J-' A J 1 1 V ( , - The Polk County, News - ' v ' - " . "" - " Published every Thursvlay v- : ; f ; -rr JOHIffO. BIERBAUM UuiTta EnterVd jrt ; the 'Post office, at Cblumbus; ; I N," C, as tecond cls3 lhatur.V ' . ". ' 4 : vv SUBSCRIPTION : K ATKS. v One -y aF .....'.. . . $ 1,00 monins ................ .50 - ;t TWee months vrT.'V . ; v. v . .25. ' r '.t-' ,. ' ' ; ' V-'.. Bubscriptipns must be pavl iriadvnncei- v Advertising rates, furnished o ;ppH , cation.,. . - - -U.-'"' Mate all checkaf dtaftsnd'mofley or, ders jpayable to ' ,. - - The P01.K Count v News,;? .i k . . .1 7 Columbus. Ji; , . ' ; -.-, - . - COLUMIiUS' N. C, DEC. 77, iqio A' MERRY. CHRIS f ii as. t6, All. s Next Sunday ' is Ghnstnias I To many, million in - tho. ; Christian World this day has" a-broad 'sig nificance. It is' the period' of ' good will and good ;che.er.J From f the mountains to the sea hearts will abound with joy and' love, showing to a marked degree the recognition by man of the; birth of a Savior of :men;',- It Ms j good that it should be such, -?not only that wev should show marked defy erence to this day f of days, v bu t too, orice a year wV. shoiildshow our friends, and loved ones by lit tle tokens of love our; considera tion orjthem, despite the awful iact t:nat we live m an age or ma-terialXsm-. - " " Hei'e it might not be amis' to say that ttiere are many, many ' - people, among them . countless . childifen;'ho ill -feel the ' lack of f riehds and loved ones at 4 this time of the year more than at any otheriperiod, and it behooves us; 7 who aire more fortunate, to; iot pass hem byunndticed. TLet us all try to make them happy, for J5o lorig as trie. Yule- Log burns; ' we should no only try to be hap , . py;. ourselves, 'but make others :j feel happy also, and by so'doing ? ad to, our; own- storeof hap'pi , ness. Vt The most lonesome, and most miserable; person ih the ; world is he who feels that no oie cares for him and that everyone else has friends and loved ones-r let it not be said that we have such an unfortunate in our midst ? . LEBANON NOTES- - Correm ondence of Tb News. s Messrs. J. T, Edwards' and.Ci, PpwelL' made ) a- business 1 Ltrip to Landrum Tuesday. .-. . y v. . . ; Alio ici mviu nuo ui-vjvii wi v i vflroiine w. iriiiur: f rncis i . ' c :-. v oKnnf fV vAnrrTi cntrtnV wrhhrtt -: - I M . Vf !" 1filrk?-- V. ' .1 Rnf!t A '. V- " v. v v-" W."1 husband; WiUiam Veslon; rpY)&irmr done' on hia dwellmcr v i-hUhAv vr ana mm tms weeK. r-' v cbw&onn, nr Ausind;.ir. x- vrru.. Ti f iv, -XT fanor Smith .& Edward P.i Petition for. , mas very loudly: these da4 and the sodnds of theweddingibelfs can almost boheard but in " 6ase s oiiie' shou Id' bed isappoin ted and the knot not: be tied; ;the; "names had Better vbe omitted until after the holidays are over. ; !.. f Hello'Mill Spring NoV2-l' ;l3ut "srue'ss acrain! ; " f Success -to the'Nows, and a Merry Xmas1 andHappy New Year to all its readers.1 ; ." .V Inrolihe V. Arthur; Francis J , , v ' - "''.r -"",'"'' ' 1 ' - ' ' ' a ---"v" - r-r T-r' ' -' . : Rag Doll.' V, GREEN'S CREEK. NOTES. MLPRING:No;2 NGTES Correspondence V The Newsi ' ; i ivxr. v lr me onsan t ias return ed home from Indiana . Mr. WV'G. ,Hill recurned Mon day from'-a trip, to Greenville,' , Miss Etalka ;Arledeeand .Mr. HowardWil liams wereN married Decembgr 11th, at thehome,xf the groom., v . ' ;' ' Rev. J. BArledge is -building the pillars higher on. Green river ""A - ,Yoa are hereby rotifieino appear, and I,: j y LCUin K V ' S " ' IftlULu! answerer demar to the pethioWjiled by the -.U.U.B U . y.'i.S'.'. '-'S- ' ' BB" 11 ..Vi ft) 1 1 ' r , - ' ' w 1 1 ...-..7 . , - ylaintifls in the above mamed kpeeial pro ceeding, on January i Uhiu in the ojQice of the -Clerk.. lf the Superior v Court 'of , Polk Couityt nt.Colymbus. N. C.'; ..The object of the irocpedint is to have a decree to sell the ands of thelate. WiUiam Weston; dee'dand. Caroline EVweston; dee'd; duly described, respectively, ; in Pook 9,Ipage33, "and Koojc Yl.;:pagrp and 4" . Records;, of leds of Po?k County, and also certain fur tiiture contained fn the house formerly A be longinj to the said William -Weston," dee'd. in -SaludaN C. fr partition amongst the dove' ijatned plaintiffs and the defendants, 'e'an'5 in common of the said property.- ' ' Tuis the 8th day of December, 191.0. " ' . .J. ,P. ARLEDGE, . ' Clerk Superior Court of I'olk County.' SIIIPP EWllANK Vttomeyi for Piaiiitiffs- ! i ; BACON ; Kotlss 0! Saje of toi under Uorfpgs; 1 rT" ' " ' BY V1RTUE'"0F-Tlilv POWER CC)k tailed in . a. certain nrtyag-i executed bf R. H. Henderson and wife. SH.' Henderson to F ; A'. Thompson on the 2th day of March, 1910, to secure a certaintiote in theumof Mr, J. H. GiDOS has moveq' tO ad drfault Lkvinff been made in the oavment htS place about a half mile f from of Mid note; therefore,: for : the' purpose of Mill Spring. - - . , giving sam noir, inicrc ana cosw, ine ' - a- - fin- ',1 "1 1 'l undersigned will on Monday. January the 'Mr. Avery Eiliotte has gone tph&th ,q1Xn wlthm the ierai hours of wie. Beaufort, S. C.'r ' j offer for sale to the highest, bidder. "at" the days last Week " - 1 jr parcel of land, lying and beine iu the Mr 1 R Rnfkpr n!iKlVf?ohool woship of. iryon, Comity of ,1'oHc and iUF.J. 1. nUCKervpUWje;SCnOOI L;tate pf North Carolina and known and RLOURv . Best Patents: , , 2.-pfafoy ,:'''& ' : : Per Pound... ; V:Per Hundred... l-f.Wtf, '4 ' V-:'':.. t:v-nnffn9 Per rTaiio 13c Gallon... "JC SUGARS ;" ; 25 Lba,. $1.50 CORNMEAL ;. ; . . , v.' r , 1 - (8 I J w - rer round.. I m - Per Bushel.. 75C -:fflGtS-';:$ Winter TTtuW, ' - ' - vrieece juined) ' ; H v,".vr.- iiHC. TlfiP Siiii- at Mr. R.'M. Foster farmV pre- of -ven date herewith, Which mortgage paring for a new bridges ' of record 'Mok No. 6; at. page 270, of 'tt n-n l -a.'i he reconls ofcMortgagea for'Polk t ounty, a ,l TVI. sr.Vl 'VTi'cs IV -In Ppnon vtc I courthouse, door m Columbus, North t'aro I '- r- " 4 ( . ,7 1 1 iLcU iure, vjti ecu s jauiw .&vcit. rwhich.nre described as follows: That piece V T. f ' J tf -P ' ' - " mtitmf ' V ' J?? or parcel ui lanu, lying aim urine 111 mo ' . , T.Jir lfTl 77 m (1 IV & V ' O-J If U II ITT teacner attmi. lxiW; V1S1 tea in designated as follows: Joining the lands of fcaluaa last V;eeK-ena, - i V ISell Khotles and others; beginning at a stake Rev. J B. Ariedee filled his nnintN; degfr VPol" oas , . . " , 7-, mence 0. 0 ef. v . o lkmcs iu n shwc; regular appomtmeiH at Cooper t..enCe s 33 u deg. w. 10 13 pedes to a Gar) Saturday and Sunday.; V uke; urence s. 75 deg. E. 13 ,oiestothe , Mr. Clarence Justice, of .Rutfo. L""n ertordton is visiting m this vicari- This the 12th day of Dec, 1910.-- , lrV ' . r v 1 ' Y" t .'qtftAttnOAVr- The people are aJHrir av hustle ' . " . j l . . ; Mortgage nnw nnonarJiKytnv Ymn "Rvph I ler blilrMAW the children when in school think . more of holidays than-' of study; I; mg. r--- . - ' . vv 15111111; an a luci 1 y viui&Liiia? i , . v n. : . . and success to the News. VlV1 Kr atri!n!5 UUESS WHO: ' latef Polk Co.. N. C.. this is to notify all persons having claims" against the restate f said deceased to exhibit them to the un dersigned a't Columbus on or before the 2 2d 5 1 day of November, 19 1 1, or this notice will u pieaaea in oar 01 H ineir recovery. All & WILLIAMS. Xttomeys. - .s . - ; ; ADMINISTRATRIX'S NOTICE. N U N M M M-M 9 r V V JLAJLl f ; - We.Setff6r:SIWT;CA'SHTJiafsWfiy-Wje Can Do It LYNN, N. G R CO. ,v Special to Th New V ' ' Mc John H. Green went tt) In- , man Monday. - 4 Mrs.cTumAilerwirieVand son : -Richard, of Lynn.- - visited rela tives here this week Mrs. f . E. Waiter.: spent Sat - urday. night and Sunday with her - parents, Mr, . andMrs". R. ' N Jonnson .-.."J - . Misses Maud Shields andv VVin- me AJverson' spent: Sunday witlv ' A number of youncrDeoDle-were pleasantly entertained - ,'at- 4he - home of Mrs. , Maggie ' Feagan . Saturday? night: Mr. Andy Masley of Chesnee,7 S. C.y ivisited "friends here this week.(v ; - :, , ' " Miss Adah Walker wasshop ping in Spartanburg this week, v ' - Messrs. ; Albert 'and Roland v' .Feagarileft Monday ,for Texas; . where they expect to settle per , manently. They will be . greatly : missed from our circle. - - ' ' Mrs. R. L. .Jh9mpson was in ; Spartanburg ori 'business-Mon-. -.day. . -, ,:.v.-;,; '., L, H. CLOUD -: Real Estato and Insurance " indebted to said estate win .please . . - ' - ; . , I maxe immcaiaie COLUMBUS; EOLK CoV.-N. C. LOST, STRAYED OR -STOLEH ! - LOST! Between Colirmbus and Landmm, on Sunday, .the 11th, a roil of bank bills, 9 o five-dollar denomination and lof ten in all, $55.00. Suitable - reward if payment. ' ' ; . F ANN IK GILBERT, , ' Administratrix of Mary .E.i Charles. Southern 1- v Rdftudy SCHE'DLTLE returned to the Polk County News U;,,U;ui ma :fT. ' i- Y - I MV Mi'lllVM ; . SK,d VI Willi OtnCe ' ,' ' . Not .AiaraWd. 1 .f; ' ' .... - C. ---V. " V. f. .' EAST-BOUND TRAINS, , Several families "are expected to move1 into this5 settlement soon r MOO ACre itfiHCUak , :l No. j47Leav AsheYille 7.oo. am;:ieave 40; Ttcres-under; 'cultivation; -.14 W -V"- ' ;r--r-.r- acres -good ; bottom land;n Good o. io. iaye Ashevyie 4.10 p m; leave 6-roonf jiouse, v also 2 barns and lTx? J p ra; amTc aPrg outbuildmsrs: - all" in ' first-dass ? "J.'! rliJT cpnditiorf. Situated 14-miies from ' -7T K?- ; -r railroad, 1 -mile;irdm church, 2 r-'ZZlZl miles from schoolhouse. ? Price P m. o .v 7. V ' and terms reasonable.. Apply to Ny 13- ieavepar(anbrg 5,2s pmj leave , ,C. ELLIOTTE, N . :ZT 7' VJnlkrV Asheviie 9.15 ColumbUS,' 'Subject to change without'notlce. ;-'r . , . . - ' . J.'ll. WOOD; District Pass'. Agt,, - 'REPAIRING . ' ' ' - 1 . v v l-'. e: WILLIS -J. G. BLANTON 7 let them come;, tlie ;more r the merrier. Calhfon the rBest Material A : ; ' Mrl Herman Walker's knej was thrown out of joint whileailling V wood last Fridayyand hysrstjll '. suff eringse yere "pain; : j -, , - " Mr. T; NWalterne'of our merchants.; was x ia Spartanburg; this week buying; Xmas goods.-; v 'v 1 llr.vv gFeagan and daugh ter, Gertrude." Were shoDnine ?in f Spartanburg' Mo'ndayL , , v ' , jiuicugc,,uui jjuyuiitr PHy . . 4 sicjan,Ms. having additions "made to nis dwelling. ; - ifl have alt iheso'-lGivO'usatrtaf. 1 '1. ' V t Watches. Clocks, Jewelry.'. J Stationery, EtcY- -;"V v; '-i- F7-A. ALLRED S piaiTh; SeVeral weddings are expected xicrc uunng jonnstmas.weeK, , . 1 ' . J v. 5 ' . - J owelty Stationery, and 'Art .Store, r fRUfHERFORDTOfr, Hip , ; we have a number of i t llk v I tor ! me Tohacco. Cotton and Ciram o.t;baynard ..uiiyjNDUiritti s. C .containing from- i377?2 to 300 ACRES Merry Xmas to the- "News 'ard; tt-V ,' r; W-: r:. ,r f - -v. ' -; all itsreaders.' , ?v " Pays the Highest Market -Price- - ; :-, y. . -'..vy. " v, : 1 -! ' 'Viii ' ' conyenientlr situated to CHnrche ' . ; ; :" r ... , Se him beiOreSelllng..' k " Schooli, and Rallroad'3, price . .?. subscribe: to the NEWS and Progressive Farmert he two' V V A' t . -f' --r J AXJk)VXN J, XIXAJkK U.JkI XI V V Jkl V X f ; A; The. Yuletide season is drawing near, when,eyery;one, b6th young y'-and old. wjlljbe debating the questioner rather, considering the . Vmatter of selecting suj table and appropriate Christmas gifts for y vueir .menus aim juveu uiies. r.vve Lane pleasure m announcing to the publ ic that our line of Christmas gbo,i: has been seFec ted : with great-care and that' we have something for every ; member I of the jt -. , - ... , Xcat Kutter"- Cutlery ; , We have ajiaried assortment of the- f amous Keen itutter line of -r. z - ' l " pocket cutlery, than which there ,.V;v- iso ,myre appropriate, gift for V $ I . a your father, brother or son., Raz ' orsr " razor;; strops and brushes x- l ' V come in f or,l place along this vlme also. o 5 - : i 1 w J-""-" Guns and Ammunition ty . -": rXForthe sporting fraternity; rifles, St" ; " y,y 'For the Housewife .- ;K Carving sets, ayfine line of ehaml " " K. - f dialed ware and glasswarepfetoyes, : .-ranges and man, other thihgtod ; 7, . " numerous , to -riamherel -C'4'- f-J-- - ?, , j . ..r-;t . :s-;vCs'."'HpWs,'toysof endless variety; ex- Various Gifts For All: . vTherei.re so mahy thirigs in the hardwareline that makepitable ancl . appropriate gifts that we can not. attempt to iiameJ them .bere. We invite a comparison' and ex amination of our stock-which will be comolete in everv detail on or before December 10tt.v: ; : . ' 4 ' . " I 1 6 t, flT, T(?r that',' whilte you are loQkirig f or Christmas; pres- , ents,- we still iare handling -any-thing you may; wantnn the line . of 'siaple, goods, such'as heaters, wagons,-axeij.toVepipe; s lor t hese things are - also neceksary in making arrangements f prthe "j v fetc,,v ' )'-- , v I Yuletide pleasures and comforts. 5;;v vAU we ask that you come. and see what we ' haVef or see- ' T ;? ' " , , " -'; " , I ' ' 5, - . " 1 ' ' ;giliiiilipl - :1 papers fbr.rinVyear for thePrice-r ' - ' ' " l""- - i y.T :fy, . ; , of 6nc-5i.cr.'n;,:V ,,; .:. , Advertised in .THE ml l: H -.c-j. .- 'V: - r-....-..V.,. .... ..... j,. ... . . . - V-l-