m . -.-. ' ' . ..... v. I ill '1 Mi iii. i . r , i l i , i i , , . . r r -.-J- r ; . - SI' ! : V Three Cents the Copy. icriptloh Prlccv SI.OO Per Year in Advance. lit ' I'OL. XVI. 1 "V ' daaterbr,MAA NO. 39. mi m':- ?;.T--r i If You Are in the Market to Buy Land Buy it Near a Market - i Five luitdri 1 v 11 Ireidf fine YING dose to market" and within one-half to one mile of Post-office, good Schools Churches and m t Court House. On main road through County, and with- I in one and onehalf miles of fine macadam roads; Well watered and well timbered. This property Has been off the market for 50 years. Will cut into tracts to suit $ customer and give reasonable terms. Price very low. ; This land is well adapted to all farm products. -i ' .v . . " Address St Li .1 L All N .v L -II .. . .S3 .15- n 1 H LL f RYON, - NORTH CAROLINA Mefcelred t theCouhty Com. jiijisioncri' officfc bt time Until ia .'clock niojn Fhdiijrt5i!l?th: fr the construction o ofMth,it tbV Vht?esidei bridge to;t cojtfitrudttd.HS follows: 5 iljs on each sid Jto;14i HiAxt pine r oi on si& 0t aj)pfpatk'iln 40 ft, long ind the waer siae 35 Jt lofip Jiu Use two benches ceTjri'Ume&t'Jbnfr' sidcund one Ridfi lb flwif 14 .fee J heart oik but douvith Jifcis j bne kringer on each tide of wcji Apptoich' 4i5; guard rail. 6m each All lumber dr tittibera muat be bf good. iouaa quality and tue work dome in a pood wofkjnaihHe thinner The Cotnmisrioneri rescue Ihe right reject Any or all bida. : - . - CI.. to B. C. G. HI Road and Othor Improvomonts .Contemplated In this Section t m mi muMtnimMiMfinMMiniMMiiMM I 4.-k And inspect the best brand of shoes ever made to fit feet The MORRIS SHOE. We have them in all sizes "for Ladies, Gentlemen, Boys, Girli and Infants. Also special Farmer's shoe. Prices right. w Line of DRY GOODS and NOTIONS JdfffJ L J0tsofl , Dealer in - v Pry Goods, Notions, Clothing, Shoes; Hats, Groceries &c COLUMBUS, N. C BURGLARS Open a Safe of the Ordinary Kind with Ridiculous Ease, They very seldom care to Itackle burglar-prooi vaults nKe moss m The Bank of TrYon. The wi3e man will, therefore, open up an account there and '. thus put .hi money where it, is beyond t. the reach of burgrlars. The less you have the less vou can afford to Jose it- ; "'-. s " " '' OF my nisi IS PEG HL JOTIGES. NOTICE. V .TaUajitenteHi ten ire of land radre or Ufa in Cdliimbui Tovnahip on watein of Nort& 1'acoltt Rlvef joining IKJ of. jrB. Cleveiind, T. H. ltsey Tallant heira ihd othera... , r Entered Feb. 3rd, 1911. v I . . ' . - Kntry Taker. 2' f - : ' NOTICE. i r RufuS Pieman enter 15 acres of Und more or less Ihtiretns Creek TAwhip, i'ollt Co. ti. C, On waters of iiuRhaa Creek, jotmasr lands of I. K. Morgan, Eilaa Caritrell and Ntacy Blacktvell. ; f Lntered Feb; 6th, 191 1. 1 F. M BURGESS, - Entry Taker. K)TICE. fin -' x'..-" GOLUUB0S COLUMN J. W, .Garrett aad G. TJVV Fbher enters 75 acres of Und Snore or less ia Tryon and Sal uda ' Townships, jxml cpuotr, I, C. on water! of .North Paeolet Rivet, lotnmg lands of HijQtofc Thinpsbn, Hstnptoo and New-maok-the Austin Newman 1 sods, and known aa the? old JacoU Johnson place aad joimngr t.' V. Fialier.. J. . rantbr apo- w. EnUied Jin, 160191. 4w ; F. M.BUKGESS. NOTICE I wiltapplr to the Sheriff of PblltCottntj; on the ist dar of Ma? ..191 1, for-deeds t the ISQlteopatk- land ur, Ttjott 1 owiisnp. which waa aaW JasL May. c r?io : lor. taxe. also the; land of E. y; Owen $ WhtteaV To wmhiPv which was. sold ,fbrtaxs in M y lot 1 910. And thia shall be t notice to 1 the public. . Ml - J- . January ayth, 1911. j ; M.;1bURGESS. AOMIWSTRATOR'S NOTICE. KOHCECr EE-SALE. BY VIRTUE OP THE POWER VEST cd ia me by alecreco the court io a special proceedaDjcentitJedV' Linasey Thorn. etl, ex parted', by whickit was ordered that the estate ot tne late J amet A, rnorn - De sola for partition among his heirs, as tenants in common, and by an order of resale, the bid at a former sale having been taised'tea pet cent within twenty days after data of safe, l-wfllbn Monday, the 13th day ot Fewaary. i9ii,at 1 p.m., at courthouse dor in CIirntq bus, re-sell at public aactton ta me mgncst bidder land lying and ueing rn thaStaTe of North Carolina and County of Folk add de scribed as follows": . . ' Tract No. 3. Beginning at a pine on side of road; thence S. 75 deg. W. 195 poles to. a post oak; thence N. 80 poles to a post oak ; thence' N45 deg. E. 14 poles to a pine (dead); thence-N. 80 deg. W. 20 pole U a black oak, Prince's old corner, and across Columbus road; thence N. 20 deg. E. 30 polea to a black oakrFrince's corner; thence &. 85 deg. E. 18 poles to a pine stump, Hamilton's iine; thence with said line S. 25 deg. E. 150 poles to a pine, Hamilton's corner; thence N. 65 deg. E. 54 poles to a sXake and pointers in Spaftanburg 'road; t ience with said road S. 31 deg. E. 110 p. to the beginning, containing 1 14 acre more tr less.. Terms "f sale . one-third cash on date of sale: one-third in si months tnd the balance fin twelve taontos from said date, being op tional with purchaser as to payment of the eikire -purchase price within the twelve months. . ...v -.: 1 ' -., This the 14th day of January, 191 1. - J. M. LEWIS, Commissioner. B.rCtOUD," Atty.- - ; Uavine analifted aa administrator of Jasv W. hctif deceased, late afftOk CoWrtyi If. C: thia ia to notifr It pcrsoiu 'Jianng dsims agabst the estate of aai deceased. ahibit them tothe unJenigne4oa or.rjeioce the 1 tth day of Tanuary. iq& or thi4iote will beaJeaded ia bar of their! recovery. Alt tnakfr'Umnejdtatevpaytaeai. v-;.j-;""- This 13th day t January, f 9m -J. HANNON PACE, Administrator ADVERTISE IF YOU WANT TO BUY OR SELL anything, -Iteep your mouth shut Hand you will keep on wanting. Tell your wants to the public by an advertisement in bur col umns then look for results. You r Watch COMPANY JOHN' ORR & TRYON, N. C. . - ; Groceries, Dry Goods, Notions Shoes,' :Crockery ( .Enamel and Tin Ware-., Blue Mine Oil Stoves,- -Etc;, Should he treated right , when it Is in the, jeweler's hands. You i would ' not; send) for a ' uack' doctor .when you are dangerously sick and it is ' just as dangerous as fat as your watch is concerned to allow s 'tinker" to doctor it I have the L Tools and Materialr ; Necessary to ; repair your watch right and at a reatsonable price Giyejne a trial. ' -' rJ"v JEWELER LANDRUM;. l Always to be Successful. Doei your neighbor ead The News? ,-' '; :'-.?fB;r:. - . Have you renewed your sub scriptibn to the Newis t) I - Sheriff A. L. HiU was in town Monday collecting taxes, ; , . Mr. D. V. Tallant feioved into his new house Saturday. Writing paper and envelopes for sale t the News office , 5 Mr. Virgil McCurry rentidhe WeaVer'rm for this year. : Get quotations on flour and feed in quantity at the Ballenger Co. , Mr. Robert F. McFarlarid went Tryon onoflicial business Tns day. ; ' ' " ? Mr. ' B. A. Freeman of Ashe ville was a business yisitor here Monday. .;.:JJr. N. T. Mills made a busi- iatess trip to Campobello, S. C, Tuesday. Mr. Forest B. Williams made a business trip to Shelby, N. C, this week.' Go to F. F. Allred's Jewelry Store in Ruherfordton when your watch needs fixing. V Rev. A, B. MacNeill left Col umbus Friday for his home in Ridgefield Park, N. J. Mrs. F. M, Burgess visi rel atives and friends in Ashevijll from Friday until Tuesday. Our County inimissignershai thexrhandStfuU br?business Mon day details in anotheT column miss iiara reagan or ureens Creek is the guest of Mr, and Mrs. John L. Jackson this.week. Attyv: Janiea:;Shipman re- cejveda fine v Beritsiurepigjast week fronihia: f otoiin Herider Th6 Columbus Order, Khights of Pythias hall in the Courthouse is soon to be renovated and put in iicstclass shape, v Read Booth's advertisements in this: paper and when your watch isvoutv of. order, hiring it along. , Goodrworkisi; cheapest ' There' is; quite aiittle v land in and around .Columbus, to be had at low. figures nowfarmers, get busy, andljaoltup the bargains. Commissioner, G,. . B; , Wotnack made us a pleasant visit Monday and became a subscriber to both the News snd Progressive Farm er.' : Register F. M. Burgess pur chased another tract of the Aold Hampton farm last week from Messrs. B. L. Ballenger and A.L. HiU. ' ' Mr, Jonathan Hill and daugh ter, Rella. of Canada, were the guests of their kinsfolk, Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Arledge last Saturday and Sunday. ' : My business last month exceed ed expectations, honest, work at reasonable prices tells the tale. Bring your watch to Booth, the jeweler, Landrum The old Hampton house on the Columbus-Tryoft road is about to be reiaired: and made habitable here's anbpportuniy for the seekers after dwellings in and around Columbus. lMrWv B. Shuman, of Cam bridge, Ohio, who; has been a guest of Mr. and Mrs. . J. ;G. Hughes the pst week, left Tues day for'an extended trip through the South, leaving Mrs, Schuman here with, her relatives to enjoy the benefits of our beautiful mountain country. : ; Rumor spoke correctly when it said our genial postmaster, A. L, McMurray, went to Oregon, but in a recent letter :to Register F. M. Burgess he intimates there's no place like Columbus after all. The "Villagers Club"; all wish him a speedy and safe return home, looking for him about the First of April. TRYONNOTES. Crrt)0dence f The News Sheriff A. L. Hill returned from Raleigh Sunday. Miss Carver and her nephew, Mr. ; Carver, have moved from Brooksicle out to Mr. Conner's. Mr. F. Hellen, of Hot Springs, Ark. , was in Tryon Sunday. Mr. W. J. Foide spent Monday in Spartanburg. Mr-J. M. Butler went to Col umbus Monday on business. Mrs. W. W, Graham arrived here Saturday to spend two weeks Mrs. Matherson returned Tues day night after an absence of several weeks. Mrs. Seaborne left Wednesday for a two weeks visit to her moth- I er j tcord Nfir zzCs r; Mrv D.aL.. $eahorne sold his box-ba)i alleys to Mr . Carthey. MILL SPRING No. 2 NOTES. correspondence of The News. Mrs. -H . P. Arledge is on the sick list this week. fMI$gmma:Mornand Lou isernvisited Miss Keturah McMurray Sunday. Mr. E. A. Arledge has gone to Tennessee to purcHase'a mule! r jfelad to see the people so inter ested and making rapid progress in 'building a new church at Silver Creek. , . ' . V ';. - , ' Mr; G. -B. Green attended .the preaching at Bethlehem Sunday. ' Mr. Thomas GearJ of .Ruther- fordton visited in this vicinity.. Uast week-end. ' " '1 While handling the material for the, new steel bridge now in course i of erection Mr. J. H. Gibbs had the misfortune last Friday to mash a fijiger. v Supt J. R. Foster visited the schools in this section last week. Mr. J. B. Rucker of Ruther- fprdton is teaching school at Mt. View. Success to the News and Col umbus High School. Play Girl. SUBSCRIBE TO. THE NEWS and Progressive Farmer the. two papers for one year for the price r7 C of one $1.00.:'- - ; " , art PaivA's . Vi At the NEWS office is where became so lame aftefestartl you can obtain, chattel mort gage blanks mortgage deeds etc alsoiuUliiof spuven- ir post cards of Polk county. IS. H ; - Meal Estate and Insurance . : t COLUMBUS, POLKCO;; NC. ihe on his afternoon timMoiidav as to make it impossibly Co jo the full route, so the poor inimal was turned homeward. ' Green's Creek towhshij) was (well represented here: Monday- among the many prominent and progresSiye farmers 6t that dis trict who Visited the News office were f Messrs.- Ellisl Walker, ThomasrA. GreGeojrjRtjreen E. Liles and Wri. McDade; : THE BST WATCH REPAIRING Calls for the Best Material, Best Workmen, Best Tools ": ' ' :' : . . , . We have all these - Give us a trial. Watches, Clocks," Jewelry. . Stationery, Etc. FRED F. ALLRED'S Je welry, Stationery and A rt Store, ' ) RUTHERFORDTQN;-H. C. V J Advertise in THE NElWSi .:4 4v ' "A r t CI , ' .1 I i f i h 'V f '4 t i 3 :i . '.1 i 1 : " i! h ! .1 f ) I: u 1 I f v; f ; T f 1 - i i ' : I-:! 1 A V