- f JL- Throo Cents the Copy. INDEPENDENCE IN ALL THINGS. Subscription PricetSI.OO, Per Year in Advance. VOL. XVI. COLUMBUS? POLK COUNTY. N. C.. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 1, 1910. - NO. 29. - nr III f; l it I r i - " M M ii w M M M Vfe . THE BANK You should visit bur SPECIAL CASH CQUNTER BIG BARGAINS IN ALL KINDS OF MERCHANDISE j , Special Clerk in Charge - THE&BALLENGER OMP'Y For Everything TRYN, N. C. For Everything 4 The Carolina S A L U D ; PER GENT Paid on Sayings Every Banking Facility It has leen the constant endeavor of the management of this bank tq furnish every possible facility for the conven ience of its depositors, together with absolute safety for their money. , V Au account wUh this bank will prove a valuable, asset to any corporation, firm, or individual requiring the best banking facilities. Wt solicit your account. .,.' D. C. BARROW, Q. C. SOWER, W. C. ROBERTSONS, President. VlcePreident. ITce-Prwident. JOHN ORR & COM P AIN Y v TRYON, N. C. Groceries, Dry Gopds, - Notions SfooeSv Crockery, Glassware .' 'Enamel and Tin Ware! Blue Flame Oil COLUMBUS HIGH SCHOOL NonrSectarian Male and Female Located in the '.Mountains of Western North Carolina EVERY BOY AND GIRL IN POLK COUNTY WHO CAN ENTEK THE HIGHn SCHOOL DEPARTMENT . MAY ATTEND FREE OF TUITION Expenses yry moderate Students may enter at any time FOR rURTHER: INFORMATION, ADDRESS E. W. S. COBB, Prin. , Columbus, Polk County, N. C. E. F. WILLIS J. G. BLANTON Willis & waaaaaaaamaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaamamaaaamamaaam AWT SKIPIAITH, Va. WE HAVE A NUMBER OF" fine FARMS FOR SALE, suited for Fine Tobacco, Cotton and Grain containing from s " 37 1-2 to 300 ACRES coayeniently citcated to Churches , Schools, and Railroads, price Blanton From $10 to $20 Pet Acre Write or call on us for particulars BU RGLAR S Open a Safe of the Ordinary Kind witft .Ridiculous Ease. They very seldom care to tackle burglar-proof vaults like those in The Bank op Tryon. The wise man will, therefore, open up an account-there and thus put his money where it is beyond the reach of burglars. The less you have the less you ' can "afford ! to lose it. ' j OF TRyO N State Bank A. N. C. V I STRONG COURTEOUS PROGRESSIVE rv Stoves, Etc., Etc. THE BEST WATCH REPAIRING Calls for the Best Material, Best Workmen, Best Tools r. i : . We have all these - Give us a trial Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Stationery, Etc.. FRED F ALLREQ'S .. . ... y -..'.- j , ! Jtmetrr, Stationery and Art Store, v RUTHERFORPTOir, I. C. f O.T.BAYNARD COTTON BUYER Pays the Highest Market Trice - See himbtfore selling.: ,LANDRum,s: SPECIAL NOTICES. ADMINISTRATRIX'S NOTICE, Haying qualified as administratrix of the estate of Mrs. Mary E Charles, deceased, late of Polk Co., N. C. this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate f said deceased to exhibit them to the un dersigned at Columbus on or before the 23d day of November, iqii, or this notice will le pleaded in bar of their recovery' All persons indebted to said estate wilt please matte immediate payment. Ibis aad day of November, 1910. FANNIE E. GILBERT, Administratrix of Mary E. Charles. I0TICE OF 1PPUCAT10U0R F1130H. Notice i hereby riven that application will be made to the Governor for the par don of Lee Fisher, convicted of murder in the second degree and sentenced to fi'teen year, in the oenetentiarv.- at the Fall Term of Superior Court, 1908, for Polk County. E. B CLOUD, V i2-i-2t Atty. for Petitioner. Log Cabin Inn STEARNS. N. C. - ": OPEN ALL THE YEAR. Mrs, D. E. Cunningham, Prop. THE CHARLOTTE OBSERVER Every day in the Year $8.00 m Year - Hie Observer consists of lo to 12 pages daily and 20 to 32 paes Sunday. It han dles more news matter, local, state, national and foreign, than any other North Carolina newspaper. : The Sunday Observer is unexcelled as a news medium, and is also 6Jed with excellent matter of a misceU ianeoua nature. -.Address THE OBSERVER CO., CHARLOTTE, N. C. Advertise in THE NEWS. la TT1 will be at the on dates npmed receiving TAXES m ri COLUMBUS TOWNSHIP K Monday, December 5th . .. . . .Columbus GREEN'S CREEK TOWNSHIP ; Tuesday, December 6th..: . . .(3antrelFs store Wednesday, December 7th . . Melvin Hill Thursday, December 8th. . N. E . E. Harrison's, Friday, December 9th ...... New York Store WHITE OAK TOWNSHIP . Saturday,' December 10th. ....... Pea Ridge Monday, December 12th . . ..... . Mill Spring COOPER GAP TOWNSHIP Tuesday, December 13th Pink Williams' Wednesday, December 14th. . rL. Whitesids' SALUDA, TOWNSHIP Frida,' December 16th .Melrose ; Saturday, December 17ti... ....Saluda GREEN'S CREEK NOTES. Special to The News Mr. Tom Bryant was a visitor here Thursday . , ' Little Edna Fean is very ill with meningitis. ,: Mr. Tyson McDowell made a business .trip to Landrum last week. " h Messrs. Bridge Green and P. Giles were in Inman and Spar tanburg Saturday. v , JMjss Ola Walker spent Satur day mgljt and Sunday withi Miss Maud Giles. Mr. and Mrs. Govan Feagan were in Rutherfordton shopping Friday and Saturday. . Miss Lois Foster of Spartanburg-, S. C, spent , Thanksgiving with Miss Ebba McDowell. Miss Lillian' Cantrell, who is attending the Spartan High School, spent Thanksgiving with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Swain and family of Spartanburg spent Thanksgiving with Mrs. Swain's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Mc Dowell. Miss Maud Giles entertained about fifty friends at her home Thursday night. Among the out-of-townv guests presentj were: Misses Myrtle Simmons, Finger- villa, S. G, Lois Foster, Spartan burg, and Bernice Foster, Cam- pobello; Masrg. O.Blackwell and Clarence .Bishop, Spartanburg, T. Bryant, J. Roy and H. Foster of Campobello, Vollie Cantrell of Landrum and Clarence Greena- way of Inman. - Everybody had a jolly time. . ... i " Have your office stationery printed by the Polk County News Job Printing Depart ment if you want neat, classy" work at . low prices. BE TO A i 7of Mr. A. L. y ; following places for the purpose of for the year 1910. A. L. HILL Sheriff of Polk County COLUMBUS COLUMN ' Personal and General I Atty. E. B. Cloud went to Try- on Saturday. Are we going to vote on grad- ing roads now? I Adminisfeation reins go into new hands Monday. . . Register F. M. Burgess was m Landrum Tuesday. Hon. J. C. Fisher was in town Monday on business. v The rain of Sunday was show- ers of blessing indeed. New subscriptions are always acceptable-renewals too. a T, m'urMi-i Atty. B. F. Williams spent last week-end in Marion, N.C. j b Writing-paper and; envelopes for sale at the Nws office. ' Mr. Leroy McFarland was a business visitor in Landrum Mon- day. . Mr Willoughby Arledge went to Landrum on business Tues- day. Mr. Lindsey Weaver of Tryon was a business visitor here Sat- tirday. Miss Elizabeth Thompson of Saluda visited Mrs- John Carnegie Friday. I Rev. W. S. Cherry of Mm " I opinio ixiauc buc iicno)ic(uaui visit Friday. J Tax payers' attention is called to Sheriff A. L. Hill notice in another column. ! Tryon Supply Go's Christmas ' I announcement appears . in our columns , this week. Mr. ,C. C. Hamptonnd daugh- ter. Miss Myrtle.! are moving to their farm thk week. . v . , ! ' : Our music teacher, Miss Gar- nette Williams, spent 1 hanks giving day in Spartanburg. , Lawyer Smith of the firm of Smith & Schenck, Henderson ville. was here y esterday on legal business. Santa Claus visited the home McMurray Thanks- and left a pretty doll Thev retiring board of , county I commissioners are winding up their affairs at a special meeting ! in the courthouse today. Atty. and Mrs. James E. Ship- man returned Wednesday after a pleasant trip extending over two weeks through the North. Ballenger Company's new cash counter looks like a bee-hive in the. spring of the year-people know bargains when they see 'em. Miss Ina E. Jones, the popular teacher, of the intermediate de- partment of i Columbus High School, was in Tryon last Thurs- day. Get busy and write your letters to Santa Claus now, else he might drop down your chimney on Xmas last week at hi home near Ruth- Eve a pair of roller instead of ice erfordton. . y. skates. v';.s Mr. Horace Holt spent last" Forest fires have kept the men Thursday with his aunt, Miss and boys on the alert day and Maggie Gaines, night the past week. When are Mr Charles Ferris is quite ill we going to hitch the waterworks thig week We Wpe to hear soon to the falls? of his improvement. J Mr and Mrs. Hill Putnamof. and Mrs. ;F. M. Burgess King's fountain, N. are v s- and amnyor co, were in itmg at 7the home of Mrs. Put- yQ Thursday, nam's parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. J v , ; x B. Goforth, this week.- i Mr. and Mrs. Gash spent sev- ,r . T r : , eral days of lasV week with Mf; Mr. A. L. Murray has sold his P; T?f.iU 'Xi h ; , i . j: Gash s. peopltmt Jtawan, M. C stock of general merchandise and ? . .. t.t...i' leased the Postofnce building -to MrsCBooper and issE. Mc Mr. John L. Jackson of Mill Farlandvof--:'A8heviUe Spring. The postofnce will stay School were at home from Wed in its present quarters. ' i nesiay until Sujiday. ! A fox hunt was the feature of Thanksgiving among the men of Pea Ridge. Mr. Fonze Edwards of that town turned the animal . loose in the afternoon and after a two hours chase it was run to, cover. xOur clubbing offer, Th Newav. and Progressive Farmer, two papers for the price of one, 104 bi issues for only $1.00, still continues. We want the Pro- gressive w armer to go into the kompa nf nl, ni RllWriw Ponw r enVti year to the Newsand get this healthy little farm paper with it. The one and one-half story building m course of erection for Mr - A- L- McMurray about two monins a w.orK on wmcn was suspenaea aunng court weeK ana nftVAr nnnt;mipd. Rtill stanrls hv ft,a JftfliaiH if ii!io-.niro a. wwva .a a a, asa v ws- -aav limplicity, a gentle hint to the "lover who would a-womng go." Tf A moU on - . r Mr. J. G. Hughes, the energet- Lc f the Polk' (fm .wTrV''' rrom ivutneriorqion aaturaay, where he has been spending sev- arai days with Mr. Estrige. the manager of the Rutherford ton telephone system. , Mr. Hughes js constantly on the go over his extensive system endeavoring to- give patrons exceptionally good sery.ee. and compared with ofter anefAmj his la Avillanr ANOTHER BUILDING FOR COLUMBUS. The pleasant sound of the ham mer greeted our. ears Saturday morning, work on another build- - m r " w ar ap mg tor jar. 'A. L. MCMurray producing it. The building is to be a nrTOJ??r ' ?w" , lh Plou WiHougIedge and Larney Hutcherson are the build :; TRYON -NOTES. Crr9?pondenc of Th Netri Mr. T.' C. Mills was here Mon day. Mr. Jethro Garren was in Spar- tanburg last week. Mrs. TV A. Sizemore spent Sat urday in Spartanburg. Mrs. Hilliard Metcalf was in SnartanburirSaturdav. Miis Hattie Hart of Saluda vis ited here Thanksgiving d&yz.jr Misses Ada and Ida Acker were at homeSaturday and Sunday. Mrs. Butler and Miss Julia have moved into the Waters House." V Joseph Mills and Joe Living- Uone Pent Thanksgiving at nome Mr- Ffank McFarland was in Spartanburg several days last week Miss Bessie Forde had a few of her friends to dinner on Thanks- Riving. . Mr. James Moore spent part of . i 1 - H 'f! A- ill k n 1.1; i .1 !:! I.