V Mil s Three Cents the Copy. - INDEPENDENCE IN ALL THINGS. Subscription Price, $1.00 Per Year in Advance. VOL. XVI. COLUMBUS, POLK COUNTY; N. C, THURSDAY, "DECEMBER 15, 1910. NO. 31. : "-I . I- - . - . LI THE BANK You should visit our SPECIAL CASH COUNTER BIG BARGAINS IN ALL KINDS OF MERCHANDISE Special Clerk in Charge THE BALLENGER COMFY For Everything TRYON, The Carolina SALUD PER CENT Paid on Savings Every Banking 'Facility v - It has been the constant endeavor of the management of this lwtnk to furnish every possible facility for the conven ience of its depositors, together with absolute safety for their money. An account with this bank will prove a valuable asset to any corporation, firm, or individual requiring the best banking facilities. W: solicit your account. D. C. BARROW, Q. C. SOMVER, W. C. ROBERTSOS, President. Vice-President. Vice-President. 1 H. B. LAhE, Cashier. JOHN Groceries, Dry Goods, Notions Shoes, Crockery, Glassware Enamel and Tin Ware Blue Flame Oil Stoves, Etc., Etc. NOTICE fa I will be at the on dates named receiving TAXES x COLUMfUS TOWNSHIP Monday, December 5th ..... GREEN'S CREEK TOWNSHIP Tuesday, December 6th Cantrell s store Wednesday, December 7th Melvm Hill Thursday, December 8th. . .E. E. Harrison's Friday, December 9th ...... New York Store WHITE OAK TOWNSHIP Saturday, December 10th. ...... ; Pea Ridge Monday, December 12th Mill Sprmg COOPER GAP TOWNSHIP ' i Tuesday, December 13th . . . Pink .Williams; - Wednesday, December 14th L. Whitesides SALUDA JOWNSHIP I TMXir DPmhpr Ifith . . ... . ... . . .MelrOSe "! ' Saturday, December A. L. BURGLARS Open a Safe of the Ordinary Kind with Ridiculous Ease. They very seldom care to tackle burglar-proof vaults like those in The Bank of Tryon. The wise man will, therefore, open up an account there and thus put his money where it is beyond the reach of burglars. The less you have the less you can, afford to lose it. OF TRYON N. G. For Everything State Bank A . N. C. STRONG y COURTEOUS ; PROGRESSIVE ORR & COMPANY TRYON, N. C. TO Payers! following places for the purpose of for the year 1910. Columbus 17th.. . . . . .Saliida HILL . Sheriff of Polk County ANNUAL REPORT op - ; . BOARD OF COUfTTY COMMISSIONERS For 1910, ending Dee. 6th, ioio. ; tt ; DECEMBER. I R F McFarland for jail fees to date $ 20 15 G W Pearson for lumber and work ;i on bridge in Saluda Township 1 18 79 R B Williams for holding inquest over UK Jones -.'830 J A Bishop for services as inquest juror over the body of H K Jones 1 70 W A Henderson for services as in quest juror over the body of JI K Jones j 1 50 J S Johns 3n for services as inquest juror over the body of H K Jones I 60 Will Ward for services as inquest juror ovei the body pf H K Junes 1 75 J A Fcrest'for services as inquest juror over the body oif H K Jones . I 70 J E Pace for services as inquest juror over the body of HK Jones 170 Carolina Engineering Co. for two bridges as per bill and contract - I40 00 Mrs H K Jones for witness' fees in inquest ever II K Jones .50 Mrs. Rachel Case for witness fees in inquest over H K Jones 50 Mrs Lnura Gilbert for witness fees f ' in inquest over H K Jones 50 Tryon Supply Co for material used ; in repairs lor County " 7 38 N D Moore for labor on bridge as per bill 4 50 Capt C W Pearson -for material r i used on bridge as per bill at Wil- kins 13 20 , W Morgan for lumber from DV ' I "' 1 allant as per bill of this date 8 lb William Mays for work for Countv as per bill this date I. IS 70 Dr W R Engel for 3 months ser- ! vices as County health officer ;35 00 R Smith for keeping the poor to J date 44 50 anies Hutcherson for work on ;v court yard 128 37 ' A Carson for services as commis- sioner to date i 32 6c D E Conner for services as com missioner to date Io 20 ohn L Jackson for strvices as commissioner to date 3 90 JANUARY H Metcalf for an account this date for crazy woman 6 00 39 40 The B.dlenger Co for supplies for County to date A A Edwards for fees in Mat Ham- i- ilton case ; v - I 20 T G Edgerton for i months sup port of fcivy Griffin s son' the-' month of July 5 00 25 9. 10 30 1 00 j 16 15 36 60 The Polk County News for pub lishing annual report and adver tising to date R F McFarland for jail fees to date W M Arledge for services as in quest jnror over Dolman Knight State Hospital at Goidsboro, N Ct for an account ot Alice Miller filed this date J R Smith for keeping the poor to date ! FEBRUARY L Rhodes for conveying insane person to Goidsboro and trans portation 33 20 ; 2.66 27 35 25 5o 8 75 J C Fisher for lumber for bridge at Lynn y J R Smith for keeping the poor to date R F McFarland for jail fees to date fryon Supply. Co for material used in repairs for Loiinty f K E Misi.dine for medicine to poor house and jail to date 19 95 W M Russell for j monthsf sup port of Johu Cantrell to date 15 00 Dr Salley for ejpert witness in H K Jones inquest 7 50 S B Goelet f jr half f-es S T 1909 (duplicate) 4 42 S L Rhodes for three days services as D S in conveying insaiie person to asylum j - 0 00 15 o 15 00 48 IO 3 92 72 1 97 T G Edgerton for 3 months sup port of El vy Griffin's sou to date Clarence Jackson for 3 months support of his brother to date J T WaHrop for half fees F T 1909, Bryan Cannon " " 44 N T Mills 44 44 44 in Otis Pace case E B Goelet for half fees F T 1909 in Arnold case Dr VV R Engel for 3 months ser vices as County health officer to date 25 00 6 10 J C Burgin for fees in Joe Fowler case A L Hill for one still as per bill this date ! S B Edwards, half fees F T 1909 Polk County News for stationery toCS C office C D Elliott for conveying Miss Sil vers to insane asylum James Hutcherson for work on jail lot to date John Smith for cutting up still R C Prince for half fees F T 1909 N T Mills for fees in Joe Fowler - case ' C V Elliott for fees in Joe Fowler case ; RF McFarland,, half fees F T 1909 A A Edwards 44 - ' 44 20 00 16 97 3 00 34 7o 8 50 I 00 " 6 45 -3 15 .1 20 2 53 5 7o 4 57 1 05 48 00 48 00 48 00 S L Rhodes . J W Edwards j P Arledge for 16 days service on ' Finance Com. W B Feagan for 16 days service on Finance Com. , , j N Mitchell for 16 days service on '" Finance Com. Mary Russell for fees in Joe Fow ler case $ 4 20 C A Carson for services as County Com. to date 12 70 Jolin L Jackson for services as County Com. to date 6 30 F M Bureess for services as clerk to B C C to date 50 73 MARCH 1 Polk County News for publishing finance report 17, 03 W B Edwards for lumber for re pairs in jail 12 po L M Morgan for Over payment on , taxes for 1 909 I 70 R. F McFarland for 3 stills . 60 00 K F McFarland for jail fees to date 20 25 J M Henderson for conveying Susie Laughter to poor house 1 50 J R Smith for keeping the poor to date 53 71 D E Conner "for Dave Pete for painting 3 hi dges 30 00 S B Edwards, C S C, for an account 61ed this date 16 55 J E Shipman for A A Edwards for ., 1 still 20 00 Wm Mays for destroying 4 stills I 00 Edwards & Broughtou for supplies and record looka 40 50 W M Younce for lumber for Wil- kins bridge (duplicate) 14 25 S K Cantrell for money advanced on Und sold for taxes 12 14 W W Covil for bolts etc for bridge 1 22 John Waldrop lor fees in' Joe Fow ler case F T 1909 5 10 B TayUr for. fees in vjoe Fowler j' CHse F T 1909 I 5 10 D E Conner for services as County Com to date 13 80 APRIL N E Shehan for half fees F T 1909 j I 85 R r Mcfarland lor 1 still 20 00 R F McFarland for jail fees to date lo 80 D E Conner for lumber for bridge as per bill 5 00 I P Corn for bridge and material 13 00 T W Green for lumber and buildini? bridge I 0 50 James Hutcherson for work on jail lot 45 87 J R Smith for keeping the poor to date 69 61 C A Carson for services as County Com to date ' 14 20 J L Jacks n for services as County Com; to date 14 10 James Phillips for fees in Joe Fow ler case . 1 5 10 Birch pavis tor fees in Joe Fowler case ! 3 10 Tames Phillips for fees as D S in Joe Fowler case j 60 Wm Mays for work and material" as per bill this date 4 - .,13 80 D E Conner for Mrs F E Cnsliing for int. to Apr 7th 19 to us war rant No 236 E 15 00 Wm Mays for work on jail as per bill j 14 80 Dr Satley for services during small pox at Saluda 6 00 j ' MAY T G Edgerton for 3 months sup port jof Elvy GrilHn s son to date 15 00 Clarence Jackson for 3 months sup port of brother 15 00 W M 'Russell for 3 months sup port of John Cantrell 15 00 Louis Cantrell for half fees F T 1909 f I 17 Tames Hutcherson, half fees in Otis Pace case I 60 J R Smith for keeping the poor to date - 77 85 R F McFarland for jail fees to date 18 00 W M Grizzle, half fees F T 1909 State vs Patterson : 2 80 L E Hutcherson, half fees FT 1909 State vs Pack - I John Garmany, half fees F T 1909 3 F L Weaver, half fees (duplicate 60 80 for warrant No 197 G) I 20 J B Kelley for half fees F T 1909 4 4 R F McFarland for 1 still 20 00 RfB Williams for holding inquest overTom Fields 14 20 J G Monroe Jor inquest juror over Tom Fielcts 3 05 J W Shields for inquest juror over l orn Fields 3 00 C W Wilson for inquest juror over Tom Fields 3 00 F L Weaver for inquest juror over Tom; Fields ! 3 00 J P Lockhart for inquest juror over Tom Fields 3 00 C H Wilson for inquest juror over Tom Fields 3 00 Elias Fields, witness fees in Tom Fields inquest 5 Hattie; Fields, witness fees in Tom v Fields inquest I Oo Laura Fields, witness fees in Tom. Fields inquest 5 John Fields, witness fees in Tom fields inquest 50 John jWestfield, witness fees in Tom fields inquest ' 15 Maggie Tice, witness fees in Tom Fields inquest ' I 5 Bertha Hennon,' witness fees in Tom Fields inquest 50 Lillie Cole, witness fees in Tom 'Fields inquest 5 Walter Ferree, fees in Joe Fowler case F T 1909 5 30 Edwards & Brouhton for supplies and! record books 27 40 John L Jackson for services as County Com to date j 13 80 C A Carson, for services as County ' Com to date . 14 00 FJkl Burgess for services as Clerk to B C C to date' j 24 85 (Continued in Supplement) COLUMBUS COLUMN I Personal and General I Mr. J. R. Smith went to Tryon Saturday. f . i . Mr. N. T. Mills was a business visitor in Tryon Saturday. Writing-paper and envelopes for sale at the News office. Mr. A. L. McMurray and fam ily have moved into the Weatlake house. Attorneys Shipman & Williams were in Tryon Saturday on legal business. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Smith of Tryon were business visitors here last Saturday. Misses Nina and Nellie Cun ningham are visiting relatives in Asheville this week. ' Mrs. J. R. Smith anavdaughter Miss Nellie, were shopping in Spartanburg Friday and Satur day. ' ! Register F. M. Burgess attend ed the oyster supper given by.the Women's Auxiliary at Tryon last week. Mr. John L. Jackson and fam ily of Mill, Spring are moving in to- the postomci building this week- ! Miss Maude Ruppe, the popular primary teacher ,of Columbus High School, visited relatives in Tryon last week-end. Rev. A. B. Macneill gave the Good Road Subscription List a p;ood boost Saturday by contrib uting $25. and 25 days work. Holiday ihoppers will fine rare bargains in holiday and staple goods at the popular cash edunter of the Ballenger Co. of Tryon. j Sheriff A. L. Hill on his way to Pea Ridge last Saturday stopped just long enough in Columbus to subscribe $25.00 ! to the proposed' road. The Sheriff's a husiler. j Saturday the 17th is absolutely the last day of the famous "shov-el-'em -out shoe sale" of the Try on Hosiery Co. of Ljmnsoif you need shoes, hustle over and get the discounts. ; Messrs. J.W.Conner and A. M.Hughes of Washington, D. Ci, interested in the Dbuhle Branch Gold Mine at Sandy Plains, were business .visitors in Columbus last Thursday, i Some rather exaggerated stor ies in the woodworking industry are now going the rounds in the "Villagers' Club" meetings held nightly at the ! post-office any change from fish is welcome. A deer chaseKat Pea Ridge last Saturday afternoon, but the fleet footed doe outstripped her pur suers to the Rutherford line where all traces of her were lost. If the man had a gun when the doe passed within a few feet of him but we'll tell' you about that another time. Mr. Davis Elliotte has lent his skill this week to the McMurray structure now in course of build ing. With so many carpenters at hand and saw and planing mills handily by, and the good road practically assured, isn't it about time for the speculative element of Polk to sit up' and look around? Minutes of Meeting of Polk County Teachers Association held Nov. 25th, 1910. Meeting opened by Rev. W. S. Cherry, reading Psalm 1. j Song, 'Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing.: Prayer by Mr. S. D. McCall. Elected Mr. Cherry chairman, and Miss Emma Morgan, secre tary pro tem. Introductory talk by Mr. Mc Call: Intention of meetings. Talks and Discussion: Import ance and duty of filling report blanks as they should be. Elected Mr. Cherry president, and Mr. J. R. Foster, vice-president. Presentation of books: "How to Study," "Teaching a District School," "Primerof Sanitation' Presentation of Maps of North Carolina. Miss Acker received State blackboard. I ! Lecture by Mr. McCall : Import ance of prompt attendance, The meeting was very interesting ind helpful. Next meeting will be held Dec. 23, 1910, at 11 a.m. j at Columbus.'-' Please all attend, r Emma Mob -an, ! Sec'y pro tem. Subscription List to Grading Mp road to Railroads 1 ' Burgess, F. M. - $25.00 Case & West - 10.00 Hughes, J. G. - - 25.00 Hart, A T. - 10.00 Hill, Sheriff A. L. - . .25.00 Macneill, Rev. A. B. 25.00 and 25 days work. ?: Tallant, D. V. - 10.00- . Tallant, L. L. - 10.00 The Polk County News 10.00,: Williams, F. B. - 40.00 ; r $l60.oo; and 25 days work. ;, Keep the ball a-rolling! The list hassdoubled itself in a Avetk and the outlook is encouraging. ' But there are a number of us hold- . ing back, through shyness or for lak of faith or something; this, ought not to be for all should should help. Faith removes mountains" has been preached u us from the pulpit scores of times now let it be illustrated. ! Mill Springers, let us ! hear from you, too, tqt this road will be a wonderful help to you all.- Don't be drones in the hive, if vou can afford a dav's work or loan your team, do so. I One , day's wok from one man accom-. jj day's work from a hundred men will show big results. j 'y . . Let's all hustle DEATH OF ASBURY JACKSON Columbus and all Polk County were startled by the sad intelli gence last Thursday morning of the death of Mr. Asbury Jackson who passed into the Beyond last Wednesday night, while sleeping peacefully after a hard day's toil in his mill. Mr. Jackson was 72 years old and in - apparent good : health, despite ; his age, kup to the day of his death.- f ' .". - -' Mri Jackson was horn in i3oop er gap township and moved ? to ' Columbus, about 25 years ao. After a residence in the town of Columbus of nine years he moved . to his late residence, where he successfully started a saw and grist mill which bears his name. He was also one of the most pro gressive farmers of the County, believing in raising eveiyining possible on his farm. Mr. Jack son was an honest man ana1 ad hered closely to the golden rule of "Do as ye would be done by." - ; He leaves a wife arid one son, ;j Mr. N. B Jackson, and a multi- ,x tude of sorrowing relatives and e friends, who were largely repre- I sented at the interment on Thurs- day afternoon, at 1.30, at Mill, Soring Baptist Church cemetery. ' 7 Revs. B. P. Jackson and W. S. Cherry conducted the funeralt- ' services. ! - The News extends its sympathy . : to the bereaved ones in their ir reparable loss. ; WEAVER WOOD The many friends of the popu lar couple were very much sur prised to hear on last Sunday night that Miss Lizzie Weaver . and Mr. Frank ; Wood had hied themselves across the line, there-, by stealing a march on the sus- ' pecting ones, arfd were happily married by the Rev. Mitchell in Landrum. , Hiss Weaver is the charming daughter of Mr. F. L. Weaver and has for a longtime43een rec ognized as one of tlje most beau-" tiful if not most-beautiful young ladies in f$fkounty. Mr. Wood, formerly of New Jersey, and nbw a prominent young busi ness man of Tryon, has a lucra tive position with the Tryon Elec tric Light, Water and Power Co. The happy young couple have rented a cottage on Melrose Cir- cle and have gone to housekeep ing. Their many friends join the News in extending heartiest con gratulations and wish for; them the best that life affords, j You' cab make no better Xmas present to your friend than a year's subscrlptiofLto the News; make it How and let him-read the opening chapters of that in tensely interestingstory, entitled "54-40 or Fight.'! j n 1 1) -1 V 1 1 -11 i -: 1. f ; . !''.'

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