f v t - t - , i - H V v 4 .... en ,1 - a - - a ii mi. i mi i.i. i t i ii... hViIiHihh' ' i. ii 1 1 "v i Y I.,-, - ,. .. - i i i Throo Cents tlio Copy. ;. A 1 lNDEPENDENCi; Ki.iiL THlfJOO. SubccriptioTi Prico, 51.00 Per Year in Advance. vol. xvi; V ;; .f;.v;; ..rcoLtrkBtIro NO. 34. 7 . - , i i U.0 j COJ If You Aro in thp , Warttot $6 CrtJ Laricl , V 5 - 'J Hill: tiiiliili.iil if YING cIos Iol marlic'id vilhrzi cia-tjJf io cj ; mils of Pc;t-cffico, (Pjd Se:c cl;.: Chn?ct 33 and : i t vvuui i nuuse. ua mom reu u.c -Ww.iy, cj , 1 -ail,.. - U--: r ; 9 - -x. in one and one-half miles of &Z2 nacadad rendi L watered and well timbered. This property haoJbsencfS t I the market for 50 yeaw. vTcdtintp''tracb faxniV 5 1 customer and give reasonable terms. This land is well adapted to .4"-. 3 PBBEN'S CREEK NOTES. Mr. Andy Mdsley of 'Chesnee. SC. visitd friendii list 7 in of CjOTatiburar spent Xtzz ptti rjf$wainrf parents, Mrrnd tlW. LH. McDoweli;v ;! n - . vUiss Ola-Walker spent a few last weektwith vone of her fnends, Miss Berpice Fosteri; at the Ilcadow rBrdok Fcrni, " bear jCampobello. S. C00 ' - S. C spent Xrhas week with his parenUJ Mrt :vandj?Mr& :M. vvaiKer. - Price very bv; all farm products. Address j 5 1 1 it . !t ..if 4 n ' 4 t ' A'-,' . if '- .A f ' 'Si on 4 -, .. 1 f - . i . 5. i V V r -HRcJad fiarid ; Othor I m pro vomonto Ccntcm platod In thio Ooction -f Hill II HIIHIIHMOBIUIHMO i Mr. CharV'e Fite of InmanJS C. was here Thursday and Friday! Mri Cl Green and hia sister. Uia liar, , of Boiling Spring, S.C., 1jgEere last wek. ; : ? ; : ; ClIli:lAjJihiJ)el Crenshaw, who Hsi bceni Fwtlnff the Misses Lil Uan and Bertha Cantrell, return ed to her hone in Enoree, S. C, UicaEm Drum of Inman R. Risiited her cbednsi; Misses j Abh and Ola Walker, last week. tliss ' Clara ' Burns ' and Frank Culbreth '.of this place mar- ned Amas Eve at Inman, s. i itiss Adah Wtflker was in Pros pect, C, .last week visiting friends.:-:'': ; ; 1 Mr; Dock Hampton and family of Texas are expected liere this Mlstaina it will go put like a.sage. w Sheriff L, Hill was in town Mr.'W. E, HillAvent to",Tryon Thursday "(e"' f v; " - Mr John MonroeSf Tryon was. a visitor here Mqnday. ; ' " New subscriptions are - always acceptablenrenevals too. Writing-paper and envelopes for sale at the News office.- - - - - X ifc;Ecfe Giles of Imiaani S, C.; hcioved into ourj&attlement. ' tl Dock Hainptoti and aister; lallyHleoLandrunvtNo. 1, ViiUca fnenda here ihb week. "V - rps:6iah$nB g&: wont l OHTCThtopson was shot an iiiallta, instantly i-last Thursday '4 -AT- And inspect the best brand of shoes ever made to fit feetThe MORRIS SH0Efc Wo have tjiem in all. sizes r for Ladies Gerto Infante. Also fecial Farmerr shoe. Prices right. Nei7 Una and NOTIONS : : Joij L, JionsofJ Dealer in ' . Dry GbodkrNotions, Clothi coluubus. jl c. ;;-?r 2; JOHN OER. & C0MPA1NY neiRGiiARS Onfln a Safe of tho OirdiilCT i ' . - " w -yiKind wlthi Ridiculoua Ease; They very seldom care to tackle burglar-proof vaults like those in The Bank of TrYON. The wise man will ; therefore,' openup ah account there, and, thus put his money where it, is beydnd the reach of burdars. The less you have: the less you can afford-to lose it- m ioin . inn .J if- COLHUBOS COLUUli y The prices in the advertisement of the ; Spot , Cash - Store ,orfvthe- ; Tryon Hosiery Company of Lynn r show that this store is locking. lor your custom read their ad vprrisomimf. -' . ' V V.WV.V... ..... J Mr. J . J . Barnett of Landrum No. 1 is now on our subscription . Attorneys Shipman & Williams were in -Tryon Thursday on legal business. - " . . Messrs. T. N. Mills and C D. EUiotte went to.iTryon ron busi ness yestrday; - xv Friends will be grieved to learn of the illness of Mr. F. M; Steams of Cleveland, Ohio. Would you vote bonds now for the genemUmprbvemeht of , our mam roads?; Reckon so. Atty. B. F. Williams returned Sunday froh? business trip of Several days in Marion, N. C. Atty. Br Cloud and-Mr. C ClWest visUed;MiTr T. E. Walker 01 Green's. Creek last week-end. the hands of ifcrJohnr L. Jacket absence , . a -1. J.'- f- Uiss.LIamie Wijsda-of Mill jrihrr is- attendinflr?C6lumbus igh School r,d boards- ?at the Pormitcry; T fairs'- daheroud : pastime: , of snapping guni at one another in sport, i ' r xne ooys were gooa inenas ana had reDaired to Boice'a father's shop after dinner to r continue their sport of wrestling, acuf- mng and snapping tfufts whiqh neither one thought were loaded; About three o'clock the fatal ac cident ocjEmrredohdhue's gun went off and Thcrnpion fell, the bullet lodging m hU brain. Don ohue, frightened and not knowing what else; to do delivered him self up to the?rcountrJaili where he was taken in to await the ver- diet of th corbhcr;, ' - -rrpTt,':;-.,. j Thompson, age-Zi, uvea on the OPEN AUiTHE XAIC. Cherokee R. F. DiV S. C, and was U D . Ciiiiningfmm I niltnfraftflili 40 acres under cultivation 14 acres good bottom !anT:;. Good 6-room house,' also 2 barns and outbuildings, - all in ; first-class Condition. Situated 14 miles from railroad, lmile from .church 2 miles from Rchoolhbuse Price and terms reasonable. Apply to C. D; ELLIOTTE ; 5 - Cphimbtfs'; N..C. lUFXOVED AND VtjaFZOVED til Trcst ef f . 2O0ifi$re V Ii it. cLomi , , Heal Ektqto iMm&k tl C spending the holidays with his cousin, jonn inompson ox uroens Creek: - ! V-; 4 'She gSLyib it tte' he said thiit night. And his fact w4 flushed and red ' He cached itight, rose ' cJtwhite-" Sbe ga?e it to me," he said. , - 'She gave it toae,1' he said again. When another year had fled '.'Nayj do not start, for I've won her heart We met jsBoae;morn t three; v, . :rf '-C ' (A y.aiacitey'fi He looked awr ,hh a porple eye; JOgme"fe t toe said. o.t;baynard , ;: totton'buR: Pays the HighestVMarket Price See him before selling. y". .. - . TRYON, N. C. Mi;;iifiiiliiiii UANDRUm. O. I T. BOOTH? JEWELER LANDRUi.S. C. Fins Vctch ciJ accb ;MJ ' - " -7' '.V ' - ' , Stisptt Ward Store nssf Ocpot nEPimim Calls forh$ Best Material, Best VJorkmen, Best Tools J.--Cr. I7e Aar a Ma - Give us a trial. Watches; Clocks, Jewelry. " Mr.'J. M. Butler of Tron was in town Monday and called at the News office." Mr.;Butler founded the Tryon Beei ? ... pesAAina or .watcn repairing ai a reasonable prieg is to be had at F. F; AUred's Jewelry Store in Rutherfordton. ft Mr. John LJackson's stock of general merchandise isabout :omplete call in and have a look oyer his new line of dry goods. "Mr. JTldrojf) of MillSpring was a visitor, in Columbus several days this week, 'and added his name to the Progressive- Farmer list. ' " V. ! . . . . The Columbus Order Knights of Pythias met Tuesday night in their : old time quarters in the Courthouse. Happy days once more, v , - . Messrs. F. M. Burgesa and R F. McFarland visited relatives and friends in Rutherfordton sev eral days last week; returning Saturday. V : We are, glad to note Mr. J. G. Hughes, who has been suffering a savere attack of grip for some time, is up and but again, though not luiiy recovered. i ; Countv Commissioner ' M. A. Cernweli made theNews office a nlcaiant1 visit Monday and his - mm m name is how on our lonxr list oi jrrogrcssi ver aniiera. , Miss Maude Ruppe, the popular nrimary teacher of our school, re turned to Columbus Monday from her home in Pea Ridge, where she spent the holidays, v How do you -like the muddy state of the roads ndw? ArenH they awful! But cheer up and be hopefulthe good road sub scription list should grow. . A visit to the cash counter, of The Ballenger Company will save Columbus High School opened; Monday fo its second term of - -1910-11, but the inclemency of the : ; r C weather made the openinga very- , : desultory one two of the 4 teach,; ; ! eri and many, of the students V being unable to attend. r. -Mv. The popular" Columbus High; School teachei s. Misses Garnette - Williams and Ina E. Jones, who have been eni'oying the holidays . ai their homes, returned Tuesday, ; ; ? 1 and the school routine is again in l t , hc f full swing. ; . Z. i " Prot EW: S. Cobb, -principal 'SXX of Columbus High School, attend-- : " ; ed the convention of principals- 'I.. ,;' ' Western Carolina iield at Ashe ; - v I : day.night. '- In Magistrate's court held , last . Thursday, afternoon, in J Tryon, . Magistrate G: A. Gash presiding, Otis Cochran: charged with as-' '", laault against Dr. Oppell, Vas. - xouna guuty oi - simple assau,iw and fined (5,00. -. : : . Where haS our.genial postmas- , ter, Mr. t A. L. I McMurray, gone -to? He left Sunday morning and ; ttumor Xyou all know Kumor) . says Oregon is his destination. "7 " outAxooa Aumomy says auanta. ' Ourvgood Wishes attend him. - - There was a- bloody fracas in ' the colored settletnen t here Su n- day, one John Carson beating ' X one Lizzie Handy about the head ; and shoulders with a bludgeonl ' Case Went before Squire N. T. V Mills Monday morning, but was- " '.!;"-; tonued to Saturday. Our clubbing offer. The New; and Progreaslve Farm twa v pipcr lor.me TpcJer oi - one, -awt, JiiesTfor"4only. $i;00r;'stiU. contrhuesr Wewant Jthe; Pro-;, gressive Farmer jjto go into - the. tibmes" of all "our subscribers. t Renew your subscription for one year to the News and. -get this healthy littlaarm paper with it. v. v- -- j- ; i ' 1 "t . Stcifcxsry Art Store, J ' , r ft " , - .. . TTtiinFcnDToatirc Nets Adv5rtiscihents" ?ay. . UNCLE CHARLIE POUNDED. " ' r ; ' . - ' '. - : r v f ' Words were inadequate to ex- V press the feelings orbur nimble witted mail carrier, Mr. C. E. Page, or "Uncle Charlie" to most of us, when the townsfolk of Co lumbus banded together and de scended upon his bouse last Old Year's Night to pound him. For once he. was nearly dumhstruck, and if any of the , silrprisers en tertained a spirit of revenge for his many "keen r shaft;! wit at-" their expense, they Had,,him at; their mercy there and 'then, but, for a moment only, for hequickly, ' ; rallied. Mrs. PageV surprised- ejaculation at sight of the loaded" table was sincerity itself, and 1 well repaid the midnignt dis- i : turbers" for their efforts. V -1 i TRYON NOTES. Correspondence Tb News Mrs. Claude Ballenger's brother and sister of Ohio are with her ibis week, ' , . Mri Arnold Williams is in town this weelc. -Mus Halite Hester returned to her school at Raleigh last -ModoUj, - , - Commisbrir '. W; Kennedy went t Columbus Monday & v Mrs Rhoda McNeal of Lake Totaway isited her brother, Mr. J. C UsherV last Sunday.,......--" - r - - -' ' Miss Janie Jackson, who has been spend ing two weeks in Fair Forester ettmied last Saturday! V Miss Hattie Holt, of Inman, S. C, is ns- A C iting Mias Maggie Qaines this week. ' ' . Mrssrs. J. C. Fisher and J. B.Xi Kingston x . left Sunday for Raleigh to he gone some v " time. ' ' C .. - ' " . Miss HaUie Harris of Cheioeei S, Xh, is ' visiting Miss BesbieForde this week Mr. David Bond of Concord, N C., U ' with his sister, Mrs. Sechorne, this week. Mr. Chsrles T. Cobb of Columbia; S C., v spent . week wKh his parents here. "V Mr. Ralph JFiaher of Weaver ville was here '' ' y, Sunday.- 4 . - v V ." J Mr, WJC Ward la seen Jo Tryon oftelK . i these days.. . t you a lew dollars n you are need ihg Rnythihg in ladies! gentle men 'a and children furnishings. ; llr. N. B. Jackson formerly a cbrk in Trydh postoffice, is visit ing his parents, -; Mr.- and Mrs. J. L. Jackson, awhile . befoi e going to Spartanburg to take a position there." - r - - 1 1 .v.."l TEH DOLLARS REVARD: For ; information leading ? to the knowledge of, the party or parties who cut the screens and entered , the" Barnes Cottage- durng the summer months, ; : - v':' : " Columbus. J ' . , , , -v. : ,