; if . 'I v ;t ' 'i" : 4 ri Three Cents the Copy. INDEPENDENCE IN ALL THINGS. Subscription Price, $1.00 Per Year in Advance. VOL. XVI. COLUMBUS, POLK COUNTY. N. C. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1910. NO. 24. f .... 11 ? K - 1 at ssr- m M-rfM THE BANK , WE ARE HANDLING HAMILTON-BROWN SHOES In order to introduce them and make you a regular customer, we-give you A WATCH j with every $5.00 CASH SALE Try them. THE BALLENGER COMFY For Everything TRYON, THE BANK OF L LAND RUM , S. C Deposits June 30. 1909 Deposits June 30, 1910 "Watch Us Grow H. B CARLISLE, President JOSEPH LEE, Vice-President P. V. CUNNINGHAM, Cashier JOHN ORR &. COMPANY V TRYON, N. C. Groceries, Dry Goods, Notions ! "" Shoes; ": Crockery, -Glassware -- "7 Enamel and Tin Ware - Blue Flame Oil Stoves, Etc., Etc. The Carolina S A LUDA CENT Paid on Savings Every Banking Facility, It has been the constant endeavor of the management of this hank to furnish every possible facility for the conven ience of its depositors, together with absolute safety for . their money. . An account with this bank will prove a valuable asset to s any corporation, firm, or individual requiring the best banking facilities. We solicit your account. D. C BARROW, SOSNER, W. a ROBERTSON, President. - , Vice-President. Vice-President. H. B. LAiSiE, Cashier. "BRUSH RUNABOUT" AUTOMOBILES (BEST BY TEST) TWO YEARS OLD, THREE THOUSAND CARS SOLD The roads are good enough tor the Brush The Brush is good enough for every man BETTER KNOWN AS "EVERYMAN'S" CAR F. F. ALLRED, Agent, Non-Sectarian Located in the Mountains GOLUMBUS EVERY BOY AND GIRL POLK COUNTY VUO .... .. CAN ENTERyTHEHIGH SCHOOL DEPARTMENT , r iZA MA ATTEND FREE OF TUITION ;, V Exnenses vrv moderate ' - Students may enter at any time V FOR .FURTilER'" INFORMATION, ADDRESS j, E.VV. S. COBB, Prin.; Columbus, Polk County, N. C. BURGLARS Open a Safe of the Ordinary Kind with Ridiculous Ease. They very seldom care to tackle burglar-proof vaults like those in The Bank op Tryon. The wise man will, therefore, open: up an account there and thus put his money where it is beyond the reach of burglars. The less you have the less you can afford to lose it. i OF TRYON THE CELEBRATED N. C. For Everything $13,701.18 26,842.23 9f State Bank STRONG COURTEOUS PROGRESSIVE Rutherfordton, NIC. Male and Female. of Western North Carolina AMUHfl HIGH Advertising is Business. IF YOU - ' : ' - . Want a farm Want a house , , Want a partner Want a horse or cow Want to buy any thing Want. to sell a mule 01 hog. Want to sell a carriage . Want to sell town property Want to sell your groceries Want to sell your hardware s Want to sell your millinery goods Want to sell or exchange' an vthing Advertise in THE POLK COUNTY NEWS Advertising is the way to" suctss Advertising brings new customers Adverliniug keeps the old ones Advertising will increase business Advertising shows energy Advertising sh?ws pluck Advertising is p r ope t Advertise tomorrow - Advertise today A D V'E RTI3E A 1. 1. THE TIME SPECIAL NOTICES. For Rent. The 5 rooffl ' Hause on the northeast 'corner of the street opposite the southwest corner of Court llouse.Square Splendid water, good garden spot, and aec essary outbuildings. Foe particulars fsi 11 on or address T. H. Posey, Golumbus, Hi C. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE, Having qualified as administrator of A. B. Hatchett, late of Henderson Co., N. C, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of sitd deceased, to ex hibit them to the undersigned on or before the 4H1 day of October, 191 1, or this notice will be plead in bar of their rvery. AH persons indebted to said estate will pl-ase make immediate settlement. This 4th day of October, 1910. , W. A. NEWEVK Administrator. NOTICE. Bids w!H be received at the County Com- misMo, ers office any time between now and . , ; the 1st Monday in November, igr , to mg the proportions Of the WOOd buildalow briaee over Green River at n,vVL.;.:f iniiatmr in 'ilAnfli r.oi. what is known as the Wamack bndge, to bt built according to the plans and specf- fications of file or of record as to the old hrinira wtimn U'o c Thar -! 1 Mr The c tnmissioners reserve the riirht to reject aU btds. i m u oi .'ci. igio. I v - i F. M. BURGESS, Cleik to Board of County Com. NOTICE Kuow all men whom it may concern, Hint I, Joshua U. Jones, or the County oi I Pn.lr anrl SCtat. nf MnttVi f am na will nil the 17th day of November, 1910, sell to the highest bidder for cash, vizt All Personal 0 . 1 Prcperty. Household and I Kitchen Furni ture, 2 mules, 1 cow, 2 wagons, I buggy, 1 cane mill, com, fodder, tops, shucks, etc.. also farming implements. N. B. The ale will be at my residence in Mill Sprinp, and will begin at 9 A. l. This icthday of Oct., 1910. J. D. JONES. THE BEST WATCH REPAIRING Cals for the Best Material, Best Workmen, Best Tools Wa have all these - Give us a trial, Watches, Clocks', Jewelry. Stationery, Etc. ., rf) C HI I Hh!) Y rnCU r . HLi-aCU O Jewelry, Stationery and Art Store, RUTHERFORDTON, H. C. Southern Railway SCHEDULE Schedules published as Information only Not guarantee. east-bound trains No. 14. Leave Asneviiie 7.00 m; leave lrVon 9 i5 arnre spartannurg io. a m. No. io. Leave Asbeville 4.10 p m; leave Tryon 6.30 p m;- arrive Spartanburg 8.o p m. ! WEST-BOUND TRAINS No. 0. Leave Spartanburg 10.30 a m; leave Trvoan.so a m: arnte Asneviiie 2.10 j t m. No. it' Leave Soartanbure 5-25 P m: leave iTryon 7.00 p m; arrive Ashetille 9.15 ...p.m.-' ' I- ' Subject to change without notice. J, II. WOOD, District Pass. Agt -i ! Ashevillej N. C. J. H. RION. Local Agent, v Tryon, N, C. News Advertisements Pay. COURT PROCEEDINGS. (Contimiedfrotn last useek) State vs. j Lemon Martin, C. C. W.; guilty. Fined $5.00 and costs. ...... I Elgie Smith and Bert Liles, slander; both defendants guilty. Judgment of court that, they be worked on the roads of Henderson county for a term of six- months. Defendants take appeal to . the Supreme Court. George looker, C. C W.; guilty. Fined $20.00 and costs? Lillie Johnson and Jessie Booker, affray; defendants plead guilty. Judgment suspended on payment of costs. ! NORTH CARQLINA WOODWORKING. - From Manufacturers Record, Oct. 13, 1910 In, 1908 North Carolina cut more than 1,000,000,000 board ieet oi lumoer, ana convertea m rto finished: wrood products 676,- 000,000 f eet Of the amount thus used, which included 32 kinds of wood, 96 per cent, anil 30 kinds were produced m North Carolina, the total amount used costing $9,577,242, delivered at the fac tors. The products do not in clude boards, planks, scantling, structural timber, crossties, ven- eer. coonerafire stocK, shingles or telegraph and telephone poles. Tho efIlrinfr fla-tiroc illncfwif-- 0 . , . , lina, attained largely) within the nof Oft tai-a ova AavUrA fmm o paper DY KOger Ja. Simmons, puD- lk K f1a XiWli folino flan. . . . . i. 1 1 I . 1 - fc.' logical ana .economic ourvey, designed to encourage the grow ing arid the manufacture of tim- iLJher within " the limits of North Carol maMr. Sfinmons advocates i. hetter nrotection of I the forests' , .1 1 e UtC &11U IvIlC UUVCUt'UH Ul Waste in the woods- and at the ... . I m . j ... w 1 1 r a n a .. .a 4Ak -r n ri a Klin v within a compai-atively short per iod of the' annual yield of the forests, and says that if as much care and foresight were exercised in the growing, protection, har vesting and marketing of the raw material as is now given to the manufacture of the finished pro duct, wood using industries of North Carolina would have no fear of a timber famine. For several years j North Caro- lina cotton mills have been using more cotton than is grown in the state. Its woodworking industries are now using probably more than 50 per cent, of the timber grown in the State. It is possible for North Carolina to raise all the it. cotton needed by the mills at Present: 1113 equany possioie ior it assure itself of a steady sup- ply for many years to come of its i .... I. . own timber for "its woodworking industries, now turning out fur niture, boxes and crates, flooring, ceiling and siding, farming im plements, sashes, doors and blinds, shuttles, spools and bob bins tool handles, vehicles, wood enware, planking for boats, store, office and kitchen fixtures, pipes anapuiieya.CACBiaiw. uwacw aiiu other products, it has an oppor tunity to be one of j the most self- contained States in industry in tLfl flAnriirv Souvenir Postal Cards. The Polk County New Jb and Station ery Department is now turning out fresh from the press an attractive seres ! Sou venir Postal Cards bearing half tone views of charming scenes iuj the vicinity of Co lumbus, Spring Mountaia Park., Steams, etc, ! ,Jboi Cabin Inn, Skyuka, Shunkawa kan and Rainbow Falls, Hemlock Shoals, and Tryon Mountain are among the subjects J !ll L. l -.I'll a. snown. inesc carai win oe on 1 njj NEWS OFRtfE and McMurray' Store io Columbus, UaTlenger's at Tryon, Log Cabin Inn at 'Stearns, ana other places. Usual .1 al' .1.1 a. prices, vjan ana iook over me oi, ; COLUMBUS COLUMN Personal and General i -' ' "1 Have you registered? Watch out for the band wagon I Atty. J. E. Shipman went to Tryon Saturday. ' Saturday the 29th is the last day for registration. - ; , Stove wood wanted on sub scription at the News office. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Smith vis ited relatives in Pea Ridge Sun day. Mr. T. R. Constant, register of election, reports a large registra tion. ! Knox Thompson of Coopergap is now attending Columbus High School. Atty. B. F. Williams went to Tryon on a business visit last Thursday. Mr. Pat Hampton of Atlanta, Ga., visited his father, Mr. C. C. Hampton, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hutcher son of Green's Creek visited rel atives here Saturday and Sunday. Mrs. G. French returned last week to her home in Cleveland, Ohio, leaving many sad friends behind her. , - . ! I The candidates are taking care of the 'needy" all right enough. Perhaps some of the well-doers" will find themselves needy after election. , ..... ( Messrs. John and Fred Williams of Rutherford ton, who have been visiting the Hampton family for ) several days, returned to ! their home Monday. j The editor wishes to thank his rainy friends for- their kindr re sponse to his appeal for co-oper ation in making the News newsy. It surely is appreciated. i i , Uncle Charlie Page gave Pat, his pet horse, a rest several days last week, and took a vacation himself, Mr. Leroy McFarland substituting in carrying the mail. Perhaps the most appropriate way to speak of the animals the candidates are mounted upon in riding about these nights through the county is to call them "night- mares. Mr J. G. Hughes went to Lan- drum Saturday to oversee the in stallation of the long distance line in th new Exchange,! which practically completes the work. Twenty-seven Landrum subscrib ers are now using the new lines with "telling" effect. Mrs. J. K. Gibbsof Miles City, Montana, pasted through town Sunday enroute to her mother's, Mrs. May Blanton of Mill Spring No. 2. Mr. and Mrs. Gibbs were old residents here, leaving some eight years ago for Montana, where they have prospered ,ex ceedingly well. The blue crossing method of informing subscribers to the News that their subscription has expired has been discontinued. Subscribers in the future will re ceive renewal blanks to be filled out and returned promptly with the amount of their subscription to assure continued service. Miss Tfeva and Mr. Ovid W. Jones are at the bedside of their sick sister. Miss JnaE. J ones, the popular teacher of the intermed iate department of Columbus High School. They will jstay un til their sister is iitrongh enough to bear the journey to their home in Winston-Salem, N. C. Miss Ina's many friends wish her a speedy recovery. TRYONJtfOTES. J Correspondence The News ' Mr. J. C. Fisher is in Brevard this week. Mrs. Join Monroe visited in Lynn. Sunday. v Mr. W. Hellen was in Spar tanburg. Monday. Mrs. C. H. Wilson is with us again for the Winter. Mr. Edgar Hill visited Mr. and. Mrs. Durham Monday. . Miss Margaret Still well is vis ting the Misses Bell this week.; Miss Emma McFarland is' at- tendins' a business school in - ' viile. J Dr. R. B. Engle of Aberdeen, r -. N. C. , spent several days here last week. . I ' Mrs. J. C. Fisher who has been sVy quite ill is improving and able to . j sit up a little. Mr. Grover Hutch erson of Co lumbus is on the R. F. D. No.. 1 , route" this week. : Mr. J. Foster Searles, who has been North for several days, re turned last Friday. Miss Euphemia . Holden, who has spent the summer in New York, returned last week. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Gaze of Spartanburg are visiting Mrs. James Lankford this wsek." ' ; . Tryon Lodge Knights of Pythias Members of Columbus Lodge K. of P. joined with their breth- ; ren of Try on Lodge at the latjter's regular meeting held last Thursv. day night in conf erring thesecond , degree of the ofder upon Mrjf f Ralph Erskine. After the degreey , was conferred all adjourned to a . bounteous, table , of refresh ments, where they indulged a few hours in"dining and wining and jolly ood fellowship." f 1 Among., the members present . from Columbus Lodge were Mes sers. F. Williams, J. E.. Ship man,' E. B. Cloud, C. C. West, ' A. L. McMurray, L. H. Cloud and Larney Huteherson. I . 1 T- '... ; , ' ' Joint County Canvai, The county canvass of demo cratic and republican candidates for the legislature and the various county offices started Tuesday at Cooper Gap School House, a large enthusiastic c'rowd awaiting them ' at that place to hear the address- es. The next appearance of the , canvassers was at MiUspring yes- , ' terday where they were warmly received by nearly the entire town. Melvin Hill receives them . today, Tryon tomorrow, Saluda' Saturday and Columbus Monday. TOAST IN RHVME.. : New York Telegram. V' Here's to our wives, They fill our lives, v Like busy bees, with honey; They ease our shocks, They dam our socks And spend most all our money. .UP-TO-DATE PREDICAMENTS. Puck. Weep and you're called a baby, Laugh and you're called a fool, Yield and you're called a coward, Stand and you're called a mule. Smile and.they'H call you silly. Frowa and they' 11. call you gruff, Put on a front like a millionaire - And some guy calls yur bluff COttINO AND GOING. Ellis Joaes in Saocess Uagaisiae, ' There was a saJn wir lwn And b was wondrously 'rash, He voted for a republican x ' , Ad thus lost half his cash. - . - And when he found what he had. done; I As guileless as a calf, 4 - He voted for a democrat ; And lost the other half. ... , . . r Advertise in THE NEWS,: ft V Xs '1. i; 1 i! 3!' ".HI Til i-

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