-r?i -SCyX '.iiC."-',- tarn t V'..-. 'i i. l-' x H '- i;-'- v..-' :.L -y . 1 v Threo Cents the Copy. INDEPENDENCE IN ALL THINGS; Subscription; Price; Sl OO Pcr Year in Advance. VOL. XVI. COLUMBUS,; POLK COUNTY. .N. CL THURSDAY, PfiBRUARY23, 19ii;V. -. . , j r -' - "" "r ' -z - NO. 41. i v a m. v. - m m l. ' i .. m m m m , ... . , m - m w m , -m. i n u m VIM. 1 h ROAD UEETill SATURDAY. Song and Dramatic Recital next Tuesday, i j' i There will be a sone and dra- There will be a good roads ! matic recital bv Edward Bricrham meeting Saturdayat 1 o'clock, at' of New York at the Court house the Courthouse. -All are invited j next Tuesday night at 8 p. m., to come and take active part in 1 under the auspices of Columbus the meeiing ana give uiu x-oi k. tne xixgn icnooj. Aainission 10 cents for children,' 25 cents for adults; reservea seats 35 cents, v Mr. Brigham is an artist of rare power. Tq a basso profondo voice of beautiful quality, wonderful range and great power and which is capable of expressing every emotion whether v in song or speech, he unites an artistic tem perament and unusual dramatic poweh A singer who is: also a musician, one Avbo has had train ing as a concert pianist,- and church and concert organist, he is also an actor and dramatic re citer of experience., .y ; Rev. Posey's Farewell Sermon to K. of P. Kev. T. ti.v rosey preacnea a very . impressive : sermon to the Knights of Pythias Sunday after noon, commemorating tne 4tn anniversary of this fraternal or der, and the closing hymn, God Be With You Tilt We Meet Again" made us feel deeply the fact that Mr; Posey had delivered his last sermon in Columbus, having re ceived a call to a new field in South boost it needs to become a flour ishing county. We hear on all sides of the poor condition of our roads and much interest has been manifested in their improvement, which leads us to look for a large attendance of our progressive element. Are we going to. wake up to our opportunities now and use them or are we going to sleep on and on, unmindful of our duty to ourselves, our County and our State? The meeting will tell. MAIN BROAD RIVER TO BE BRIDGED. ADDroDriation of $2000.' was made at a special meetinof-the Board of County Commissioners held at the Courthouse in Colum bas last Friday to assist Ruther ford County to build a bridge across Main Broad River, at or near Poore s rFord. The bridge is to be of steel construction, 345 feet long, (the span, across the water 190 feet) costing $8000. The Converse Bridge Company j of Chattanooga, lenn., are tne contractors. ; - - COLUMBUS COLUMN , J Personal and General r 3C Carolina. What r.onfd be more Contracts were let to. Thomas LfittW than that this, his last Blackwell and - A. M. Lynch of sermon here, should be especially Mill Spring to build the approach-, dedicated to men to whom he was es to the bridge over Green River r joined in bonds of loveand f riend- at Whiteside s place. 5 I ship? ' ' " " -' 1 JURY LIST. Following are the Hats of jurors drawn for the first and second weeks of the Spring term Super- Court for Polk County, 1911: THE BEST WATCH Calls for the Best Material,; Best Workmen, Best Toolsl First week. 1 F lones, Garfield I'ritch- ird, U J Halford. F M Gri6&. Wiu Fowler, K U Prince, Ci W Metcalf, T GTlgerton, Um Owensbv. Wa.le Harnotun..!1 C Mills. PMUosntll, Baxterjjoliuson, a aanuers. J iya f,ar9 c IheSQ - Give US a trial. B E lliastUle, G H Constant, Johw L Jack- son, J L Garrett, W t : 1 ate. C C Racksoii, Thomas KJl'ace. Y J lieoaerw)n,vv iauie Kidiocs, J B Livingstoae. J T I riwll, LimlMv WHW 11 UHendersonTU notupscm, C 15 Arnold. iStcona ween. I u .waras, w n. tvic- Frland, J D Blackwell, K T Uryaiu, -Mar corn r an urn's cfS Blackwood, W H Steams, A O Boone, j w 1V Hlackwell, Roland Roppe. J C Buah-1 - . . : -. - m, tW, J B I5onham,Nestit Wilson, James vomoirj, RVTHERFORD TON i if. C. if , Watches Clocks, Jewelry, :uiiojnery,.Et& 4 Does your neighbor . read The News? - Laurena Field, colored, was letout of jail Friday.- .v. :Atty. B. F. Willianis spent last week-end in Marion, JnI.C. - ; Bugler Mills- colored; was ad mitted to poor house Friday. u M Walker Newman went to Ruther i ordton Tuesday on busiT; ness : , - ' ; . : Deputy R. F.(McFarland is col lecting taxes in Green's Creek this week. -y- i;; l;y' ' Atty. E. B. Cloud visited at the home of Mr. arid Mrs.T. E.Walker last week end. -o Go to F. F. Allred's Jewelry Store in Rutherf ordton when your watch needs fixing. Mr. W. A. Cannon'of Lynn at tended the Knights of Pythias service here" Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Hart are now oc cupying "AllanvaJe. V y as care takers for Mrs.Barnes. Farmers will loe interested in the Dr. T. B. Twitty Drug Co advertisement now running in our columns Rev. T. C. Croker preached in the Presbyterian Church Sunday morning. He preachs here again next third Sunday. Read Booth's advertisements in this paper and when your watch is out of orcier bring-it along. Good work is cheapest. Sheriff A. L. Hill will be in i a - uda Saturday to collect taxes &s per last call announcement in last week's issue of The .News; MrS. O.Ingram, representing the Afeheville Citizen, maffe' The News a pleasant visit Tuesday, and registered at Columbus Hotel. MjTbusIneSS tastmonth exteed- en on, Joe A Davidson, C C Jones, Ixss j chrn, Chess Bl tck well. J C Powell. j And inspect the best brarid of shoes ever made to fit feet-The MORRIS SHOE We have them in all sizes for Ladies, Gentlemen, Boys,; Girls and Infants. Also special Farmer's shoe. Prices right. t ie .j-1 tf You Aro iry tho Market to Buy ; Buy It Near a Markot unteo Meres gt irtir-l-dni.:' iHNG close to market and within one-half to one mile of Post-office, good Schools. Chtirches and 1 1 Court! Bouse. On main road through County, and with in on? and one-half miles of fine macadam roads. Well : wated and well timbered. This property has been off the hairket for 50 years. Will cut into tracts to iflit' i customer and give reasonable terms. Price verylovi 7 -This land is vell adapted to all farm products. hw Line of DRY GOODS and NOTIONS JOfffJ I, JjCKSOJ Dealer in M Goods, Notions, Clothing, Shoes, Hatd, Groceries &c COLUMBUS, N. c DBUR GLARS Open a Safe of the Ordinary Kind with Ridiculous . Ease. They very seldom care to! tackle burglar-proof , vaults like those in ' The Bank op Tryon. : The wise man will, therefore,' open Up an account .there and thus put his money where .it is beyond the reach of burglars. The less you ? have the less you can afford to f. lose it , i-ry-7-& v. y- :y BEN R& " TRYON, N. C. Groceries, Dry Goods,; Notions Shoes, i-rocke7jGparesp k COMPANY y:iVy 'H'Wri'viil Blue Flame Oil Stoves,- .Etc., pertisements in THE . NEWS bring s big-results. ed expectations, bonest work at i easonable prices tells the itale Bring your watch to Booth, the jeweler, Landrum. ' Mr. N, E. Williams, of Mil Spring No. 2, was a business vis itor -t here Friday t and added his name to both The News and Pro gressive Farmer lists. , .The Ballenger Company's, new line of dry goods is extensive embracing all grades and shades. You are bound to find "what you want here and at the price too! We cannot cut on the. actual running expenses of the County, a wiser plan is to increase them by borrowing money for a sure and safe investment, county-wide road improvement i Mr. 0. J. Cope, representing the Converse Bridge Company of Chattanooga,'Tenn.,was a visitor here Thursday and : Friday, and registered at the Columbus Ho tel, v. Come again, Mr. Cope. ? Mr.N. T. Mills was in Landriam and Spartanburg Friday anJ Sat urday looking over some mules, but couldn t find a pair to suit him wants them about .7 or 8 years old, weighing 1100 each. Can you accommodate him , . : Miss Maude Ruppe, teacher in Columbus High JSchool and Misses Iris and Janet Jackson, all attrac tive young ladies olPolk County, were welcome visitors here last week and were entertained by J. D; Ledbetter and Mr. and Mrs. R.- C. Nanney -Marion Progress.: There has been a great deal of talk lately; .starting something like this: Now. if we only had a trouey line, say, irom Aryon to RutJierfordtOnl'i 4Um, Um-m!? follows. Let's buy one doesn't cost much, and saves a heap i of trouble? sometimes traveling all over town to borrow a horse. ; Thie young folks Of Columbus hada very, happy time at the home of Mr. arid Mrs. Robert ' F. McFarlandlastcSaturday night. Many : gamesfvvere played and a general air of jollity and exhil aration preAiled throughout the 5 evening. ; . Mr ana Mrs Mcitar- land do a greajigood m promoting s6ciability:amoiijg the young folks bv such entertainments as s this, enlivening, and making" to be long remembered what would other wise have een,i mariyt :a dull Address A'LLE'W OR S& L. CHI ILL R TnVOM; - flQRTH CAltOUtlA Road and Othor Improvomonto Contomplatod s In thlo Ocotion , , ftfiminiiitujmf tt Mf'T"" niii.ini..i..T Do You Subscribe io TPJE fOLK COUflTV fiEVJS?, GREEN'S. CREEK'.NOTES. t .' ... gain and the Special to Tht Xew fTle showers have horses are getting a reit. cjme A lareeconareHation wa in attendance at Green' Creek Cburrih Sunday. Rev. A. p. Juues of Campobello, S, C, "Ued the pulpit for the pastor aiid delivered an ex. cellent sermon...'' - . .."1 v The new pnlpit for the new church has arrived and its a beauty. r -Mr. J. T. Green of Tryon .No. I passed through our commonity Sunday en route from Spartanburg, I J Mr. Elias Cantrell, ur popular merchant, was in Spartanburg Saturday j on business. t Miss Lillian Cantrell; who Vis attending kqhool in South Carolina, visited her par ents last week. V! ; Mr; Vance Giles went to Spartanburg last week and purchased a pair of fine mules. , JMr. and Mrs. J. S. Watson of Campobello attended church here Sunday. t . , : Mr. T. M, Walker, who was. very sick last week, we are proud to report much improved. . , , Tne buildinpf committee have closed a contract .with the Rutherf ordton 'Mfg. Co. to seat our neychurch j s Mr. and Mrs: Belton eaganj visited Rev. and Mrs.v B. I", Jacksou Sunday afternoon. v Mr. and Mrs. Lein McDowell of aierokee, S.C., visited the former's parents Saturday ana auenaea cnurcn ouuu.j. j- Master toe McDowell was in Spartanburg last weeK,' naving ucuuu uvu. Mr. Thos. Steadman of New Hope at tended church here Suuday. The public school at Happy Home is do ing nicely underline efficient management ot wrs. xiaisy reagan. ; . i, , , DIXIE. MELVIN HILL NOTES. . CorrMpona'.nce of Tht News. Mr. Will Cole and family have moved in to their new house.: ' .. t Mr Ctori rjswter of Coolv Springs vis- ted his bsother, Mr. L. S. Lawter, last week end. -r.- i-- MAHK1ED: Sunday loth, Mrs. Nora Cal. veil tp Mr. William Riduts, by Rev. T. G. Randolph. atth home of the bride s. bro- ther, Mr. Zeno Steadman. v .' Mr. T; G. Kandofph has purchased a fine new corn mill, to be run by gasoline en gine, which will soon be put in operation. Success to The News. "GRETCHEN." '1. ;' Good roads, properly maintain ed, are moneyrmakers, and this County surely p eeds the money r are we going thang back longer lor want oi . joresigni wnen ine evidence! of v'the ,value: of, good roads surrounds lis on every side? L.et:s eet a wiggle on ana Deswr ourselves to 'catch" tip with f.the hustling , Counties of the State. ;' .Writing paper and envelopes for sale at the News office. , 100 Acre Farn 40 acres under cultivation, '14 acres good bottom land. Good H3-room house, also 2 barns and outbuildings, all in - nrtt-class condition. Situated 14 miles f rpm railroad, 1 mile from church, 2 miles 'from schoolhouseT; Price . and terms reasonable. Apply to C. D. ELLIOTTE. tf Columbus ,N. C; TRYON R. P. D. NO-1. Comipdndauee of The News. Well! Why is our mail delivered so punc ual of late? Bf cause pur carrier has another (wife) substitutes Mr.- Wm. Thompson spent last Thursday night with R. G Hamilton; declares Jt i time he was choosing a valentine and has proven it by being on his way borne after puicnasmg a nuc uujyjjr. -; Mr. Otis Ruppe hastakea his handsome bride. Miss Lillie Beachi and settled on the K. v., near iue xiaiuxnou uriujjc... , , . Haider. By G , . . Mr. Luther Durham has moved into bis new home this week. c ' - Herbert Hall of Campobello Route 4 is a visitor in thw commuuity. - Mrs. Richard Owens is visiting her san, Mr: Lindsey Owens of Tryon this week. Mr. Hase is building a new barn. ; Mr. Bale Htbdcrson is visiting in Shelby Mr! Othb Womack 6f Pearidge was a vis itor here Sunday. Much success to The News. L. H. CLOUD - , Real Estate and Instance COLUMBUS,. POLK CO., N. C. HORSE FOR S ALB. Cheap for casli. Will exchange for a milch cow. Apply h. H. CLOUD, Columbus, N. C IMPROVED AND UNIMPROVED FARMS FOR SALE In Tracts of 40 to 200' Acres Cash or Easy Payments -L H. CLOUD Real Estate i Columbus,, If.? ' FOR SA LE , 40 and 121 Acre Farm near Cofiiimbua 7 and 4 room nouses each on -'a hacre tot In Columbus For Prices and terms apply to 7 T. tl. POSBY, ' Columbus, N. C Your Watch- Should be treated right when it is m the jewelers hands. ' You would not send, for a quack" doctor when you are dangerously sick and it is just as. dangerous as iar as your waicn is concernea - to allow a "tinker to doctor it. -1" I have the Experience, ' Tools and Material, Necessary to repair your watch -right and at a reasonable price. . , Give me a trial.: ; . j.T. BOOTH JEWELER - IANDRUlIrS, 1 u J.X's. V yk. 9yyM '.-if',.:;' r i. v.v ;T-v'.-:,r .... tt'.,-. ... m if;;.; -if;... ;y.. v-'y