"7 7 ft .e Three Cents the Copy. INDEPENDENCE IN ALL THINGS. vfv ;. Subscription Price, SI.QO Per Year in Advance. L. XVI. COLUMBUS, POLK COUNTY. N. C THURSDAY.mAROH 9,: 19ii; .NO. 43. if Vfr? rffp riCrvKr 'sv :i . i 90 We hrth Carolina Interurban Railroad Company Will Build One For Us' If We.Subscribe For Survey. tromoters9 Survev No Good In hrvey Contemplated by Company to run from Tryon to Kutherforaton Will cost about $5000, B uilding A Road Messrs. Geo. L. McKay, gener- Jmanager, W A. Harrill, one of directors, and Wythe M. Pey- , chief engineer, of the North rolina Interurban Railroad Co., ited Columbus Tuesday and died a citizens' meeting that 'grit to present a proposition them whereby they could get railroad. The heavy downpour rain kept most of - the citizens home, but the few who biaved weather and came to the Jourthouse gathered around the ;ove in an informal way and lis med attentively to Mr; McKay's rief outline of the Company and ;s projects. Before submitting is proposition he wished it to be learly understood that he, -was ot a 'promoter, butsimply acting s a representative rof his Com any in search of practicable places to build railroads His 6b- ect in corning herewas for this eason and to find out if we really tvant a railroad; if so, his terms re very simplesubscribe for a ractical preliminary and location will not be undertaken and the subscribed money will not be called" for. Mr. McKay, speaking for the Company, emphasized the point that the railroad would be built if survey uwas made. What Are We doing To Do About It? j . Jt is now up to us whether or ,n.ot we, want a railroad to come through this town, from Tryon to Rathcrfordton and there connect with the main line of the North Carolina Interurban, - running from Gastonia to Asheville, and touching the lines of the South ern, the Seaboard and the C. C. and 0., 'opening .this country to the tourist, ahd givi-ng Us an. easy outlet to all points. . Even if our previous experi ences with railroad promotion did dissolve into transparent gold bricks vf e cannot .t afford to let tiis opportunity go-by, but. takc hold of it as eagerly as we did the others ".and with the same hopeful nesBKat'success attend our efforts. We must keep peg gmg to wm, --- , Urvey to build by (previous Slir- Try&j ftHoslasticxOYer New Road, Jveys gottenup for promoters are worthless) , and if, inHis ' judg-J ment, the line would be -a profit able one, he would report so to the syndicate and the money for its construction would-be forth- i coming immediately alter survey wasmade. If he -cannot report favorably on the road the survey The railroad committee held a meeting in. Tryon yesterday, a large representation of thai town being present. Tryon citizens are very enthusiastic about the newVoad and are' ready to-meet witty other committees along .the proposed route to appoint, com- ( Continued on last page, first column. ) THE BAIXENGER COMPANY TRYON, N. C. ''- 'v--' Is receiving. IndiaijLinons, Flaxons, Ginghams, Bercales, u Spring' Jjawns, . Etc.' ; yy. , vN-, ... We are already displaying Spring Oxfords for. Men, Women and Children. Apply for prices on Flour, Cotton Seed, " Meil, Hulls, Etc. in Quantity. THE BALLENGER COMFY For Everything I TRYON, N. C. ' For Everything 4i BURGLARS Open a Safe of the Ordinary Kind with Ridiculous Ease: They' very seldom care to tackle burglar-proof vaults like thb&e in The & ank of tryon. rne wise man will, therefore, open up an account there and 'thus put his money Where it is beyond the - reach of burglars. The less you have the less you can afford to lose it. THE BA.NK OF TRYON JOHN ORR & COMPAN Y . n . ; . - TRiUJN, JN. U I COLUHBO COLUMN 1 I -Personal ani General ; I Does your neighbor , read The News? ; Allaboardf. Ding! ding! Step lively. - Sheriff A. L. Hill was in town Friday. Senator James C. Fisher was in town Monday. X Nothing short of a railroad will arduse us to activity. Mr. Dock Hampton of Landrum No. 1 was here Sunday- -V Attys E, B. Cloud and B. F. Williams went to Tryon Tuesday. Dr. Earl Grady , C the County physician, visited the' jail Friday. Mr. Terrell Gree'n of Millspring was a business visitor here last rriqay. Mr Walker , Newman spent Sunday and Monday in Ruther fordton. Mr: W. C. Hague of Millspring made Ihe News a pleasant visit Monday. Expert watch and clock repair er F.F. Allred, jeweler, Ruth erfordton. : Mr. . H: E. Thompson of , JVIill spring No.l is another new name on our subscription list. Messrs. Case & West, our en ergetic lumbermen, nave pur chased another saw mill. Rev. T. C. Croker of Forest City paid the News editor along and pleasant visit Friday. .. ,;. Mr. C. D. Elliotte.who has been spending several days at hij farm at cooper uap, returned -ftipnaay. Messrs. Yates Arledge,! James Onnand, Lester Lemons and Ray Arledge went to Sandhill Satur day. . ; Mr. Joe Hart, who occupiesthe Barnes place, went to Hender sonvrlle Sunday and returned Tuesday. - Mr. C. E. Page, our. well known mail carrier, wants to buy a horse fetch your animal around some evening. Read Booth's advertisement in this paper and when your watch is'--out of order bring. it'-along.4 Good work lSLcheapest. Mr. and Mrs. JP Arledge visited at the home of their son, Mr. Walker B. Arledge, on Lan drum Route No. 3, Sunday. While we are waiting for that railroad through Polk thattseems a certainty now let's hustle and have a good pike road to run 'alongside" gf it. . . The railroad through Polk looks like a sure thing nowkeep up hope, faint-hearts! Remember, hoping is having, if there's suf ficient gumption behind it. Even the prospects of a rail road makes Columbus hum it's the same old tune and is entitled t'lf !" There's another tune very similar, "Some Day, Some Time." 0 . Work on the new McMurray house has again been resumed, and under the skilful hands of Messrs. L. H. Cloud, W. B. Ar ledge and James Ormand will be rushed to completion. ; -Any intelligent person may earn-a good income corresponding for newspapers; experience un necessary. Send stamp for full particulars. Empire Press Syn dicate,. :Middleport, N. Y. Our clubbing offer, The News and Progressive Farmer, two papers for the price of one, 104 big issues for only $1,00, still continues. We want the Pro gressive Farmer to go into the homes of all our subscribers. Renew your subscription for- one year to the News, and get this healthy little farm paper with it. HIlH..............i.i.i.................t..........,...HJ - V -5" ' a. ' If You A ro in the Rlarkpt to Buy Land Buy it Near aT-Tarkot l IS JEundrpd Meres fit line YING close to market and within one'-balf to one 5 mile of Post-office good Schools, Churches and Coiirt House. On main road through County, and with in dite and one-half miles of fine macadam roads. ;Well Watered and well timbered. This property has been off the market for 50 years. Will cut into tracts to suit cu!l0mer ond ?ive rea!3ble l,, Price very Io. This land is well adapted to all farm products. i - . Address St- 'is L S1 ALL OR .HI feTRYON. - NORTH CAROLINA R L L L Road and Othor llTlprovplTlohto, Oontomplatod j In this 'Section ' HHIMM MtH H 1 1 I III I I I It I I I 1 Do You Subscribe to JE POM MILL SPRING No. NOTES. - i - Correspondence of -Tlie;News. Misses Emma Morgan ancll Loise Green were guest at the home if liir. K M. Con stant's las: Sunday. . Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Fower yisited the latter's parents last bunday. Mr. J. EC Rucker's school closed last Sat urday night with a delightful entertainn.ent. Among the many visitors present weie Mr. Rucker's .father, and lister. All enjoyed the recitations and funny dialogues. The music was real good. j Mrs. King Corn died last Thursday even ing and was buried Saturday at Ooper Gap Chutch. Rer. J. iJ. Arledge conducted the funeral service. The steel bridge at R. M Foster's is fin ished and the approaches will soon be com pleted, j 1 Miss Belle Hill and Mr." Isaac Walker Walker were united in matrimony last Tues day nioringv They hae my best wishes for their success. .' : THE BEST WATCH REPAIRING J Calls for the Best Material, Best Workmen, Best Tools W hafe all these - Gite us a trial. MELVXN HILL NOTES. Correrpondtnce of The News, Mr. .and. Mrs. Hoyle Cole have moved in to their new fcbmei hear At. Tom Coving ton, Sr. Mr. and Mrs.iMTm. Ridings. have arrived n Melvin Hill' and are now permanently settled in their,new home. The serenaie, so long anticipated, was practically a failure. Mrs. Geo. Branscom's sister, Mrs. Ross. and her niece, Mrs. Selby, of Dayton.Ohio, arrived Friday and expect to stay sometime . As (Ke result of a shingle mill' accident ast week, Mr. Lee Cochran is badly hurt, though not dangerously so,;.- Died of pellegra recently: Mr. John Westbrook eldest - son- of Mr. and Mrs, Mick Westbrook. He" leaves a wife and three chitctren." . , There's one young man goes f.JJp the road" Another man goes ;"Down:7 . And two go over "Across the way,!' . And one "Comes into town!' Success to Tfae News. ft Groceries, Dry Goods; Nqtions Shoes, Crockery, Glassware Enamel and Tin Death of Miss Ann Abrams. Blue Flame Oil Stoves, Etc., Etc. Miss Ann Abrams, aged 84, died suddenly of pneumonia last Tuesdayafternopn while on a vjit.at? the home of Mrs. John Camp at Sandy Plains. She was buried Thursday afternoon at the family graveyard at Sandy Plains; Rev. T. C. Croker of For est " City preaching the funeral feervke-( ' Watches, CloclfS, Jewelry. Stationery i Etc. FRED F. ALLRED'S Jewelry, Stationery and Art Store, FOR SALE y 40 and 121 ACtt farms pear Columbus - 7 and 4 room houses each on . a I -acre lot In Columbus . For Prices and terms apply to , T. H. POSEY, : Columbus N. Ct Gil ETCH EN LEBANON; NOTES. CorrpondeBM of T6a N.ewa. . ; Rev. W. S. Cherry and family ristted In this community from Friday until Sunday evening. Mr. Otlio Womack is building a new res idence reckon what that means? And he begs to inform Tryon No. I that he docs not iit3 on irea xs.iugc. v. The "ground hog weather", continues to I. . '.X. ' alternate wua summer. Hlo Gretchea! .,Kagdll" is expecting you and Playgirl any time. Success to the News. Rag, Doll." FORECLOSURE SALE. Notice is hereby eiven, that the Hender-. sonville Grocery. Company will, on the 5th day of April, 1911, at the courtnouse aoor in Columbus, County of Polk, off erJor sale,; and sell to the highest bidder by vjrtus- of that mortgage given by J. E. Pearson and . wife to the said Company, as appears o record in book 6 page 219, mortgage records Polk County, all that, land deicriled as follows: Beeinninr at a stake on lie , be tween Dr. Sally, and A. J. Reich on bound ary of Landrum road .and running ;Nurth 34". 30'j fc.. 5.25 chains, thence bouln 45" b. 3.25 chains, thence S. 66" to7 Weat 4.35 chains, thence South n9 West 1. 45 chains, thence N. 340 West 1.30 chains. v Improved by a frame building and cos- taming one acre more or less, and being tho same land - conveyed by A. J. Keich and and wife Linda G. Reich to J. E. Pearsofi by deed dated the 2 1st day of September, 1907, and which is recorded in Book 23 at page 256 of th records for deeds for ' Polk County. Tms sale is intended to satisfy a not for $ 200.00 secured by said mortgage "kith Isu. terest. cost and expenses :, , 3 This the 22d day of Feb ion. HENDERSONVILLE XlROCpRV XXX Mortgagee. SMITH & SCHENCK. " ' m Attorneys. 100 Acre Fam Fir Sale. . 1 40 acres under cultivation, 14 acres crood bottom land. Good 6-room house, also 2 barns and outbuildings- all in first-class condition. Situated l4 miles from railroad, 1 mile from church, 2 miles from schoolhouse. Price and terms reasonable.. Apply to - C. D. ELUOTTE. . Columbus, N. C. Your Watch Should be treated right . when it is in the jeweler s hands. You would not send for- a Vquack" doctor when you are dangerously sick and it is just as dangerous as far as your watch is concerned to allow a "tinker" to doctor it. I have the , Experience, Tools and Material, Necessary to repair your watch right and at a reasonable price. Give me a trial. . JT. JEWELER - LANDRUM. S. CL-. . Writing paper and envelopes for sale at the News office, :' 74 I. : ' . 1 -I I

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