" . . : s .... ' .. lie i- it v Three Cents the Copy. INDEPENDENCE IN ALL THINGS. Subscription Price, $1.00 Per Year In Advancd. VOL. XVI. COLUMBUS, POLK COUNTY. N.:C. ; THURSDAY,, MARCH 2, 1911. NO. 42. m rfir . J L I I l I I I II The law firm of Shi Williams nas been dissolved by oi Nik County ProgressiTe Road Society At the good roads meeting held r-t . 3 f i. ' a 1 r st baturqay aicernoon ac tne - - . r W Xa A A ILliIt I W . 1 KIWI owrthouse in Columbus, The mutual agreement, Mr. James E.1 oik C'ljiiiib.) - x lujiitjssive xvuuii ompman leaving for Henderson- HKuety was lowing -omceis elected: J. inches, president, J. W. Ken- r'Jy, vice-president and J. G. Sbipman & WiHIanSs. organized, and thai ville Tuesdav to enter 'partner- t i -i . u. sniu witn Mr. w. a. smith com posing the law firm of Smith and Shipman. For the oast ten veara leruaum. iecietary-treasurer. ; jyir. aiiinman Has not onlv hpon The membership is open to all one of. the leadine- harriRtor at rogressive citizer.s of the county ; the Polk County Bar, but has also taken active part at all times in the social, religious and Dolitical I affairs -'of--the. County. During the object of the society being improve roaa conaitions bv sabscription. f Ways and meand were debated to the practicability ofiimprov- ing the present Columbus-Tryon his comparatively short stav with us he has .endeared himself to the hearts 6f our neonle. and in lpnv. bad instead of building a roadjing, prizes as one of his most val Wrthe new. survey, the Chair uable assets, his many warm, appointing the following commit-(personal friends throughout the tee ul live. u. r. ivcmicu , u.vx.. county, wno aeepiy regret nis Hughes. Hill, C.C. Constant and A. L. Hill, to go over the two routes and make known their de cision at the next meeting of the Society, to be held next Monday at 1 p.m. All subscribers are requested to be present at the coming meeting and pay their subscriptions so 'that there will be no further de- lav in getting underway in this. our first endeavor. Progressive citizens of Polk are invited to join and help come to our next meeting and let us hear from you. SOUS AND DEUUTIC RECITAL A TREAT. departure from their circle. In Henderspnville Mr. Shipman is as well known as in Polk Co. and a hearty welcome awaits him there by its- hustling citizens, whose gain is our loss. t Mr. Buford F. Williams, the junior member of the firm, and one of Polk County's ablest at torneys, will continue the practice of his profession, carried on so successfully by the old firm of Shipman & Williams. Colomlms fell Entertained Tuesday Higbt. Polk County Teachers Association, The Polk County teachers came out in large numbers to attend their regular meet ing at Columbus last Friday. Talks of especial interest to the members made the j meeting h very enjoyable and profitable one to nil present. The next meeting will be called by Supt. J. R. Foster. "Ah! distinctly I remember," it was the evening of the 28th of February when Mr.- Edward Brigham made his appearance be fore a large and appreciative au dience of Columbus folk and de lightfully entertained them for nearly two hours with a well ar ranged and selected program of, We have alt these - Give us a trial. song and story. Mr. Brigham s voice. THE BEST WATCH REPAIRING Calls for the Best Material, Best Workmen, Best Tools a basso profondo of especially fine qual ity, is of unusual range, and over which he exercises a wonderful control. His recitation of Poe's 'Raven" held his hearers spell bound to the end. The sweet tid-bit of song. "An nie Laurie,"an encore, closed the Jewelry, Stationer and Art Store, V'QIIIII O VOL V, UUI) tuc auuiviivvi y ; Watches, ; Clocks, Jewelry. Stationery, -Etc. FRED F. ALLRED'S was loath to leave even then. RUTHERFORD TOUf, HI. C. Gope And inspect the best brand of shoes ever made to fit feet-The MORRIS SHOE. We have them in all sizes for Ladies, Gentlemen, Boys, Girls and Infants. Also special Farmer's shoe. Prices right. New Line of DRY GOODS and NOTIONS JoqfJ L jACKSOf Dealer in Dry Goods, Notions, Clothing, Shoes, Hats, Groceries &c COLUMBUS, N. C. BURGLARS - Open a Safe of the Ordinary Kind with Ridiculous Ease. They very seldom care to tackle burglar-proof vaults like those in The Bank of Tryon. The wise man will, therefore, open up an account there and thus put his money where it is beyond the reach of burglars. The less you have the less you can afford to lose it. THE BANK OF T RYO If COMPANY JOHN ORR & TRYON, N. C. r - Groceries, Dry Goods, Notions : Shoes, Crockery; Glassware Enamel and Tin Ware Blue Flame' Oil Stoves, "Etc., Etc Abasement. u -x'rfcJ - NEWS, bring big, results. COLUMBDS COCOMN f Personal and General 1 3 . $ Does your neighbor read The News?' ' .' ' :-v'-a' Knox Whitesides of Coopergap was in town Monday. Mr. Forest B. Williams left last Thursday for Shelby, N. C. Nr. and Mrs . W: B Arledge went to Henderson ville Tuesday Sher'ff A. L. Hill was a busi ness visitor in town last Friday; Fly away, little bee, quit your buzzing and go to making honey. Mr. Ralth Erskine of Tryon was a business! visitor here Mon day, v Rev. T. H. Posey spent several days in Wagner, S. C, returning Monday. s . Deputy R. F. McFarland went to Mill Spring luesday on oinciaJ business. Atty. B, F. Williams went to Lvnn Tuesday night on profes sional business. Born to Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Champion, on Thursday, Feb. 23, twin daughters. 1 Atty. E. B. Cloud and Supt. J. R. Foster were business visitors in Tryon Saturday, J J Go to F. F. Allred's Jewelry Store in Ruth erf ordton when your watch needs fixing. f. Mr. N.W. Hutcherson, of Swit zer, S. C , visited relatives and friends here Monday. Mr. N. T. Mills traded for a fine pair of mules with Mr. Brown Nance, of Landrum, S. C, : The teachers and young ladies of Columbus High Scboolhae organized a sewing society. Mr. and Mrs. peo. F. Brown, of Pittsburg, Pa., now guests at Oak Hall, Tryon, were m town Saturday. Mr. Luther Case and family have moved to the Screven prop erty, 2 miles from Columbus, near the Landrum road. Miss Adah Walker of Green's Creek visited Mrs. H. W. Hill Tuesday and attended the recital at the Courthouse. Read Booth's advertisements in this paper and when your Watch is out of order bring it along. Good work is cheapest. Mrs. C. D. Elliotte, who has been visiting relatives in Maiden, N. C, for several weeks, has re turned much improved in health. My business last month exceed ed expectations, honest work at reasonable prices tells the tale. Bring your watch to Booth, the jeweler, Landrum. Atty. and Mrs. J. E. Shipman left Columbus Tuesday night for their new home in Henderson ville. Their many friends wish thtm goodspeed and happiness. Mr. William Jackson of Pied mont, S. C, who is visiting his parents in Mill "Spring, and Mr. Frank Jackson of Mill Spring, were guests at the home of their brother, Mr. John L. Jackson, Sunday. Mrs. John Jones, who died in Canton, N. C, last Friday, was buried Sunday in the Jones grave yard, near Columbus. Her hus band and son, of Oklahoma, and many sorrowing relatives and friends witnessed the interment. Miss Cynthia Constant and Mr. Yates Arledge were elected the winning contestants at the con test held Monday" afternoon at Columbus High School fori the best reciter and declaimer, ; and will represent this School at the contest of the high schools in Western Carolina to be held m Asheville on Saturday, March 18. Our clubbing: offer, The News ind Progressive Farmer, two papers for the price of one, 104 big issues for only $1.00, still continues. We want the Pro gressive Farmer ' to go into the homes of all our subscribers. Renew your subscription for one year to the News: and get this healthyjittle farm paper with it. r 1 M MIS 8 t 1 1 1 1 1 1 q I i It 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I til a 1 1 1 II 1 1 I i I C II ft 1 1 1 ft ft If You Are in the Market to Buy Land f Buy it Near a Market . y - - Five Hundred Acres of. Fine lariioi lai lor -Sale YING close to market and within one-half to one mile of Post-office, ood Schools, Churches and Court House. On mairi road through County; and with !: in one and one-half miles of fine macadam roads! Well watered and well timbered! This property has been off the market for 50 years. Will cut into tracts to suit customer and give reasonable terms. Price very low. This land is well adapted to all farm products. . Addresi J: L IMG ALL OR M J L L 4 . TRYON, - NORTH CAROLINA w "4 Road and Other Improvements Contemplated In this 8ection I m i n 1 1 1 ii i 1 1 it t t i i i 1 1 tt i t i i i t n it i 1 1 1 1 n it m t ted Do You Subscribe to TfiE POLK GREEN'S CREEK NOTES. Special to Th. NewR Mr. Dob Giles went to Inman Saturday on business. " , Mrs. R. L. Thompson visited in Cheshee last week. Mr. Tom Jackson and family of Catnpo lello Route 4, visited relatives here Sun day. . , . Mr. Roland Jackson, and his bride, of Turcapan, S. '.., are visiting tne former's pareuts thift week. t Mr. T. E. Walker 19 about to remodel his dwelling. Miss Ila Green, who has been visiting her sister,. Mrs. B Giles since Xmas, ex pects to return home to; Boiling Springs, h. L., this week. r MILL SPRING Noi 2 NOTES. Correspondence of The Nejpvs. Mr. and Mrs. John Martio are visiting the latter'i parents this week, f Miss Mary Williams and Mr. Virnie Con. stant were happily married last Wednesday evening. I Mr. E. A. Arledge went t to Spartanburg last week on business. . Mr. J. B. Rucker visited his parents in Rutherfordton last week end. . tr - . :' Rev. Z. V. Thompson preached his sec ond sermon at Mt. Lebanoai last Sunday. Glad to know of him being devoted as a minister and hope to hear of great good being worked through his efforts. Mrs. Kinc Corn has been paralyzed for the past week and it teems there is no hope for her. I - - . , Hello, Gretchen! When and where will we meet to play? I m going to play with Ragdoll. .. , T irX,AYG!RI, 100 Acre Farm For Sale. 40 acres under cultivation, 14 acres crood bottom land. Good f-room house, also 2 barns and outbuildings, all in first-class condition. Situated 14 miles from railroad, 1 mile from church, 2 miles ; frbm schoplhbuse. Price and terms reasonable. Apply to C D. JELLIOTTE, . Columbus, N. C MELVIN HILL NOTES. Correpouaenc of The NeWs. Randolph's new mill is now running six ! days in a week. Another new residence is beinor bui't here, lo be occupied by Mr. Loren Johnson and wife. Mr. Ben Morris has purchased a fine new rubber tire buggy girls get on your win ning smiles. When a young man wants his "pop" to ive him a hoy reckon what that means? Mjss Cora Westbrooks, who has been vis- iting in Converse, S.C., bs returned hon.e. Success to The News. "Big Fifty' LEBANON NOTES. Correpondence of Th New. The manj' friends of Mr. Quincy Powell will be glad to know that he was able to leave the Hospital last Saturday the 25th. Mrs. Nancy Gibbs, an aged lady who lived near here, died Sunday morning about four o'clock. " ' Rev. W. W. Womack was called away Sunday morning to join in the bonds of matrimony Miss Minnie Smith and Mr. C. Williams As Miss mnn was once ft rest- dent of this place; we offer the congratula tions of the community Messrs. Otho, Barrett and Miss Minnie Womack atteuded.u'ch at Big I-evel Sun day mormng. . Rag Doll. FOR SALE 40 and 121 Acre Farms near Columbus 7 and 4 room bouses each on a -acre lot In Columbus For Prices and terms apply to T. H. POSEY, t ' Columbus, N. C. L. H. CLOUD ' Eeal Estate ani Insurance COLUMBUS. POLK CO., N. C. HORSE FOR SALE. Cheap for cash Will exchange for a milch cow. Apply L. H. CLOUD, Columbus, N. C. FORECLOSURE SALE. ' Notice is hereby given, that the Hender- sonville Grocery Company will, on the 5U1 , day of April, 191 1, at the Courthouse door, in Columbus, County of Polk, offer tor sale, and sell to the highest bidder by Virtue mi 1 that mortgage given by J. E. Pearson and wuetotne said Company, as appears . of ' record in book 6 page 219, mortgage records . Polk County, all that land described as follows: Beginning at a stake on Hue be tween Dr. Satly, and A. J. Reich on bound-, ary of Landrum road and running Ni rth 340, 30" L. 5.25 chains, the ce South 450 L. 3.25 chains, thence S. 66 to' West 4. 15 ' chains, thence South 21 West 1. 45 chains, thence N. 340 West I.30 chains. Improved by a frame building and con. taining one acre more or less, and being tht same land conveyed by A. J. Reich and and wife Linda G. Reich to J. E. Pearson by deed dated the 21st day of September, 1907, ana wno is recoraea in xxk .23 at page 256 of tht records for deeds for ' Polk County. '' ; . . Tins sale is intended to satisfy a note for f 200.00' secuVed by said mortgage with in terest, cost and expenses. . - . ' Ibis the 22d dayof feb ion. HENDERSONVILLE GROCERY CO. Morteacee. SMITH & SCHENCK, Attorneys. Your Watch Should be treated right when it is in the jeweler's hands. You would not send for a quack" doctor when you are dangerously sick and it is just as dangerous as far as your watch is concerned to allow a "tinker" to doctor it. I have the Experience and Material, : Necessary to repair your watch' riht and at a reasonable price. Give me atrial - v J 0BOPTH f JETWELER - LANDRUM. S C. Writing paper and envelopes for sale at the News office i f 1 ; if 1 J; 1 Ml w 1 i 1 v A i I I V i t "i 1 1 !:i ' 1 v-