I- .1" PI C v. i Three Cents the Copy. INDEPENDENCE IN ALL THINGS. Subscription Price, $1.00 Per Year in Advance VOL. XVI. COLUMBUS, POLKi COUNT Y N. G , THURSDAY, JANUARY 26, 191k NO. 37. WW I I . . 4 . " fHwmwt i tig emu ! ,Vi n; Mm ihiuni neni n i H f f Cf You Are in the Market to Buy Land Buy it Near a Market v1 "" - i " ;': ; IFive jfiindreil Seres of Fine n Hi YING close to market and within one-half to one mile of Post-office, good Schools, Churches and Court House. On main road through County, and with in one and one-half miles of fine macadam roads. Well watered and well timbered. This property has been off the market tor 50 years. Will cut' into tracts to suit I customer and give reasonable terms. Price very low. This land is well adapted to all farm products. rv ... "!.- . Address 1 L. W ALL OR o u nn n TRYON, - NORTH CAROLINA R LTV Corriondene. of Th Newi. Messrs. J. T. Edwards, A. A. Edwards, G. B. Womack and Tom Womack made business trips to Ruthrf ordton Friday. . Quite a few of the people of this section enjoyed a singing at Rev. W. W. Womack's Sunday night. Mrs. Nancy Gibbs will cele brate her 95th birthday Tuesday the 24th. Her children, grand children and a number of friends have been invited to her home to honor th$ occasion. Mr. William White, father of Mrs. Ancy Womack, visited his daughter Sunday. Messrs. Quincy Powell and Frank Womack finished repairing Mr. J. C. Powell's mill last week. Three 6f Mr. C. Gibbs children of Mill Spring visited at Mr. Tom Womack's Saturday night. Success to the News. ? - "Rag Doll' Road and Other mprovomonto Contemplated jh this Section 3 HMIIMUM HIM HMMMHIIMMMIIHIMMIMMI And inspect the best brand of shoes ever made to fit feet The MORRIS SHOE. We have them in all sizes for Ladies, Gentlemen, Boys, Girli and Infants. Also special Farmer's shoe. Prices right. New Line of DRY GOODS and NOTIONS V Jowl I. jACicsof Dealer in Dry Goods, Notions, Clothing, Shoes, Hats, Groceries &c v COLUMBUS, N. C. At the NWS office is where you can obtain chattel mort gage blanks, mortgage deeds etc., also full line of souven ir postxards of Polk county. LEBANON NOTES. Our clubbing offer, The News and Progressive Farmer, two papers for the price of one, 104 big iss.uea for only $1.00, still continues. ; We want the Pio- gressiye Farmer to go into the homes of all our subscribers. Renew your subscription for one year to the News and get this healthy little farm papt;r with it. PROGRAM. imjo II. oo II. 15 12.00 l.o 1.15 2.00 1.00 10.00 11.00 12.00 1. 00 2.00 COLUMBUS COLUMN Personal and General TRYON BUR GLAR Open a Safe of the Ordinary Kind with Ridiculous" Ease. They very seldom care to tackle burglar-proof vaults like those in The Bank of Tryon. The wise man will, therefore, open up an account there and thus put his money where it is beyond the reach of burglars. The less you have the less you can afford to lose it. -, 9 THE BANK OF TRYO N JOHN ORE & COMPANY .. TRYON, N. C. : . - :: ' . Groceries, i Pry Goods, Notions, Shoes, Crockery, Glassware . -' '"'.''--sA' Enamel anq Tfri Ware-. "" Blue Flame" Oil Stoves, Etc., Etc.; Log Cabin Inn STEARNS, N. C. OPEN ALL THE YEAR. Mrs, D. . Cunningham, Prop. 100 Acre Farm Fsr Sail. 40 acres under cultivation, 14 acres good bottom land. Good 6-room house, also 2 barns and outbuildings, 'kll in first-class rnnriifinn: Sltllflfpri 14 milftS from railroad, ! mile from church, 2f miles ;from Rchoolhouse. rnce and terms reasonable. Apply to D. ELLIOTTE. ' Columbus, N. C. IMPROVED AND UNIMPROVED FARMS FOR SALE ln Tracts of 40 to 200 Acres Ca$b or Easy Payments. v LH. CLOUD ' V Real Estate Columbus, N. C. The Polk County Sundy School Asso ciation to be held with ihe. Green s Creek Church, Jinuaty 28th and 2911911. SATURDAY " ; Devotional exercises conducted by Rev. Elert Jackson. ? Enrollment of messenger and or ganization. Intrductory sermon by Rev. T. W Arledge. Noon recess. ' Sone aervice by Green's CreekvS.S. How should the Letaon Helps b used? Openad by J. tu Otbba. - Essentials to a gitod Sunday School. Opened by J. E. Shipraan. How should missionary interests be aroused in Sunday School? Of cried by Rev. B. P. Jacksau. ' ' SUNDAY. . ' ' Sunday School Lesson taught by N. T. Mills. Missionary Sermon by Rev. J. ll Walker. Noon recess. , Should not this Association under take some missionary work? By A.T. Hart. . t Miscellaneous business. All the Sunday School's are requested to send delegates. Lt the brethren prepare to make these discussions interesting aud profitable. BY COMMITTER. Have your office -stationery printed by the Polk County News Job Printing Depart ment if you want- neat, classy work at low prices. NOTICE OF RE-SALE. J. T, JEWELER BOOTH -? LANDRUM, S. C. Fine Watch and Clock Repairing a Specialty Prices reasonable Work guaranteed Shop In Ward's Store a tar Depot BY VIRTUE OF THE POWER VEST, ed in me by a decree of the court in a special proceeding entitled, "Lindsey Thorn e al, ex parte," by which it was ordered that the estate of the late James A. Thorn be sold for partition among his heirs, as tenants in cotamon, .and by an order of. resale, the bid at a former sale having been raised ten per cent, within twenty days after data of sale, I will on Monday, the 13th day ofVFebruary, itl.at I p.m., at courthouse door in Coluni bus, re-sell at public auction to the highest, bidder land lying and being in the State of North Carolina and County of Polk and de scribed as follows: Tract No. 3. Beginning at a pine on side of road; thence S. 75 eg- w ,Q5 P,cs to a post oak; thence N. 80 poles to a post oak; thence N. 45 deg. E. 14 poles to a pine (dead); thence N. 80 deg. V. 20 poles to a black oak, Prince's old comer, and across Columbus road; thence N. 20 deg. E. 30 poles to a black oak, Prince's corner; thence S.-85 deg. E. 18 poles to a pine stump, Hamilton's line; thence with said line S. 25 deg. E. 150 poles to'a pine, Hamilton's corner: thence N. 65 deg. E- 54 poles to a stake and pointers in Spaitanburg road; thence with said road S. 31 deg. E.iio p to (he beginning, containing 114 acres more, or less. . !i - - , - Terms ofv,sale one-third cah dndate of sale, one-third in six months and the balance in twelve months from said date, being op tional with purchaser as to payment of the entire purchase price within the twelve months. This the 14th day of January, 1911. J. M: LEWIS, Commissioner. E. B. CLOUDr Atty. " c Mr. 0. L. Wilson of Pearidge ras in town Monday. Have you renewed your sub scription to the News? Mrs. F. M. Burgess visited rel atives in Tryon Sunday. Writing paper and envelopes for sale at the News office. The towns with roads "good enough" are found in the woods. Dr. M. C. Palmer of Tryon was in town Sunday visiting the sick. Deputy R. F. McFarland went to Tryon Saturday on official busi ness. Note change of The Ballenger Company's advertisement in this issue. Register F. M. Burgess was a business visitor irr Tryon last Sat urday. Atty. James E. Shipinan went to Henderson ville Friday on legal business. Mrs. J. A. Cantrell of Spar tanburg visited relatives here this week. Mr. W. H. McFarland of Tryon was in town on business - several days this week. v r Go tdj F. F. Alfred's Jewelry Store in Rutherfordton when your watch needs fixing. Mr: and Mrs. John Arledge of Mill Spring Visited relatives here Sunday and Monday. ; ' Capt. CT W- learsoTi KoTsbns F. S. &nd J. K were business visitors here yesterday. Mes8rs. W. B. Arledge and Jas. Ormand retarred the roof of Mrs. Carnegie's house Monday. - k; Messrs. C. C. Hampton and E. Waldrop or Lanarum jno. i were business visitors in Columbus Tuesday. Mr; B. A. TtfatnSti of the U. S. Revenue Service, of Asheville, was iif town yesterday on official business. Bring your watches and clocks to Booth the jeweler, Landrum, S. C. All work guaranteed and prices right. Take advantage of the season sale in men's suits at Tryon Ho siery Co's spot cash sfore at Lynn and other bargains. Mr. Dock and Miss Myrtle Hampton of Landrum No. 1 spent the week-end visiting relatives and friends in Columbus and Mill Spring; . r.- PshL Come closer! We may have a smithy here before long if the birds whisper true. Cogi tate and consider what this means for our hamlet. Here's hoping! Special attraction in Tryon last Saturday judging bythe general exodus from Columbus in that direction. Most everybody went, and some of us left our corn at Screven's mill, which is now run ning daily, to be ground. Talk good roads with everyone you meet; think of good roads by day and dream of them when you i . . i , . i . aon c tmnK; out ireeze to your pocketbook when about to be touched and we'll continue trav Corret pondance of Tha Nawi V ,J Mr. 1: and Mrs. "Rankin, who have been spending several days in Asheville, returned Saturday. Mr. J. L. Hart, of Saluda, vis ited in Tryon Sunday. Mr. T. C. Mills was in town Sunday and Monday. ; . Miss Pinkie Gash of Etawah, N. C, spent Sunday with her brother, Mr. G. A. Gash. . Messrs. J. C; Fisher and J. B, Livingston returned from Raleigh Friday and stayed here till Mon day. Mr. A. H. Williams of Saluda was in town over Sunday. - Mr. Holden's house caught on fire Tuesday morning. Not much damage done, but it gave him quite a little shock. Sherhf A. L. Hill was in Ashe ville Tuesday. Misses Clara and Frances Bell gave a dante at Oak Hair on Wednesday night. What is Tryon And vicinity com ing to when it is unsafe for one to travel after nightfall up and do wn, the rai Iroad ? Last Satur-. day night three of ouryoung men were coming up the tracks and c were shot at rom ambush just -outside the, corporation. How long is this to last? Dr. Dodson preached in the Methodist Church Sunday morn ing. Miss Bryant, of New York, a cousin of W illiam Cullen Bryant lecturei In the Melodist Church; Sunday afternoon ' Mrs. W. J. Gaines was a guest at the, wedding of Miss Hattie Hamrriett to Mr. James B- Walk er at Spartanburg last Friday night. MELVIN HILL NOTES. Correspqnlnc of Tba STewa, Mr. Will Cole is building a new house near the site of his former home, which was burned recent ly. " .I-,,- .- . - ' Work hai been resumed on the new church and w progressing nicely. Mr- Lin Cochran visited hi cousin, Miss Stacy, Sunday after noon. Miss Addie Kimbrell is visiting her sister, Mrs. Romeo Stead- man. Mr. Tom Covington, Jr., is making some alterations in bis house. The farmers are now turning their land in earnest. Mr, James Morris is making an addition to his house. Mr. .Beaureftrd Roach's bro ther from Tryon spent Thuisday night with him. Mr. G . - A. Branscom made a bnsiness trip to Spartanburg Thursday. ' v T News Advertisements Pay. eling in the same old way. Mrs. E. B.,Hill suffered a sev ere relapse last Thursday morn ing, which developed into pneu monia of both lungs. For a few days her life was despaired of, but she is rallying now, wt hope, to complete recovery under the skilful, care and direction of Miss Parker, a young trained nurse of the Good Samaritan Hospital of Spartanburg, who came Friday in answer to Rev. T.JH. Posey's message. THf BEST IVAJCH REPAIRING r, ,tt i - 1 1 ' Calls for the Best Material, .... k ' Best Workmen, Best Tools Wo have all these - Give us a trial. Watches, Clocks, Jewejry, Stationery, Etc., . V FRED F. ALLREO'S Jewelry, Stationer. and Art Store, RUTHERFORDTON, M. C. Advertise in THE NWS,1 1 t it' 4 J. I. V 1 5 V, if - n :