' . ' f Y . - -Y'Y 4 ;' v .'r-;'''rYYYY;X-' jO' -TisT . j;s V-.-' v, . . .. ,-.-7- .... , . Three Cents the Copy. mutHtNDENCE IN ALL THINGS Subset-lotion Prlco. 31.00 Per Year in Advance - , it VOL. XVI. tf 1 wuuiYiDua, ruJ-A. lAJUmx. JN. U, THUJDAY,. NOVEMBER 24, 1910. - I i t :'U,. - - NO. 28. ffT TTlfniTfl TAT TT lTTlTmTr I . ! t V . - : ' " --' - - , . . , i . - .If, 1 m ' - " ' 1 111 1 - v y - - - - .:---A.tJ , 1 THE BANK You should visit our; SPECIAL CASH COUNTER BIG BARGAINS IN ALL KINDS OF MERCHANDISE Special Clerk in Charge THE BALLENGER For Everything TRYON m bam LANDRUM, S. C. Deposits June 30, 1909 Deposits June 30, 1910 "Wzitch Us Grow" . H. B CARLISLE, President JOSEPH LJBE, Vice-President P. V. CUNNINQHAM, UisKer JOHN ORR & COMPANY TRYON, N C. - Groceries, Dry Goods, Notions Shoes, Crockery, Glassware -' " " -naffiFMdiTm Ware f f ?. Blue Flame 1 1. The Carolina State Bank. SALUDA. N. C. PER CENT Paid on Savings Every Banking It ls leeh the constant endeavor of the manage ment of this bank to furniih every possible facility for the conven ience of its depositors, together tvith absolute safety for their money. An account with this bank will prove a valuable asset to any corporation," firm, or individual requiring the best banking facilities. We solicit your account. D. C. BARROW, Q. C. SOWER, President. Vice-President. fi. B. LAPsE, Log Cabin Inn OPEN ALLTHE YEAR ;i. Mrs. D. E. CUNNINGHAM, Prop. vi; : Stearns, Polk County, N. C E. CUNNINGHAM, ns, Polk COLUMBUS HIGH SCHOOL Noa-SecUrian Male and FemaU Located inthe Mountains of Western North Carolina v EVERY BOY AND GIRL IN POLK COUNTY - WHO ! CAN BiTER THE HKJH QHOOL DEPARTMENT v MAY ATTEND FREE OF TUITION y. . s ' . i , . . ' .i ' ; . . . Expenses very moderate Students may entejyrt any time - FOR FURTHER INFORMATION; ADDRESS E.-W. S, COBB, Prin., Columbus, Polk County, N; C. ' BURGLARS Open a Safe of the Ordinary Kind with. Ridiculous Ease. They very seldom care to tackle burarlar-Droof vaults like thos ih Tije Bank of Tryon. Thewise' man Will th -fny nnan j n o r I M-wvuc.w kiieic auu uiu! puu UU1 money where it is ' beyond the reach of burglars. The, less you have the less you can afford to lose it. OF T COMPY For Everything N. C F LAN DM $13,701.18 26,842.23 Stoves,' Etc.. Etc. STRONG COURTfeOUS -PROGRESSIVE Facility W. C. ROBERTSOy, Vicc-President. Cashier: County, RYON IHt UtHI IVAIVH REPAIRING Calls for theBeJateriai Best IVorlcmeri Best Tools ... i Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, , Stationery, lite. FRED F ALLRED'S Jewelry, Stationery knj Art Store,' RUTHERF0RDT0H, If. C. E. F. WtLLIS J. G. BL ANTON Willis & Blanton SKIPIAITH, WE HAVE A NUMBER OF ; fine FARMS FOR SALE, suited for Fine Tobacco, Cotton and Grain containing; from 37 1-2 to 300 ACRES conveniently situated to Churches .Schools, and Railroads, price v From $10 to $20 Per Acre N - , Write or calKpn us for particulars' SCHEDULE Schedules published a information only Not guaranteed. EAST-BOUND TRAINS No. 14. Leave Asneville 7.00 a m; leave Trvon o.ts a m; arrive Spartauburg 10.35 -am. '- No. lo. Iave Asheville 4.10 p m; leave Tryuti 6.30 p m; arrive Spartanburg 8.00 pin. WEST-BOUND TRAINS No. 9. Leave Spartanburg 10.30 a m; leave - Tryon 11.50 am; arrive Asheville 2.10 pro. No. 13. Leave Spartanburg 5-25 p m; leave Tryon. 7. 00, p m; arrive Asheville 9. 15 P m ' ' Subject to change without notice. J. H. WOOD, District I'ass. Agt., ' Asheville, N. C. J. H. R ION, Local Agent, Iryon, N. C. 6.T.BAYNARD COTTON -BUYER Pays the Highest Market Price See him before selling. LANDRUM, 8.C. v - A BARGAIN. 65 acre farm with 20 acres un der' cultivation, located three miles south of Columbus, adjoin ing lands of ;T. H. Wilson and others. Call or address: L. H. CLOUD, Columbus, N.C. FOR SALE. . 16 acres of land in high state of cultivation, with two dwellings; water supply, baths, outbuildings etc. Beautiful location: One half mile from Lynn Knitting Mill and two miles from railroad station (macadam oad). Will make fine, truck-farm and rent for $200. a year. Prices and terms right. Call or address. 11 CLOUD, Columbus, N.C. L. H. CLOUD ' . : '-"-X ,r-. ; Real Estate and Insurance COLUMBUS, POLK CO.; N. C. Advertise in THE NEWS. Am Southern Railvmy GREENS CREEK NOTES. Special to Tho New ; 7; Mrs. Wi B. Feagan is on the sick list. Miss Myrtle Hampton visited Miss Adah Walker Monday. Miss Maud Giles has been vis iting Mrs. Addie Giles this week. Miss Gertrude Feajzans has been very, sick for several days but is improving. , A wedding is being whispered of in this; community. Can't you guess? (Ed. No; do tell!) Little IJnice Swain, the daugh terbf Mr: and Mrs. James Swain died Sunday afternoon, after suf fering several days withj diph theria. There will be two sermons at Green's Creek Church on Thurs day, Thanksgiving Day. Every body is invited to come and "bring a basket. , Mr. T.E.Walker has purchased a pair of fine mules from Mr. D. V. Tallant of Columbus, with the expectation pf doing some "up- to-date farming." REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE 'CAROLINA STATE BANK At Saluda, in the State of North Carolina. a- the close of business Nov loth, 1910: , RESOURCES. Loan and discounta I23 296 98 Overdraf s, ansecured.. , 3608 All other stocks, bonds and mort gages 2 500 00 Banking Houses, $1,250; Fur- mture a-id TTttnres, $1,000.. . 2 250 00 Due from Ranka and Bankers. 1 241 17 Cash items .f.vv 3a 56 (ioU coin. 380 00 Silver coin, including all minor coin currency 7 1 5 National bank notes and other ' Total....." v. ...w 31 158 94 LIABILITIES. Capital stock 5 000 00 Surplus fund 500 00 Undivided profits, less current expenses and taxes paid 7 00 " Time certificates of deposit... 4 4l6 16 Deposits subject to check 30 441 T Cashier' a checks putstalidiug. 41 00 Ceitified Ichecks. Total 3 158 94 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, Crunty oFPolk, ss: I, h. jB. Lane, cashier of the above named Lank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is 'true to the best oi my knowledge and belief. U. d. LtAric,, casnier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 17th day of Not., 19 10. I. D. MORRIS, Notary Public. Correct- Attest : S. D. STATON, Q W. SONNER. Directors SPECIAL NOTICES. ADMINISTRATRIX'S NOTlCEr Having qualified a administratrix of the eatate of Mrs. Mary . Charles.' deceased, laie of Folk Co., N. C, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of aaid deceased to exhibit them to the un dersigned at Columbus on er before the ?ad day of November, 19 1 1, ex this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This sad day of November, 1910. ' . FANNIE E. GILBERT, Administratrix of Mary E. Charlas. CARD TO DEMOCRATS. Mr. County Chairman and Fellow Demo crats: I rejoice with you on the 'splendid victory you won on November 8th; I con gratulate you. Ittstne test news 1 nave heard since 192. Would that the lament ed John Carnegie were alive to rejoice with us. W. C CORCORAN. Hartiville, S. C, Nov. 19th, Ijio. THE CHARLOTTE OBSERVER Every 4ey In the Year-$8.00 Veer The Observer consists of 10 to la pages daily and 20 to 32 pages Sunday. It han dles' more news matter, local, state, national and foreign, than any other North Carolina newspaper. The Sunday Observer is unexcelled as a news medium, and is also filled with excellent matter of a miscel laneous nature. Address ' ' ! THE OBSERVER CO., CHARLOTTE, N. C. News Advertisements' Pay.1 - 1 - . ' 1 COLUUBDS COLUUil Dflrcnnal anri Han Aral . fa l V10VUUI UUU UWUVlttl A Mr. J. pf Wood left for Gaft- ney Monday. ! Rev. T. Hr Posey is on the sick! list this week. Mr. Logan H. Cloud visited in Tryon Saturday. v New subscriptions are always acceptable renewals too. : ! Writing-paper and -envelopea for sale at the News office.! Rev., B. P. Jackson ofMill Spring was in town Monday. Mr. and Mrs. J. RI Smith were business visitors in Tryon Satur day.' ; . Mr. Greyson Arledge of Cooper Gap visited relatives here Tues day. I Mr. Davis Elliotte is now set tled in his new home and ready for boarders. t Atty. B: F. Williams was in Hendersonville last week-end on legal business. ! V- Miss Adah Walker of Green'tt Creek visited friends in Columbus last week-end. Mr. Forest B. : Williams, whojcrrpndiie Th NWa has been visiting in Shelby re- turned .Saturday. Bargains galore on the Batten- ger Company Cash Counterare ..All ..i ' ' 1 uhu; Mr.rMmgus Justice, of Tryon, Z?JZZ.-! w , - tut- vt r f:ii- :fl,'4..nj . I -V7 r " q T Jr f-ir ' - in Tryon Saturday on buiiness. t. n ' rJJLt City preached to a large congre- gation in the Presbyterian Churcli Sunday morning. Mr. A: L. McMurrav went to the "Goat Riding Academy" at Tryon Tuesday night to-indulge a few hours in his pet hobby. Register F M. Burgess visited in Tryon Friday at the home, of his wife s father, Mr. W. H. Mc- Farland, who is ill with neuralgia. Mr. T. Ellis Walker of Green's Creek, and his son Floyd, were in Columbus on business Satur day. Mr; Walker is one of! the hustlers . of the former township who only rest with the sun. i Mr. and Mrs. j Davis Elliotte delighted their young friends of the town last Thursday night by tendering to them a 'pop corn pupping. Aside from an abund- ance Of BOD COm -delightful re- f reshments were daintily served l . rM:,kM.A i ; by Mrs. Elliotte. Mr: Janies Orniand. who ! has- teneli to the bedside of his aged ij?ofi . v,:. grandfather on hearing of hn llineSS, returnea laSI inursaay With the sad jeporof hlS grand- Darent's" demise a few minutes after his arrival. The .News joins wiwi uis iwaiiy xneuus iu extending to james their heart- felt sympathy, j r-i tt t . o i t agement desire to increase their enrollment to the century mark before Christmas. 96 is the total number to date, i Your boy and rirl can tret into no better envir- onment than that offered s by this " "T , LI - - .mm' 1 1 r . 1 a w KfiiiHii 1 11 1 Liimu wwww.. aiong ana iez mem gei a gooa Start in life. Card of Thanks.' v Mr. and Mrs. John T. Gilbert fAko this- means of thanking 4.i.M-. m ;Ao. ;n PAlnmKu - . , , . - '-j i IOT ineir Kino assistance nu vu- lant enorts m saving uie nouse - hold goods And barn during the recent lireTat their home. UcUURRAY'S STORE ABLiZE. TOE1T 1K1ST1IEE BT lOUiSIl! MIS ELUOTT! SITES FflSICFFlCB dSLGTIS. i ' " " I.'.''"'.. A fire reciting in damages amounting to $20QL or more; to, goods and fixtures occurred in the store of the Postoffice building at Columbus about 2.30 last Sunday morning. Mr. A. L. McMurray the postmaster, Was awakened by the smell of smoke and im mediately spread the alarm. Mr. Davis Elliotte was one of the first to respond to the call for help, fetching a bucket of water from his house close by and handing it to Mr. McMurray, who, finding his efforts to fight the firt from the rear of no' avail, opened the front door, and groping his way into the smoke-filled store, fell through the burning floor, emp tying the contents of the bucket into the centre of the conflagra tion and quenching it. " . A lighted cigarette end thrown in box of sawdust is thought to have been the origin of the fire. Mr. McMurray sustains a few slight bruises by His fall. There was no insurance'. TRYON NOTES. Dr. Salley of Saluda,.wwin Tryon Monday. Mrs. Earle Grady LAihe yflie this week. ' Mrs. Ralilh Erskinc left Mon- day for Chicago. Mrs. Kennedy Is in Columbia. S. C. this week. Mrs. SaUey of Saluda Yisited "r- KennedylEriday. v. t Chatman is "spendinr a w.eek ln SPartan ' Mr. T. T. Ballenger is spending a week in Charlotte. U Mrs. W. F- Smith visited ra Asheville last Thursday. , Mr. Joseph Jackson of Spar tanburg was here Sunday. Rev w. A. Newell returned from a Conference Tuesday. Mrs. Brown and son of Spar tanburg visited at Brookside last week Mr. J. W..Lankford returned Sunday from Gastonia, where he has been for some time. TEE SUNNY CO&m.' A MODERN SOLOMON. lit-Bits, An olH arentleman soma time ago had occasion to engage a gardener. - Une morn- ing he had two applicants lor the position -one waa a very decent lookiaf man, while the other was uci. ies. PrepoMe..ng in liis appearance andpm.er. ' ( hesitation the old Ws tieman cho tb Utter applicant. A4 who was preutinced. good deal ui surprise i mc ic.i.-u l,lUj thttan ever worked iot lwT' .No," replied the old gentleman, "as a matter of fact. Lnever saw either of them before until today. 44 rb w ' T I 1 . I J m . 1 Kk4-S f . 9 ' ,.P . , Haicd th aid ma. in dis. rust; 'let me tell you something. Wbtn you choose a gardener choose him by hia t Tr !.-.. ..iU. A am k tinl 1 Dreccuc. iy f""- , vcdouH want him.' 1' , assembling HERSKLF. Louisville Couner-joumaL M yu bnn hwm W ntw I .." . - -.a 1 - 1 And my putur- ; ; ! dui." ''Hew about my face powder?'. J-'JJ Here's your compleiou. rfow gx busy and assemble yourself. ' HARD TO UtAL. Philadelphia Record. - . . rith old Wtgar How do you get kng Crmfly? t yptt &id him hard' W des) V 1 wilh? j Wagg As hard as a woroout pack of cards. j Si Ml - Hi - 1 t it" - in 1 I i tr t ' s-x .f ! '-; I 4.. Y . 9 J. i 1. - u 't .'fj u -.if V f