i - r fee it 11 1 Three Cents the Copy. 5n INDEPENDENCE IN ALL THINGS. Subscription Price, $1.00 Per Yfear iri'AclVance. VOL. XVI. COLUMBUS, POLK COUNTY; N. C; THURSDAY, MARCH 23, 1911. NO. 45. 3 11$ G O L XJ UK BIT S - tt TTi TTT XN " VV " (Mill ast eyi outh s " v iidvvuu yam vuui wjwh iax.es I Does your neighbor read THE News? Goin fishin time's here again goin'? Waking-up weather's here now do something. Mr. Leroy McFarland went to!,"' VV. ,,UttTmB t.l.-j... i last Friday. r Green River Monday It used to be la grippe, but now spring fever is all the rage. Mr. . John Bryant of Qrdens Creek wasnrxtown Tuesday. Born to Mr. and Mrs. John Thursday for Canton. N. C., to Foster. SundaytMarchl9-twins. take a position witk the Cham. Mr. R. F. McFarland went tolpion Fibre Co. Pea Ridge Monday on business. Register F. M. Burgess was a business visitor in Tryon Mon day. , Warranty and mortgage deeds are obtainable at The News office. Mr. Burton Williams took the rankt)f knighthood at the K.6f P. meeting Tuesday night. Expert watch and clock repair er F.F. Allred, jeweler, Ruth erfordton. Miss Delia Green of Millspring No. 2 is attending the Columbus High School. , It's much easier to repair a sidewalk than a broken leg-and costs you less. s Mr.DocH Hampton of La nil rum No. 1 was a business visitor here last Ihursday, r Steel-end swrngihg hammocks are 'now at the disposal of our jail occupants. . Rev. T. C. Croker of Forest them. City preached jn the Presbyterian The Spot Cash Store's new line Church Sunday. of shoes are beautie3 they have Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Norville of a dandy farmer's shoe, too, guar Sahdy Plains were business vis- anteed to outwear any other itors here Tuesday. GO TO THE BALLENGER COMPANY Tryon, N. C. S - For The '"XT' THE BANK ORR TRYON, EVERYTHING JOHN Ful Line Spring and Summer fer Dress Goods . GENTLEMEN'S NECKWEAR ; . Grries, Dry Goods, Notions Shoes, Crockery, . , lass, Enamel and Tin Ware. BLUfe FLAME OIL STOVES, ETC., ETC. ; Sidewalks need repairs-town needs money to make. 'em. Pay vour taxes and help your town. ' Sheriff A. L. Hill was in; town Tuesday and attended1 t he rmeet- oiingof the Knights of Pythias. Go to the Batlenger Company for everything especially low prices quoted on flour and feed stuffs. Mr. Yates Arledge visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James p cv,; rvwton v TJ am J ..Ml Now is the time to buy your spring and summer dress goods complete line at John Orr & Co's, Trydru Mr. C. D. Elliotte left last Master Franklin Williams went with hi uncle, Attorney Buford F. Williams, to visit his granthers in Baskerville, Va. Read Booth's advertisements in this paper and when your watch is out of order bring it along. Good work is cheapest. Mr. Lindsey Smith, one of Uncle Sam's fighting boys, re turned hiome from trie Phillipines Tuesday looking fit and ruddy. Mr. Cr. A. Painter of Melvin Hill made The News a pleasant visit Monday and added his name A to the Progressive Farmer list. Note the notice to Columbus town to jyy up and let's beautify the town, to say nothing of safeguarding life and limb. J:, x Subscribers are all taking "ad vantage oforjr clubbing offer m..ku.w v?iu OAne gressive Farmer is inestimable to I make at any price. Special prices made on FloiiCf Cotton Seed Meal, Hulls, and All Feedstuff s in quantity Cash paid for Cross Ballenger Company TRYON, N. C. BURGLARS Open a Sse of the Ordinary Kind wljth Ridiculous Ease. They very seldom care to tackle burglarprdof vaults like those in The Bank of TRYOty. The wise man will, therefore, open up an accountVjthere and thus put his moneyj rwhere it is beyond the reachif burglars. The less you have4less you can afford to lose i&0 OF TRYON & N. C. r " COMPANY Messrs. Alexander Dunahoo of Green's Creek and Edward Dun ahoo of Inman, S. C. visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. j. T. Huteherson last Friday. ' Harry Colbert, colored, ' at a hearing Monday afternoon before Squire N. T. Mills, was iound over to superior court to answer to the charge of selling mort gaged goods. ; ": W Any intelligent person may earn a good income coitesponding for newspapers; experience un necessary. Send stamp forfull particulars. Empire Press Syn dicate, Middleport, N. Y. -J Att. James E. Shipman of the Iavv firm of Smith & Shipman of Hendersonville, was in Colum bus on legal business Monday, and had time for a hearty hand shake with all his old friends. Miss Mary Morgan, the charm ing daughter of Mr. Joseph Mor gan, was united in wedlock to Mr, Cicero Martin.'s son, Arthur, a popular young farmer, at Hick ory Grove Church on Sunday, March 12th, and have settled on Mr. C. C. Hampton's farnu Rev. and Mrs. T. H. Posey and family left Saturday for Wagner, S. C, where Mr. Posey will take up the duties of pastor in a new field. Though distance may sep arate us from our iriends, still remembrance like the ivy clings and will ever keep green and fresh in our minds the countless blessings we derivedVduiing their sojourn in our midst . Old Man Opp. ".. . "Some ton are so disrespectful to Opportunity that they refuse to speak to him on the street and xTu-,otherg are s0 irreverent that they i n, u:a u:. u, talk of him behind his back as 'Old Man Opp'." The best friend you've got in all th' world is Old Man Opp. He pase by your bouse each day an' always makes a stop. He isn't blessed with time, of course; he hasn't long to stny. But if you're watchin' for him, he will help y' mow your hay. An Old Man Opp will help y' beat th Gloom God's line o' dope; He'll boost y' up the ladder with a fresh supply of hope. You'd better fijc those bhaky steps, an' oil your front-yard gate An don't forget that Old Man Opp hai not much time to wait. When y' hear a spooky tappin on th' frosted window pane, .. Or there comes a low-toned rappin' through th' fallin o' th' rain, Don't get frightened at it, neighbor, though you're shy of guns an' lead; Don't think it's same bold burglar wh would steal your stove an' bed. Don't let your face get scared nor think that bad man lurk outside, But beat it toward the sound you hear an' ope th' front door wide. The wolf was out there yesterday, with his dentistry in yie'w. But now it'a likely 01d Man Opp who wants to talk with You! John Nicholas Beffel, in National M ga zine for. March. Final Notice! ' To COLUMBUS Town TaxPayers All taxes due the Town of Columbus must be paid by APRIL 1st, 1911 or property will be adver tise and sold. . 0 - R. F. McFabland, ; Tax Collector. Advertise in THE NEWS. i; - - ' - ' ' ' y ) ' , .. , j, " . 'r" f '' ' ' V I Five ISiindred tes jof Fine ! f erii tai lor Sale YING close a njile of 1 1 Court House. J in one and one-half miles of fine macadam roads. Well watered and well timbered; This property has been off ;: t the market for I customer and give reasonable terms. Price very low. This laid is L. Road and III IIIIMMIIf HIMMMMIMIMIMIMItMIIII 1 1 1 IMIIII I MIMM ' J Do Y6u Subscribe REPORT OF THE CONDITION THE CAROLINA STATE BANK At Saluda, inthe State. of North Carolina, at the close of business Mar. 7U1, I91I: Resources. Loans and discounts... $18 976 36 A.11 other stocks,;bonds and mort gages 250000 Banking" Mouses, $1,250; Fur niture and Fixtures, $ 1,000. . . 2 250 oo1 Due from Banks and Bankers. ; 2 460 10 Cash items... 37 55 Gold coin. 167 50 .Silver coin, iudiidiug all minor coin currencyj. 45 99 National bank totes and other U.S. notes .... ...... 57? 00 Total...... '27 42o 5 LIABILITIES. Capital stock.?.-...- 5 000 00 Surplus fund . . i . . v 5 00 00 Undivided1 profits, less current expenses and taxes paid I 045 97 Bills payable . . . h .......... .1 5 00 Time certificates of 'deposit. .. -4 94 16 Deposits subject o check. . .... -14 388 37 Cashier's checks outstanding. 44 00 Total 27 420 50 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA. County of Polkj as: I, h. B. Lane, cashier of the above named Lank, do solemnly swear that the alxve statement ts true to the best of my knowledge and belief, . Ji. B. LANK, Cashier. Subscribed au'sworn to before me this 17th day of Mar.! 191 1. I. D, MORRIS, Notary Public. Correct Attest;! ' WJC. ROBERTSON, M. A PAi Q Cy SONNER .... Directors Our clubbing offer, The News nnrl Protrreisive Farmer, two papers for the price of orie, l(m big issues for Only $1.00, still' continues. We want the Pro gressive Farriier to ro into the homes of all our subscribers. Renew your subscription for one year to the News and get this healthy little farm paper with it. MM ff Yoii Are in the Market to Buy Land ; Buy it Near a IVlatket to market and within Post - office, good. Schools, On mam road through County, and with- 50 years. Will cut into tracts to suit J well adapted to all farm products. Address lALL OR TRYON, - NORTH CAROLINA 9thpr Improvements Contemplated In thio Section to TilE POLK THE BEST WATCH REPAIRING Calls for the Best Material, Best Workmen, Best Tools We have all these - Give us a trial. Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Stationery, Etc. FRED F. ALLRED' S Jewelry, Stationery and Art Store, ! RUTHERF0RDT0N, N. C. . HORSE FOR Cheap for cash. 'Will exchange for a milch cow. Apply L. H. CLOUD, Columbus, N.C. L. H. CLOUD Real Estate and Insurance f COLUMBUS, POLK CO. , N. C. 100 Acre Faro Fir Salt 40 acres under cultivation, 14 acres good bottom land. Good 6-room house, also 2 barns and outbuildings, all in first-class condition. Situated 14 miles from railroad, 1 mile from church, 2 miles from schoolhouse. Price and terms reasonable. -Apply to - , C. D. ELLIOTTE. Colunibus, N. C. Advertise in THE NEWS' SALE onehalf to one J 1 Churches and I I aOUf3TY f3W$? FORECLOSURE SALE. Notice is hereby given, that the I lender- - sonville Grocery Company will, on the 5th -day of April, 1911, at the Courthouse door n Columbus, County of Polk, offer for sale. and sell to the highest bidder by virtue f that mortgage given by J. E. Pearson and wife to the said Company, as appears of record iq book 6 page i 1 9, mortgage record Polk county, all that land' described as follows: Beginning at a stake on line be tween Dr. Sally, and A. J. Reich on bounds' arj' of Landrum road and running North 34 t 3 - 5.25 cnains, tlience. utn 45" li. 3.25 chains, thence S. bo 30?West4.35 chains, thence South 210 West 1. 45 chains. thence N. 340 West 1.30 chains. Improved by a frame building and con taining one acre more or less, and being th same land conveyed by A. J. Reich and and wife Linda G. Reich to J: E: Pearson by deed dated the 21st day of September, 1907, and winch rs recorded in h5ok ,21 at page 256 of the records for deeds for Polk County. Tins sale is intended to satisfy a note for $200.00 secured by said mortgage ..with in.. leresi, cost ana expenses. . ibis the 22d day ol Feb ign. HENDERSONVILLE GROCERY CO. ' Mortgagee, SMITH & SCHENCK. Attorneys. - Your Watch Should be treated! right w&en it : is in the jeweler's handsT You would not send for '&' quack doctor when you are dangerously sick and it is just as dangerous as far as your watch is concerned to allow a "tinker to doctor it. I have the Experience, Tools and Material, Necessary to repair yptr watch right and at a reasonable : price, V Give me a trial. JT. BOOTH JEWELER - LANDRUM. S C. Writing naner and envelones- l or 'sale at the News office, v R ' .-.

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