f0 i : - 4 YVV V 1 .--J '.lb ft Three Cents the Copy.. w .' INDEPENDENCE IN ALL THINGS. Subscription Price, $1.00 Per Year in Advance. VOL. XVI. COLUMBUS, POLK COUNTY, W. C. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1910. NO. 30. ft M f t W wiW Ilk ; if t i ??f8rZ7 JOT , JkV BURGLARS Open a Safe of thS Ordinary Kind with Ridiculous Ease. They very seldom care to tackle burglar-proof vaults like those in The Bank of Tryon. The wise man "will, therefore, open up an account there and thus put his money" where it is beyond .the reach of burglars. The less yotf have the less you can afford to lose it. THE BANK OF TRYON You should visit our SPEClAL.-CASH COUNTER J BIG BARGAINS IN ALL KINDS OF MERCHANDISE Special Clerk in Charge THE BALLENGER COMFY For Everything I TRYON, N. C. For Everything The Carolina State Bank SALUDA, N. C. GENT Paid on Savings Every Banking STRONG COURTEOUS PROGRESSIVE Facility D. It has been the constant endeavor of the management of this bank to furnish every possible facility for the conven ience of its depositors, together with absolute safety for -their money. An account with this bank will prove a valuable asset to any corporation, firm, or individual requiring the best banking facilities. We solicit your account. C BARROW, -Q. C SOfrNER, W. C. ROBERTSON, ,.. President - ' Mce-Presideri. Vice-President.-- H. B. LANE, Cashier- SPECIAL nOTlGE! ADMINISTRATRIX'S NOTICE, MILL SPRING No. 2 NOTES. Having qualified as administralrix ofthe estate of Mrs. "Mary E. Charles, deceased, j ate Of t'nl.k Co., N. C, this js to notify a persons having claims against the estate ofuid deceased to exhibit them to the un dersigned at Columbus on or before the 2ad day of November, IQH, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All ersons. indebtf d to said estate will please make immediate payment. , 1 his 22d day of November, 1910. FANNIE E. GILBERT, Administratrix of Mary E. Charles. NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR PARDON. Notice is herehv eiven that, application will be made to the Governor for the par don of Lee Fisher, convicted of murder in the second degree and sentenced to fifteen years in the penetentiary, at the Fall Term of Superior Court, 1908, for Polk County. E. B. CLOUD, i2-i-2t Attv. for i'etitioner. Log G&i)in STEARNS,. N. C. OPEN ALL THE YEAR: Mrs, D. E. Cunningham, Prop. Correspondence of The News. . Mr. John Hill and daughter Miss Rellie, of Canada, are visit- , j : ing relatives and friends in this vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. General Jackson have recently located here- Sorry to report that Mr. M. W. Thompson is" still on the sick list. - Miss-.Emma Morgan of Lan drum No. 1, is teaching school at Silver Creek. Wish her mikh success. c I - Misses Erama Morgan, Delia and Louise Greenvisited Misses Harriette and Etalka 'Arledge Sunday. Sorry to give up John L. Jack sen and family, who are going to move to Columbus. Wish them many 'new friends and the chil dren;rmich success in school . Miss Anna Williams and Mr. Robert Jones were happily mar ried last week. Wagoners are iusy hauling ap ples now from the mountains to the markets. Rev: J. B. Arledge of Saluda will preach at Silver'Creek next Saturday and Sunday, 10th and lith. . Hope to see more of the Polk Countv teachers at the next meet- 1 readers. Guess Who. ing of the Association in Colum- THE f.HAM.ATTF flRSFRYF.R Pus P December 23d Much success to tne .News ana Everyday In the Year $8.00 a Year The Observer consists of Io to 12 paees daily and 20 to 32 paes Sunday. It han dles more news matter,1 local, stale, national and foreign, than any other North Carolina newspaper. The Sunday Observer 1 is unexcelled as a news medium, and is also filled with excejient matter of , a miscel laneous nature. Address THE OBSERVER CO.," , CHARLOTTE, N. C. JOHN ORR & COMPANY TRYON, N C. ..I-" ' , ' . . Groceries, Dry Goods, Notions Shoes, Crockery, Glassware Enamel and Tin Ware . Blue Flame Oil Stoves, Etc., Etc. Advertise in THE' NEWS. At the NEWS office is where you can obtain chattel mort gage blanks, mortgage deeds etc.; also full line of souven- ! ir post cards of Polk county. Have your office stationery printed by the Polk County News Job Printing Depart ment if you want neat, classy work at low prices. COLUMBUS HIGH SCHOOL Non-Sectar:an Male and Female Located in the Mountains of Western North Carolina . . ' ' ' FVFRY BOY AND GIRL IN POLK COUNTY WHO CAN ENTER THE HIGH SCHOOL DEPARTMENT MAY ATTEND FREE OF TUITION Expenses very moderate Students may enter at any time FOR FURTHER, INFORMATION, ADDRESS E. W. S. COBB, Prin. , Columbus, Polk County, N. C. ! Tax Payers! E. F. WILLIS J. G. BLANTON Willis & Blanton Estate THE BEST WATCH REPAIRING SICIFAIXH( ; Calls for the Best Materia, Best Workmen, Best Tools r . 4 , We have all these - Giro us a trial. Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, -Stationery, Etc. WE HAVE A NUMBER OF fine FARMS FOR SALfii suited for Fine Tobacco, Cotton and Grain containing from 37 1-2 to 300 ACRES conveniently situated to Churches Schools, and Railroads, price From $10 to $20 Per Acre Write or call oa'Tti for particulars FRED F. ALLRED S P. - ! Jewelry, Stationery and Art Store, RUTHERF0RDT0N, N. Cr BAYNARD O.T. :"! COTTON BUYER Pays the Highest Marke.t Price See him before selling. LAiSDRUM, s. o. 7 will be at the following places on dates named for the purpose of receiving TAXES for the year 1910. . Columbus v COLUMBUS TOWNSHIP Monday, December 5th GREEN'S CREEK TOWNSHIP j . Tuesday, December 6th CantrelFs store Wednesday December ; 7th. . v-.'.Melvm Hill Thursday, December 8th. . .E. E. Harrison's Friday, December 9th J. .... New York Store WHITE OAK TOWNSHIP Saturday, December 10th. . . . . . '. .Pea Ridge Monday, December 12th ....... .Mill Spring COOPER GAP TOWNSHIP j Tuesday, December 13th . . . .Pink Williams' Wednesday, December 14th . . . L. Whitesides' SALUDA TOWNSHIP Friday, December 16th . . . ........ . Melrose Saturday December 17th. ........... Saluda COLUMBUS COLUMN j Personal and General I i i Hon. J. C. Fisher of Tryon was j in town Monday. Mr. B. L. Ballenger of Tryon was here Monday. x Mr. L. F, Weaver of Tryon was in town Saturday. -Dr. M. C. Palmer of Tryon was in Columbus Saturday. New subscriptions are always acceptable renewals too. Writing-paper and envelopes for sale at the News office. Mr. J. M. Lewis of Mill Spring was a business visitor here Mon day. k - Go to Ballenger Company's cash counter if you want bargains. Mr. J. W. Kennedy of Tryon was a business visitor here, last Friday. Mr. W. J. Gaines of Tryon was a business visitor m Columbus Friday. ( Mr. D. A. Goodman of Lynn made the News a business visit Monday. Attorneys Shipman & Williams were m lryon rnaay on legal business. Mr. M. D. Shields of Melvin Hill was a visitor in town last Thursday.; Tax payers' attention is called to Sheriff A. L. Hill's notice in another column. Messrs. Davis Elliotte and N. T. Mills were business visitors in Tryon Saturday. Tryon Supply Go's Christmas announcement appears in our columns this week. Mr. Leander Brown of Mill Spring No. 2 was a visitor at the News office Monday. Buying lots in Landrum? A good opportunity offered you, on Saturday, December 10th. Look over the ads. - N There's an air of business about Columbus ever since election hope it won't fade away like our beautiful sunsets. Note the subscription list for the good road in another column- Send in your name and money and be placed on the roll of honor : if Work proceeds briskly on the new building for Mr. A. L. Mc Ijlurray. Mr. Jim Ormand has lent his valuable assistance this week. v Anyhow, if we do let the grass grow under our feet in summer, we ste no one standing long enough in one place now to freeze to it. . You can make no better Xmas present to your friend than a year's subscription to the News; make it now and let him read the opening chapters of that in tensely interesting story, entitled 54-40 or Fight." Subscription List to Grading Main road to Railroads Burgess, F. M. J Case & West i -Hughes, J. G. Hart, A T, ! -Tallant, D. V. - Tallant, L. L. j v -The Polk County News $2500 10.00 25.00 10. CO 10.00 ijo.oo 10.(00 $100.00 The subscription ball lias been started rolling this week, with the above result. Let every cit izen do his share and success is assured. Send in your name and money today and be one of the mainstays of your County. Grad ing our main road to the railroads is a matter of great importance to every one of us, from which countless benefits may be expect ed, in fact, it is the foundation to our future success. Ddn't dilly dally, i j GREEN'S CREEK NOTES. Special to Th News j : ,. The people here were glad to see a show er and the dust settled at last. : Green s Creek-olks presented their pas tor, Rev. Ii. P. Jackson, with a fine suit of clothes and Green River people gave him a nobby overcoat recently. j , Mr. M. E. Miller, the popular Melvin Hill mail carrier, has gone to Spartanburg on business. j ! ; Miss Otrlie Shields, a charming young' lady of this town, and Mr. Judson McDowell were married last j Surday morning at the home of the bride's father, Mr. M. D. Shields. Their many friends wish them much joy and happiness. j ! The many friendsof Mr. and j Mrs. Sam,. Feagan are very sorry to hear of the death. of their little son. j i ' The new Green River Church is going up . rapidly now. j i U Misses Adah and Ola Walker ! visited the Misses Shields Sunday. Happy Home School is now j open with Mrs. Daisy Feagan as teacher, i j- Mrs. Roxie Thompson and Miss Maud Giles are visiting in Inman thislweek. Mr. Lindsey Roach and Miss Bertha Dav. idson were mairied last-Sunday morning.- Miss Edna Prince spent Sunday nightT with Miss Beulah Shields. J ! Guess. TEE STONY CCRNEE. A WOMAN'S AGE. --j - .. i Michael Monahan, in The Papyrues. My clever friend, James Barnes, eonfides to me a new reading: "A woman is as old . as she makes a man feel." This sounds good to me, but I pass it up to the ladies.- A. ,L, MILL : I Sheriff of Polk County the new Board of County Com missioners Messrs. J. W. Ken nedy, G. B. Wamack and M. A. Cornwell, took the oath of office Monday and proceeded straight way to business; particulars of their meeting will appear in next; week's issue. Mrs. Charles E. Page is highly delighted with -the new kitchen which her husband and Mr! Jim Ormand built for her, and won. ders now how she . ever got along without it. This is the impression usually Attendant upon improve ment. Let's all get busy and im prove the town then we L will wonder, too; 1 A COTD CLIMATE. Washington Herald. It gets so cold in Labrador And kindred lands -That all the clocks need mittens for Their little hands. - LESS TROUBLE. Judge. ! ; A fond mother in Valparaiso, hearing ; that an earthquake was comings sent her boys to a friend in the country, sothattbey might escape it. In a few days; time she received a note from the friend, saying; "Take your boy and send along the earthquake." "j I Our clubbing offer, The News and Progressive Farmer, two papers for the price of one, 104 big issues for" only $1.00, still continues, i We want the Pro-' gressive Farmer to go into the homes of all our subscribers. Renew your subscription for one ; year to the1 News and get this healthy little farm paper' with it. . ESTABLISHED iS9o V , SPARTANBURG HERALD SPARTANBURG, S. C. DAILY AND , WEEKLY Spartanburg's Oldest; Largest, and best newspaper. Full of news from the first to the, last page. Entire, Associated Press elegraphic 3rvice i : .' ' At ' -1 Jt I 5 I; ii v f ' -u .J t V ;1' pi i T3. A' V 'if .. v. 4

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