4 . 7 " ' -ri-; -if 11 Three Cents the Copy. INDEPENDENCE IN ALL 'THINGS. Subscription Price, $1.00 Per Ycir in AdVaricc. t-ilk i VOL. XVI. . COLUMBUS, POLK COUNTY. N. C, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1910. f.-.'-f.- NO. 25.. r5 , - - :-"I1:t1:::- I Ml I THE BANK You sK6uld visit our SPECIAL CASH COUNTER BIG BARGAINS IN ALL KINDS OP MERCHANDISE Special Clerk in Charge THE BALLENGER COMP'Y For Everything TRYON, THE BANK LAN DRUM Deposits June 30. 1909 Deposits June 30, 1910 " Watch ti. B CARLISLE, President JOSEPH LEE, Vice-President P. V. CUNNINQHAM, Cashier'"' J OH NOR R TRYON, Groceries, Dry Enamel and Blue Flame Oil - , , j ..; r; ." '':- p ;i The Carolina State Bank i : SALUDA. N. c. j: :i PER CENT ... strong . ; i; ;l iki - COURTEOUS- r : Paid on Savings ,N PROGRESSIVE ' j; Every Ban, ' It has lieen the constant endeavor of the management of . . ; J i S this bank to furnish every possible facility for the conven- f I , ienee of it's depositors, together with alsolute safety for ' An account with this bank will prove a valuable asset to ' S anv corporation, firm, or individual requiring the best . . S banking facilities. : ;: ; S We solicit youraccount. .1....' .' S 'I D C. MRROW, Q. C; SONER, W. C. ROBERTSON, - , President. .? Vice-President. - IJVwItfcitf. . i i Log Cabin Inn j OPEN ALL THE YEAR i MRS. D. E. CUNNINGHAM, Prop. ' Stearns. Polk County, N; C- r t tt n f hi rf LULU MB U S Non-Sectarian ; ' :.r Located in the Mountains EVERY BOY AND XJIRL IN POLK COUNTY WHO - CAN ENTER- THE HKJH SCHOOL DEPARTMENT MAY ATTEND FREE OF TUITION . . Expenses yery moderate , 'Students may enter at any time' FOR VRTHER 1KPORMATION, ADDRESS E. W. S. COBBPrin., Columbus;' Polk County,, N.' C. RGLARS Opena Safe of the Ordinary Kind with: "Ridiculous Ease. They Very seldom care io tackle , burglar-proof vaults likelthosein The Bank op Tryon. The wise man will, therefore, operi up an account there and thus, put his money where it is beyond the reach of burglars. ; The . less you have the less you can afford tq . lose it.. OF TRYON N. C. For Everything $13,701il8 26,842 23 Us Grow" & C O MP AN Y N. C. Goods, Notions LAPRUItjl Crockery,j. Glasswares " Tin Ware Stoves, 'C'- y.. .Male and Female ; of Western North Carolina Etc., Etcv i - HIGH SCHOOL Adverting is Business. A . IF YOU ' Want a farm . " j Want a house. . :z Wnt partner Want a horse or cow I T. . -Want to buy anvthirig; . '- Want to sell a mule w hdjt, Want to sell ' a- carrlact 7$ Waut to sell town property v Want to sell your groceries Want . to sell; yotir hardware want to sell yonr muunery goods IXT It I . want to fell or exchange anything Advertise in THE POLK COUNtY NkWS Adyerttsing ia the way iq suca Advertising brine neilr uatorriets aj .i i..).ii.i".n..:1..i navcriiwji - Kieps mo oia ones jj. Advertismc will incrcaie business Advfri.inng. shows e n ergy, Advertising shows pi ufck Advertising U .pro per ; Advertise tomeiTow1 ; A d y e r ti s e ; lolay ADVERTISE A L I. TH E c ;. ,V ' . . i T I M E " - . i Have your office stationery printed by the Polk County News Job Printing Depart ment if you want neat, classy work at low prices. WE BEST WATCH REPAIRING ' S ffflfe br fAe Best Materia Best Workmen Bestl Tools IX9 AaKfl all these - (7Va a frtf. Watches; Clocks, Jewelry, Stationery, Etc. FRED f. ALLRED'S Jewelry, Stationery and Art Store RUTHERF0RDT0N, N. C. ! - J. G. 1LANT Willis & Blantpn IEJL ETJffE AWT SKIPVA1TH, A A. WE HAVE A NUMBER OF fine KAKMS FOR SALE7 suited for Fine Tobacco, Cotton and (irain containing from 1 37 1-2 . to 300 ACRES conveniently situated to Churches 1 Schools, and Railroads, price ; From SIO to $20 Per Acre Write or call on us for particulars SCHEDULE Schedules publishetl as information only .. Not guaranteed , EAST-BOUND TR AI NS No. n. Iave Aa'neville 7.00 a m: leave T Trvon9.X5 a m; arrive Spartanburg 10. 25 ; am. I- No. 10. Leave Asheville 4.10 p m; leave 1 Tryon 6.30 p in; an ive Spartanburg 8.00 ; p m. . , ' "...I., WEST-BOUND TRAINS No. 9. Leave Spartanburg 10.30 a ni; leave Trvon 1 1.K0 a m: arrive Asheville 2.I0 o m. ; t ' No. 13. Iave Spartanburg 5.25 p m; leave Tryon 7.00 p in; arrive Asheville 9. 15 P m 7':'' - f Subject to change without notice. I. II.' WOOD, District Pass. Agt., v . v 1 Asheville. N. C J. H. RION", Local Agent, "; '; 'lryon. N. C. At the NEWS office is where you can obtain chattel mort gage blanks, mortgage deeds etc. , also full line of souven ir post cards of Polk county. News'1 Advertisements Pay, Southern Railway band Wagon hits columbu. The band wagon containing" the republican" and democratic can didates . for the .-various County offices arrived in Columbus Mon day morning as per schedule the joint meeting being opened at a quarter past twelve by Sheriff A. L. Hill, acting as chairman and announcer. i x Mr. S.-B. Edwards republican candidate for clerk's office was the first to be called to the stump. Sam spoke at some length on the difficulties of his position on first entering upon his duties as clerk four years ago, but having spent fa long time in acquainting him- 4elf with'thi work he was enabled to offer better service to the peo ple and the County should 1$ again be the public's choice. He concluded by saying that he bad no charges to make ainst his opponent, Mr. John vprledgej other than that John had served the County off and on for some thing like a quarter of a. century. John P. Arledge, democratic candidate for clerk, then mounted he stump and said he was proud o have served hi County for so many years, and that he was still young and active and able to give the benefit of his vast experience in this office to the County for another "two-bits" of a century should he be declared the winner on the 8th of November. 1 Up to this point the speaking went along in a business like way, but changed suddenly when both opponents fell into the retrospect tive mood, recalling the days of their boyhood, when they were young ana giaay, tne ioonsn blunders they made and rectified, and so forth, et cetery, et cetera, all very nice and becoming in its own way but it didn't weigh much with its audience. r : v The rest of the' candidates on both sides came, upr and went down in apple pie order, simply stating they would render to the people of Polk County the best that was in them, if elected, without partiali;y to either side, and were in the field for all the votes they could! get. regardless of where they came from.! Hon. J. C. Fisher, democratic candidate for Senate, closed; the last meeting of the joint canvass with a stirring address , moving all hearers.. After his speech, which was by far the best exam ple of oratory given at this meet ing, the audience dispersed from the courtroom to gather in small groups about the Square td : sum up the situation. 1 A GOOD POSITION i Can be had by ambitious f yonng men and ladies in the field of Wireless" or Railway telegra phy. Since the 8-hour law became effective, and since the Wireless companies tare - establishing sta tions throughout the country there is a great shortage of tel egraphers. Positions - pay be ginners k from $70 to $90 -per month, with good chance of ad vancement. The'National Tele graph Institute operates six official institutes in America," under supervision of R. R. and Wireless Officials and places all graduates into positions. It will pay you to write them . for full detai s at Memphis. - ienn., or Columbia, S. C. ClydeHamptpn's Conditbn Criticah . Friends of the . Hamptons- will be j grieved to learn that little Clyde, who took to his bed two weeks ago suffering intense pain, shows no change for the better. He has had several sinking spells during the week and at 4 30 yes terday morning suffered a severe hemorrhage which left him in a critical condition,, , J '' p COLDMBDS COLUHH Personal and General I &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& New subscriptions are always acceptablerenewals too. , v . v Stove wood wanted on sub scription attheJews office. 1 Miss SalHe Arledge was Jin Spartanburg' S. C; last Saturday .; MrJW. Kennedy, of Tryon, nade the News a pleasant . visil Monday.- '"i"' y:" , . How thankful tbe Womenfolk will be when this election; busi ness is over. L . ' t ' - - -I " 'Quite a number of young ladies gr aced the political meeting Mon day, wasn't it awful girls ! Note the new addition! in Bal- lenger Company's store a cash counter filled with' big bargains. . Mr: O. C. Bridges, a progres sive farmer of Sandy Plains, was a business visitor in town last Atty. B. F. Williams spent sev eral days last week in 1 Marion, . C; , and saw 'Sunny Jim" while i there - ! Messrs., Senter of Mill Spring and John Green of (Jreens Creek section attended the speaking here Monday. neater weatner:. LiOok over the new lot of stoves and heaters the next time you visit Tryon Supply Company. Low prices. s ! Dr. and Mrs. W. C. !Bostic and family of Forest' City , N. CS are visiting Mrs.! Bostic's parents, Mrand Mrs. -J P. Arledge, this Mis Ddonit the r popular ;in termediate" teacher of Tryon Graded School, visited at the of R9V T. H. Posey last Saturday. The clear, sparkling liquid-like . . t . . . humor mixed with" the dry, dusty shafts of their wiFsoon j forms an ample pool of mud for ' our poli ticians to dabble in. i P This is the last week of the big shovel-'em-out shoe sale at Tryon Hosiery) Cb.-rrbuy how for! the whole family and put your sav ings on ehbe leather in- the bank. It was .very sweet of the candi dates to say they had no charges to make against their opponents, and even A.j L. McMurray ; has none for his sign says "no dope charged." ! The i gentleman who desired that we keep his mule out of our paper will please understand that we do not allow animules to enter our office and : kick up matter our compositor toils so patiently to set up, s 1 Mr. Davis Elliotte, who now occupies the Bhipman house," is preparing to move into the bouse at the corner of Columbus Boule vard and Main Street, last occu pied by; Mr. T. Ellis Walker. Mr. Elliotte , intends 4t6 take boarders. I, That Southern, hospitality, ey. ists not in name only, but intleed and in truth as .well, was evident in the considerate attention re ceived at the hands of Messrs. Willoughby Arledge, R. F. Mc Farland, A. L. Hilh and J. W. Stacey.- and j f amily , when the Ne wi renresehtative visi ted Mel- l vln Hill lasfweek to hear. the po litical speaking, which, sby - the -way, was a very sad and : solemn occasion. A cold, heavy rain was falling when thepmeeting broke up and the Mews man was caught unprepared, but overcoat, closed buggy, good shelter and a warm dinner were his upon the word truly, " Ask and ye will receive' was never' better illustrated. v , TRYON NOTES. Mrs. James Lank ford is quite ill this weekl ' " -'v : 'kJMfv Mr. J. C. Fisher Js in Hender"l sonville this week. - Ku fci Mr. T. a Mills was, in Trydiv m h Sunday and Monday.' T; 'y:&W Mr-and Mrsw C. H. Wilson are'Vi1' visiting in Spartanburg tiffs week 3: "Mioa QH-llorll TTJof PaaI taUi I'l With the Misses Bell this week.?' tliH Mrs. Geo. A. Gash is spending several days with friends in SpaN tanburg. ' --S Mrs.' Earle Grady, who has been Visiting in Louisiana, re turned Saturday; : 1 ' , Quite a number of the Tryon- its attended the circus in Spar- tanburg last week. c::''::r: Mrs. Litte Durham has accept-. ed a position with the Ballenger Company as salesladyi - " ; Mrs. W. J. Gaines has returned 'J from Asheville where she - haa , been foi the past three weeks.- " . Mrs. Berenice ' Foster spent' several days of. last week .vith her son, MrJ Bernard Foster in p Spartanburg. - , ; V, t Mfiss Johanna Hilton ehtertainr ed a number! of her friends at her home Monday night. Among those present were Misses Mar--garet Gaines Bessie Forde,-andp Julia Fisher, and Messrs. B. B. Jackson? Jethrp Garren, : and J. A. Hill. Refresnments were: served and a jol)y time reported. Curtis Bl-pla ta Fly Over Charlotte Nov. 10. Polk Countyitlzens who keep in: toucft With the important hap- p anings' in Charlotte and who seldom fail-to attend any great event held in the Queen City of the South,? wUlJook forward with keen - pleasure to the flying ma chine exhibition to be given there under the direction of The Char-. ' lotte News next Thursday, No vember lOthi. 'x: - NverV)antiln izens of this State, in which the ;J first successful flight was made, had a chance to witness the thriW' ling spectacle of a man-operated machine flying among the clouds with tKft iyrae and confidence of a bird. Now; through the enier- : ; prise of The News it will be pos- . ) sible fori)? to see the most per- Q ; feet typt of flying machine, ; the r CuHis bi-plane, operated by a skilful and daring aviator, atx;. Charlotte on November 10th. pp Jn- Application has been nade to - the railroads for special rates for, this day, and admission to the exhibition has been placed at the low price of fifty cents.-. ' r p It has been arranged that the first flight will be made at 2 P.M. so that people living at, a distance S will have ample time to reach Charlotte arid not miss any part2 of the splendid excursion. . '. The editor sat in his office ' whence all but him had fled, and : he wished that every last dead -beat was in his grave -7 stone p: dead. His mind then wandered far away to the time when he should die, and his royal editorial soul go scooting to the sky; when he'd roam the fields of paradise and sail o'er jasper seas , and all things1 glorious would ' combine 'L his every sense to please. ; He thought how then he'd look across p the great gulf dark - and - 'drear, that'll yawn between his hafrpy soul and those who swindled here, and when for water they p would call, and in agony they'd "caper, he'd shout to them: "Just quench your thirst with the due that's on your paper. . . W- - . V i :-r' ' --I m - -.1

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