V. J 1NpEENfrEfrtiE JN-ffi Per Year jjfAaft- trnT, AVii iTTTTT .A COLrPpmC COTNTi N.-';THUD JUNE 291911. f. NO. 0.- . Cents the Copy.- If You Are in the Market to Buy Land Buy it Near a Market Fen Hundred Here if For O O LUMBU S GO TO rriTTTt Does your neighbor read The News? . : T YING close to market and witW ILs mile of Post-office, good Schools, Churches and : Court House. On main road through County, and with- :in one and one-half miles of fine macadam roads. Well :: watered and well timbered. This property has been off :: the "market for 50years. Will cut into acts to suit i ; customer and give reasonable terms. Price very low. This land is well adapted to all farm products. Address P TRYON, OR HULL - NORTH CAROLINA V7. , Road and Othor I mprovompnts Coritomplatod In this Section : : -7- : : r : : . i I " r- 1 : ' " Your Watch Should Wfctei Tight when it is in the 'wfeler's h.nds. You would, not send for aquack" doctor whan you are dangerously sick and it is just asdangerous as far as your ,watch is concerned to allow a ,.,tmker,,'o.'--doctor it. I haveitfiV Experience, Toolsnd Material, Necessary to repair your watch JJgnt and at a reasonable price, wve me a trial: - IT. BOOTH JEWELER LANDRUi.S. C. Tryon Defeats Lynn In lntrestinfi; Game. A nip and tuck se-saW game of base ball was played Saturday on the Tryon diamond by Lynn and Tryon teams, the latter team winning by thescore of 86. It was anybody's game until the last Lynn player was out in the last inning, each team forging to the front several times through out the game. Following is tab ulated score: TVON AB R H P A K Berry, 3 ;, 5 2 o I Latidy i . 4 FOR SALE at the News Office. F. M. LUMBER Rough and Dressed Columbus - - N.' C. 5 2 3' 5. o v 2 o x o - j . . - " ... 5 O 2 15 . I ' o 41 1 S 4 I 2 . 0 0 o 3 0 i 1 a . 4 4 '2 I O I ' O 3 0 0 o o1. . Jp L. Black well, I F. Black well, p Greer, c , Gaines, 2 . Kevanj r Ford, s . Ballenger, m Pace. 1 Totalf, 8 14 27 -9 6 LYNN AB R II P A E Arnold, c 6 10 10 5 0 Arledce. 2 5 2 2 I I Qhlian- K I 2 , 2 O ' (A Fowler, I . 4 ' I 1 7 5 T.,tt. . I ' 1 O I O Ormand, p 5 J2 1 5 1 Hendrix, r 5 o 3 V. o o O Dedtnan, m 5 - 3 -.: o Smith 1 - ' ? O O O O - 'fwtafa 6 1 6 2A II 6 Base on balls, off prmand I ; Hirby pitched ball.'owler; 'Struck out'by nand 7, by Blackwell 13; 2 Base hit, Ormand; 'double play. Arledge & Fowler, Gainea una&suted. Farming implements are sold cheaper at Randolph's, Mel vin flilUthanelsewhere-rinvestigate! ; dfima and glassware at lowes priced-Randolph's; Melvin Hill. SUBSCRIBE TO 'THE fEWS orth at gt outh BALJiENGER COMPANY Tiyon, rtf; C. JOHN Full Line Spring and : Dress Goods NOTES FROM LAN DRUM NO. 1. Special to Th Kew. Farmers are all going about with smiles since the rain came. Crops are Jooking fine in this part.; The little daughter of Charlie Williams is "Very sick. Mrs. Stacy and daughter Dema of Melvin Hill, visited her sister, Mrs. Hattie Toney, Sunday. Misses Nellie and Ethel Horn attended the singing at Mr, Brid ges Sunday afternoon. Mrs Williams find Mrs. Dnvif Smawley are visiting at New Prospect this week. R.T. Bryant spent Sunday with Mr. V. S. Roddy, j - : Dr. Eldridge left for Washing ton, D. C.. Monday. ' ' Mr. Robert Qiles and family visited at Mr. 0 E. Wilkins Sun day. . ''J- . J.;,-;:- Charley and Barney Blackwell called on Misses Bessie and Violet Toney. Saturday afternoon. Messrs! James Williams, R. T, Bryant and Reuben Watson wjent to Columbus last Thursday on business. ..- ; "7 "."-v. J. W. Barnett gave Miss Evie Wilson a call Sunday afternoon. ! "Master .Ralph Covington is vis iting his grandparents at Melvin Hill this week. , , , There willbe a picnic at the Coxe school houseon the 4th of July; Rev. Lobdell will make a speech. Get busy and fill your Baskets and let's all go to the picnic. " ; - PUGNOSE. WW. Cowart Of Mill Spring was in town Tuesdny.' r " Writing paper and envelopes for sale at the News office. . '? v Iae-cold coca-cola rrand rincrer ale at Cannon & Keeter's, Lynn. EyERYTHING miy. j.ej. coipman ox nenaer sonville was here Friday on legal business. -' . . . ; Expert watch an d clock repair er-F. F. Allred, jeweler, Ruifc wrfordton. - - ' ' "::-V ;. A general fcleaning ud day vfor Columbus has been suggested why iiotf today? ; Land deeds for sale at The News office also blanks for jus tices of the peace. Deputy Sheriff R.F.McFarland went to Greens Creek last night on official business. ' W. F. Blackwell 6f Mill Spring No. 1 called at the News and re newed his subscription. Lo and behold ye, one and ail! Tryon Supply Company's change in advertisement this vveek, : - W. H. Ledbetter, Cooper Gap's tax lister, and his son Dan wtere visitors in .Columbus Friday. i Be ready for a big time on the 4th of July at the Baptist Sunday School picnic on the mountain! The Court Square looks much improved since its 4 'haircut' ' Tuesday-Ya,tes Arledge did iii pH. JSJ Thompson, a progressive young farmer of Mill Spring No. 1 was a business visitor in town Tuesday. - v - ;- - ' C. c Constant and Charley Fostereach killed a rattler this past week Mr. Foster's owned 12 rattles. i W. T. Williamson, cashier at the Wachovia Loan & Trust Co., at Asheville, was in- Columbus Saturday. Messrs. T. T. Ballenger and W. H. McFarland of Tryon wre among the prominent visitors in towil Tuesday. - W. C. Hague, tax lister fpr White Oak, while on business here Monday, renewed his sub scription, ta the News.' Read Booth's advertisements in this paper and when your watch is out of order. bring it along. Good work is cheapest. C. C. Constant has purchased the George Weaver place from the Stearns estate and will likely move his family there from Lynn when school opens. :..:' DO you take the Progressive Farmer? If ; not look up our clubbing off er and get acquainted with the best farm, paperjifor North Carolinians. There will be an ice-cr per at Beulah, July 1, front four until seven o'clock p.m., fdrf the benefit of the Church Every body cordially invited. Lee Tallant has purchased a tract of the fine farming land of Baiienger & HuVs, adjoining his own ana Juee is a, nne lanner, too, so watch for results. ' Frankl Burgtss said it would rain every 'day the last six weeks Frank is all right as a register of deeds but makes a poor fore caster of weather as do some others we know. ' - . on Flour. Cotton Se6d Meal, hulls, and All Feedstuffs in quantity Cash paid for Cross Ties... 9 The Balleng er TRYON,-N. C- Company BURGLARS THE AMl Ql ll0i Open a Safe bf the Ordinary Kind with Ridiculous Ease. They very seldom care to tackle' ' burglar-proof vaults like those in The Bank of Tryon. The wise man will, therefore open up' an j account there and thus put his ; money where it is beyond the ' have the less you can afford to -:- .WJ lose it. ORR & COMPANY tryon, N. -c:-- .-; -5 Sumrrter . ..GENTLEMEN'S NECKWEAR :, Groceries, .Dry Goods; Notions, Shoes, fockery, ; ' ; Gass, EtfameVand Tin Ware. BLtjp FLAME OIL STOVES, ETC.,v ET. PFR ftFHT STRONG L PROGRESSIVE PqV on Savings It lia'been tbe constant endeavor of the njanagetnent of this bait" to furnish tfvery possible facility for the conven f . - ience of its depositors, together witli atsolute safety for ; . . their money. An account with this bank will prove a valuable asset to any corporatipn, firm,' or' individual? requiring the . best banking facilities, . - ; ' Weolicit your account. ' ; ' . D CARROW Q. C. SQWER, W.C. ROBERTSON, president. : v ic President. r . VtcrruiOm. . H. B. LAKE, Cashier. liar mm$m Dealer in GEN E RAL M E RCHANDISE; CROSS TffiS BOOGBT, ! 2 i 1 1 UH Modern equipment. Fafflte Budget aystem. of bookkeeping.' Latest re vision in Pitman shorthand. Indi vidual instruction. Students can en ter any time. Rates reasonable. ; Write for Catalog. . . . (Continued on page 8, column 2) ADVERTISE IN- THE NEWS. ' ( OPractiw all th Cottrt of Polk a4: RUTHERFORDTON, T N: C. SUBSCRIBE TO THE NEWS and Prosressive Fanner the two papers for one year for the.pnce of one $1.00. THE ZEST WATCH Calls for the Best Materia, Best Workmen, Best Tools W hate all ihtf - Gift us .a trial. ; Watches, Clocks; Jewelry. - i; FRED F. ALLtED'S Jswfifrjt, Statioifry' and Art Store RUTHERFORDTOM, fti C ; . CLOUD Zx i Rea Estate and jfai&a7xe n COLUMBUS, POLKS CO., N. C,! m .-'fir' ri T 1 mm t .1 i ;.-v :ijrtf S it) . it. ' :! 4 ,f 5 .'7.,..iv.!;K :! ' t ' : '"jr i I r ' v ...if i M.

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