- 4 " Xi -. ! ' f I i 1, Thrae Cents the Copy. INDEPENDENCE IN ALU THINGS. I-'! 3:: si Subscription Price, $1.00 Per Year in Advance. VOL. A V1L. .COLUMBUS - -v r v - .yyvyi,lJ.X, -X.,,., XAXUXVOiill, JUlNUj 15, lyil. NO. 5. jr si l 1 i fill ri 1 II w wwtwwwwwwi h f You Are in the Market to Buy Land Buy it Near a Market Five ffyndred Acres of Fine t f YING close to market and within one-half to one J i AJ mile of Post-office, good Schools, Xhurches and Court House. Gn main road through County, and with in one and one-half miles of fine raacadam roads. Well l watered and well timbered. This nroDertv has been off i k the market for 50 years. Will cut into tracts to suit customer and give reasonable terms. Price very low: This land is well adapted to all farm products. ."'-' ..." - . ' . . - Address OOLUMBUSfGO TO THE N - E - W - S ortU est outh (Lap ; a. 7RYON, A L L OR NORTH CAROLINA Road and Other Improvements Contemplated In this Section auau.uMiiii iiiiim, M f f t f 1 Iff t fl 1 1 1 I B HI I III H M c 1 1 1 1) I Ml T Do You Subscribe to JtE ' POLK TRYON. NOTES: tel.on.-li-i.fe cf The News June 13, 1911. The town commissioners met Monday night and eltcted Mr. Ross as marshal. We hope he will keep it. Ihe commissioners ordered sand hauled for the macadam on fade street; they also ordered ten barrels of oil to be sprinkled n the sand. We will watch re SuIts with much interest and hope it will be a success. ' Work on the hotel is progress s nicely, but that seems about au were is going on. An . ordinance presented 4o council by Mr. Hellen to put all 5f,out of town in. .thirty days, ed to pass. Hogs in some thin? uare anuisance, . but we , K council acted wisely in the bill, as they have al , wed everybody int)vvnto tret a b and at this season it would ue ..Practical I v in,a.i- J;..- Pose of ""a"e to ui&- 6 of the to advantage. anr!VVe are fixing streets on TV COuldn,t the sidewalk street be fixed up? worf d f ueaUh iS din sunnoH and should have the Port of all good citizens. sand aUVe ?et busy aild have from tv 011 Put on the road likeno"yn Lynn? It looks road 1S the time before the -Cs too bad. KILL SPRING HOIESr Conespondence of the News. . The farmers are very busy just now in their wheat harvest. The wheat is very pood this year, but it was no doubt cut off a little by the drought. The farmers are well up with their work, the continued dry weather has enabled them to work out their crops well. Mrs. Hubert Powel), one of our missionaries to Cuba, has come home on a vacation for the sum mer, one is now at her tatner-in-law's, Mr. J. C. Powell's, "and her husband, Rev. Hubert Pow ell, is expected to come'home to rest awhile this fall. The first service in the new Methodist church here was held MELVIN HILL NOTES. CorrcRpoudencc of The News. last: Sunday, conducted by the fbusy seeing the girls home from Y. X. SE IN THE NEWS. pastor, Rev. W. S. Cherry. The day was fine, the congre gation large, and the service en joyed by all present. The Methodists have bought a new Epworth organ for s their church. - ' George Waldrop of Rutherfdrd- ton is visiting his uncle, J.T.WaK drop. " -4 Mr. Hampton of Rutherfordton is visiting Mr. Geo. Briscoe this week. - Mrs. J. M. Lewis visited v her sister at Landrum Sunday even ing and returned Monday. " v There was -quite ;.a numBer of visitors in Mill Spring- last Sun day. ' - . - ; - C. ¬ Mr. Geo. A. Branscom arrived home from St. Joseph. Mo., Sat urday. Sunday was a hot one ther mometer registered 100 degrees on the shady side. Mr. George Branscom, Jr., and his sister, Miss Lizzie, attended Church and Sunday School here Sunday. Mrs. K. C. Gilbert, - who has been quite sick for some time, Ueems to be a little better at present. . " The farm ?rs are making good use of the dry weather in killingj out the grass. Crops are in good shape' and growing fast. Cotton is already forming squares. Several gallant young men got Sunday-school Sunday. It's furmy how they can come out to church and Sunday-school by themselves alright, but can't find . the way back home alone! ' r Shoo Fly! Why go elsewhere when , you can do better at Randolph's up-to-date store at" Melvin Hill? Saccharin is 100 times as sweet as sugar but no; as sweet as some of our pretty girls .around here. ' , Do you take , the - Progressive Farmer? If not, look up our clubbing offer and get 'acquainted with the - best : farm paper for-f N.C.V Monday. North Carolinians. ' ' ; Does your neighbor read The News? Writing paper, and envelopes for sale at the News office. . - ';Mr.;Ed Watson of Melvin Hill visited frienas here Sunday. Mr. W. B. Arledge, working at Flat Rock, spent Sunday at home. Mrs. W. B. and Miss Minnie Arledgg were in Landrum Tues day. ' - , All eyes still squinting sky ward in hopes of seeing a dark cloud. Expert watch an & clock repair er- F. F. Allred, jeweler, Ruth erfordton. Misses Bessie, Ethel and Mattv Lee Jackson spent the week-end at Mill Spring. Land deeds fon sale at The News office also blanks for jus tices of the j)eace. Services were held at the Bap tist church by Rev. J. M. Walker Saturday and Sunday. "t Miss Cora Fisher and Gaitheri Panther of Lynn called on Miss Blanche Newman Sunday. Rev. W S.Cherry of 11 Spring conducted services in the High School building Sunday . after noon. - . -' : . -.: " ": Mr. Yates Arledge; spent the-week-end at the home of Atty. anlrsJE Shipman; HctMjer- sonviue. w Mr. James Ormand left 1 for Tryon Monday to enter the . em ploy of Wright J. Gaines as a carpenter." V; Atty. E. B. Cloud went to Asheville Tuesday to attend the Grand Lodge meeting of Knights of Pythias: Miss Minnie Arledge, who has been teaching in Youngsville graded school, returned home last Wednesday, Hot and getting hotter! A fine line of ladies' and , gentlemen's summer underwear at Cannon' & Keeter's, Lynn. The ladies of Mill: Spring will serve ice cream Saturday evening the 17th, from four until nine o'clock. Let's go!" .,.- Read Booth's advertisements in this paper and when your watch is out of order bring it along. Good work is cheapest. Messrs. F.M- Burgess and Rob ert F. McFarland went to Ashe ville yesterday to attend the K. of P's grand lodge meeting. Register and Mrs. F. M. Bur gess and children, Marie and Hilda, attended services in the new Bethlehem church at Mill Spring Sunday. Mr. Mark ey. of Florida, who is spending his vacation in Colum-J bus, a guest at Columbus Hotel, enjoyed a mountain trip to Log Cabin Inn Friday. -. . . Mr. and Mrs. N. T. Mills, Mr. and Mrs. John L. Jackson, . and Mrs. Davis Elliotte were guests at dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Hughes Sunday.' There will be a picnic for the Sundaj'-schbol at ' Columbus on the Fourth of July on the moun tain near Log Cabin Inn. A cor dial invitation 13 extended ,to all to attend. ; . . Atty. Pat McBrayer, who has been the guest of his old friend and college chum, Atty. Buford F. Williams, for several .days, re turned to his home at Marion, BALLENGER COMPANY Tryon, C. For EVERYTHING Special prices made on , Flour, Cotton Seed Meal, Hulls, and All Feedstuff sin quantity Cash paid for Cross The Ballenger Company TRYON, N. C. . ; 5 BURGLARS Open a Safe of the OrdinaiT 4 Kind with Ridiculous Ease.', They very seldom care to-tackle burglar.proof vaults like those an-' The Bank of Tryon. The wise, man will, therefore, open up an account there and thus put his money where it is beyond the1 reach of burglars. The less you have the less you can afford to lose it. . THE BANK OF TRYO N JOHN ORR -ft COMPAQ Y - . TRYON, N. C. ". ' Full Line Spring a Dress Goods : ; GENTLEMEN 'Si; NECKWEAR Groceries, Dry Goods, Notions;-. Shoes, Crockery, , iiJass, .Enamel nd Tin Ware., . "BLUE" FLAildfLiTOyETCTfTC" The Carolina State Bank SALUDA, N. C. V- PER CENT Paid on Savings y Baling Facil it y STRQN COURTEOUS PROGRESSIVE It has been the constant endeavor of the' management of this. fank to furnish every possible faci ity for the conven ience oRts depositors, together with absolute safety for their money. Xn account with this bank will prove a valuable asset to any-corporation, firm, or individual requiring the best banking facilities, Ws solicit youis account. D. C. BARROW, Q. C. SOMVER, W. C. ROBERTSON, President. rice-President. Vice-President. H. B. LANE, Cashier. - ... GENERAL CROSS TIES JoIgHT, Dealer in .y " merchandise:, 'on, N. C. Try Modern equipment; Famous Budget system of bookkeeping Latest re vision in Pitman shorthand. Indi vidual instruction. Students can en ter any time. Rates reasonable. ; Write for catalog. - iCoutmued on page 6, coiuuiu ; - J' W. PLESS ,,.' YOSZ COLEMAN PLESS rCOLELlfln LAWYERS - Practice all the Courts of Folk and ' Eutherford Counties- - RUTHERFORDTON N. C. SUBSCRIBE TO THE sNEWS and Progressive Farmerthe-two papers for one year for the price of 6ne $1.00. : " V ' THE BEST WATCH REPAIRING Calls for the )Best Material, Best Workmen, Best Tools We have all 'these' ' Give, unt atrial . Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Stationery, Etc. FRED F. ALLRED! S. . . w ' f Jewelry, Stationer -and Art Store, RUTHERFORDTON, N. 6T L. H. CLOUD -, . . - Real Estate' ami Insurance. . " ..... ... ...... . ; , .. , .. ., ... J COLUMBUS POLK CO., N. Q -Am If m - i ,11 1 -!:! i : . T i A it: 3V t '!! $1 r 1.. " i j i i V- M

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