'V 7 tu rn Thrsc Cents the Copy. INDEPENDENCE IN ALL THINGS. Subscription Price, $1.00 Per Year In Advance. 4 i VOL. XVII. . i : COLUMBUS, POLK COUNTY; N. C, THURSDAY, MAY 25, 1911. .-.: , 7 4 c. J 6i tMHtMHIWtlllll Illl II Mil II III MM 1 1 riMC I lit HI HI Sf You Are in the Mar kot to Buy Land Buy it Near a Market Five Hundred teres of line leriiilitlor lib LYING close to market and within one-half to one mile of Post-office, good Schools, Churches and :: Court House. On main road through County, and with- I in one and one-half miles of fine macadam roads. Well watered and well timbered. This property has been off l the market for 50 years. Will cut into tracts to suit :: customer and give reasonable terms. Price very low. This land is well adapted to all farm products. Address L A; TRYON, Q ALL OR L. HBLL; - NORTH OAROLIN A R Road and Othor Irriprovomonto Contomplatod In" this Section UMM MMMM M Mill I MMMMMMIMMMMMMMM MM M MM MmT DoYou Subscribe to TWPOUi COUNTY MEWS? I W. PLESS YOBS COLEMAN PLESS & GOLEHAN LAWYERS ?ucUc all tit Courts of Folk tni Batlxarford Couatlei RUTHERFORDTON, N. C. F. M. Burgess LUMBER Kough and Dressed Columbus - - N. C. THE BEST WATCH REPAIRING Calls for the Best Materia. Best Workmen, Best Tools W havti all these - Give us a trial. Watches, Clocks, Jewelry. Stationery, Etc. fHED F. ALLRED'S hwelry, Stationery and Art Store, RUTHERFORDTON, N. C. V H. CLQUD n -3 1 Estate and Insurance " COLUMBUS, POLK CO., N. C. LYNN BRIEFS. Correspondence of .the News. Rev. R. A. Miller, of Lowell, N. C., will prtach in Chapel on Thnrsday evening:, June 1st, at 8 o'clock. No preaching in Chapel last Sunday--only services Sunday School in the morning, and C. E. S. in evening conducted by Mr. Erskine. s Mrs. R. A. Leonard is visiting her sister. Mrs. Carruth, Wood ruff, S. C. . - Mr. G. M. Hicks, son Lucian, and sister Miss Mira, of New Prospect, S. C. , vitited relatives in Lynn last Sunday, returning Monday. Mr Bell, a vouncr man of Blacksburg, S. C., takes Mr SapocVs place as salesman in the comDany store. Some one has said the clerks are changed with the moon in this store. At this writing. Mr. James Hudson has quite a sick child. Mr. Andrew Jackson of Mill Spring was in Lynn last Monday visiting his sick daughter, Mrs. Phillips: The many old friends, relatives and neighbors of sweet Alea Thompson are sorry to hear of her illness in her new home with her son Alex in Henderson Co., near Fruitland. - Cannon & Keeter have just re ceive4 a line of jelly and fruit COLUMBUS N - E - W - S ortU . at est . outb Does your neighbor read The News? About time to talk railroads again just talk, not build. Writing paper and envelopes for sale at the News office. Fresh cow for sale. Apply to J. R. Smith. Columbus, N. C. V When is Columbus Develop ment Company going to develop? Expert watch and clock repair er F. F. Allred, jeweler, Ruth erf ordton. Land deeds for- sale at The News office also blanks for jus tices of the peace. Miss Nora Prince of Finger- ville, Sf C, No. 1, visited friends here last Thursday. ....... i Mr, Forest B. Williams left for Spartanburg Tuesday on an extended, business trip. " Screven's grist mill is kept hustling on the two days it runs Wednesday and Saturday. Miss Clara Feagans, who has been spending several days at Mel vin Hill, returned Friday. Mr. W. A. Cannon and Mr. E. B. Keeter and family of Lynn attended services here Sunday. Mr. H. G. Cannon, of Lynn, visited in town -last Thursday, mounted on another new hore. Fresh fruit, cakes and candies always on hand, also fresh bakers bread at Cannon & Keeter's, at Lynn. . ' MigssjCora and Flora j Fisher, of Lynn, were the guests of Miss Blanche Newman Saturday and Sunday. If the' town owned some money some streets might be fixed we can bag the -if" by unbagging the coin. Mr. C. C. Hampton and son and daughter. Dock and Myrtle, of Landrum No. 1, attended the services here Sunday. We mentioned :n our last cor- j Read Booth's advertisements in respundence that we had four this paper and when your watch .' " Hf-."Ti: i i..tlj ri-r I . mr. iviuer, 01 A-ievveianu, uino, representing the Stearns estate. arrivedJn town Monday and is looking up the - holdings of the said estate, accompanied by Mr. J. G. Hughes. It is understood that tht executors are desirous to dispose of all their holdings in this region. Rev. T. C. Croker of Forest City preached at the Presbyter ian Chunjh Sunday and announ ced services to ; be held in this Church on Friday, Saturday and Sunday, the 2nd, -3rd and 4th of June, by the Rev. R. A. Miller, of Lowell, N. C. : All three services at 11 o'clock a. m. SANDY PLAINS NEWS. Correspondence of The News. Rev. T. C. Croker preached a touching1 sermon Sunday after noon at this place. There was a large crowd out, the lower flocr was full and many took seats in the bak'ony. Mr. Nodine and wife visited Mr, and Mrs. Flynn Sunday; also, Mr. Tom Pennelton gave Miss Myrtle a call. Misses Lillian and Bertha Can- trell are visiting their people near Boiling Springs. A prominent young gentleman of Mel vin Hill called on Miss Lillie Greenway Sunday after noon. ' Oh, yes! Mr, J. W. Webb of Green Mountain, N. C. says he is going to return to Polk to re ceive a part of his heart he left behind. Perchey. Wedding invitations neatly printed at the News office. Modern equipment. Famous Budget system of bookkeeping. Latest re vision in Pitman shorthands Indi vidual instruction. Students :fean en ter any time. Hated reasonably Write for catalog. Your WatcK Should be treated right when it is in the jeweler's hands. You would not send for a quack doctor when you are dangerously sick and it is just as dangerous as far as your watch is concerned to allow a !tinker" to doctor iU I have the Experience, Tools and. Material, Necessary to repair your watch right and at a reasonable price. Give me a trial. J.T. BOOTH JEWELER - LANDRUM. S. C. Land Deeds FOR SALE at the News Office. GO TO ; THE 4 COMPANY Tryon, N. C. For EVERYTHING resident traveling salesmen. We overlooked the names of Messrs. Charles Davenport and Lewis Underwood, making six in all. Mr. and Mrs. Sapoch of Blacks burg left last Sunday morning for their home, where Mr. Sa poch will engage in the furniture and undertaking business. Mr. Sapoch was employed in the Tryon Hosiery Co's store as a salesman, but not liking the pos ition, hastily made the change. Mr. and Mrs. Sapoch made quite a number of friends while here, who are sorry to see them leave, but wish them all kinds of suc cess in their new venture. Mrs. Lee J. Fisher left last Monday morning for Raleigh she will call on the Governor and implore him for a pardon for her husband. What has become of the new road from Lynn to Columbus- is it dead or sleeping? Also the new bridge across Horse Creek at Screven's mill? Wayfarers all stop at Cannon & Keeter's in this hotweather to refresh themselves with an ice cold coca-cola or ginger-ale stop in! '-. Do you take the Progressive Farmer ? If not, look up pur clubbing offer and get acquainted with the best farm paper for North Carolinians: T SUBSCRIBE TO THE NEWS is out of order bring it along. Good work is cheapest. Messrs. Gooth and Gleason of New York City, who are spend ing a few weeks at the Woodlawn in Tryon, made the News a pleas ant visit last Friday. Keep cool! A nice new line of spring- and summer underwear for ladies and gentlemen at Can non & Keeter's, at Lynn. Also a large variety of notions. There will be an ice-cream fes tival Saturday afternoon and evening for the benefit of the Presbyterian Church on the Court House grounds, at Columbus. LOST! Pocketbook, contain ing money, mileage and docu ments, on main road between Tryon and Columbus, on Friday, May 19th. Liberal reward if re turned to William Wilson, Tryon. The Misses Hyde, Harriet and Effie, who have been spending a couple of weeks from the stren uous city life of Central, S. C. in the rest and seclusion of "Allan- vale,'' Mrs. Barnes's beautiful home, returned to their homes Tuesday. At the town commissioners meeting held Monday, Mr. F. M. Burgess was elected secretary, and, about five or six hundred feet of cross pieces were ordered to repair the sidewalks. Another meeting will be held Friday, 2nd of June. v on Flour, Cotton Seed Meal, tiuNs9 . and All Feedstuffs in quantity Cash paid for Cross Ties..... TheBallenger Company TRYON, N. C. !, BURGLARS' Open a sfcfe of the Ordinary Kind with Ridiculous Ease. They very seldom care to tackle burglar-proof vaults like those in. The Bank of Tryon. The wise" man will, therefore, open up an account there and thus put hia ' money where it is beyond the t reach of burglars. The less you have the less you can afford ttf , 5 lose it. o THE BANK OF TRYON JOHN QRR & G 0 MP ANY TRYON, N. C. . Full Line Spring and Summer Dress Goods GENTLEMEN 'S NECKWEAR Groceries, Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes, Crockery, Glass, Enamel and Tin Ware. BLUE FLAME OIL STOVES, ETC., ETC. v :". peMsom GENERAL CROSS TIES BOUGHT, Dealer in A MERCHANDISE, - Tryon, NI C. i ,t : IV, Mill ! ' 'I- . -1 4 i-. '' :J i .1 n t a." i! i! t 1 T it I" glasses, rubbers, etc. . if V