3 GREEN'S CREEK NOTES. m 1 1 h 1 1 1 q t 1 m c m i to i e i in o it ft i i it &f it it it it i If You re in the Market to Btiy Land Buyvjt Near a Market :" V live lundred AcVes of Fine YING close to market' and yithin one-half to one mile of Post-office, good Schools, Churches and Court House. On nab road through County, and vith- l in one and one-half miles of fine macadam roads. Well watered and well timbered. This property has, been off the market for 50 years. Will cut into tracts to suit customer and give reasonable terms. Price very low. This land is vell adapted to ill farm t - SpecUl to Tb. XewR . . Mrs.T. E. Walker is very ill ,this week.- a 011 a. xviiuua u. it ecu aiiu ;iiu- dren of Lake Toxaway visited Relatives here this week. 1 Mr. John H.Green left Tuesday jbr Chesnee, S. Cohere he ex pects to stay this year. . Miss Ebba McDowell spent last week end with Miss Maud Giles. ni Mr. Zeno Giles and family left tussday for Chesnee, S. C. , where they expect to settle permanent- ilr.;-; : - v "... Mr. IN," Johnson is very sick this week w th la gripped .. Miss Ebba McDowell entertain ed -a number of friends at her pome Friday night. Rev. Barney Jackson moved into our settlement last week; - 'Mr; T. M. Walker is quite ill I this week. ! liV Hav Vnattr of f!amnnhelln visited here Sunday. trell left last week for Washing ton, D.C &G&&&e&&&&&&)us$ Williams accepts new position COLUMBUS COLUUII Personal and General I k 8 . n , . .ir , 5 - f is on the sick NOTES FROM LANORUM NO. 3. 1 - m product s. Address L .BALL OR A. L. HD 'W R L L TnTUivi -: n wit j n .vhiiuli iihii Rood and Othor Improvorrcnto OontonflatocI in thib Cootion ? Cow jo $0$ And inspect the best brand J) shoes ever made to fit feet-The MORRIS SHOl 'X We have them in all sizes for Ladies, Gentlemen, Boys, Girli and Infants. Also special Farmer's shoe. Prices right. Hew Line of DRY GOODS and NOTIONS Dealer , in . ' ; ' ' Dry Goods, Notions, Clothing, Shoes, Hats, Groceries &o : COLUUBUS, N. C. GLARS Log Catiin Inn STEARNS, N. C. OPEN ALL THE YEAR. v. Mrs, D. E. Cunningham, Prop. Correspondent of Th. Nw. Mr. J. 6. Page made ;a business trip to Try on last Thursday. Mr. C. P. Erwin has moved qear ureer, o. u. 1 Mr. Milo Foster moved into his new residence near Landrum re- A " . . csnwy. Mr. Roy Morcran is repairing the cottage vacated by J!r. u. r . flfr. Jin Pttiater is now occu nvitj the cottage vacated by Mr. I bb Price, who moved to Ashe- I v ... - N i ' - ; y tie recently; I Misses Fannie and Ophelia Mor gan Of the Asheville Normal and Industrial spent the holidaya with them parents, Mr. and Mrs. UW. MdrganT f2 ' ? " - A Wedding of much interest in this section was solemnized lasi Wednesday evening when in very impressive ceremony oy Rev. Mr. Jditchell of Landrum, Miss Coritine Ladshaw the charm? ing daughter of Mr. and Mrs. P. T. Ladshaw, became the wife 9f Mr. Walter Daniel, - One of Lan- drum's most popular mail carriers The jtmny friends o the happy youngqouple extend., to them their hearty felicitations and best wishes. X Mrs. E. B. Hill ist this Week. T day for Birmingham, Ala. New subscriptions are always acceptablerenewals too. Writing-paper vandr envelopes for sale at the News office. What were you toting in that bucket, mister, Sunday night?. Sheriff A. L. Hill made the News a pleasant visit Monday. Commissioner J. W. Kennedy. of Tryon, was ii Jtown Monday.. Town Marshal R. F. McFarlaiid is busy this week repairing the walks. x Mrl Yates Arledge was in Cam- pobello several days last week on business. r. t Buying land ? Good offering in fine farming land on this page- look it up. Mr. James Early, Polk County Surveyor rJs now a subscriber to the News. Go to F. E. Allred's Jewelry Store in Rutherford ton when your watch needs fixing. Mrs. R. A. Leonard of Lynn, is visiting at her sister's, Mrs. W. B. Arledge, this week. Mr. W?B. Edwards of ill Spring was a business visitor to the 'News office Monday. Dr. VM. C. Palmer of Tryon passed through Columbus Tues day en route to Mill Spring. Mr. C. C. Hampton, now of Landrum No. 1, . came to town Monday to chat with his friends. Popular "Music Teacher severe her connection. - with Columbus High School., , f ; Miss Garnette Williams, who. for the past two years has : been at the head of the music depart-. ment of Columbus High School, has severed her. connection ithN that institution and accepted ' a like position in a high school at Linwood, N. C. The friends of Miss Williams and of our High School regret exceedingly 'that the music class here was not large enough to justify her staying through the remainder of this school term at least. Miss Williams possesses excep tional musical talent and that she will make a success in her new field is the prediction of her many friends in this county. ' POUND PARTY, AT McFARLAND'S. 100 Acre Faro Fcr Silt 40 acres under cultivation, acres good bottom land. Good 6-room house, also 2 barns and outbuildings, all m first-class condition. Situated 14 miles from railroad, 1 mile from church, ,2 miles from pchoolhduse. Price and terms Reasonable; Apply to C. D: ELUOTTE. ; klumbus, N. C. BUR Open a Safe of the Ordinary Kind with Ridiculous Ease. They very seldom care-to tackle burelar-Droof vaults like thosein The Bank of Tryon. The wise man will; therefore, open up an account there and thus put his money where it is beyond the reach of burglars. The less you have the less you can afford to lose it. V THE; BAN E 0 F TRYQN ORR & COMPANY TRYON, N. C. . ' Groceries, Bry Goods, Notions . Shoes, Crockery, Glassware Enamel and Tin Ware lue Flame": Oil Stoves, Etc.. vEtcf IMPROVED AND MMPPOVED f FARUS FOR SALE In Tracts of 40 to 200 -Acres 5 Cash or Easy Payments. L H. CLOUD Real Estate Columbus, N. C. THE BEST WATCH REPAIRING Calls for the Best Material, BesUWorkmen, Best Tools Uo tiare all these - Give us a trial. batches. Clocks, Jewelry, Stationery, Etc. ; '- - - ' FRED F. ALLRED'S Jewelry, Stationery and Art Store, RUTHERFORDTON , B. C. OHN O.T.BAYNARD COTTON 6UYER ' Pays the Highest Market Price See him before selling. ' LANDRUM, S. C X ;-- -' -- - -. I T BbQTH JEWELER - L ANTRUM, S. C. Fine Watch 'and' Clock Repairing a Specialty Prices reasonably.'.-; Work guaranteed x :. ,x l ,,. :.;s'v.y!:- .-- ' f $hpjJn WsnTs Store near Depot Istlei cl Sail dtglEia Drlpie. BY VIRTUE OF THE POWER CON tained In a certain tnvrtgag? executed by R. 1L Henderson and wife, SvL. Henderson to F. A. Thompson on the 26th day of March, 1910, to secure a certain note hi the sum of $275. of eren date herewith, which mortgage is of record in book No. 6at page 270, of the records of Mortgages for ' Polk County, and default having been made in the paynu nt ofaid note; therefore, f for th purpose of satisfying said not, interiit and costs, the undersigned will on, Monday, January the 1 6th, 19 I; within the legil hours of sale, offer for aale to the highest bidder, at -the courthouse door in Columbus, North Caro lina. the lands conveyed by said mortgage, which are described aa follow: That piece or-parcel of land lying and being in the Township of Tryon, County of Plk and State of North CaraUna and 4 known and designated as follows: ; Joining the lands of Bell Rhodes andAthrs; beginning at a stake running N. tj deg. E. is poles to a stake; thence S. 87deg. W. to poles to ; a stake; thenceK 33 t-ydeg, W. 10 1-2 poles to a stske; thence S. 75 deg. E. 13 poles to the beginning, contaiamg 3 4 f au' acre. " Terms of said sale are cash. . " This the 12th day of Dec., I9lr x A. THOMPSON; 4 "A Mortgagee.' Pr SHtPMXTJ & WILLIAMS, v - 'Attorneys. ' :-- . " 4 - Mr. and Mrs. Qtia Feairan. of iielvin Hill visited at MrVWatson UcFarland's Sunday and Mon day. Messrs. John Thompson and Otis Waldrop of Mill Springr were Siests of Mr. John, L. Jackson Sunday. Go The Ballenger Company and visit the cash counter to save a shilling or two on a1Tyour pur Mr.' J. RirGfUfert proprietor of the Melvin HftT Cotton gin, was a business visitor Monday in Co lumbus. Bringr your watches and clocks to Booth the jeweler, Landrum, S. C. All work guaranteed and prices right. ...... : Miss Vennie J. Templetdri; of Mooresville, N. C. is the, new music teacher succeeding Miss Garnette Williams. Mr. N. B. Jackson left Sunday for Spartanburg to take up his new duties as clerk in Chapman's fancy grocer? store. Rev. . HL PoS gfeached a very large conjugation Sunday morninir. atid auite a hhmber, of young people stepped forward to accept the savior. The prices in the advertisement of the Spot Cash Store of the Trvon Hosiery Company of Lynn show that this store is looking for your custom read their ad vertisement. Mr. F. L. Weaver, of Tryon , was here Monday on business . There was a pound party at the home of Mr, and Mrs. R. F. Mc Farland last Saturday night in honor of the doubly, eventful oc casion of Jim 0rmandf8 arid Aut Newman's birthday. Nearly ail the young people of Columbus were there, and celebrated in the good old way we "old timers" remember so well. There were games galore and wit abounded so f reelyi as to make "Old BUI" ieei ouc 01 print, naq ne auena ed. Then there were things done which (believe me!) were ridicu lously sublime, and helped to make the evening a most enjoyable-one and long to be remem bered. v : The party, at the height of the frivolity were ushered into the dining hall, where -they partook of the refreshments, heaped bountifully before them. oeeKing wraps, ruooera auu partners, particularly th latter. wound up the fun, and many "Nellies" were seen home. TRYON NOTES. into his Columbus property in the near future and Mnake improve- mentsthere. Mrs. Mollie Scrocririns. nee Fisher, died las Wednesday of consumption, leaving a wife and nve cnuaren ana a nosi 01 menus to mourn her loss. Mr. Corthery, superintendent of the Tryon Box, Factory; pre-. sented each employerover viz years of age with $1.00 and those under with 50c. , as Amas gilts.- ' Robert Gaines spent the wjfeek end in Spartanburg. ..... "e... - !: The Graded School opened last ' Monday with a good attendance for the second term. Miss Virginia Butler returned' last week to Stepp, Nv C.; to open school there. Mrs. Rhoda N eal and children ; of Lake Toxaway are visiting in Tryon .';,--:v' - . - Mrs. A. L. Butler of Greenville; S. C, vinited Mrs. Butler here last week. . s evening to take charge oif tne Prince School, near Landruny while Miss Shankle is spending three weeks at her home in Mill Spring. , , ; Misses Pinkie and Hattie Dur ham of Landrum visited friends here Sunday. " -:?yx Mr. W. J. Gaines was in Spar tanburg Monday. ; . : . " . Our clubbing offer. The News and Progressive Farmer,; two papers for the price of one, . 104 KiV Issues for onlv $L00. still Mr. Weaver will probably moyel continues. We want the Pro- Old time customers of Colum bus' general merchandise store are invited to call and inspect the new croodsin various lines laid in lately by John L. ' Jackson, the hew proprietor. . -&y : T? Columbus will nave a -new postmaster to succeed Mr. v A. L. McMurray shortly, for two peti tions are already in the, field with rumoraVof another. Messrs W. Newman, and Whn L.; Jackson are the two petitioners now look ing to All the Ifecancy made by Mr.McMurrayrwho has gone! to Oregon; says Ruihor. - ,vy;, . . -No vs Advertisements "V a "'. !a'l1 f homes of all our subscBbtrs. . Renew your subscription for one- X lt.V XTonta nn1 af . 4-nio ' year W HIC.; vyo cx.tci ci vttio healthy little farm paper with it. TEll DOLLAR? REVARD For information i leading to the knowledgiof the party or parties who cut tbscreens and entered the , Barhel Cottage during the summer months. - r v - Allan MacNeilu Columbus. f--v l you can obtain chattel mdjrt gago blanks, oortgage tfecda etc , afeo full lino of souven ir post cards of Polk county