.IT v. i - ' Thrsc Cents the Copy. INDEPENDENCE IN ALL THINGS. Subscription Price, $1.00 Per Year in Advance. VOL. XVI. COLUMBUS, POLK COUNTY, N.CA THURSDAY, MAY; 11, 1911. - v NO. 52. J A J it . ' ' l . i ' , 1 i-s-: a.. yut : " - ii ' ' . v" 5 - ! I I I, i ., , , . i i ' I 11 Five fatlred Acres of Fine -'. . - - - - --v. YING close 1L-4 mile of Post-office, good Schools, Court House. On nrninroad through County, and with- in one arid one-half t . . ' watered and well i the market ;f o50 years. Will rat Irito t to suit i customer and giye,reasonable tefms. Price very low; r TWs 4ai4 is v i 1 Road and 1 1 1 1 1 1 t 1 1 1 1 1 1 t Do You Subscribe BUSINESS CARDS. J. W. PLESS t Y0S2 COLEMAN PLEss & coLinAn LAWYERS Practice all the Courts of Polk and Eutherfcrd Couities KUTHERFORDTON, N. C. F. M. Burgess ROUGH LUMBER Columbus - - N. G- WE BEST WATCH REPAIRING Calls for the Best Materia, Best Workmen, Best Tools Mo have all these - Give us a trial. patches, Clocks,! Jewelry, Stationery, lEtc. Wed f: allred s JGelry, Stationery and Art Store, l!- 'tf?rQRSTCff, N C CL0.UD r.i Insurance c Rumbus, polk co., n. c. ff Ypu Are in the Market to Buy Land Buy it Near a Market to market arid within mflls ST fine macadam roads. Well ..... . : i r-v ;. - - - t timbered. This property has been riff well adapted to all farm products. Address N OR ' TRYON, - NORTH CAROLINA (ther Improvements Contemplated In this Section jt 4 it m m i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 to TfjE PQLR r;WUtlffl:&.W8? GREEN'S CREEK NOTES. Correinondence of Th. News. Mrs. W- B. . Feagans is very sick this we ak. Miss Maud Shields of Landrum visited relatives here Saturday and Sunday. Mr. Sorrells McDowell who has been attending the Spartan High School, is home again. Mr. J. W, Walker and wife of Spartanburg, S. C, visited rela tives here last week. Miss Ebba McDowell delight fully entertained a number of young people Saturday night. Miss Emma Brian of Inman Route 2. visited relatives here last week. Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Shields were the guests of Mrs. W. B. Hinds Sundays Why go elsewhere when you can do better at Randolph's up-to-date store" at' Mel vin Hill ? Log Cabin Inn STEARNS.. N. C. ' ' . ;0PEK ALL THE YEAR. Mrs, D. Cunningham, Prop. f News Advertisements Fay. m one-half to one Churches and ? MM S E R J1 m m n i m 1 1 m j j 1-4 5 Crts Buys $25.00. What seemed to be a worthless lailroad stock certificate a year or so ago was sold, and receipt given by A.L. McMurray, former postmaster in Columbus, to Reg ister F. M. Burgess for fivecents. The transaction was looked upon as a joke at the time it was made, but a Mr. Lantry of New York is now buying up the stock of the railroad company that issued the above mentioned certificate, pay. ing dollar for dollar, and Mr. Burgess is about to realize $25., ttw face value of the certificate he bought for a nickel. (Lauh, Mac, durn it! Laugh!) MILL SPRING No. 2 NOTES. Correspondence of Th News. Mr. Mossie Constant returned to Indianapolis, Ind., last, Mon day, after a months stay here. Mr. Clarence Justice of Ruth erf ordton was here last week on business. - Mrs. George Jackson and Mrs. W. G. Hill were the guests of Mrs. E. A. Arledge last Satur day.; . ' ; Mrs. - R. M. Williams visited Mrs. Virnie Constant last week. Mr. John Early of Rutherford ton -visited in ' this vicinity last week-end. jMr. PI em Jackson and wife visited the latter's parents last vsekrend.'-" J Play "Girl." COLIJ-MVBTJS K - E -W - S ortu ast" est " outh Does your) neighbor read The News? Mr. John Smith visited in Sal uda Tuesday. . ; Mrs. Lee Tallant is on the sick list this 'weeki y Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Burgess visited in Tryon Sunday. Writing paper and envelopes for sale at the News office. , Atty. E. B. Cloud went to Try on Tuesday on legal business. Cow for sale; cheap. Address orcall J. R. Smith, Columbus. Mrs. A.L. McMurray will move into her new house next week. Mr. N. B. Jackson of Spartan burg visited relatives here Sun day. ; Are you going to the old time singing at Greens Creek Church Sunday? Messrs. C. L. McFarland and Lindsey Smith were in Tryon Tuesday. Expert watch and clock repair er F. F.Allred, jeweler, Ruth- erfordton. v , i ,. Mr. S. B. Weaver and. Dr. Eldredge of Collinsville vere in town Monday, i : Land, de ids for sale at-The News officer-also blanks for jus tices of the peace; . ? Mr., J. B. Livingston of Tryon wasl in " town-" several days this week on business. Mr. Roland Ruppe, one of the hustlers of Cooper Gap, visited friends here Sunday". ' Screven's grist" mill is "kept hustling on the two days it runs Wednesday and Saturday. We are glad to note that Mrs. F. B. Williams, who has i)een ill, is able to bs up and about again. For the lowest ' prices oh the best grade of goods go to this Ballenger Company, Tyon, N.C. Mr. J. D. Bjackwell, another of Landrum No. l's literary men, subscribed to the News last Fri day. ' , Atty; B. F. Williams left Sat urday for Baskerville, Va., to spend a few days with his, par ents. ' Note the excellent opportunity for bargains in second-hand bug gies the Tryon Supply Company offers. ..School Supt. J. R. Foster and Mr. F. C. Jackson of Mill Spring were in town Monday on school business. 0 Read Booth's advertisements in this paper and when your watch is out of order bring it along. Good work is cheapest. Mr. Major Hutch erson, en gaged for the : summer as a car penter and builder , in Flat Rock, spent the week-end in Oolumbus. Asst. Tax Assessor J. B. Page, for Columbus township,, is now, making his rounds watch out for him. You will'know him by the big book. ;; ; : . ;. Dr. Grady was reelected health officer and a4so elected quaran tine officer r: for the County for two years at the board of health meeting held ; Monday at , the couHhoiise.v , - -' .; . - vv - Atty. and Mrs. James E. Ship man, who have been spending a couple of weeks with; the latter's parents, vMr. and . Mrs. J, P.i Ar ledge, returned to their, home in Hendersonville Saturday. GOTO THE BALLENGER COMPANY Tryon, N. G. ' For EVERYTHING THE BANK JOHN ORR & COMPANY TRYON, N. C. . - ", :. . j Full Line Spring and Summef Dress Goods i . . . GENTLEMEN 'S NECKWEAR . Groceries, Dry Goodsj Notions Shoes Crockery,1 ; . : uiass, namei BLUE FLAME ,01$ Columbus Rotes Continued. ;Mr. W. W. Co wart . of Mill , Spring N 2 was a business": Vis ltor here Tuesday and made the News a pleasant call, adding his' brother's name. M. C Cowartpf ; subscription list. ; JThe joint bohrd ofrpolk and in Rutherfordton Friday and the contract for Pobre's ' Ford bridge to York Bridge Company;" of York, Pa., for th sum o $5,821." Polk County's share is $1697.; J : ' Our clubbing offer, Thej; News and Progressive Farmer, two papers, for the price of 'one, '104 - ; continues We want the Tp- gressive rarmer to go into rne homes of , all our subscribers, Renew vour subscriotion for one year, to the News and get this itcaiciij iitiuc J.aiiii yaMi. niMi u. Court all over, everybody's ph the hustle to catch up with Papa Time, and some will have to usej '. the moonlight hours to do it. We never did see the likes of this1 weather for this tirfre of year.be fore, but we'ean be thankful for ifrjust the same, for consider how many of these gojden moments would goto waste in batting flies if the weather was hot. , Mothers. Mothers are the queerest things -'Member wlien John went away, , All but. mother cried and cried ; When they said good-bye that day. She just talked, and seemed to be Not the klightest bit Upset -. v Was the only one who smiled Others' eyes were streaming' wet! . ' t But wh in John came back again - ) Ou a furlough, safe and found, With a medal for his deeds, And without a single wound, While the rest of us hurrahed, ' , . Laughed and joked and danced about, Mother, kissed him, then she cried . Cried and cried like all git out! -Edwin L- Sabin, in National ' Magatine or lilay. Special -pesmade on Flo tin Cottxiti Seed IeaK Uulls, and All Feedstuff s in quan tity Cash paid for Cross Ties..... V The Ballenge ny TRYON, N. C. RGLAR S Open a Safe of the; Ordinary Kind with Ridiculous Ease.- . They very seldom care to tackle burglar-proof vaults like those in The Bank of Tryon. The wise man will, therefore, open up. an account there and thus put. his money where it is beyond the reach of burglars. The less you have the less you can afford to lose it. OF TRY 0 ana m m are. SIJlTC., ETC. Have yoitir office stationery printed ;4)y the Polk County News 7ob Minting Depart-" , " - ment if you Want iieat,' cag work at low prices. Mtdefta equipment. Famous Budget' system of bbpkkeeping. Latest re !..?risioa m Pitman shorthand. Indi vidual instfuouon." students can en ter anyjtime. Rates reasonable. Yrrtte for catalog Your Watch Uompa BU Should be treated right when it : ' x' is' in the jeweier's hands.- Yw.. would not send for a Muack?' doctor when you are dangerously'; sick'and it is just as dangerbus;. f s f a.r as V?,UJ fatf,h is concerned , . I have the Experienced, . Tools and Material, . , ( Necessary to repair your watch"5 right and ata reasonable price. -Give me a trial. ; J.T.BOOTH JEWELER - LANDRUM. S. C.. i FOR SALE at the ' -S - ' Njews Office: AWERtlSEIN THE NEWS. If. if -I. J u It ! 111 i ... K

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