vY- !- M -J I .4 a, St 1' . Mi ft Thrse Cents the Copy.? K" INDEPENDENCE IN ALL THINGS. Subscription Price, $1.00 Per Year in Advance. VOL. AVii- COLUMBUS, POLK COUNTY; N..C. THURSDAY, J.UNE 22, 1911. .NO. 6. $ 5u7 If You Are in the Rflarket tb Buy Land Buy it Near a 'Market Five hundred Acres of Fine 0 1 YING close to market and within one-half to one mile of Post-office, good Schools, Churches and Court House. On main road through County, and with in one and one-half miles of fine macadam roads. Well watered and well timbered. This property has been off the market for 50 years. Will cut into tracts to suit customer and give reasonable terftis. Price very low. This land is well adapted to all farm products. G O LUMBUSfGO I'D orth " at est " outli Addre ss B. L. BILLEMGER OR jia Isbb I! 1 Eaa Sssa TRYON,- NORTH CAROLINA Road and Other Improvements Oontcmplated In this Section You Subscribe to TffE POLK COUiTY- fiEWS? TRYON NOTES. rrestonilpiiPA,f t... v..' . - t iur .c,is . June 21st, 1911. had a fine rain Mo n da v fining and the eard ens are "Pting much better alreadv. Do $ sive un bo vs. w win o-f r vaf cf beans" yet. , r Tfcere is a new livery stable in piMve should be able to get a . itlJUUU urging ior D. M. Wilkins and wife "of FaX -Mrs. Will,; . Mineral- vt! f... , "auu&e ior tne weeK. W-C Yoiint's Sfnro of Ml Ps robbed Sunday, niirht; it. i 4C1J:ht that. iej0rundforadayr tw.did I Apt. Wiley Haney,' section K?laf ork aain ' io entirely Mv. "1UC rnce is back in JLindsey Weaver is back on SWrv. y 1Sh0t dWn k&f t yesterday watcr ' S-C"t0 taajob Lvei,by a2d we hope he will LYNN BRIEFS. ell. ryn for h futalso '11 in up ronirt 1. k "OII flAv, a 1 lon ney will atav for I. A. 'TISE IN Correspondence of the News. Dr. Matt McBrayer, Jr., of Rutherford ton will be in Lynn, Thursday, Friday and Saturday of each week to practice dentistry located at post office. . Ice cream and other refreshments-were served at Chapel last Saturday proceeds going tonev Baptist church. Handyour subscriptions to the Postmaster for the News, Mr. M.H. Covil joins the News for three months. Who's next? Don't all speak at once. .- Rev. T. H.. Posey oWagener, S.C., passed through Lynn this week on his way to Culumbus. Rev. Mr. Bassett wili lecture at Chapel Wednesday evening, 21st at 8 o'clock. Subject: "The sighs of the time arid, closing but of the Gentile age. " We are now haying some nice gentle showers. - . The young folks had a . regular jollification at 1. 0.0. F. hall Tues- day evening-:- ice-cream', cakes. etc. were served as refreshments. With the new bridge across Horse creek and the new auto mobile road from Spartanburg to Tryo'n it is possible for the Spar tanburgers to take Columbus in on their evening spin. Mr. and Mrs. J. Matt Early of Union, S-C;, are visiting relatives in Lynn this week. Mr. Bowen Constant and Miss Myarm Early were married Sun day evening at. the residence of Mr. A. P. Ellis. Esquire W. p: THE NEWS, i Feagans of Columbus officiated. NOTES FROM LANDRUM NO. 1. TheRev. Mr T, ' . Special to The News Rev. J. M. Williams passed away Sunday at one o'clock. His body will be laid to rest at Green River Tuesdayvat one o'clock. He was a noble Christian man. He leaves a wife and seven children and a host of friends to mourn him. Mr. and Mrs. Golightly were called to the bedside of the lat ter 's mother, Mrs. Bennett, at Spartanburg Saturday. Mr. Dock Jackson and charm ing daughter, Miss Minnie, were shopping in Rutherf ordton Sat urday. Misses Bessie and Violet Tony spent Saturday night at Mr. J. P. Horn's. " Mr. Willie Barnett and sister Lela entertained a number of young people Friday night. . Mr. W..F. Bryant called on his old friend, Mr. Charlie Blackwell, Sunday. , Mr. and Mrs. Clyde, Hicks of Henrietta visited at Mr. William Barnett's Saturday. " A number of wagons went to Rr.trierfordton Monday after the seats for he new church at Green Creek. - . . ; The young people of this vicin ity gathered at-the home of Mr. and Mrs. J; P, Horn for a singipg Saturday nipht. -, Miss, Lena Shope, a trained nurse, who has been waiting on Rev. J. M.Williams, will return, toAsheville Wednesday. - BLUEYES. Does your neighbor read The New? Rains of Monday and Tuesday were very welcome. Writing paper and envelopes for sale at the News office. Miss" Lizzie Page accompanied her father to Tryon Tuesday. - Weare sorry to report Attorney E. B.Cloud on the sick list this week. Messrs. W. H. McFarland and W.. J. Gaines of Tryon were here Monday. ' - Expert watch and clock repa'r er F.- F. Allred, jeweler, Ruth erf ordton . Land deeds for sale at The News office also blanks fbr jus tices of the peace. Rev. T. H. Posey of Wagener, S. C, was here Tuesday shaking hands with old friends. Clerk of Court J.P.Arledge and Atty. B. F. Williams went to L g Cabin Inn last Thursday. W. C. McRorie, a prominent attorney of Rutheriordton vas here Monday and Tuesday on legal business. Read Booth's advertisements in this paper and when your watcii is out of order bring it along. Good work is cheapest." Mrs. R. F. McFarland and Mrs. F.M. Burgess anoTchildren, Marie andHilda, were in Spartaiiburg iast Thursday.shopping'i v ; - Now is the time to be looking to your fruit jari and jelly glass es a fine and complete line at Cannon & Keeter's at Lynn. Mr- N. B. Jackson; returned from Spartanburg Saturdey and. will assist his father, Mr. John L, Jackson, in his store through the summer months. Mr. W. T. Hill, son Harvey, and daughters Ola and Maud, of Greer, S. C, visited relatives here last week and enjoyed a tip on 'the mountain. Do you take the Progressive Farmer? If not, look up our clubbing offer and get acquainted with the best farm paper for North Carolinians. There will be an ice-cream sup per at Beulah, July 1, from four until seven o'clock p.m., for the benefit of the Church. Every body cordially invited. .Messrs. W. B. Arledge and Major Hutcherson, who have been working at Highland Lake as car penters are now in the employ of W. J. Gaines at Tryon. Mr. and Mrs. F.M. Burgess and daughters, Marie and Hilda,' en joyed a delightful mountain trip Sunday, visiting Log Cabin Inn, Skyuka and other places of in terest. . : . The Board of County Commis sioners met Monday and let con tracts for two bridges-for Tryon township. Contract for iron bridge was let to Austin Bros, of . Atlanta, Ga. , for the sum of $471. L.W. Morgan 'of Landrum Route 1 was; awarded contract for wooden bridge for sum of $55. .' The North Carolina College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts announces, in another column its epeuing for another 'year on September 7.' This College continues to" grow in numbers arid in usefulness. Last year it enrolled 630 students. Its graduates are taking a leading part in the industrial life of our State, and are in steady' demand at good salaries.1 Young men who desire to fit themselves for success in iiidustriaroccupalion will do well to consider such a form of education. ' balleSger COMPANY Tryon, N. C. , For - ' EVERYTHING ' Special prices made on Flour, Cotton Seed Meal, Hulls, and Ail Feedstuff s in quan tity Cash paid for; Cross Ties The Ballenger Company , ; ' .'TRYON, N. C. - BURGLARS Open a Safe of the Ordinary Kind with Ridiculous Ease. They very seldom care to tackier burglar-prOof vaults like those infc The. Bank of Tryon. The wise, man will, therefore, open up an, account there and 'thus put his money where it is beyond the reach of "burglars. The less you have the less you can afford to lose it THE BAN K OFT R Y ON JOHN ORR & COMPAN Y TRYON, N. C. , Full Lin e Spring and Summer Dress Goods r, , . . GENTLEMEN'S NECKWEAR ' Grocerfes.' Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes, Crockery, i 1 Glass, Enamel and Tin Ware. BLUE FLAME OIL STOVES, ETC., ETC. The Carolina State Bank SALU D A, N. C. PER OENT STRONG COURTEOUS PROGRESSIVE Paid on Sayings Every Banking Facility It lias heen the constant endeavor of the.managemenl of this lank, to furnish every possible facility for the conven ience of its depositors, together with absolute safety for their moriey. . An account with this bank will prove a-valuable 'asset to any. corporation, firm, - or individual requiring the best banking facilities. We solicit your account. ; D. C. BARROW, Q. C. SOONER, W. a ROBERTSON President. Vice-President. Vice-President. ti. B. LAIB, Cashier. M U U 'GENERAL CROSS TIES BOUGHT, i- Dealer in MERCHANDISE, Tryon, N. C. Modern equipment. Famous Budget system of-bookkeeping. Latest re vision in Pitman shorthand. Indi vidual instruction. . Students can en ter any time. Kates reasonable. Write for catalog. J. W. PLESS: YCBI COLEMAN PLESS & .G0.LEE3AH. v lXwyers Practice all the Courts cf Polk and -. ' Sutherfori Counties ' ' ' RUTHERFORDTON, N. C. SUBSCRIBE ,TO THE NEWS and Progressive Farmer the two papers . or one year for the price of one $1.00. . . THE BEST WATCH REPAIRING Cplls for the Best Material, Best Workmen, Best Tools We have all these - Give us a trial. Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Stationery, Etc. -" " -v FRED F. ALLRED' $ Jewelry, Stationery and Art Stores RUTHERFORDTON ; H. C. L. H. CLOUD Real Estate and Insurance ' COLUMBUS,' POLK CO;, N.Ci 3 4", Ik ' it m t ? r r :- If. 4. i -it ... 1 ; ' . ' 1 - r , li s. 3 i 1 ' i : ' ( !' J - :v a f f i 1. . J - . I r 'I ' i9 i - r. -i ... jt -i : -A 1.1 4 1 K I .- t '- ' ? ... , 1 t 1 Y ; f '