.r -.-r -V J Ihrc Gents the Copy. INDEPENDENCE IN ALL THINGS; Subscription Pricej $1.00 Per Year in Advance. r -nrr VOL. WL COLUMBUS, POLK COUNTY, ) N. C, THURSDAY, APRIL 13, 1911. NO. 48., 111 M'UlJl j ffl'ww t u a c o 1 1 1 1 c ft t a b a i e-4 t t 1 C rj - mm Railroad Subscription. Bail Started 000 Raised at Columbus Tuesday ihoat StOOQ Accessary to Survey Proposed Road Directors w.iu icei vynn iryon and Mill Spring Citizens IS ext W eek N - E - W - S v Ul asf !fh er Co Despite the un favorable weath- A A of ruesuay i vci. .mucicaung nilrosd meeting was neici at tne .r:u ,; e in Columbus. The NV.'i'h Carolina lnterurban Messi; . Kenneth S. Finch of . i C r ... Charlotte, m-lj. .uauney oi iner- rville, W. S. Wilson of Dallas, idV. A. Harrill of RutherforjJ- tk ; members oi tne company, and Mr. Geo. L. McKay, general manager, convened' with the cit- aens of Columbus and Mr. E. K. Kibbe, president of the Green jiver 'Land Company, for the piirpOSe 01 LUI LUC SUUSCUp- jon of $4000. , necessary to make the survey for the proposed rod ran from iryon, via Coram miS d Mill Spring, to Rutherford- ton and there con n ect . wi th th e aam line oi ineir cnarier uas- ::ia to Asheville. C Mr. IIcKaj opened the meeting briefly outlining the company's fjrk thus far, introducing maps ici pronles of the main line sur rey, and v;as followed by short pporting Islr. McKay's statt Snjnts, and adding that they lad sufficient confidence iu the proposition to subscribe ior si:r jejs through their towns, which Ae citizens of Polk County must have to secure the railroad com- m through theirs. The subscription ball was then set in motion by Mr. E.KKibbe by subscribing $250. for the com pany he represents and following it with his' personal subscription for $250. The citizens of Colum bus, followed suit with smaller sums, which in the aggregate amounted to $300 .making a total of $800. raised in the meeting. The subscription list was left in "the hands of Atty. E. B, Cloud at the close of the meeting and another $10,0. has since been ad ded, making a grand total of $900. A number of Tryon citizens who expected to be present at the meeting could not come owing to important advertising matters for their coming little city in con nection with the Southern Rail road demanding their immediate attention, but the directors of the N. C. lnterurban will arrange to meet with Tryon and Mill Spring citizens next week and it is expected a large part of the remainder necessary to make the survey will be Taised at ' these meetings. ? F. M. Burgess ROUGH LUMBER v Columbus - - N. C. TO GO THE - :- BALLEN6ER COMPANY fyon, n. c. 'or VERYTHING Special prices made on Flour, Cotton Seed Meal, Hulls, and All Feedstuff s in quantity Cash paid for Cross Ties..... The Ballenger Company TRYON, N. C. BURGLARS Open a Safe of the Ordinary Kind with Ridiculous Ease. They very seldom care to tackle burglar-proof vaults like those in The Bank of Tryon. The wise man will, therefore, open up an account there and thus put his money where it is beyond the reach of burglars. The less you have the less you can afford to lose it. , HE BANK OF TiRYON JOHN ORR & COMPANY TRYON, N. C. 1 ?.uii Line Spring and bummer Dress '?Gp64svvv-S?;::kEf GENTLEMEN'S NECKWEAR Gro cedes,, Dry Goo'ds, Notions, Shoes, Crockery,, (iiass, Jijnamei ana un ware. BLUE FLAME OIL STOVES, ETC:, ETC. Does your neighbor read The News? " . f Mr. L. W. Morgan was in town Monday. v Atty. B. F. Williams was- in' Tryon Saturday. ? i Mr. N.T. Mills made a business trip to Tryon Monday. Sherff A. L. Hill was a busi ness visitor here yesterday. Rev. T. C. Croker of Forest City will preach here Sunday. The want of a railroad is the want of a thousand other things. Mr. E. A. Page of Tryon No. 1 was in town on business Mon day. Deputy R. F- McFarland went to Mill Spring Monday on official business. Expert watch and clock repair er F. F. Allred, jeweler, Ruth erf ordton. ' Mr. George Green of Land rum No. 1 came to town Monday to' transact business. Friends of Mr. A. C. Boone of Mill Spring will be grieved to learn that he is very ill. .. Mr. B. B, Jacks'on of Landrum was a business" visitor at Ci;se & West's saw mill Monday. Mr. W. B. Arledge left yester day for Highland Lake, I.'C, to accept a position as a builder. MessrsFrank M. Burgess and Robert F. McFarland were busi ness visitors in Tryon last Satur- Rev, J. M. Walker preached in t ie Columbus. Baptist Church Sunday morning and . in Lynn Sunday night. Rev.-W. S. Cherry of M'll Spring conducted prayer services in the high school building Sun day afternoon. Mrs. E. Wr. S. Cobb and . Miss Vennie J. Templeton of Colum bus High School were shopping in Tryoh Monday. Read Booth's advertisements in this paper and when your watch is out of order bring it along. Good work is cheapest. Mr. Mossy .Constan t of Indian apolis, Ind.,. passed through Col umbus Monday enroute to his home near Mill Spring. Unsettled weather, unsettled subscriptions good time though to see if your time's out. Call in whenever youare passing this way. Messrs. Lester Lemons, and Osts Blanton, who have been visiting relatives' in Shelby foi several days, returned last Fri day. Messrs. H. W. Hill and John Smith, who have been working in the Tryon posjtoffice for sever al months, returned to their home in Columbus last Satur day. . . The Case, & West saw mill now located on the jands of Mr. F. M. Burgess is running to its highest capacity again and sawing 5000 feet of lumber per day is not un usual. Orders for the lumber come in as quickly as its cut, speaking well for the prosperity of the County. When a man in search of a home or business location goes to a town and finds everybody full of hope and enthusiasm over the prospects of the place, he, too, soon becomes imbued with the same spirit drives down his Stakes, and goes to work with equal interest. If You Are in the Market to Buy Land Buy it Near a IViarket . ;; C "" : '" ". , .- : EM. x YING close to. market and within one-half to one mile of Post-office, good Schools, Churches and . Court House. On main road through County, and with- in bne and one-half miles of fine macadanr roads. Well the market for 50 years. Will xut into tracts 16 suit customer and give reasonable jterms. Price very low. This land is well adapted to all farm products; Address .1 hi L A Li OR A Lei r. M- - TRYON, - NORTH CAROLINA Road and Other Improvements Contemplated I In this Section .j y . . . - . -- 'mm m .i. 1 - - i i i i . ifT i.M'.Tnt. DoYouSub Polk County Baptist SundaySchool Associaticn Advertise in THE : NEWS. The next session of the Pott County Bap tist Sunday School Assodatioif -will be held with the Church at Green RiVfpr, April 29th and 30th, 1911. I PECGEAH. j SATURDAY j 10.30 Devotional xercises conducted by Rev. T. W. Arledge. j 11.00 Sermon by Rev. J. B. A.rledge. ji 1 a. 00 Noon recess. j 1. 00 The object of the Sunday School. Opened by Rev. Z. V. hompson. 2.00 The duty of the Christian to the Sunday School. Opened by .Jerry Jackson. j SUNDAY. 1 10.00 Song service. 10.15 hy I am a Baptist. Rev. J. M. Walker. j 11.00 Sermon: Preacher to' be supplied by pastor and deacons of Green River ' Church.' - ; 12.00 Recess. " - i . 1.00 The teachings of the Bible concern ing the Spiritual birth. By Rev. Elbert Jackson. j . , Eyery Sunday Schoot worker in . the County is urgently requested to attend this meeting, especially the singers as the music will be an important feature of the conven tion.' V" " '. I . " 1:': ' p p JAf KSoN, , For Comraittee. Have your office stationery printed by the Pollc County News Job: Printing Depart- -,--U . ment if you want neat, classy work at low prices. News Advertisements Pay. THE BEST WATCH REPAIRING Calls for the Best Materia, Best Workmen, Best Tools We have all these - Give us a trial. Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Stationery, Etc. FRED F. ALLRED ' S Jewelry, Stationery and Art Store, RU tUerfqrd TON, N. C. L. H. CLOUD Real JEstate and Insurance COLUMBUS, POLK CO., N. C. ADVERTISE IF YOU WANT TO BUY OR SELL anything, keep your mouth shut and you will keep on wanting. Tell your want's to the public by an advertisement in our col umnsthen look for results. - ADVERTISE . ... . - Always to be Successful. THE CHARLOTTE OBSERVER Every day in the Year $8.00 a jfear The Observer consists of 10 to 12 pages daily and 20 to 32 paes Sundaj'. It han dles more news matter, local, state, national and foreign, than any Tther North Carolina newspaper. The Sunday Observer is nnexcelled as a news medium, and is also filled with excellent matter of a miscel laneous nature. Address . , - THE OBSERVER CO., CHARLOTTE, N. C. ESTABLISHED 1890 - SPARTANBURG. HERALD SPARTA NBURG,. S.; C, . " . DAILY AND WEEKLY- Spartanburg's Oldest, Largestand best newpaper. r un 01 news irom llie nrst lo th e last page. Entire Associated Press 1 telegraphic service. ' ' Your Watch Should be treated right when it is in the jeweler's hands, you would not send for a quack" doctor when you are dangerously sick and it is just as-dangerous as far as your watchls concerned to allow a "tinker 10 doctor it. I have the Experience, Tools and Material, - Necessary to repair your watch ' right and at a reasonable price. Give me a trial. J.T. BOOTH JEWELER; - LANDRUM. S. C. .. ' . - 1 ' Writing paper and envelopes for sale at the News office. ' 1 -

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