c.- ' He Ji "If Three Cents the Copy. INDEPENDENCE IN ALL THINGS. Subscription Price, $1.00 Per Year in Advance. VOL. XVI. COLUMBUS, POLK COUNTY. N. C, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1910. V i- NO. 27; if. T. I I I k THE BANK You should visit our SPECIAL CASH COUNTER BIG BARGAINS IN ALL KINDS OF MERCHANDISE - Special Clerk THE BALLENGER COMFY For Everything ' TRYON, THE BANK LAN DRUM, S. C. Deposits June 30. 1909 Deposits June 30, 1910 "Watch Us Grow H. B CARLISLE, President JOSEPH LEE, Vice-Presideid P. V. CUNNINGHAM, Lnshier i JOHN ORR & ' TRYON, N. C. Groceries, Dry Goods, Notions Shoes, Crockery, Glassware Blue . Flame Oil Stoves, Etc., Etc. The Carolina SALUDA. N. C. gent Paid on Savings Every Banking Facility It has been the constant endeavor of the management of this bank to furnish' every possible facility for the conven ience of its depositors, together with absolute safety lor . their money. An account with thi bank will prove a valuable asset to any corporation, finn, or iudivklual requiring the best banking facilities. We solicit your account. C. BA RRO W, Q. C. SOISNER, W. C. ROBERTSOX, President. Vice-President. ' Vioe-Piksideni. j. H. B. LANE, Cashier. Loo- Cabin OPEN ALL -1 Mrs. D. E. CUNNINGHAM, Prop. Stearns, Polk Non-Sectarian Located in the Mountains COLUMBUS EVERY BOY AND GIRL IN POLK COUNTY WHO CAN ENTER THE HIGH' SCHOOL" DEPARTMENT MAY ATTEND-FREE OF TUITION Expenses very moderate Students may enter at any time FOR FURTHER INFORMATION, ADDRESS ' - E. W. S. COBB, Prin., Columbus, Polk County, N. C. BURGLARS Open a Safe of the Ordinary Kind with Ridiculous Ease. They very seldom care to tackle burglar-proof vaults like those in The -Bank of. Tryon. The wise man will, therefore, open up an'4 account there and thus put his money where it is beyond the reach of burglars. The less you have the less you can afford to lose it. - OF TRYON in Charge N. C. For Everything F LANDM $13,70148 26,842.23 9J COMPANY State Bank STRONG COURTEOUS PROGRESSIVE ,N THE YEAR County, N. C. . maie wurc of Western North Carolina Inn HIGH SCHOOL Advertising is Business. IF YOU . J Want a farm Want a house ' Want a partner ' Want a horse or cow v Want to buy anything ' : Want to sell a male or hog Want to sell - a carriage Want to;sell town property Want to sell your groceries ' Want to sell your hardware' Want to sell your millinery goods Want to sell'or exchange anything Advertise in THE POLK COUNTY NEWS Advertising is the way to success Advertising brings new customers Advertising keeps , the old ones Advertising will increase business. Advertising shows energy Advertising shows pluck Advertising is proper -A d verti s e tomorrow Advertise today 1 ADVERTISE ALL THE TIME Have your office stationery printed by the Polk County Newsx Job Printing Depart ment if you want neat, classy work at low prices. THE BEST WATCH REPAIRING Calls for the Best Material, Best Workmen, Best Tools We have all these ;- Give us a trial. Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, . Stationery, Etc. FRED F. ALLRED'S Jewelry, Stationery and Art Store, RUTHERF0RDT0H,N. C. E. F. WILLIS . G. blAnton tfEJL Estate SKIP1A1TH, VA. WE HAVE A NUMBER OF fine FARMS FOR SALE, suited for Fine Tobacco, Cotton aud Grain containing from 37 1-2 to 300 ACRES conveniently situated to Churches Schools, and Railroads, price From $10 to $20 Per Acre Write or call on us for particulars Southern Railway SCHEDULE Schedules published as information only Not guaranteed. .EAST-BOUND TRAINS No. 14. Leave Asheville 7.00 a m; leave Trvon 9.15 a ni; arrive Spartanburg 10.25 No. 10. Leave Asheville 4.10 P m; leave am. Tryon .6. 30 p m; arrive Spartanburg 8.00 p m. WEST-BOUND TRAINS No. 0. Leave Spartanburg 10.30 a m; leave Trvon 1 1.50 a m: arrive Asheville 2.10 No. 13. Leave Spartanburg 5.25 p m; leave d m. Trvon 7.00 p in; arrive Asheville 9.15 p si. Subject to change without notice. J. H. WOOD, District Pass. Agt., Asheville, N. J. H. RION, Local Agent, Jryon. N. C. O.T.BAYNARD COTTON BUYER Pays the Highest Market Price See him before selling. LA NjDRUM, S. C. Advertise in THE NEWSr Willis Blanton COLUMBUS COLUMN Personal and General Mr. Forest B . Williams left for Shelby Monday. Mr. TJMills is a good "elec tioneer' for the News. New subscriptions are always acceptable renewals too. i Writing-paper and envelopes for sale at the Nws office.: Mr. Davis Elliotte's name is now on our subscription list. Mr. T. M. Ruppe of Coopergap was a visitor to the News office last Thursday. Mr. T. Ellis Walker and son, Herman, of Green's Creek, were visitors in town yesterday. Mrs. Emily B. Hill has gone on a ten aays visit to relatives in Taylors, S. C, leaving last Fri day. . Are you getting acquainted with the rare bargain cash count er at Ballenger's? Worth your while.. Rev T. C. Croker, of Forest City, will preach on third Sunday at 11 A. M. in Presbyterian Church. James Orrhand left Tuesday for his home in King's Mountain o visit his aged grandfather, who is very ill. f Attvs. J. E. Shipman and B. F. Williams were in Landrum and Spartanburg several days last week on legal business, i Sheriff and Mrs. A. L. Hill and family and Miss Mary Sue Hill, he sheriff 's sister, passed through Columbus last Friday enroute for Rutherfordto- -xx ; Deputy R- F. McFarland went 0 Rutherfordton Saturday to attend the unveiling of the mon ument erected to the men and women of the Confederacy. Registrar F. M. Burgess and Deputy Rv F. McFarland went with Mr. A. L. McMurray to the Tryon Jr. O-U. A. M. meeting Tuesday night to witness his expert skill in managing a boat. "Uncle' Charley" says: Mr- J. P. Arledge is the luckiest man in the country in having a physician to doctor him, a lawyer to defend him and enough democrats ; to elect him right in bis own family. The two weeks continuance of the big ihovel-' em-out shoe sale at Tryon Hosiery Company keeps their shoe salesmen on the jump; so many of us couldn't get over sooner to buy up big bargains in leather. The. pleasure is all "Uncle Charley" Page's to carry the mail these fine wintry mornings when the wind comes howling through the Gap like a mighty4 wan stJiiL up irum a xiiuincuuc ux lost souls, A little fire for ours, please, and another "turn-over." A GOOD POSITION Can be had by ambitious young men and ladies in the field of "Wireless" orT Railway telegra phy. Since the 8-hour 4a w became effective, and since the Wireless companies are establishing sta tions throughout the country there is a great shortage of tel egraphers. Positions ! pay be ginners from $70 to $90 - per month, with good chance of ad vancement. The National Tele graph Institute operates six official institutes in America, under supervision of R.;R.X and Wireless Officials ;and places ' all graduates into positions. It will pay you to write 4hem for full details at Memphis, Tenn. , or Columbia, S. C. M - ARLEDGE SHIPMAN. Popular Columbus Couple Wed Wednesday. A wedding , of much interest throughout the; western part of the State occurred yesterday morning, when Atty. J. E. Ship man and Miss Sailie Arledge, both contracting parties of Col umbuswere married at tjhe home of the' bride's! parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Arledge, on Peak Street. The parlor was tastefully .dec orated in ferns and .flowers and presented a beautiful appearance j ustly suiting the occasion. The wedding was a quiet home affair, only near relatives being present. f . I Rev. W. W.j Jones, of. Campo- bello, S. C. , performed the cere mony in a most impressive man ner. - j ! ' The bride j is the youngest daughter of Mr and Mrs. Ji P. Arledge and is a young i lady; of many accomplishments and charms. The groom is one, of the County's! leading attorneys and stands high both in j political and social circles. The popular couple left imme diately after the ceremony for a Northern trip for two weeks. They will visit in Dayton and Columbus, Ohio; Philadelphia and Washington. After their return they will make their home in Columbus, on Walker Street. The many friends of the popu lar couple join the News in wish ing them all the happiness that can possibly be in store for any young couple starting in lifei The following out of town guests were present at the cere mony: Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Ship man, Mrs, J.! Williams and son, James,rand Mrs. R. F. Freeman, of HendersbnyiHer Miss Mamie Shipman, o Greenville, S,)C, and Dr. and iMrs. W. C. Bostic and family of Rutherfordton. . MAKING SURE. Puck. : , Madge LeV's play, "He Loves Me, He Loves Me Not.' Marjorie Wait, dear, till I get one with the right number of !eaes. OFFICIAL RETURNS OF 9 o u O Representative in.62d Congress loth District James M. Grudger, Jr. John G. Grant . . 161 114 Solicitor 4- 14th Judicial Dist. Andrew Hall Johnston . . William C. McRorie State Senate 33rd Sen. Dist. 0. Max Gardner James C. lisher . Decatur F. j MorroW . George W. Conner, . 174 95 174 172 94 94 T , n K . j - 173 96 175 94 Samuel B. Edwards .. Sheriff A. Lynch Hill Chester M. Howes i Treasurer; William B. Feagan ... Hampton P. Arledge .. Register of Deeds Frank M. Burgess ; Harris W. Hill , Coroner i L. Cornelius Gibbs . Mance Shipman , ' . Surveyor James Early . John T. Gilbert ' ' i County Commissioners Martin A. Cornwell John W. Kennedy G. Barrett Wamack j Charles A. Carson John L. Jackson , Andrew Gl McMurray 173 95 177 92 174 95 174 95 168 174 174 96 95 95 Advertisements in ; THE TRYON NOTES.: ' ' ' . ' Correspondence ff The Npws Mr. T. C. Mills was in town Monday. . Mr. Samuel Hill spent. Sunday., in Spartanburg. . Mr. C. P. Rodgers was a visitor here last Friday. Mrs. J. W. Kennedy was in Spartanburg Tuesday. Mr- James E. Shipman of Col umbus was here Monday, t Mr. Claude Ballenger is off art Both Mr. and Mrs. Ferris are on the sick list this week. Captain Johnson of Washing ton, D. C, is here this week. Mr. Walter Hevener was m Spartanburg last Wednesday. Mrs. John Rhodes is doing dressmaking over Orr's store. i ! -.. Mrs. E. P; Erskine left Mon day for Racine, Wisconsin, for a month. ' . ! . Mrs. Chatman of Brookside Cottage spent last week in Spar tanburg. Miss Mary Andrews is helping the Misses McFee in "the sewing roomthis week. Miss Lizzie Weaver, who has been visiting the Van Wrinckles in Florida, returned Monday. .Mr. John Gaze of Greenville, S. C, is visiting his daughter, Mrs. James Lankford, who is quite ill. ; Ed. Jarette, son of Mr. Tom Jarette, of Inman, died at the home of his' grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. Kellgore (near Lan drum) last Wednesday, at the age of 18 years. Ed? was a favorite among his friends in Tryon, who feel the loss deeply. 1 MrC H t Craven, the yotmg druggfstwho has beeit'WitrrXr. Mssildine for some time, has ac cepted a position in Charleston, S. C., and left Sunday night to enter his new field of duties. Mr. Craven, by his pleasing person ality and accommodating .spirit, . added .many friends to his already long list while in Tryon. who will receive the announcement-of-"Charlie's' departure with mtach : regret. ; 0 ELECTION BY PREClHCTSr bo c Pi TJ1 03 B O bo CO 04 o - bo S3 Or, 1 5' 75 54 63 121 78 60 61 120 j 76 59 71 60 ! 63 120! 29 29 39 36 66 184 615 61 76 600 100 9 98 9 9 97 29 40 73 201 664 29 35 58 59 555 29 27 29 40 68 200 655 38 67 187 631 35 59 58 555 36 63 59 561 41 64 187 626 1 36 64 73 579 45 73 207 682' 32 56 53 533 39 56 194 624' 36 75 64 587 46 81 213 70Q 31 49 49 517 40 68 176 630 36 62 83 581 98 62 120 29 8i 9 65 59 65 117 29 29 31 28 10 78 63 97 57 116 6 100 9 - 96 72 56 28 64 423 30 82 63 53 117 29 30 29 29 9 75 59 98 60 118 8 93 72 59 62 119 29 36 65 200 643 29 39 65 59 566 v 6 69 59 29 39 - 60 183 623 ' 8 77 61 0' 40 67 202 658 7 79 59 32 41 69 197 663 98 54 120 28 .31 67 3Z 561 96 59 120 27 31 : 70 61A559 100 62 118 29 32 58 58 552 NEWS . .Wg ;big resultst ! I . i V.?. "1 -. 1 1 'V i't "J:

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