Thrsc Cents the Copy. I ND E PEN DE N CEI NLL TH I Subscription Prlco5i.0b" Por.Yoanlri Atlvaricb.. VOL. XVI. . COLUMBUS,. POLK-. COUKTYr jCV-THURSDAY; DEGEBEB 29a1916.: -1' V ; , I - - V ' " '' ' " " ' ' - ' - - - - '" "" ''' 1 1 ! " 1 ' "" '"-"'l-l-l- l 11 II . Ifc.p.l,ll 11,1 j,! It-.llll., . , When you comefto lumbus;rstop in .and- get acquainted with us and our kup-todate stock of . GENERAL MERCHANDISE We want your" trade; and are making every effort to get it, as you may readily see by examination of our goods and comparing our prices with those of competitors; Dealer in Dry Goods, Notions, Clothing; Shoes, Hats, Groceries &c : COLUMBUS, N. C. ADVERTISE BURGLARS Open a Safe of the Ordinary Kind with' Ridiculous ase. They' very seldom care, to tackle burglar-proof vaults like thovse in The Bank of Tryon. The wise v man will, therefore, open up an account there and thus put hia money where it is beyond the .reach of burglars. Tjie -less you have the less " you can afford to - lose it. ; , - , x IF ;YQU WANT ' TO 3tff 7 f j MILL SPRING' No: 2 iOTES. CorreSiwhdeoce ol The News. Mr-piem' Williams of Landrum School is Visiting relatives and friends -in this vicinity during his holidays. iTco'LOMBO"sGOiDMH:i i '.'Personal and General SuBscriptioalist OR . SELL: anything, keep !' w-t' j , V . -.'.v-.v v, v I v Mrs. J; B Justice .and family your mouxn snuL ana . you will keep on wanting;" Tell your wants, to the public by an advertisement in bur cl umns then look for fesiilts. Z liTrirJrG: Hughe$ is suffering with gnp. , r f ADYERTI S.E v K 7- Always to be 4 Successful it THE BANK OF TRYON fEOlAL MSHcSAL We have put on Special Cash Sale at absolute ly Wholesale Prices alarge "lot of Ladies' ready made skirts, . ranging in prices frpni $2. to $9M . hosiery fronr 10 to. 50i cents handkerchiefs, sweaters, muff setsf purses, silk petticoat jnuf- , flera and QVesChiidreit underwear, etc. Men's trousers, dress and work ' shirts hosiery .suspenders, etc: - . Also BIG REDUCTIONS in Men's' clothing, Women's and Children's cloaks, etc. THE BALLENGER OMP'Y For Everything TRYON, N. C. For Everything At the NEWS office is whepe you can obtain chattel mort gage blanks, mortgage deeds' etc., also full line of souven ir post cards" of Polk county . , , . Have your office stationery printed by the . Polk County News : Job Printing Departs ment if youjlwant net; classy; work- at low prices; moved to Spartanburg Jast week. i-v Mr. G. W.rSmith has mbved to White Oak Creek", .".xf" : V - Mr.afid' Mrs. D.4 D Gosnell of Spartanburg are visiting relatives and Jfriends in thissfection. Mr." and Mrs. W Xx. Green vis ited Mrs;; Green's parents' last week-end; W;.:G.'s was. taken , y surprise m oeing cauea w xie vne knot of Mii Lillie Bl6 Cochran nd Mri: William, : EdwarHs oh Christmas day'at the honie 6t the bride; -V ' v. " : vA partybf young people attend ed a 'candy breaking" at ;: J. D. XmaV Eve. - AH re port1 a-jolly time. V;V - Mr William Gfeen Jr;, is vis- itinghis sister, Mrs..W.F.6wler, at'Pea Ridge. , L; - - ; :WishingalI the readers a Happy New. :Yeat "and -success to" the ' " - - - - rrt LOST! : Between Columbus and Landrum, on Sunday, the llh4 a roll of bank bill?; 9 of five-dollar denomination ana 1 . of tenHln all, $55.00. Suitable reward If returned to the Polk County News office,' - . - . It . TNEr-BESTWATCH REPAIRING Calls for, the Best Material, Best Workmen, Best Tools We have all these - Give us a trial The Carolina State SALUDA, N. C. "V Pah STRONG J COURTEOUS Aitf oi Savings ,N . PER QEHT . PROGRESSIVE Every Banking Facility i It la been the constant endeavor of the management of this bank to furnish every possible facility for tlie conven-' ience of its depositors together with absolute safety for. their money. - - , , . -" An account with this bank will prove a valuable asset to any corporation, firm, or individual requiring the best ' banking facilities. . v " . We solicit your account. N D C BARROW, Q. C. SOONER, W. C. ROBERTSON, President.- Vice-President. w Vice-President. - H. B. LANE, Cashier: FRED F. ALLRED'S Jewelry, Stationery and Art Store, RUTHERFORDTON, N C. JOHN' OR R & COMPAN Y TRYON, N. C. . -' . .. . Groceries, Dry Goods, Notions - Shqes, Crockery, Glassware , J Enamel . and: TiiL Ware - - - V ; " . ' ' . . - 5 " i Blue -Flame. Oil Stoves, Etc., Etc. COLUMBUS HIGH SCHQ01. No-Sectarian ... , Male and Female jt, Located in 'tlie Mountains of Western North Garolina EVERY ' BO V AND GIRL IN POLK COUNTY WHO . C PAN ENTER THE HIGH SCHOOL DEPARTMENT can entlk ND FREE Qp TUIXI0N . ; Expenses try. moderate: Students may enter at any time v . Fjtk fURTIIER 'INFORMATION,. ADDRESS E, W. S. OOBB, Prin: Columbus, Polk; County N. C. - Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Stationery, Etc. . Polk County Jeachers Association! N iThe Polk County:Teach ers rAs- satibnV;metin''. Columbus last Friday, with a goodly attendance considering the stdnny i weather andhe muddy state ot the roads. Following: are;the minutes, of the meeting:, ' - , r ; -o'. Openei, by; reading 'Psalm 23 and grayer by Mr." Cherry : . Nominated Emma Morgan se retary pro tem. .. , Grading FvtafQafl TJ o;t?baynar0 COTTON BUYER Pays the Highest Market Price- See him before selling. LANDRUV1, S. G. THE CHARLOTTE OBSERVER Every day in the Year $8.00 a Year j The Observer consists of lo to 12 pages daily and 20 to 32 pages Sunday. It han dles more news matter, loc&l, state, national and foreign, than any other North Carolina newspaper. r- - . ... . t . The Sunday Observer Is unexcelled as a news medium, and is also filled with excellent matter of a miscel- laneous nature. - Address - . .TIIE OBSERVER CO., CHARLOITE, N. C. 'Discussion of North Carolina program. i Discussion of non-attendance of school children. . - Arrangement of program for next meeting. - Discussion of the merits and demerits of North Carolina education- x . Three papers on Halmington's recitation by Misses Ada and Ida Acker and Clyde Davidson". ' . How to study and teaching how to study, by Mr. Cherry. j Getting up rural libraries; by J. H. Gilreath.; ' t Natural geography of our own district by Delia Greenland Em ma Morgan. :" Keeping a register and filling report blanks, by A. W.: Womack. Round table talks. - Presentation of calendar by Mr. Foster. . ' . Presentation of North Carolina maps. . - ' . : Reading of minutes. ' i Next meeting to-be hela Jan. 27, 1911, at 11 a.m. at Columbus. Mr.' . M. ?E. ; Charles'-, returned from-Indiana Jast Friday. t New subscriptions are . always acceptablerenewals too. ' . Wri ting-paper, arid ' envelopes for Bale at the Naws office. r' i Miss BlaricheNewnian is visit ing relatives at Mill Spring this week. - , 1 Mr. Groyer Hutcherson visited in Spartanburg several days Jast week. " , : . " r ' 7 iMr. Mingus Justice ;of Tryon was a business visitor hereby es teraay. . v.. Mr.' J. B.i Hester and daughter of -Tryon . visited in klumbus MondaV. ."-., Note new bargains an adver tisementrof Tryon Hosiery ; Co's Spot Cash Store." - . 7 ,. Messrs ". F. M. Burgess and R. F. McFarland went; to Tryon Tuesday on business. "t . " v v T-Mr;, J, H. Burgess -of Ruther fordton visited relatives here Sunday and Monday ' V r;Atty, and Mrs. James E. hip man are visiting relatives in Hen dersonyille" this week ; i Atty:E: B." Cloud arid Mr. R.F.' McFarland were business visitors in Spartanburg last Friday,; . ' - MrVr'and Mrs. Forest" B.'Wil Hams arid family 'J are : now occu pying thetHampton- cottage.1' MissEmma McFarland and Mrs Birchie Roper visited Mr. ; and Mrs. F. M. Burgeis Sunday. Miss Maude oRuppe,, popular primary ' teacher of Columbus High School, as enjoying the hol idays at her home in'Pea Ridge. Mr. L. H, Cloud, dealer,in.real estate, sold irie of - his rare bar gains, advertised in our columns, to Mr. Otis Tony, of Tryon, Nbi. 1. MQvai:otfJx)ast,'-is:on the hun ters' bill ois e.this, 'week, and it is hard tq de?ide' whether the hunting is . enjoyed more than the dining. Mr.'Rucker Wnitesidesof Mex ico, en route to spend Christmas with his relatives at Green River, was a guest at the Columbus Hotel Saturday. ' Miss Garriette Williams, the popular music teacher of' , Colum bus -High'School,; is spending the holidays with her relatives and friends in Ashevilie. : Two riibre names arc added ).... iV , .. ..... . ' the list this week, Messrs. FVL. ; Weaver and JGeo. 1 A. s. , Gash;: of Tryon. Who's riext?-; Remember your little share is necessary to the success of this list." Let 'tis hear from YOU this week. Burgess, F. M.. 'ZJ - - $25.00 Case & West . : . - , '10.00 Gash, Geo. A: - : : 25.00 Hughes; J.G. 25.00 Hart, A T. V 10.00. Hill, Sheriff A. U V . 25.00 Macneill, Rev, A: B. , , ?5.00 and 25 days work : Tallant. D. V. V .V 10.00 Tallant, Lr L.? - r 10.00 The Polk. County NeirJ ,10.00 -Williams, F. K -"."10.00 Weaver, F. L; . r - .OO. ; J y - imoo "1 ; and 25 days work i-MetteJepbpVeelLbroke the . silence in buh office-; this morning as forms were, about to' be closed and another subscriber1 is wadded co uie gooa roaa nsu;;- 1 Curiningham,(-D. E.?'-; 25.00 7 . AgainWhos next?- - v- SUBSCRIBE TCV THE NEWS and Progressive Farmer the two papers for one year for the price of oneLOO! ' ' - - ESTABLISHED 1890 SPARTANBURG HERALD - SPARTANBURG, S. C. DAILY AND .WEEKLY Spartanburg's Oldest; Largest, and besC newspaper. Full of news from the first to rh ; last - page. Entire Associated Press elegr'apiiic set vice. ' Log Cabjn Inn - STEARNS, N. C - V ' v OPEN ALL THE YEAR; . Ar5, . ; Cunningham, Prop- Aavertise- in ;.THE NEWS. FOR SALE. 16 acres of land in high state of cultivation,; with two dwellings water supply, baths, outbuildings etc.- Beautiful location: One half mile: from Lynn Knitting Mill nd two miles from railroad station (macadam road). Will make fine truck farm "aid rent for - $200. a year. ' Prices and terms right. Call or address. : - L. H. CLOUD, Columbus,- N.C. IMPROVED AND UNIMPROVED FARMS FOR SALE. In Tracts of 40 to 200 Acres Cash or Easy Payments. : T LH. CLOUD Real Estate : Columbus, NC, .- . v - Advertise in . THE NEWS. Miss Minnie Arjedge, popular teacher of Youngsville, N, C, Graded School, is spending the Christmas holidays with her par- ents,-Mr, and Mrs. J. P' Arledge. The special cash sale at .The Ballenger Company is still on. Ladies', gentlemen's ,and chil dren's furnishings are marked down to wholesale pricey. Miss Ina E. Jones, the popular teacher of the intermediates 'of our successful high? school, left last Thursday night for her home in Winston-Salem, N. C, where she is spending the holidays. : Mrs. J. F. Williams and chil dren. Garrett, Vernisue and Grady," left .Columbus Saturday for their new,home in Basker ville, Va. Their - departure ' is very much' regretted by their many friends, who join the News in wishing therii .happiness , and prosperity ; Attyv B.' F. Williams accompanied the family on the journey and r spent Christmas with themr returning to Colum bus last night. . ' t 4 TRYON NOTES; Correitondneef The 5?ewv -,-' . ' ' - : ' Miss - Maggie Games was in Saluda. Monday.", s "r " -:- Misses Hattie' and Willie Har-; nette visited 'Mrs. .fcW, J. Raines . Sunday.- . V-' , -s. Mr, Blaine - Jcckson ivisitedt in Tryon Monday. , ' - . Mfarid Mrs. Harvey Beam of feharrotte visited here7 f op;C Wst v mas. ,yMiss Mary Under wood, visited at W. J. Gaineis during1 iXmas. , iMr. and Mrs, -James Mathews visited' Mrs.1 Mathews' parents . here Sunday. Mi s. Roper andMiss.McFarland' of Ashevilie Business College: " are at home during the' holidays. " . Miss Dobson of Tryon Graded - School spent Sunday at hex home ; in Hendersonyille. f r'&'i'i: Messrs. James Moore, Osborne Weaver and Mingus Justice spent , Christmas in Ashevilie. Mr. Roy Cushing went to Ashe vilie Sunday. ' , , The Christmas exercises at the Baptist Church on Monday night drew out a large crowd, which filled the Church to theK doors. 1 The entertainrnent was - enjoyed ! by- all present, who agree that Miss Dobson did her ; part well in . . training the children. :. ; "Tryon Teazer." Mr. C D. Elliotte spent several ' days at his farm at Cooper; Gap last week." . -, , .-. . Mr. - M. , C. . Roach conveyed Mrs." Allison to the home: of Mrs. ) r A. C- Boone Saturday, where, as . has been her; wont for several; -years, she will spend Christmas week.' , . a ' , A brand new copper still - was;, captured and destroyed Dy - U. S. Deputy Marshal Sam Waldrop and - three other revenue officers of Ashevilie last Thursday night about' three miles west of Colum bus. ' ' ' " "': ' . Our clubbing offer, The Newu and Progressive Farmer; two c papers for the price of ohe1 104 big- issues 1 for onlyl $1.00, : still continues ; We want the . Pro- r gressive Farmer; to go into the horiies.of alj our; subscribers;. Renew yoirir; su&sriptioh for. one year to the HefCj and . get this healthy little farm paper with it. i " " ' 'iii .-. Kers "! AdVertisenients Pay-' . .... - ' f ; i