. 1 "it hi i iv1 1 !4h INDEPENDENCE IN ALL THINGS. Subscription Price, $1.00 Per Year in Advance. VOL- AV Li ,MTTT t COLUMBUS, POLK COUNTY. N. C. '"THURSDAY, MAY 18, 1911. NO. IV ii i ; h i H-w-w-H I n 1 1 1 1 1 1 i t I " c V i t t j Ef You Are in the fyiarket to Buy Land 4 Hvendred Acres of Fine N;1E W S .' ortta ' a est outh YING close to market arid within one-half to one I Jul mile of Post-office, good Schools, Churches and if Court House, On main road through County, and wither in one and one-half miles of fine macadam roads. Well 1 watered and well timbered. This property has been off the market for 50 years. Will cut into tracts to suit : customer and give reasonable terms. Price very low. This land is well adapted to all farm products. Address L OR li.-a-. y r-...jU3--.-V! TRYON, - NORTH CAROLINA your neighbor read the NewsT'v - Writing . paper and envelopes f or safe at the News office. J Fresli cow for sale. Apply to J. R. Smith, Columbus, N C. f Mrs. W. B.-Arledge left today to visit her sister in Woodruff, Complete Una of baseball sup plies at The Ballenger Company, Try on. , Mr7: B. Livingston of Tryon was fin Columbus yesterday on business, - Born to Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Smith on Monday, the 15th, a daughter. . Expert watch and clock repair er- F; F. Allred, jeweler,, Ruth erford ton. NOTES FROM v LANDRUM NO. t: Road and Other Improvements Contemplated In this Section Fo Subscribe to TffE POLK iUSIHESS -cabd: YOES COLEMAN FLSSS & 60LEHAN:: LAWYERS. Practice all tha Courts cf Polk and Eutherfcrd Couaties . RUTHERFORDTON, N, C. F. M. Burgess ROUGH LUMBER Columbus - - N. -C. THE BEST WATCH REPAIRING Calls for the Best Material, Best Workmen, Best Tools have all these - Give us a trial. Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Stationery, Etc. FRED F. ALLRED S Jewelry, Stationery and Art Store, RUTHERFORDTON, N. C. The Old Time Singing. The Old .Time Singing at Greens Creek v. Church. Sunday was a grand success and was much enjoyed by all, but espec ially by the old folks who said "it made them feel young again" and no one, who heard them sing that day as- they sang forty years ago, could doubt it. 'Twas a novel sight, to see those gray-haired men and women walk up to the front and take their pjaces with that assur ance and grace which a knowl edge of their ability to sing the old songs gave them I For did they not have that dear old song book called "The 'Christian Harmony' ' right in their hands, or under their arms? And did they not know-nearly every song in it by heart? It did their pld hearts good to once more have a chance to min gle their voices together, and to grasp the hands 6 dear old com rades "after many years!" "There's lots of music in 'em, . Those hymns of long ago. And when some gray-haired' bro ther" . -. ' Sings the ones I used to know, I sorter want to take a hand I think o' days gone by On Jordan's stormy banks I stand And cast a wishful eye!" L. H. CLOUD K"nl Estate and Insurance MELVIN HILL NQTES. Co -reppondt n?t of Tae News- 'Tis reported that the revenue officers made a raid in this vicin ity Saturday night and captured one blockade still Good luck attend them! Several persons from this place attended the Old Time Singing at Green's Creek Church Sun day. Mrs. Ed Duncan of Fairforest, S. C, visited relatives here Sat urday and Sunday. ' Mr. and Mrs. Head visited Mrs. Head's mother, Mrs. West brook, who is quite feeble, Sun day. Mr. George Branscom, Jr.; who is just home from school, with his sisters, Misses' Lizzie and Shirlie, visited at Melvin Hill Sunday. Miss Clara Feagans of - Colum bus was in Melvin Hill Sunday--but not by herself! Mr. L. S. tawter made a busi ness trip to Spartanburg, S. C, Monday. , C . ) -X v Dry and dusty ! Farmers wish ing' for rain! .; , GRETCHEN. .,' 1 -V - - . : 'Randolph's Complete; Store at Melvin Hill carried a nice line of millinery ibrt ladies and misses. SUBSCRIBE TO THE NEWS arid Progressiye'Farmer the two rmnprs for one vear for the price CUJMBU3, POLK CO,, N. C, ! of .one $L00.- , ,1 J J 1 i Land : deeds" for sale at The News office also blanks for jus tices of the peace. i - Mr. J. H. Norville of Sandy Plains was a business visitor here Saturday. . Atty. B. F. Williams, who has been visiting his folks at Basker vlle, Va., returned Friday. Screven's grist mill is kept hustling on the two days it runs Wednesday and Saturday, Mr. J. P. Wortman of Mill Spring was a business visitor at the Register's office Monday. ' Quite a large number of Col umbus folk attended the old time singing at Greens Creek Sunday. liMrs A Armstrong ot 1ihe:.I)bl. Branch Gol Mining Company of ) Collinsville, was in town last Fri day. , ' Tryon base ball team wants a game with Columbus fix it up, somehow, boys, even if you are crippled If you see a dpt over a t or a crossed "il its because of sick ness in the composing room and should be excused. Rev. J. M. Walker of Melvin Hill filled his regular appoint ments at the Baptist Church last Saturday and Sunday Clerk of Court J. P; Arledge is visiting at the home of Atty. and Mrs. J. E. Shipman, at Hen derson ville, this Week. Read Booth's advertisements in this paper and when your watch is out of order bring it along. Good work is cheapest. V Rev. B, P. Jackson lost his hat at the old time singing Sunday he'di have lost his head and heart, too, if he was a bachelor! There will be services in the Presbyterian Church Sunday morning at 11 o'clock. Rev. T, C. Croker of Forest .City will preach.' ; t The editor's been on that thing they U ;the Msick list" this week and stayed longer'n he wanted to. Yes, much better now, thank you! Misses Harriet and Effie Hyde. of Central, S. C., arrived in Col umbus last Wednesday and have settled at AUanvale ' for a few weeks res; fr,om the strenuous city ilife. Miss Harriet was a teacher of ColumbuS High School during the seaSon of. 1909-10.' , Henderson ville officials called at the jail Monday1 for the prisoners-Sentenced to . the chain gang." Three were sentenced at the last: court, but Henderson viileonly accepted 1 two, as the third had only nine days of his thirty-day' sentence left to serve; having Fperit three-weeks :at the jail, v - , . ' . Special to Th Xew Rev. J. M. Williams is on the sick list. His many friends hope for him a speedy recovery. There was a large crowd at tended the old lime singing at Greens Creek Sundav. All en- noyea tne aav Mr. Barnett Black well gave Miss Addie Bryant a call Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Bishop vis ited'Mr. Elias Cantrell Saturday and Sunday Mr. J ohn Hays visited Miss Eva Wilson Sunday. M& Bill High called on Miss Lillian Cantrell Sunday. J. S. Watson and family visit ed his father, Reuben Watson, Sunday night. y Mr. Dean Ezell and Dr. El drige made a flying trip to Spar tanburg last week on business. Mr. George Branscom and sis ter, Miss Lizzie, attended church Sunday at Melvin Hjll. . Mr. 'and Mrs. William McDade were in Rutherfordton last week shopping. . Mr Dean Ezell called on Miss Satena Feagans 'Sunday after noon. Mr. Jesse Barnett and Lee Col lins attended the singing at Mr. Jones Saturday night, "Cross Eyes." SUBSCRIBE TO THE NEWS Modern equipirteat. Famous Budget system of bookkeeping. JLaXyg. Re vision in Pitman shbriaSd.oIndU yidual instruction. Stuijnts can en' ter any time; Hates reisonabJe. ' Write for catalog.- Your Watch: Should be treated right when Jt , ; is in the jeweler's hands. Ybu ' would not send for a quack" doctor when you are dangerously ' sick and it is just , as dangerous as far as your watch is concerned to allow a "tinker" to doctor it. I have .. the Experience, 1 Tools and Material, : Necessary to 'repair your watch right and at . a reasonable price. Give me a trial. . J. T. BOOTH JEWELER - LANDRUM. S. C. Lund FOR SALE at the . . . . ' - News Office. v. GOro THE' BALLENGER COMPANY Tryon, N. C. s ;, - '' For EVERYTHING Special jy rices made on Flour, Cotton Sted Meal, Hulls, and All Feedstuffs in quantity Cash paid for Cross The Ballenger Company TRYON, N. C. . . ' BURGLARS Open a Safe of the Ordinary Kind with Ridiculous Ease. They very seldom care to tackle burglar-proof vaults like those in The Bank, of Tryon, The wise man will, therefore, open up an account there and thus put his money where it is beyond the reach of burglars. The less you have the less you can afford to lose it. THE BANK O F TRY ON JOHN ORR & COMPANY Full Line Spring and Summer Dress Goods GENTLEMEN'S NECKWEAR .i Groceries, Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes, Crockery, .. Glass, Enamel and Tin Ware, i BLUE FLAME OIL STOVES, ETC., ETC. F. M0M GENERAL CROSS TIES BOUGHT, Deafer in , MERCHANDISE, Tryon, lf. C. '1 : " ' If .:l 1 V; 1. V 1 t i II ' t, 1 if 'I if i . if-! i I' i :V V l4 I? if it i