"! I ll V M.j - '--.in mm Xhrsc Cents the Copy. INDEPENDENCE IN ALL THINGS. Subscription Price, $1.00 Per Year in Advance. 1. H i' VOL. XVI. COLUMBUS, POLK COUNTY, N. C THURSDAY, APRIL 20, 1911. NO. 49. n i ast outh Does your neighbor read The News? Mr. John Smith went to Spar tanburg Monday. Sheriff A. L. Hill was in town Monday on business. Mrs. F. M- Burgess was a vis itor in Try on Monday Mr. Richard Turner of Mill Spring -was here Monday. Rev. W. A. Newell of Ashe ville was in town Tuesday. Screven's grist mill ruQ& on 'Wednesdays and Saturdays Mr. Joe Forest of Saluda was in town on business Monday. Mrs. E. P. Erskin? of Tryon was. here Tuesday on business. Mr. W. H. MeFarland of. Tryon was here on a business visit Mon day. Mr- J. M. Spivey of Melvin Hill was among the visitors here Mon day. Mrs. W. B. Arledge and son spent Easter with relatives at Lynn. Mr. M. D. Shields of Melvin Hill was a business visitor here Friday. ; Expert watch and clock repair er F. F. Allred, jeweler, Ruth erfordton. k Miss Blanche Newman enter tained a number of her friends. Saturday night. Land deeds for sale at The News office also blanks for jus-! tices of the peace. Mr. and Mrs-Marvin Wilkins of Grace Chapal passed through Columbus Monday. The North Carolina Interurban Railway Co. will meet with the citizens of Tryon on the 29th. Deputy Sheriff R. F MeFar land went to Green's Creek Tues day on official business. Atty. Buford F. Williams and nephew, Franklin, spent" Easter in Shelby with relatives. Mr. Joe and Miss Ida Daniel of Landrum visited at the home of their uncle, Mr. W. E. Hill. Mr. Dock and Miss Myrtle Hampton of Landrum, Route 1, visited friends here last week end. Mr. J. P. Arledge visited his sons, Messrs. Walker, and John Arledge, at Landrum, R.I., S.C., Sunday. Messrs. Forest Hilton of Tiyon and James Carruth of Landrum were Columbus business visitors Tuesday. Mr. J. Terrell Green, one of the progressive farmers : of Mill Spring, was in Columbus Friday n business. - . . Mr. C. C. Hampton of Lan drum No. 1 was -a guest at the me.of Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Mc- . Garland Sunday. County Commissioner J. W. Kennedy was in Columbus sever al days this week on various mat ters of business. Mr. Smyre of Gastonia spent Saturday night at the Columbus ytel, while enroute for his sum mer home at Zirconia. ' Mr. Major Hutcherson went to Highland Lake, N. C, last Wed nesday to accept a position as carpenter and builder. Read Booth's advertisements in this paper and when your watch out of ordr bring it along. Jod work is cheapest. Oi l : GO TO THE BALLENGER COMPANY Tryon, N. C. For Ties. The THE BANK EVERYTHING 5it6,,pM J ft JOHN ORR & COMPANY TRYON, N. C. Full Line Spring and Summer Dress Goods GENTLEMEN'S NECKWEAR --Groceries, Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes, Crockery, Glass, Enamel and Tin Ware. ' BLUE FLAME OIL STOVES, ETC., ETC. Born to Mr. and Mrs. John T. Gilbert, on Tuesday, a daughter. Mr. and Mrs. H- W. Hill are entertaining relatives from Ruth erfordton this week. Mrs. J.W.IMewman and daugh ter, Miss Blanche, visited rela-! tives in Landrum Tuesday. Let every .citizen of the town the first idle day they nave go ; out to the Presbyterian hill and grade it. This will be a good start towards getting a better , Columbus-Tryon road. Instead of tens of t ourists and sightseers passing through Col umbus on their way to Log Cabin - Monday to hear Judge Lane's Inn from Tryon each week asichargeto the grand jury. The happens now, there should bei hundredsy and would be with a better road. The young folks of Columbus participated in a prize egg hunt Saturday and had a most eggs quisite time. About six dozen eggs were. hidden along Lover's Lane, and nearly all'found. The prizewinners were Miss Nellie Smith, -Bony Smith and Grover Hutcherson. Our clubbing offer, The News and Progressive Farmer, two papers for the price' of one, 104 big issues for only $1.00, still continues." We want the Pro gressive Farmer to go into the homes of all our subscribers. Renew your subscription for one year to the News and get this healthy little farm paper with-it. SUBSCRIBE TO THE NE)VS and Progressive Farmer the two papers for one year for the price of one $1.00. F. M. Burgess ROUGH LUMBER ColumbUS - - N- C. Special prices made on Flour, Cotton Seed Meal, Hulls, and All Feedstuffs in quantity Cash paid for Cross Ballenger Company TRYON, N. C. BURGLARS Open a Safe of the Ordinary Kind with Ridiculous Ease. They very seidom care to tackle burglar-proof, vaults like those in The Bank of Tryon. The wise man will, therefore, open up an account there and thus put his money where it is beyond the reach of burglars. The less you have the less you can afford to lose it. OF TRYON X SUPERIOR COURT Convenes Monday, April 24th. Spring Term Superior Court convenes next Monday, with His Honor Judge Henry P. Lane of Rockingham County presiding, and Solicitor A. Hall Johnston of McDowell County representing the state. The criminal docket is a light ! .1 IT-. one. while the civil docket shows a list of SfcVenty cases. Though the dockets, show little worthy of note, it is expected a large crowd will be in Columbus judg.e is the youngest man in his position in this State, but both he and the young solicitor, elected last November, are experienced in the law and have been making enviable reputations in their re spective positions. Ex-Solicitor J. F. Spainhour of Morganton, N. C. will be present at this court appearing for defendants in several cases. The purpose of store advertis ing is not merely to sell goods, but to sell more goods to make friends, build up a patronage that will not only stick but grow. Newspapers reach the greatest number of people in the immedi ate vicinity in the most natural way, at the least expense, and they are therefore the bfcst of all mediums for stores. In a news paper you follow ' the lines, of least resistance you follow with the stream you talk to an au dience already assembled, to the I je who want to readtheii mental cosmos is right they are on your wire, ancthey won't ringQff if you hold their interest. Attraction is the basis oi alt ad vertising the: store is the sun, the customers the planets that revolve around it. Advertise in THE NEWS. tf You Are in the IVlarket to Buy Land Buy it Near a Market II YIKG close Court House. On main road through County, and with in one and one-half miles of fine macadam roads. Well watered and well timbered. This property has been off the market for 50 years. Will cut into tracts to suit customer and give reasonable terms. Price very low. This land is well adapted to all farm products. Address A Road and Do You Subscrite Polk County Baptist Sunday School Association The next session of the Poik County Bap tist Sunday Schccl Association will be held with the Church at Green River, Apt il 29th and 30th, 1911. ' PEC CHAM. SATURDAY 10.30 Devotional exercises conducted by Rev. T. W. Arledge. 11.00 Sermon by Rev. J. B. A rledge. 12.00 Neon rectss. 1. 00 The object of the Surday School. Opened by Rev. Z. VNThompson. 2.00 The duty of the Christian to the Sunday School. Opened by Jerry Jackson. SUNDAY. 10.00 Song sci-vice. 10.15 Why I am a Baptist. Rev. J. M. Walker. 1 1. 00 Sermon: Preacher to be supplied by pastor and deacons of Green River Church. 12.00 Recess. 1. 00 The teachings of the Bible concern- in? the Spiritual birth. Byev. Elbert Jackson. Every Sunday School worker in. the County is urgently requested to attend this meeting, especially the singers as the music will be an important feature of the conven tion. .. B. P. Ja'-kson, For Committee. Have your , -office stationery printed by the Polk County News Job Printing Depart ment if. you want neat, classy work at low prices. News Advertisements Pay. to market and within one-half to one mile of Post-office, good Schools, LL OR L LL H TRYON, - NORTH CAROLINA Other improvements Contemplated In this Section to TJE fOLK. COUtfWtlEWS? THE BEST WATCH REPAIRING Calls for the Best Materia, Best Workmen, Best Tools We have all these - Give us a trial. Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Stationery, Etc. FRED F. ALLRED'S Jewelry, Stationery and Art Store, R U THERFORD TON, HI. C. L. H. CLOUD Real Estate and Insurance CpLUMBUS, POLK CO., N. C. IF YOU WANT TO. BUY OR SELL anything, keep your mouth shut and you will keep on wanting. Tell your wants to the public by an advertisement in our col umnsthen look for result?. ADVERTISE Always to be " Successful. ADVERTISE 4 m Churches and THE CHARLOTTE OBSERVER Everyday in the Year $8.00 a Year The Observer consists of 10 to 12 pages daily and 20 to $i paes Sunday. It han dles more news matter, local, state, national and foreign, than1 any. other North Carolina newspaper. The Sunday Observer is unexcelled as a news medium, and is also filled with excellent matter of a miscel laneous nature. Address THE OBSERVER CO., CHARLOTTE, N. C. EeTABLISllED 1890 SPARTANBURG HERALD SPARTANBURG, S. C. daily' AND weekly Spartanburg's Oldest, Largest, and best newspaper, run 01 news irom me nrst to the last page. Entire Associated Press telegraphic service. Your Watch Should be treated right when it is in the jeweler's hands. You' would not send for a "quack" doctor when you are dangerously sick and it is just as dangerous as far as your watch is concerned to allow a "tinker'.' to doctor it. I have the Experience, Tools and Material, Necessary to repair your watch right and at a reasonable price. Give me a trial- J. T: BOOTH ; . JEWELER - LANDRUM. S. C. . Vriting paper and- envelopes for sale at the News office. i 'I I) V v 1: y. I 4U: I- 5'i 11 I 3 ., ' v 1 - .If 1! r 1' t. "1 1 ' -4. i 1' i. V, i j, r 1 1 -1 . 1 1 t V s II 1:1 ; ' hi I- r A f

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