INDEPENDEISiCEllN ALL; THINGS. r VOL. XVII. COLUMBUS; POLK COUNTY; N. CJ. THURSDAY, JUNE 1, 1911. NO: 3. Three cents mo copy. SukcffintiAfi DriA l tf Dab V 2 AJ., -- - - " " ........ 4 j?1 ''" in. it ) n i hmcmi. 4 If You Are in - tffe Market td Buy and Buy it Near a Market V Five Hundred Acres of Fine eiiig tailor lele YING dose to market and within one-balf to one mile of Post-off Ice. pood Schools- CJinrrliPS and I Court House; On main road through County and with- I in one and onehalf miles of fine macadam rokds. Well t watered and well timbered. This property has been off the market for 50 years. Will cut into tract: to suit t : ; customer and give reasonable terms. Price veryhlow. This land if well adapted tp all farm products i .:;: Address ALL E N G OR L HILL TRYON, - NORTH CAROLINA N - E - W - S orth ut "est outh Road and Other Improvements Contemplated V v In this Section V lmMMHMMHHMIHHMHHHHIMmMt M M II H M M H 11 H 1 1 I d Do You Subscribe toTEfQLK COUftTYpEWS? DEATH OF MR. JONATHAN WILLIAMS. (French Broad Hustler) " Mr. Jonathan Williams, well beloved and mbst highly esteemed citizen of Hendersonville and Western North Carolina, died at his home here on Tuesday, after a long illness borne with a Chris tian fortitude. The funeral services, on Thurs day morning at eleven o'clock, were conducted by Rev. fc. W, Cawthon and Kedron Lodge No. 87, Free ani Accepted Masons,of which Mr. Williams was an hon ored member. As a mark of re spect to the' memory of this hon ored man, the stores were closed om Heven tp twelve o'clocknd the superior court now in session,, f djourned juntil two o'clock. The 'toterment was in Oakdale ceme tery, and the long procession of Borrowing friends who -attended the services at the Baptisthurch and who followed the reHteins to lod's Acre. tpsHfipH to e esteem and love borne ;Jona- than txr:n . . v imams by those wha knew hlrn best. floral tributes heaped on the casket were manyand beau- e First Baptist church was Crowded to the doors with a con- fYw . nation that listened under- 3tandingly to the tribute aid by .v. K. W. Cawthonto'the worth Ji ine man before him; The Ma- som . -" . . -xemoniais were most lm- Vsive and the music affecting. Williams was 65 "years .old . tne summons came. He had year past. Some months ago he underwent a minor operation from which he never rallied. He had been twice married, and is sur vived by Mrs. Williams and four children. Ernest, Gertrude (Mrs. Brownlow Jackson), Benjamin and James, two young boys. Mr. Williams' first wife was . Miss Clayton of Fletcher, his widow is the daughter of Mr. Thomas J. Shipman. Mr. Williams had been repeat edly honored with the suffrage of his fellow citizens, and had done his full share towards helping to tnake Hendersonville the city it is : He has been a member of the .legislature, sheriff, mayor, county treasurer, school trustee, etc. m all these offices he represented the people, well and faithfully. Fot manxyears he was the trust ed agent of the Southern Railway here--and it is safe to say that no man was better known, more universally esteemed, nor will be more sadly missed than Mr. Jon athan Williams public spirited citizen of North Carolina' who has now passed on to receive his re ward. . r ' Popular Polk County Couple Wed. The home of Rev. Amos Justice of Hendersonville was the scene of a very quiet and pretty wed ding Tuesday evening when he performed the solemn rites and joined in bonds of matrimony tpe well known and popular young couple of Polk county. Miss Mag gie Gaines of Tryon and Mr. J.L. Hart of Saluda. Mrs. G.A. Gash and Miss Joanna Hilton of Tryon and Miss Pink Gash and Mr. A. L. McCall of Hendersonville wit- en ir. 4? i , I i.iXWit vx hvmv-. m tailing health "for - about a nessed the ceremony. Mr. W. E. Brease Talks Transcontinental. (Aheville Citizeit) Mr. W. E. Breese, Jr., of Bre vard, assistant counsel for the Transcontinental South Atlantic railroad, arrived here yesterday from Raleigh, where he attended the meeting of the officials of the road. Mr. Breese is very enthus iastic concerning the prospects of the proposed railroad, which will run from tw i Tennessee Coal fields, to Waynesville, Asheyille, Ruth erf ordtoh and thence to the sea. Mr- Breese said : 'The people of North Carolina as a whole, especially those of the westeVn part ol the state, have not been advertent to the great value of the building of this road. It has been clearly shown that the reduction of freights by the establishment of a basic point in North Carolina, in, compliance with the rules and regulations of the interstate commerce commis: sion, would result in the immedi ate saving to shippers and con sumers in this state of over ten millions of dollars per annum in freight alone and that the only hope of establishing such a rate basing point, and of thereby re ducing the excessive cost to the people of the state, and destroy ing the freight rate discrimina tions against the people of North Carolina, will be by the buildii g fit the Transcontinental railroaa which will extend f rom Knoxville and o'ther western points- to the sea at Southport, when it is final ly completed. , vwjjrv Couunued on jge 8, Cvlunin 2) Does your neighbor read The News? Writing paper and envelopes for sale at the News office. Mrs. F. B. Williams, who has been very sick, is improving. : Mrs. John P. Arledge is visit-" ing relatives in Forest City this week. ' :: - Lawyer Schenck of Henderson ville was a business visitor here Monday. Expert watch and clock repairer-F. F: Allred, jeweler, Ruth erf ordton. Land deeds for sale at The News office also blanks for jus tices of the peace. , Mr. Major Hutcherson of East Flat Rock attended the ice cream festival Saturday night. Screven's grist mill is kept hustling on the two days it runs Wednesday and Saturday. - LA delightful and refreshing shower prevails as we clore our fornis (ihear up; Melvin Hill ! f " Mr. andT Mrs. J. G. Hughes went to Tryon yesterday in Mrs. Hughes' new buggy, gift of her husband's. . ...... ' Mrs. John Edwards; of Saluda; and the Misses . Rose and Pojly Fisher of Lynn wereVyisitors U town Monday. Mr. W.B. Arledge, who is oc cupied for the summtr as a build er at Flat Rock, spent the week end at home. t; The popular young mail carrier of Mill Spring, Route 2, Mr. L. J. T'aylor, made the News a pleas ant call Tuesday. Read Booth's advertisements in this paper and when your watch is out of order bring it along. Good work is cheapest. - Mr. Boice L. Turner, of Cam pobello, S. C, came to Columbus Tuesday in his automobile on a business visit to the register's office. Mr. John L. Jackson visited his father, Leander Jackson, who has been quite ill, at Mill Spring Sun day, and found him much im proved. Mr. C. B. Arnold, one of the progressive farmers of Lynn, was in town Tuesday. We are sorry to learn of his intended departure from our county. Lynn's genial postmaster and successful merchant, Mr. W. A. Cannon, came to Columbus Tues day on matters of business .nd dined at Mrs. R. F. McFarJand's. Messrs. Garrison Carruth ,6f Spartanburg, Jarnes Carruth of Landrum and Wash Fisher of Lynn were business visitors at the clerk of court's office Mon- day. , ' ' ' ' Lynn's base ball field will be the scene of an ice-cream festival Saturday night for the benefit of the base ball team, A cordial in vitation is extended to all to at tend. Fanny Fleming, a crazy negress of Tryon. was brought to jail on Tuesday In the custody of Sheriff Hill and Policeman Durham. - The lunatic has been in the insane asylum several times. Julia Booker colored, suspect ed of finding a lost pocket-book, containing about , $45 and some valuable documents, and spending the money and burning the rest of the contents and the wallet, is again l6dged in jail.' GOTO THE BALLENGER COMPANY Tryon, N. C. For EVERYTHING Special pricesfmatie on Flour, Cotton Seed Meal, tlklls and All Feedstuff s in quantity Cash paid for Cross Ties..... The Ballenger Company TRYON, N. C, " BURGLARS Open a Safe of the Ordinary Kind with Ridiculous Ease. - They very seldom carei to tackle burglar-proof vaults like those in The Bank of Tryon.1 The wise man will, therefore, bpen up ah account there and thus put hia money where it is beyond the reach of burglars. The less you have the less you can afford to lose it- : : THE BANK OF TRYON JOHN ORR & COMPANY TRYON, N. C. Full Line Spring and Summer Dress Goods GENTLEMEN'S NECKWEAR "3 ' Groceries Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes, Crockery, Glass, Enamel and1 Tin Ware. BLUE FLAME OIL STOVES, ETC., ETC The Carolina State Bank SALUDA,- N. C. m PER GENT STRONG COURTEOUS PROGRESSIVE Paid on Saving -'iy Every . Banking Facility It has lcen the constant endeavor of the management of this lank to funih every possible facility for the conven ience of its depositors, together with absolute saftetySfor their money. 1 A account with this bank will prove a valuable asset to any corporation, firm, or individual requiring the best banking facilities. ' We solicit your account. . ; . D. C. BARROW, Q. C. SOSNER, W. C. ROBERTSON, President. Vice-President. ' Vice-President. H. B. LAJE, Cashier. S m GENERAL CROSS TIES BOUGHT, Dealer in MERCHANDISE, Tryon, N. C. r t Modern equipment. Famous Budget system of bookkeeping. Latest re vision, in Pitman shorthand. Indi vidual instruction. Students can en ter any time. Rates reasonable, i WfiU for catalog. ' J. W. ILESS I' . . ' TOSS COLEMAH PLESS & GOLELIAU LAWYERS Practic U th Courts of Polk anl ' ' SxLtlierfoTdCon&tiei (Continued oo page 8, 2nd colum . j RUTHERFORDTON, SUBSCRIBE TO THE NEWS and Projrressive Farmer the two papers for one year for the price of one $1.00, THE BEST WATCH REPAIRING Calls for the Best Material, Best Workmen, Best Tools We have all these - Give us a trial. Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Stationery, Etc. FRED F. ALLRED S Jewelry, Stationery and Art Store, RUTHERFORDTON, If. C. , 0 - ' . L. H. CLOUD ; Real Estate and Insurance COLUMBUS, POLK CO., N. Ct 1 1 tip P. ?. 5! 1i in 'A If ! :i 4 I il 4 . a f I. 1 ' , r.V f V 1 i' i : M !.. 1 V If-:' r ; t -