I p Three Cents the Copy. INDEPENDENCE IN ALL THINGS. Subscription Price, $1.00 Per Year in Advance. VOL. X' 1. COLUMBUS, POLK COUNTY. N. a. THURSDAY, JANUARY 19, 1911. , NQ. 36. i -r 1' f3S 3d Ef You Are in the -Market to Buy Land Buy it Near a Market rive Meres Fine LEBANON NOTES. t YING close to market and within one-half to one I JL-a mile of Post-office, good Schools, Churches and Ij Court House. On main road through County, an4 with- ? in one and one-half miles of fine macadam roads. Well i watered and well timbered. This property has been off the market for 50 years. Will cut into tracts to suit stonier and give reasonable terms. Price very low. This land is well adapted to all farm products. Correspondence of The News. Mr. J. M. Powell made a busi ness trip to Rutherfordton Satur day. Mr. J. T. Edwards took bis brothers, Messrs. George and Lad, to Landrum, S. C, Thurs day, where they boarded the tram for Oklahoma. Mr. Barrett Womack and sis ers, Minnie and Vick, spent last L'uesday evening at Mr. J. C. Powell's, and a few others called there at night, and all enjoyed a singing. Mrs. Tom Womack visited the parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ruppe, the past week, returning Friday. Mr. Tom Moore attended pray er meeting at Lebanon Church Sunday evening. The young people of this sec- t'on enjoyed a singing at Mr. J. C. Powell's Sunday night. Our people like to sing, and sing ng helps to drive the dark . clouds from our hearts and makes us appreciate more the beautiful things God has made. Success to the News. "Rag Doll." I COLUMBUS COLUMN f I Personal and General I 4 & Address k las Una EiNGElR OR i SLnn , L.'HILL TRYON, - NORTH CAROLINA w mi IP Road and Other Improvements Contemplated In this Section 'M(?MMH8mMtMimMMMMMHMHMHinMMMUIIMt 31 Com to And inspect the best brand of shoes ever made to fitfeet-The MORRIS SHOE. We have them in all sizes-for Ladies, Gentlemen, Boys, Girls and Infants. Also special Farmer's shoe. Prices right. New Line of DRY GOODS and NOTIONS Log Cabin Inn STEARNS, N. C. OPEN ALL THE YEAR. Mrs, D. . Cunningham, Prop. Our clubbing offer, The News and Progressive Farmer, two papers for the price of one, 104 big issues for only $1.00, still continues. We want the Pro gressive Farmer to go into the homes of all our subscribers. Renew your subscription for one year to the News and get this healthy little farm paper with it. REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE CAROLINA STATE BANK At Saluda, in the State of North Carolina, a the close of business Jan. 7th, 1911: RESOURCES. Loans and discounts $20 148 41 Overdrafts, unsecured 44 1 1 AH other stocks, bonds an 1 mori- gages 2 500 00 Banking Houses, $i,2;o; Fur- nliure and Fixtures, $1,000 . 2 250 00 Due from Hanks and bankers. I 310 02 Cash items '.. 78 35 Gold com 400 00 Silver coin, including all minor coin currency 629 79 National bank notes and other U.S. notes 748 00 Total 28 138 68 LIABILITIES. Capital stock $ 5 000 00 Surplus fund 500 00 Undivided profits, less current expenses and taxes paid 936 98 Bills payable I 5 00 Time cettificates of deposit... 4 920 10 Deposits subject to cht-ck 15 043 34 Cashier's checks outstanding. 238 20 Total 28 138 00 J off ft L. JqcKSOfJ Dealer In Dry Goods, Notions, Clothing, Shoes, Hats, Groceries &c COLUMBUS, N. C. "BURGLARS Open a Safe of the Ordinary Kind with Ridiculous Ease. They very seldom care to tackle burglar-proof vaults like those in The Bank of Tryon. The wise man will, therefore, onen up an account there and thus put his money where it is beyond the reach of burglars. The less you have the less you can afford to lose it. THE BANK OF TRYON J 0HN ORR & CO M PAIN Y TRYON, N. C. Groceries, Dry Goods, Notions Shoes, Crockery, Glassware Enamel and Tin Ware Blue Flame Oil Stoves, Etc.! Etc. 100 Acre Farm For Sale. 40 acres under cultivation, 14 acres good bottom land. Good 6-room house, also 2 barns and outbuildings, all in first-class condition. Situated 14 miles from railroad, 1 mile from church, 2 miles from schoolhouse. Price and terms reasonable. Apply to C. D. ELLIOTTE, Columbus, N. C. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, County of Polk, ss: I, h. B. Lane. cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to tlie best of my knowledge and belief. H. lb LANE, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 14th day of Jan., 191 1. I. D. MORRIS, Notary Public. Correct Attest; W. C ROBERTSON, Q C. SONNER, M. A PACK, Directors IMPROVED AND UNIMPROVED FARMS FOR SALE In Tracts of 40 to 200 Acres Cash or Easy Payments. L H. CLOUD Real Estate Columbus, N. C. NOTICE OF RE-SALE. O.T. BAYNARD COTTON BUYER Pays the Highest Market Price See him before selling. LANDRUM, S. C. J. T. BOOTH JEWELER - LANDRUM, S. C. Fine Watch and Clock Repairing a Specialty Prices reasonable Work guaranteed BY VIRTUE OF THE POWER VEST ed in me by a decree of the court in a special proceeding entitled, "Li ndsey Thorn e al, ex parte," by which it was ordered that the estate of the late James A. Thorn be sold for partition among his heirs, as tenants in common, and by an order of resale, the bid at a former sale having been raised ten per cent, within twenty days after date of sale, I will on Monday, the 13U1 day of February, 191 1, at I p.m., at courthouse door in Colum bus, re-sell at public auction to the highest bidder land lyin and being in the State of North Carolina and County of Polk and de- I scribed as follows: Tract No. 3. Beginning at a pine on side of road; thence S. 75 deg. W. 195 poles to a post oaU; thence N 80 poles to a post oak; thence N. 45 deg. E. 14 poles to a pine (dead); thence N. 80 deg. V. 20 poles to a black oak, Prince's old coiner, and across Columbus road; thence N. 20 deg. E. 30 poles to s. bluck oak, Prince's corner; thence S. 85 deg. E. 18 poles to a pine stump, Hamilton's line; thence - with said line S. 25 deg. E. 150 poles to a pine, Hamilton's corner; thence N. 65 deg. E- 54 poles to a stake and pointers in Spaitanburg road; thence with said road S. 31 deg. E. 110 p. to the beginning, containing 114 acres more or less. Terms of sale one-third cah on date of sale, one-third in six months and the balance in twelve months from said date, being op tional with purchaser as to payment of the entire purchase price within the twelve months. This the 14th day of January, 1011. J. M. LEWIS, Commissioner. E. B. CLOUD. Atty. Shop in Ward's Store near Depot Mrs. E. B. Hill is improving. Mr. J. G. Hughes is suffering with neuralgia. Have you renewed your sub scription to the News? Atty. and Mrs. J. E. Shipman were in Raleigh last week. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Arledge were in Landrum Monday. Mr. J. T. Hutcherson visited relatives in Inman Sunday. Mr. L. H. Cloud is busy writ ing up insurance this week. Mr. M. N. Hall of Tryon, No. 1, was in town Monday on busi ness. Mr- Knox Whitesides visited relatives at Big Level last weekend. Mr. J. F. Carruth of near Lan drum was a business visitor here Monday. Mr. D. F. Shields., of Melvin Hill was a business visitor here Tuesday. Atty. B. F. Williams and Miss Ina E. Jones spent Saturday in Landrum. Messrs. B. L. Ballenger and A. L. Hill of Tryon were in town last Friday. Mr. F. A. Thompson of Hen derson County, was in town Mon day on business. Messrs. N. T. Mills and C. D. Elliotte were business visitors in Tryon Saturday. Mr. F. B. William3 returned Tuesday from a business trip to Birmingham, Ala. Go to F. F. Alfred's Jewelry Store in Rutherfordton when your watch needs fixing. Messrs. F. M. Burgess and R. F. McFarland were business vis itors in Tryon Saturday. I Miss Lizzie Page, who was quite ill last week with tonsilitis, is up and at her studies again. Mr. C.C. Hampton of Landrum No. 1 was shaking hands with old friends here Sunday. Mr. B. A. Freeman of the U.S. Revenue Service was in town on official business last week. Snow storms and overshoes go togetherall sizes at John L. Jackson's store in Columbus. Mr. Leander Jackson of Mill Spring is visiting at his son's, Mr. John L. Jackson, this week. Ballenger's cash counter is a permanent institution at which goods are sold at wholesale prices for cash. Mr. Clarence B. Elliotte of Mill Spring No. 1 is visiting at his father's, Mr. C. D- Elliotte, this week, Bring your watches and clocks to Booth the jeweler, Landrum, S. C. All work guaranteed and prices right. Mr. J. P. Arledge visited at his wife's father's, Col.W-H. Rucker of Green Hill, Rutherford Co., last week end. Mrs. J. P. Arledge is at the bedside of her father, Col. W. H. Rucker, of Rutherford County, who is very ill. . Atty. Ewbank of the law firm of Shipp & Ewbank of Hender sonville, was here last Wednei- day on legal business. Take advantage of the season sale in men's suits at Tryon Ho siery Co's spot cash store at Lynn and other bargains. Atty. Frederick Hamrick of Quinn, Hamrick & McRorie of Rutherfordton, was a business visitor in Columbus last week. A movement is on foot to in corporate the town of Lynn. Petitions by many signers have been sent into the Legislature. Do you notice that smack of business on every one's counten ance in Columbus these days? Now, if we only had a black smith's shop, wouldn't things hum! Screven's mill, which is being tnorougniy overnauiea ana im proved, will soon be in running order, and cuts another step to Columbus's success we're com ing on, even if we do drag a little on road matters. Some few acres of the fine farming land advertised on this page have been sold recently, and it is hoped we shall soon see some building going on there. Speak quickly if you are looking for good land bargains for this is the buying season. TRYON NOTES. were Correspondence f The News Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Hill in Spartan turg Saturday. Mr. W. L. Wood was in town Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Sizemore spent a very pleasant day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hughes of Oblumbus Sunday. Mr. P. Q. Smith of Spartan burg was in Tryon last Thursday and Friday. Mr. Samuel Hill visited in Hen dersonyille last week end. Miss Iris Jackson went to Lan drum Sunday. Mr. J. B. Livingston is expect ed home on a visit Saturday. Mr. Charles Brinnie of Spring field, Mass., died at the 'Stearns Cottage" on Melrose Ave. Sun day night at 9 o'clock. r Mrs. E. M. Salley of Saluda was in town Tuesday. Mr. F. S. Pearson's father of Rutherfordton is with him this week. Mrs. Lettie Gaines is on the sick list this week. Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Rankin are in Asheville this week. Mrs. W. J. Gainer went Spartanburg for a few days. Mr. George Gurley went Asheville Tuesday. Dr. Smatliers of Landrum in town this week. Mr. C.W. Ballenger is in Ashe ville this week. to to is PROGRAM. The Polk County Sunday School Asso ciation to be held with the Green's Creek Church, January 28th and 29th, 191 1. SATURDAY Devotional exercises conducted by Rev. Elbert Jackson. Enrollment of messengers and or ganization. Introductory sermon by ReT. T. W. Arledge. Noon recess. Song service by Green's Creek S.S. How should the Lesson Helps be used? Opened by J. H. Gibbs. Essentials to a good Sunday School. Opened by J. E. Shipman. How should missionary interests be aroused in Sunday School? Opened by Rev. B. P. Jacksn. SUNDAY. Sunday School Lesson tanght by N. T. Mills. Missionary Sermon by Rev. J. M. Walker. Noon recess. Should not this Association under take some missionary work? By A.T. Hart. Miscellaneous business. All the Sunday Schools are requested to send delegates. Let the brethren prepare to make these discussions interesting and profitable. BY COMMITTEK. THE BEST WATCH REPAIRING Calls for the Best Material, Best Workmen, Best Tools We have all these - Give us a trial. 10 30 11.00 11. 15 12.00 I'OO 1. 15 2.00 300 10.00 11.00 12.00 1. 00 .00 News Advertisements Pay. -Mr. Claude B. Green, returning from Shepherds ville, Ky., passed through Columbus Monday, en route to his home in Mil! Spring, ; No. 2. Improve yourself and your sur roundings help to make your town better for being in it then note how easy it is to see some good even in a rascal. Watches, Clocks, Jewelry. Stationery, Etc. FRED F. ALLRED'S Jewelry, Stationery and Art Store, RUTHERFORDTON, ti. C. Advertise In THE NEWS. if 1: 4t 3 ti 1 .') I .7 .y it 1 1x1 III 'It 1 ri r PVI J