. Si i 25 Percent Reduction on i HAMILTQK-BROWH and all other brands of shoes, excepting the ; FAMOUS STAR BRAND i (10 percent, off on these) i during the weeks! ! beginning ) SATURDAY, OCT. 15th ) 1 : ) ! and closing ) SATURDAY, NOV. 5th A liberal discount will be fciven on all joods in the store' during the SHOVEL-'EM OUT SHOE SALE Tryon Hosiery Company's SPOT CAS M t STORE Prices on Best Patent J Jb lour, sugar ana r, Best Patent Flour g $2.90 a Hundred J 25 lbs. Sugar.. $1-50 Bacon (this week) 13c lb- Each TUESDAY and jj SATURDAY in OCTOBER All lO Cnt Goods at 9 cts. ALL GOODS SOLD FOfr SPOT CASH J6IN THE PROCESSION ! TRYON HOSIERY CO , , LYNJSIS,. C. l: