V" 'l'?.1! l!!!?!" ' '11" """ '" "" " ,,r " ! i' TM.iiriii... in Ji-i-i iV -..- v'ii--.ir.r.y ,.,r.:-nr ViinV "Si, . , I iiiip rat ft Threo Cents the Copy. INDEPENDENCE IN' ALL' THINGS: vol. xvi. : COLUMBUS, POLK COUNTY, ,H C;. THURSDAY, APRIL 6, 1911. N0.47; , ,,,:.,.. , -.. 1 'TI'X T"' ! L IllilU LUUWIIIWIWIIIKWHIJIW'I"11' ' mmmmmmMmm J--' W . .- ' , - v -W- .-W Mr-- i v . . . 4". - in in i. i i ii -i in iji. r i. i. . i x - 1 - S ubscriot ion Price. S 1.00 Per Year in Advance. ' 1 . ' l i ii Hi i i i I n i i In i i i i 1 - . : ." ' 1 i" i i - T- i r - ' ji "I ' . ' - , . . ' ' ' i. i J i i. n ii I I ii , i i i . i , , , , ., . , i , i , i - t i ., ' ..nil. - - OQLUMBUrS E. TKT m Q W " N onth t v m Does your neignDor'reaa the .; yv? this township, made4 The News a r ' i oi ,v Qf Pleasant visit yesterday and add Not e special in Spot Cash ! ed his name to both the Ncws Store advertisement. - . ; ; and Progre3sive Farmer lists; Mr. J. W. Green way of Sandy , Di,in was here Saturday. , r-. Messrs. W. G. Hill and D. H. Atty. J. E Shipman of Hen.lThon,Pson of Walkers, N. C, dersonville was here Sunday. busing; visitors here last r, i- wj mi 'Thursday... Mr.-Hill is a hustler Mr- E. B. Edwards , of Mill : k . u m, xT j v.r . ' o i tor Dotn Tne News and Trogres- SDririr was in town Saturday. . T?( , , - sive rarmer and has succeeded Mr Lester Lemons and chil- in placing several of his friends' dren left Friday for Shelby. N-C. j names on our lists. Mr. S. B. Weaver of Landrum i ve a-e glad to note the great No. 1 was a visitor here Monday, j interest taken in our clubbing Mr. J. L. Washburn and son of ' offer and feel safe in saying we Lynn. visited in G)lumbus Satur- . could not have offered to our sub day on business, j scribers a better.proposition than Mr. W. W, Gibbs of. Cooper th Progressive Farmer free with Gap was a business visitor here a year's subscription to the Newi. prjday, (The Progressive Farmer solves Expert watch and clock repair- difficult problem for its er-F. F. AllrA jeweler, Rull rad,ers and endeavors to enltght- t i.rt , en the agriculturists of tins State erfordton. , ; . . . - g. . w fr , T , in many new points of farming Mr. Jams Horn of Landrum athered from their own j. No. 1 made Tne iNTews a visit ; cal experience. Monday. ' 1 Mr. Vaiideveer of the Green' ' -' River Land Company, Spartan-; LANDRUM S. C, Route 1. burg was here Monday. j corUce of tl0 ns. Mr. N. E. Williams of Mill Spring No. 2 passed through our ; town Monday en route for Tryon. iSome time I will send you a few Messrs. H. C Waldrop and D. I items. Farmers pretty well up T. Switzer. of Hendprsonviile' with theit plowing. The Mill were amorm the Lusinrs iitors Creek school closed March 24th heie last Thursday! r, it, . . . - - j . . Read Booths advertisements in this paper and: when:you is out of order bring it. along. Good work is cheapest. 'Ninety students of the Spartan High School of Landrum enjoyed i an outing last Friday, picnicking and music by Dr. and Mrs. Eld on White Oak Mountain. Their rige closed a very enjoyable eve return home through Columbus ' ning. - rasembled a carnival parade. j v One OKlThem. GOTO THE BALLENGER COMPANY Tryon, N. C. ; For EVERYTHING The 0 THE BANK JOHN ORE t m Jm TRYON; ;N. C. Full Lipe Spring Dress Go9ds GENTLEJiEN NECKWEAR ' Groceries, Dry Goods, Notipns, Shoes, Crockery, Glass, Enamel and Tin Ware. BLUE FLAME OIL STOVES, ETC. , ETC.. ivirv kinase y bmith went to Asneviue Tuesday. v A 1 .s1 m " . I 1 Mr. "W. H. Ledbetter of Codper trior, xrUA U XT r noucu uie iews ivionaay. Mr. W. B. Champion of Well- f Ord. S. C . n fnrtviJT Ai4avtf As I have not seen anything in your columns from this place for with an elaborate entertainment that was enjoyed by all. The success of Uie studepte training -A n w(i brilliant performance. vAbout 200 people attended the exercises. A bountiful table of refreshments Special prfc'&-rhade on Flour, Cotton Seed Meal, hulls, and All Feedstuff s in quantity Cash paid for Cross Ties..... Ballenger Company TRYON, N. C. BURGLARS " Open a Safe of the Ordinary Kind with Ridiculous Ease. They very seldom care to tackle burcrlar-nroof vaults like those in The Bank of Tryon. The wise man will, therefore, open up an account there and thus put his money where it is beyond the reach of burelars. The less you have the less you can afford to lose it. '' OF TRYON & COMPANY and Summer rSkidco to l Rttuit t TrVAn.i rnn flit atmml ' J - -j".. r - The Lynn and Tryon baseball teams crossed bats Saturday af 4 ternoon in th second cbnUst oi the season. Lynn strengthened in its weak places turned the ti bles on its opponents arid won by the score of 23-1. Jim Ormand's curves and benders were mystl tiers to the Tryon batten while the stick work of the Lynn a'g gregation was responsible fot their high score. Both teams wish to hear from other nines 4h the County for the purpose of ar4 ranging dates f or a seiies of games. : ' , . : . -. -rcA : Our clubbing offer, The News and Progressive Farmer, -two papers for the price of one, 104 big issues for only $1.00, still continues. We want the Pro-, gressive. Farmer to go into the homes of all our subscribers. Rjnew your subscription for qie year to the News and get this healthy little farm paper with it. 1I0TICE Of LAHD SALE FOR TAXIS. - By virtue of the tax list now in my hands ior collection for the years 1909 and 1910, I will, on Monday, the 1st day of May, 1911, at the Courthouse door in Columbus, Polk Co., N. C, dur ing the legal hours joi . sale, sell to satisfy the State and County taxes and costs due, the follow ing real estate, to-wit: Cooper gai township. Taxes due C. W Dimdle, 3 acre 1909-10 $ ypo Z. V. Jone; s 33 "9 r 39 J. u. Lauirhfer, 55 :". " " aaa F. P.Vomtck. 60 " 8' 77 UolpU Wluteiides, 43" " I 49 WHITE OAK TOWNSHIP Taxes due bun Culbrefh, 40 acres 1909-10.8 15 Daniel Edwards, 228 18 34- R. IV Edwardt, 8 .". 9 68 N P. Edwards, 13 " 6 36 Govan& Wm. Newman 100 A. " 7 64 W. M. Yonce, 87 acres 16 29 7 52 13 7o I Of Li'HiH.N 100 1910 M. 11. Turner, 100 " AnnieRoSertton.152" " ' SALUDA TOWNSHIP Tax due W. C. Davis, 50 acres J909 $ 2 17J Edwards heirs, 208 " 199 10 12 76 O. B. Garren, 1 town lot - 36 90 Green Kier Power Co., no acres, bal. 1910 6 77 TRYON TOWNSHIP Taxes due R B. En (fie, 50 acres $ 13 57 G. W. & J. W. Fisher, 94J4 acres 5 ao J. C. Fisher & Janie Edwards, Jacre 4 45 G. W. Fisher, 225 acrea 17 04 J. S. & L. R. Fisher, 200 acre 11 98 G. C. Gurley, 2 t.wn lots 27 00 U. W. Water. I town lot ia 78 Henry Hell man, 215 acres 29 84 Elizabeth Jones, 1 town tot 3 03 T. K. Jarrett, 9 '9 H.C. Livingston estate, I town lot 7 02 W. H. Stearns, 206 acrea 244 94 COLUMBUS TOWNSHIP Taxes due 1909-10 Z. B. Nance, 287 acres 415 " 63 m 48 $ 32 12 42 06 8 76 6 04 9 20 ; 1 16 a 99 1 71 W. H. Stearns; J H. Turner, W. D. Durham, Aiieta Wilson, 79 21 Jim Wilson, Petty heirs, Elias Lynch, X 41 Taxes due 1 910 Henry Hellman, 295 acres, 46 07 2785 R. E. Morgan, 320 EKord Mor.aa, 83 It 3 88 29 6t 57 94 9 9 ti 13 ao 25 14 77 Mrs. It. M. Morris, 247 " L. W. Morgan, 236 " L. C. Martin, 8r " S. T. McCravey, 3 Mrs. Nina Webster, 320 acres, Frank Mills, 9Vs acres, : GREENS CREEK TOWNSHIP Taxes due 1909-10 J. H. Harris, 5 acres, . 4 5 J. S. Jonea. 100 ' " 5 75 R. B. Ridings, 3 44 xo 95 J.W,B.Steadman. 64 " A 39 J.'W. Walker. 100 acres, bal. 1909 I 7 Taxes due 1910 Lulu Chapman, ,8 acres, " I I 55 Geo. Lynch, 24 0 - 49 !Hrh McDoweli. lYx " i v 4 91 Joe Sibley, - 56 Advertise :ta THE NES. yHIIMII IHMKIHHI ft t tit 1 1 1 lMM t 1 1 1 1 , . . , - ' - '- T Tm Hundred Acres of Fine YING close to market and vithin one-half to one: niile of Post-office, good Schools. Churche? and ' J Court House. On main road through County, and with- ; in one and one-half miles of fine macadam roads. WeU i; I watered an well I the market for customer and give reasonable terms. Price very This land is L Road and h 7tn MIIHMHIIHHMHHMIHIHIHIHHlllllHHIHIIIIIMMimHM) Do You Subscribe Polk County Baptist Sunday School Association The next session of the Pollc County Bap tist Sunday School Association will be held with the Church at Green River, April 29th and 30th, 1911. ii ' FBC0BA1I. SATURDAY 10.30 Devotional exercises conducted by Rev. T. Arledge. 1 1. 00 Sermon ty Rev, J.-8. Arledge. -12.00 Noon recess; i.ou The object of the Sunday School. . Opened by Re. Z. V. Thompson. 2.00 The duty of the Christian to the Snnday School. Opened by Jerry Jackson. - , SUNDAY. - 10.00 Song service, : 10. 15 Why I am a Baptist. Rev. J. M. . .Walker." ..- . . " .V 11.00 Sermon: , Preacher to be aupplied by pastor, and deacons of Green River Church. r - 12.00 Recess. t.oo -The teachings of the Bible concern ing the Spiritual birth. By Rev. Elbert Jackson. . Every Sunday School "worker In the County is urgently requested to attend this meeting, especially the singers as the music will be a important feature of the conven tion. . . B. P. jArKSON, , ' . . .; For Confmittee. Have your office stationery printed by the Polk County News Job; Printing Depart ment if you want neat, classy work at low, prices. News Advertisements Pay.M If You Are intho Market to Buy Land Buy it Near a (Vlarkot timbered. This property has bees pff I 50 years. Will cut into well adapted to all farm Address ;V: OR ;.; . MILL TRYON, - NORTH CAROLINA Othor Improvomonto Contomplatod In this Section to TtjEr THE BEST WATCH REPAIRING Calls for the Best Material, Best Workmen, Best Tools We have all these - Give us a trial. Watches, Clocks, Jewelry. Stationery, Etc. FRED F. ALLRED & Jewelry, Stationery and Art Store, RUTH ERFORDTON, M.C. L. H. CLOUD Real Estate and Insurance COLUMBUS, POLK CO., N. C. IF YOJJ WANT TO BUY OR SELL anything;- keep your'iriouth shut and you Win Keep on wanting. 1 en your wants to the public by an advertisement m our col umns then look for results. ADVERTISE Always to be Successful. POUC ADVERTISE ill 1 1 1 tC 1 1 It t 1 tracts to suit J prppcts. if R 3' THE CHARLOTTE OBSERVER Every day in the Year $8.00 m Yeer The Observer consists of Io to 12 pages daily and 20 to 32 paes Sunday, Tt han dles more news matter, local,' state, national and foreign, than any other ,Norp Carolina The Sunday Observer is unexcelled as a news medium, and iaals fitted with 1 excellent matter , of a niiscel. . . jj . - . J ' taneoui nurc Awren ; . . ' THE OBSERVER CO., CHARLOTTE, -N. C. ESTABLISIIED -1890 , . SPARTAN B ORG HERALD SPARTANBURG, S. C. DAILY AMD WEEKLY Soartanhurr'i Oldest. Larsest. and best newspaper. Full of news f rotn the nrst io the last page. Entire Associated Preaa telegraphic service. Your Watch Should be treated right when it is in the jeweler's hands, -You would not send for a "quack" doctor when you are dangerously sick and it is just as dangerous as far as your watch is concerned to allow a tinker" to doctor-it. '..,1 . . " - - -, I have th6 ExRrience; Tools and Material. ; Necessary to repair your watch nght and at a reasonable price. Give me a trial. : - JT. BOOTH; JEWELER - LANDRU ji, S. C. : : : :: -- Writing: paper" and envelopes for sale at the News office. . ,1 J v 1? "A 4 - 5 . X -

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