f Three Cents the Copy. INDEPENDENCE IN ALL THINGS. Subscription Price, $1.00 Per Year In Advance. ' Wkt w i t fl- -riSif m i it 1 " - . - - ' i - r i hi ii j ii i I hi i ii i i, i a, ii m -jjmb,, VOL. XVII COLUMBUS, POLK COUNTY. N. C. THURSDAY, JUNE 8,1911: NO; 4. . . i 1 1 1 in iwi tm n i rfcii ii t ii mi n ii . i w i . a I. wawwar'"-' wr SM tttrntltwitW4tiiiMMiiiiit cm tmti i T You Are in the Market to Buy Land Buy it Near a Market R t 4 ive Hundred Acres of fine U i 13 i. n s YING close to market and within one-half to one mile of Post-office, good Schools, Churches and i J Court House On main road through Countv. and with- o; j 7 in one and one-half miles of fine macadam roads. Well t watered and well timbered. This property has been off the market for 50 years. Will cut into tracts to suit customer and give reasonable terms. Price very low. This land is well adapted to all farm products. Address L LLE'WG'ER OR A. Li . H-.lt.IL. TfiT&H, - WORTH CAROLINA OOIUMBirS(G0T0 THE N - E - W - S orth ast est euth Road and Other Improvements. Contemplated In this Section lMIMIIIMIIHMIMIIMMMMtMMMIMIMMHIMIIimiMIM -4 3 Do You Subscribe to TtjE PQLK GOUnVJB? TRY0N NOTES. Curre.ronJence I The News June 6th, 1911. We are praying for rain, the wind' is about to blow our streets away, and the ladies don't like it. Te grass plot by the railroad is drying up. The tovvn officers seem to be having trouble to get a marshal, have appointed three since Mr. Metcalf resigned and are now talking of bringing in a man- to tae it and we have good order, too. Mr- B;L. Ballenger left this horning for Wrightsville Beach. Mr. J.W.Lankford is home on a .:jjst;heis working on the new -M. C. A. building at. ..Columbia'. C., and says it is h-o-t down there. X7 . - . vve understand the Wilson boys sold their place on S. Trade aLreet to Mr. Norman. J" Gurley has bought a lot 1 mch was sold to the negro bar Der and is now happy. E ve understand that Mr. Ralph Jr- i ,e Wants t0 he,P buy oil- to 2 the macadam road, this m be a great help to the road si,ve3hope some of our public hal ??menwm take it up and vUIK yone at once. Mrs.. Hart, formerly Miss Mag gie Gaines, was in town Monday; We understand from the grocer that lemons, sugar and fly-paper hayt goneup. What is a poor fellow to do, and this a dry state. Mr. John Sims, the popular young railroad man, is home on a vacation.- Y. X- e don't see much improve- thPAU wie-.wwn nauiea on cans, it is still hot and the : : thlare S!lU ingoocl' health; Can't ulan i .,r 11Cd,lI xec up some .-tokm outthefiies?.. ' LYNN BRISFS. Correspondence of the News. Rev. Mr. Smithdeal preached in Chapel last Sunday afternoon at 3.30, his regular appointment. Some half a dozen young Amer icans of this place went on a fish ing tour last week. Were gone three or four days. They all re turned safely but we did not see or even smell any fish about any of them. Master Roy, the little son of Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Swann, who has just finished his second year in theD. & D. .school at Morgan ton, returned home last week.1 He is now having a good time with' home folks at home. - ' Mr! W. H. Stearns, : proprietor of the Mimosa, has closed up this well-famed hostelry, and will be manager of the new Highland Club Hotel, near Hendersonville, tHis season. Billy knows just how to serve his guest best- v v . Mr. D. B. F. Newman will soon have . his new house on his lot down by the river completed. Mr. C. B. Arnold has 'made sale of his nice little farm between the 1 Columbus and Skyuka roads. Ice cream and cake was served last Saturday evening by the young people on school grounds, 1 1 C ' l 1 i- proceeas ior ine oase oau team. A nice little sum was realized. Burgess Glover,, a young man who has been living he-e a good deal of his time for several years was arrested on a charge of for gery and lodged in jail. At this writing preliminary has not jfcreen given and particulars are not known. . .... Mrs. Maggie Phillipps, who has been quite sick for some time, was taken to her father's; Mr. Andrew Jackson, near Mill Spring, last Saturday morning. Mrs. Beers, a professional nurse, went with her to see that she was properly cared for on the way. We wonder what the Jr. G. U. A. M. of Tryon have up their sieeves for the Fourth of July. We suggest that several public schoolsjn the county have had no Bible nor flags presented them by this great and noble order. Wake up, boys, and let's hear from you in next issue. Mr. James McKinney of Spar tanburg visited friends in Lynn Sunday. ; ,, " ; Fred Swann is having material laid down to erect a four or five room cottage on his lot, near his; father's..;' ;-'; ' - . : --:v;. Do you take the , Progressive Farmer? If ript, Jopk ,up i our clubbing offer and qei acquainted with the best "farm paper for .". r . ":f.. North Carolinians, Does your neighbor read The News? : Deputy Vance Giles of Greens Creek was here Monday. Writing paper and envelopes for sale at the News office. Mr. R. F. McKarland- went to Landrum yesterday on business. Mr T. P. Moore of Rutherford- ton No. 2 was in town Monday. Mr. John L. Jackson, was - a guest at Log Cabin Inn - Sunday. Expert watch and clock repair er t AUred, jeweler, Kuth-erfordtori. Mrs. P. H. Kendrick of Shelby is visiting her niece, Mrs. Forest B. Williams. V Mr. Markey of Jacksonville, Florida, is registered at the Col umbus Hotel. r Mr. W.G. Green of Mill Spring Route 2 was a business visitor here Monday. Mr. Henry Reich of Tryon w?s a business visitor at the register's office Tuesday, r Atty. PatMcBrayer of Marion, N.C., is visiting his friend, Atty. B. F. Williams. 'v - ... . - -' ' Land deeds for sale at The Jews ofnce-also blanks for jus tices of the peace. Mr,, W. M. Brn ett, tax lister for Greens Creek, township, was in town last Thursday. ' Vi Stowe and Mr, Lewis v of Mill Spring attended services at Presbyterian church Sunday. v Mr.- iantf Mrs! F, B. Williams and family, and Mrs. P. H. Ken drick, left for Shelby, yesterday. Read Booth's advertisements in this paper and when your watch is ; out of order bring it along. Good work is cheapest. Mr. F. M. Burgess has been appointed a member of the board of trustees of Columbus High School. Messrs. J. G. Hughes and B- F. Williams are the other members. Messrs. William and Rilph C. Prince of Fingerville, S.C. No. 1, passed through Columbus last Wednesday en route for a busi ness trip to Hendersonville, re turning Thursday. . County Commissioners J. W. Kennedy, M. A. Cornwell and G. Barrett Womack, Sheriff A. L. Hill, Capt. Pearson, Giles Pear son, J, T. Waldrop, M.W.Thomp son, J, Hanrion Pace and Bud Rollins were guests at dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. F. McFarland Monday. The living rooms of the jail havebeen white washed and painted and a cordial invitation was extended the com missioners to dinner, and to note the remarkable improvement to the rooms made by a little; paint and powder. Services were held in the Pres byterian church, Friday morning and evening, Saturday morning and evening and Suritiay morning by Rev-lt. A. Miller of; Lowell , N. C, whose sermons made a deep impression on the con'gregar tions. Mr. Miller preaches with simplicity and directness, v anid applies religion-'to present-day business methods. " The interior of the church" was newly kalsb- mined and "new ; window shades put up the whole presenting a tidy and pleasing appearance on Mr. Miller's arrival; - ; BALLENGER COMPANY Tryon, N. C. For EVERYTHING Special prices made on FloUr, Cotton Seed Meal, Hulls, and All Feedstuff s in quantity Cash paid for Cross, Ties..... The Ballenge Company TRYON, N. C. Mi BUR GLARS Open a Safe Of the Ordinary Kind with Ridiculous Ease. They very seldom care to tackle burglar-proof faults like thosjn The Bank of Tryon. The wise nian will, therefore, open up an account there and thus: put his money where it is beyofad the reach, of burglars. .The less you haye the less you ; can afford to lose it- ' ;.' . . . THE B ANK 0 II TRY 0 N COMPANY JOHN ORR & TRYON, N. C. - : v Full Line Spring and?Summer Dress., GENTLEMES NECKWEAit- Goods groceries, ury uooas, in ouons, noeurpcKery, r. Glass, Enamel aha Tinveg; BLUE OIL .STOVBSfiTOBtGtS' The Carolina SALUDA, N. C. PER CENT nf Paid on Savings Every B anki ng F a g ii ity It lias leen the constant endeavor of the management- of this hank to furnish every possible facility, for the. conve'n-.: , ience of its depositors, together with absolute safety for; . their money.- . . . v 1 An actrount with this bank will prove a valuable asset to any corporation, firtn, or individual requiring the best hanking facilities. . ' "W solicit your, account. s " D. C. BARROW, Q. C. SOlNER, W. C. ROBERTSOX, .. President. Vice-President. :. Vice-President. J1. B. LANE, Cashier. State Bank H- STRONG - . COURTEOUS ' :: PROGRESSiyE :J GENERAL CROSS TIES BOUGHT, Dealer in ; . . MERCHANDISE Tryon, N. & .Modern equipment. Famous Budget system of bookkeeping. Latest re Tision in Pitman shorthand. Indi vidual instruction. Students can en ter any time. Rates reasonable. Write for catalog. ADVERTISE IN THE NEWS. J. W. JLESS YOSK COLEMAN PLESS S COLEHfifJ j- LAWYERS Practice all the Courts of Folk and Xii' Bntlierfori Counties , ' RUTHERFORDTON N. C SUBSCRIBE TO THE NEWS and Progressive Farmer the two papers for one year for the price of 6ne $1.00. - , WE BEST WATCH REPAIR! Calls for the Best Material, Best Workmen; Best Tools -I We have all these - Gfte us a trial. Watches, Clocks, Jewelry. Stationery Etc. v , FRED F.'ALLRED'S Jewelry; Stationery and. Art Store, RHJTHERFdROTON, lit. C. L.fH. CLOUI Real Estate and Insurance '" -COLUMBUS, POLK CO., N. C .rK;t! - 4 9 4 'If ' it . 4 It, in i 7U h i: t i 1,

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